tidy_genind: Tidy a genind object to a tidy dataframe

View source: R/genind.R

tidy_genindR Documentation

Tidy a genind object to a tidy dataframe


Tidy genind object from adegenet to a tidy dataframe. Used internally in radiator and might be of interest for users.


tidy_genind(data, tidy = TRUE, gds = TRUE, write = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)



(path or object) A genind object in the global environment or path to a genind file that will be open with readRDS.


(logical) Generate a tidy dataset. Default: tidy = TRUE.


(optional, logical) To write a radiator gds object. Currently, for biallelic datasets only. Default: gds = TRUE.


(optional, logical) To write in the working directory the tidy data. The file is written with radiator_genind_DATE@TIME.rad. Default: write = FALSE.


(optional, logical) When verbose = TRUE the function is a little more chatty during execution. Default: verbose = TRUE.


genind objects, like genepop, are not optimal genomic format for RADseq datasets, they lack important genotypes and markers metadata: chromosome, locus, snp, position, read depth, allele depth, etc. genlight object is a more interesting container and is memory efficient, see tidy_genlight.

By default allele names will be kept for the tidy dataset, if the alleles is numeric and length < 3.

In the unlikely event that the genind object as no stratification/population, pop will be added to the strata column.


Thierry Gosselin thierrygosselin@icloud.com


Jombart T (2008) adegenet: a R package for the multivariate analysis of genetic markers. Bioinformatics, 24, 1403-1405.

Jombart T, Ahmed I (2011) adegenet 1.3-1: new tools for the analysis of genome-wide SNP data. Bioinformatics, 27, 3070-3071.

thierrygosselin/radiator documentation built on Nov. 7, 2024, 1:30 p.m.