stackr 2.2.0 2020-10-08

stackr 2.1.0 2019-11-28

stackr 2.0.9 2019-11-05

stackr 2.0.8 2019-01-14

stackr 2.0.7 2018-10-12

stackr 2.0.6 2018-08-23

stackr 2.0.5 2018-07-09

stackr 2.0.4 2018-03-02

stackr 2.0.3 2018-02-05

stackr 2.0.2 2018-01-16

stackr 2.0.1 2017-12-11

stackr 2.0.0 2017-10-11

stackr 1.0.0 2017-08-18

stackr 0.5.9 2017-08-15

stackr 0.5.8 2017-08-15

stackr 0.5.7 2017-06-17

stackr 0.5.6 2017-06-08

stackr 0.5.5 2017-05-22

stackr 0.5.4 2017-04-06

stackr 0.5.3 2017-04-05

stackr 0.5.2 2017-03-27

stackr 0.5.1 2017-03-21

Major work on tidy_genomic_data: platypus vcf files are correctly imported more efficient when working with vcf files * better parallelization during parsing and cleaning

stackr 0.5.0

stackr 0.4.9

stackr 0.4.8

stackr 0.4.7

stackr 0.4.6

stackr 0.4.5

stackr 0.4.4

stackr 0.4.3

stackr 0.4.2

stackr 0.4.1

stackr 0.4.0

stackr 0.3.9

stackr 0.3.8

stackr 0.3.7

stackr 0.3.6

stackr 0.3.5

stackr 0.3.4

stackr 0.3.3

stackr 0.3.2

stackr 0.3.1

stackr 0.3.0

stackr 0.2.9

stackr 0.2.8

stackr 0.2.7

stackr 0.2.6

stackr 0.2.5

stackr 0.2.4

stackr 0.2.3

stackr 0.2.2

stackr 0.2.1

stackr 0.2.0

Introducing several new functions: vcf2betadiv: to easily convert a VCF file created in STACKS to a betadiv input file. vcf2genind: same as haplo2genind but works with SNP instead of haplotypes. * vcf2hierfstat: same as haplo2hierfstat but works with SNP instead of haplotypes.

stackr 0.1.5

Introducing haplo2gsi_sim function. Conversion of STACKS haplotypes file into a gsi_sim data input file. Markers can be subsampled. Map-independent imputations using Random Forest or the most frequent allele are options also available for this function. [gsi_sim] ( is a tool developed by Eric C. Anderson for doing and simulating genetic stock identification.

stackr 0.1.4

Introducing haplo2fstat function. Conversion of STACKS haplotypes file into a hierfstat object and fstat file. Access all the functions in the R package [hierfstat] (

stackr 0.1.3

Map-independent imputations of a VCF file created by STACKS. Two options are available for imputations: using Random Forest or the most frequent allele.

Before imputations, the VCF file can be filtered with:

stackr 0.1.2

The summary_haplotypes function now outputs: Putative paralogs, consensus, monomorphic and polymorphic loci The haplotype statistics for the observed and expected homozygosity and heterozygosity Wright’s inbreeding coefficient (Fis) Proxy measure of the realized proportion of the genome that is identical by descent (IBDG). The FH measure is based on the excess in the observed number of homozygous genotypes within an individual relative to the mean number of homozygous genotypes expected under random mating (Keller et al., 2011; Kardos et al., 2015). * Nucleotide diversity (Pi), considering the consensus loci in the catalog (i.e. reads with no variation between population). It's Nei & Li (1979) function, adapted to the GBS reality.

Keller MC, Visscher PM, Goddard ME. 2011. Quantification of inbreeding due to distant ancestors and its detection using dense single nucleotide polymorphism data. Genetics, 189, 237–249.

Kardos M, Luikart G, Allendorf FW. 2015. Measuring individual inbreeding in the age of genomics: marker-based measures are better than pedigrees. Heredity, 115, 63–72.

Nei M, Li WH. 1979. Mathematical model for studying genetic variation in terms of restriction endonucleases. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 76, 5269–5273.

The haplo2colony function Converts the file to the required COLONY input file Can filter the haplotypes file with a whitelist of loci and a blacklist of individuals Can impute the data with Random Forest or the most frequent category Use the print.all.colony.opt to output all COLONY options to the file. This however requires manual curation of the file to work directly with COLONY.

thierrygosselin/stackr documentation built on Nov. 11, 2020, 11 a.m.