write_stockr: Write a stockR dataset from a tidy data frame or GDS file or...

View source: R/write_stockr.R

write_stockrR Documentation

Write a stockR dataset from a tidy data frame or GDS file or object.


Write a stockR dataset (Fost et al. submitted). Used internally in radiator and might be of interest for users.


write_stockr(data, filename = NULL, verbose = TRUE)



(4 options) A file or object generated by radiator:

  • tidy data

  • Genomic Data Structure (GDS)

How to get GDS and tidy data ? Look into tidy_genomic_data, read_vcf or tidy_vcf.


(optional) The stockr object is written in the working directory. The file is written with radiator_stockr_DATE@TIME.RData and can be open with readRDS. Default: filename = NULL.


(optional, logical) When verbose = TRUE the function is a little more chatty during execution. Default: verbose = TRUE.


The object generated is a matrix with dimension: MARKERS x INDIVIDUALS. The genotypes are coded like PLINK: 0, 1 or 2 alternate allele. 0: homozygote for the reference allele, 1: heterozygote, 2: homozygote for the alternate allele. Missing genotypes have NA. The object also as 2 attributes. attributes(data)$grps with STRATA/POP_ID of the individuals and attributes(data)$sample.grps filled with INDIVIDUALS. Both attributes can be used inside stockR.


Thierry Gosselin thierrygosselin@icloud.com


Foster et al. submitted

thierrygosselin/radiator documentation built on Nov. 7, 2024, 1:30 p.m.