filter_het: Heterozygosity filter

View source: R/filter_het.R

filter_hetR Documentation

Heterozygosity filter


Observed Heterozygosity based filtering. The filter arguments of filter_het allows you to test rapidly if departure from realistic expectations of heterozygosity statistics are a problem in downstream analysis.

  1. Highlight outliers individual's observed heterozygosity for a quick diagnostic of mixed samples or poor polymorphism discovery. The statistic is also contrasted with missing data to help differentiate problems. (also computed in detect_mixed_genomes)

  2. The observed heterozygosity in the dataset: an assembly artefact, a genotyping problem, a problem of population groupings or a reliable signal of biological polymorphism? Detect assembly artifact or genotyping problem (e.g. under/over-splitting loci) by looking at marker's observed heterozygosity statistics by population or overall.

  3. Use haplotype or snp level statistics. When the haplotype approach is selected, consistencies of heterozygosity statistics along the read are highlighted.

  4. Interactive approach help by visualizing the data before making a decision on thresholds.


  interactive.filter = TRUE,
  strata = NULL,
  ind.heterozygosity.threshold = NULL,
  het.approach = c("SNP", "overall"),
  het.threshold = 1,
  het.dif.threshold = 1,
  outlier.pop.threshold = 1,
  helper.tables = FALSE, = FALSE,
  filename = NULL,
  parallel.core = parallel::detectCores() - 1,



(optional, logical) Do you want the filtering session to be interactive. With the default, the user is asked to see figures of distribution before making decisions for filtering with heterozygosity statistics. Default: interactive.filter == TRUE.


14 options for input (diploid data only): VCFs (SNPs or Haplotypes, to make the vcf population ready), plink (tped, bed), stacks haplotype file, genind (library(adegenet)), genlight (library(adegenet)), gtypes (library(strataG)), genepop, DArT, and a data frame in long/tidy or wide format. To verify that radiator detect your file format use detect_genomic_format (see example below). Documented in Input genomic datasets of tidy_genomic_data.

DArT and VCF data: radiator was not meant to generate alleles and genotypes if you are using a VCF file with no genotype (only genotype likelihood: GL or PL). Neither is radiator able to magically generate a genind object from a SilicoDArT dataset. Please look at the first few lines of your dataset to understand it's limit before asking raditor to convert or filter your dataset.


(optional) The strata file is a tab delimited file with a minimum of 2 columns headers: INDIVIDUALS and STRATA. Documented in read_strata. DArT data: a third column TARGET_ID is required. Documented on read_dart. Also use the strata read function to blacklist individuals. Default: strata = NULL.


(string, double, optional) Blacklist individuals based on observed heterozygosity (averaged across markers).

The string contains 2 thresholds values (min and max). The values are proportions (0 to 1), where 0 turns off the min threshold and 1 turns off the max threshold. Individuals with mean observed heterozygosity higher (>) or lower (<) than the thresholds will be blacklisted.

Default: ind.heterozygosity.threshold = NULL will turn off completely the filter and the function will only output the plots and table of heterozygosity.


(Character string). First value, "SNP" or "haplotype". The haplotype approach considers the statistic consistency on the read (locus/haplotype). The major difference: the haplotype approach results in blacklisting the entire locus/haplotype with all the SNPs on the read. With the SNP approach, SNPs are independently analyzed and blacklisted. The second value, will use the statistics by population "pop" or will consider the data overall, as 1 large group "overall". Default: het.approach = c("SNP", "overall").


Number Biallelic markers usually max 0.5. But departure from this value is common. The higher the proportion threshold, the more relaxed the filter is. With default there is no filtering. Default: het.threshold = 1.


Number (0 - 1). For het.approach = "haplotype" only. You can set a threshold for the difference in het along your read. Set the number your willing to tolerate on the same read/haplotype. e.g. if you have 2 SNP on a read/haplotype and on as a het of 0.9 and the other 0.1 and you set het.dif.threshold = 0.3, this markers will be blacklisted. You should strive to have similar statistics along short read like RAD. The higher the proportion threshold, the more relaxed the filter is. With default, there is no filtering and all the range of differences are allowed. Default: het.dif.threshold = 1.


(integer, optional) Useful to incorporate problematic populations dragging down polymorphism discovery, but still wanted for analysis. Use this threshold to allow variance in the number of populations passing the thresholds described above. e.g. with outlier.pop.threshold = 2, you tolerate a maximum of 2 populations failing the het.threshold and/or het.dif.threshold. Manage outlier markers, individuals and populations downstream with blacklists and whitelists produced by the function. Default: outlier.pop.threshold = 1. See details for more info.


