
Defines functions `trim` `triml` `trimr` `is_blank` `is_not_applicable` `is_whitespace`

#' Capitalize first character words in a string
#' Capitalize the first character of each word in a character string
#' @param x \code{\link{character}} string to capitalize
#' @return \code{\link{character}} string with start of words capitalized
#' @author Thomas P. Harte
#' @seealso \code{\link{gsub}}
#' @examples
#' capitalize("hello, world!")
#' @export
`capitalize`<- function (x) {
	if (!is.character(x))
		stop("input must be a character string")

	return( gsub("\\b(\\w)", "\\U\\1", x, perl=TRUE) )

#' Get file extension
#' Returns the file extension of a file name
#' @param x \code{\link{character}} a file name
#' @param parse \code{\link{logical}} if TRUE, the filename
#'   is parsed and returned as a \code{\link{list}}
#'	 with two elements: basename and extension
#' @return \code{\link{character}} file extension
#' @author Thomas P. Harte
#' @keywords \code{\link{sort}}
#' @seealso \code{\link[limma]{removeExt}}
#' @examples
#'   # "csv" :
#'   get_file_ext("foo.bar.csv")
#'   # "csv" :
#'   get_file_ext("foo.bar.csv", parse=TRUE)
#'   # $basename
#'   # [1] "foo.bar"
#'   # $extension
#'   # [1] "csv"
#' @export
`get_file_ext`<- function (
	parse=FALSE	# parse the string into basename & file extension
) {
	if (!length(grep("\\.", x)))
		if (parse)
			return(list(basename=x, extension=character(0)))
		else 	return("")
	# cf. limma::removeExt
	extension<- sub("(.*)\\.(.*)$", "\\2", x)
	basename<- sub("(.*)\\.(.*)$", "\\1", x)
	if (parse)
		return(list(basename=basename, extension=extension))
	else return(extension)

#' Trim whitespace
#' Trim whitespace from ends of \code{\link{character}} string
#' @aliases triml, trimr
#' @param str \code{\link{character}} string
#' @return \code{\link{character}}
#' @author Thomas P Harte
#' @seealso \code{\link{gsub}}
#' @examples
#'	# left trim:
#'	cat(sprintf("'%s'\n", triml(" asdf qwerty \t")))
#'	cat(sprintf("'%s'\n", triml("\tasdf qwerty \t")))
#'	# right trim:
#'	cat(sprintf("'%s'\n", trimr(" asdf qwerty \t")))
#'	cat(sprintf("'%s'\n", trimr("\tasdf qwerty \t ")))
#'	# left & right trim:
#'	cat(sprintf("'%s'\n", trim(" asdf qwerty \t")))
#'	cat(sprintf("'%s'\n", trim("\tasdf qwerty \t")))
#'	cat(sprintf("'%s'\n", trim(" asdf qwerty \t")))
#'	cat(sprintf("'%s'\n", trim("\tasdf qwerty \t ")))
#' @keywords \code{\link{sort}}
#' @export
#' @name trim
function(str) {
	if (is.null(str)) return(NULL)
	if (!is.character(str))
		stop("input must be of mode 'character'")
#' @export
#' @rdname trim
`triml`<- function(str) {
	if (is.null(str)) return(NULL)
	if (!is.character(str))
		stop("input must be of mode 'character'")
	gsub('^[[:space:]]+', '', str)
#' @export
#' @rdname trim
function(str) {
	if (is.null(str)) return(NULL)
	if (!is.character(str))
		stop("input must be of mode 'character'")
	gsub('[[:space:]]+$', '', str)

#' checks if a string is blank
#' checks if a string is blank
#' @param  x \code{\link{character}} string to check
#' @return \code{\link{logical}}
#' @author Thomas P. Harte
#' @keywords \code{\link{character}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{character}}
#' @examples
#'   is_blank("")
#'   is_blank(rep("",4))
#'   is_blank(c("hello",rep("",4)))
#' @export
`is_blank`<- function(x) {
    # assert(is.character(x))

	all(x == "")

#' Finds strings matching N/A
#' Finds strings matching N/A
#' @param  x \code{\link{character}} \code{\link{vector}}, or \code{\link{data.frame}}
#' @return \code{\link{data.frame}} with same structure as \code{x}, but with
#'   entries of mode \code{\link{logical}}, or \code{\link{character}}
#'   \code{\link{vector}} with entries of mode \code{\link{logical}}
#' @author Thomas P. Harte
#' @keywords \code{\link{NA}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{NA}}
#' @examples
#'    tab<- read.table(text='Name| Age|Salary|ID
#'             Tom| NA|32k|1
#'             N/A| NA|21k|2
#'             Harry| NA|NA|N/A',
#'            header=TRUE,
#'            sep="|",
#'            colClasses=c("character","integer","character","character")
#'        )
#'    tab
#'    col_classes(tab)
#'    res<- is_not_applicable(tab)
#'    col_classes(res)
#'    res
#' @export
`is_not_applicable`<- function(x) {
        is.vector(x) |
        is.data.frame(x) |
    `.is_not_applicable`<- function(x) {
        if (is.character(x))
        out<- logical(length(x))
        out[is.na(x)]<- NA

    if (is.data.frame(x)) {
        x[]<- lapply(x, .is_not_applicable)
    else if (is.vector(x)) {
        x<- .is_not_applicable(x)


#' Finds strings that are purely whitespace
#' Finds strings that consist purely of whitespace (note: not merely strings
#' that \emph{contain} whitespace)
#' @param  x \code{\link{character}} \code{\link{vector}}, or \code{\link{data.frame}}
#' @return \code{\link{data.frame}} with same structure as \code{x}, but with
#'   entries of mode \code{\link{logical}}, or \code{\link{character}}
#'   \code{\link{vector}} with entries of mode \code{\link{logical}}
#' @author Thomas P. Harte
#' @keywords \code{\link{gsub}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{gsub}}
#' @examples
#'    tab<- read.table(text='Name| Age|Salary|ID
#'             | |32k|1
#'             N/A| NA|21k|2
#'             Harry| NA|NA|NA',
#'            header=TRUE,
#'            sep="|",
#'            colClasses=c("character","character","character","integer")
#'        )
#'    tab
#'    col_classes(tab)
#'    # these two columns contain whitespace:
#'    tab[, 1]
#'    tab[, 2]
#'    res<- is_whitespace(tab)
#'    col_classes(res)
#'    res
#' @export
`is_whitespace`<- function(x) {
        is.vector(x) |
        is.data.frame(x) |
    `.is_whitespace`<- function(x) {
        if (is.character(x))
            return(gsub("[[:space:]]", "", x)=="")
        out<- logical(length(x))
        out[is.na(x)]<- NA

    if (is.data.frame(x)) {
        x[]<- lapply(x, .is_whitespace)
    else if (is.vector(x)) {
        x<- .is_whitespace(x)

tharte/tutils documentation built on Feb. 11, 2020, 9:17 a.m.