
Defines functions TipCorrelation

Documented in TipCorrelation

TipCorrelation <- function(phy, tip.rate, trait, log=TRUE, remove.cherries=TRUE, scaled=TRUE, positivise=TRUE, use.lmorigin=TRUE) {
    if(!inherits(c(tip.rate, trait), "numeric")) {
        stop("Arguments 'tip.rate' and 'trait' should be of class numeric.")
    if(!inherits(phy, "phylo")) {
        stop("Arguments 'phy' should be of class phylo.")
    if(!setequal(phy$tip.label, names(tip.rate))) {
        stop("Names in tree and tip.rate don't match.")
    if(!setequal(phy$tip.label, names(trait))) {
        stop("Names in tree and trait don't match.")
    phy$node.label <- NULL
    # Few lines to guarantee data is in the same order #-------------
    is_tip <- phy$edge[,2] <= length(phy$tip.label)
    ordered_tips <- phy$edge[is_tip, 2]
    right_order <- as.character(phy$tip.label[ordered_tips])
    trait <- trait[match(as.character(right_order), as.character(names(trait)))]
    tip.rate <- tip.rate[match(as.character(right_order), as.character(names(tip.rate)))]
    t0 = trait
    r0 = tip.rate
    if(log) {
        t0 <- log(t0)
        r0 <- log(r0)
    # PICs #-------------
    t0Pic <- ape::pic(t0, phy, scaled = scaled)
    r0Pic <- ape::pic(r0, phy, scaled = scaled)
    if(remove.cherries) {
        # Identifying cherries #-------------
        internals <- ape::Ntip(phy) + sequence(ape::Nnode(phy))
        ndescendants <- rep(NA, length(internals))
        for (i in seq_along(internals)) {
            ndescendants[i] <- length(phytools::getDescendants(phy, node=internals[i]))
        cherry_internals <- internals[ndescendants==2]
        # Remove cherries #-------------
        t0Pic <- t0Pic[!(as.numeric(names(t0Pic)) %in% cherry_internals)]
        r0Pic <- r0Pic[!(as.numeric(names(r0Pic)) %in% cherry_internals)]
    if(positivise) {
        # Positivizing PICs #-------------
        r0Pic[which(t0Pic < 0)] <- -1 * r0Pic[which(t0Pic < 0)]
        t0Pic <- abs(t0Pic)
    trait = t0Pic
    tip.rate = r0Pic
        picModel <- lm(tip.rate ~ 0 + trait)
        result <- ape::lmorigin(picModel, picModel$model, origin=TRUE, nperm=999)
    } else {
        result <- lm(tip.rate ~ trait)
    all_results <- list(result, tip.rate, trait)
    names(all_results) <- c("correlation","tip.rate PIC","trait PIC")
thej022214/hisse documentation built on Sept. 20, 2023, 12:40 a.m.