(logical) Output tables that show the number of markers blacklisted or whitelisted based on a series of automatic thresholds to guide decisions. When interactive.filter == TRUE, helper tables are written to the directory. Default: helper.tables = FALSE.

(optional, logical) Use = TRUE, if you want to visualize the relationshio between locus coverage and locus observed heterozygosity statistics. Coverage information is required (e.g. in a vcf file...). Default: = FALSE.


(optional) The function uses write.fst, to write the tidy data frame in the folder created in the working directory. The file extension appended to the filename provided is .rad. Default: filename = NULL.


(optional) The number of core used for parallel execution during import. Default: parallel.core = parallel::detectCores() - 1.


(optional) To pass further arguments for fine-tuning the function.


Interactive version

There are 4 steps in the interactive version to visualize and filter the data based heterozygosity statistics:

Step 1. Individual's observed heterozygosity: outliers that might represent mixed samples Step 2. Blacklist outliers based on a proportion threshold of mean observed heterozygosity Step 3. Observed heterozygosity statistics per populations and overall Step 4: Blacklist markers based on observed heterozygosity


If your a regular radiator user, you've seen the pop.num.threshold. outlier.pop.threshold, is different and requires more thinking, because the number of populations genotyped potentially vary across markers, which makes the use of pop.num.threshold less optimal. e.g. If only 4 populations out of 10 are genotyped, for a marker you want to keep, using pop.num.threshold = 0.6 will lead to unwanted results and inconsistensis. It's easier to tolerate outliers with this new approach: outlier.pop.threshold = 2.

Individual observed heterozygosity (averaged across markers): To help discard an individual based on his observed heterozygosity (averaged across markers), use the manhanttan plot to:

  1. contrast the individual with population and overall samples.

  2. visualize the impact of missigness information (based on population or overall number of markers) and the individual observed heterozygosity. The larger the point, the more missing genotypes.

Outlier above average:

  • potentially represent two samples mixed together (action: blacklist), or...

  • a sample with more sequecing effort (point size small): did you merge your replicates fq files ? (action : keep and monitor)

  • a sample with poor sequencing effort (point size large) where the genotyped markers are all heterozygotes, verify this with missingness (action: discard)

In all cases, if there is no bias in the population sequencing effort, the size of the point will usually be "average" based on the population or overall number of markers.

You can visualize individual observed heterozygosity, choose thresholds and then visualize, choose thresholds and filter markers based on observed heterozygosity in one run with: radiator filter_het.

Outlier below average:

  • A point with a size larger than the population or overall average (= lots of missing): the poor polymorphism discovery of the sample is probably the result of bad DNA quality, a bias in sequencing effort, etc. (action: blacklist)

  • A point with a size that looks average (not much missing): this sample requires more attention (action: blacklist) and conduct more tests. e.g. for biallelic data, look for coverage imbalance between ALT/REF allele. At this point you need to distinguish between an artifact of poor polymorphism discovery or a biological reason (highly inbred individual, etc.).


The function returns inside the global environment a list with 15 objects, the objects names are found by using names(

  1. filtered tidy data frame: $tidy.filtered.het

  2. whitelist of markers:$whitelist.markers

  3. the strata:$strata

  4. the filters parameters used:$filters.parameters

  5. the individual's heterozigosity:$individual.heterozigosity

  6. the heterozygosity statistics per populations and overall:$heterozygosity.statistics

  7. the blacklisted individuals based on the individual's heterozigosity:$blacklist.ind.het

  8. a list containing the helper tables:$helper.table.het

  9. the boxplot of individual observed heterozygosity:$individual.heterozygosity.boxplot

  10. the manhattan plot of individual heterozygosity:$individual.heterozygosity.manhattan.plot

  11. the boxplot of observed heterozygosity averaged across markers and pop:$markers.pop.heterozygosity.boxplot

  12. the density plot of observed heterozygosity averaged across markers and pop:$markers.pop.heterozygosity.density.plot

  13. the manhattan plot of observed heterozygosity averaged across markers and pop:$markers.pop.heterozygosity.manhattan.plot

  14. the relationship between the number of SNPs on a locus and locus observed heterozygosity statistics:$

  15. the relationship between locus coverage (read depth) and locus observed heterozygosity statistics:$het.cov.plot

  16. whitelist of markers:$whitelist.markers

  17. whitelist of markers:$whitelist.markers

In the working directory, output is conditional to interactive.filter argument

See Also


thierrygosselin/radiator documentation built on Nov. 7, 2024, 1:30 p.m.