## The BUGSdeclClass contains the pulled-apart content of a BUGS declaration line

## nimbleOrRfunctionNames is used to determine what can be evaluated in R if every argument is known OR in C++ (nimble) if arguments are other nodes
nimbleOrRfunctionNames <- c('+','-','/','*','(','exp','log','pow','^','%%','%*%',
                            'sqrt', 'logit', 'expit', 'ilogit', 'probit', 'iprobit', 'phi', 'cloglog', 'icloglog', 'chol', 'step', 'nimbleStep', 'inverse',
                            'sin','cos','tan','asin','acos','atan','cosh','sinh','tanh', 'asinh', 'acosh', 'atanh',
                            'cube', 'abs', 'lgamma', 'loggam', 'log1p', 'lfactorial', ##'factorial', 'gamma',
                            'ceiling', 'floor', 'round', 'trunc',
                            'asRow', 'asCol')

#' BUGSdeclClass contains the information extracted from one BUGS declaration
BUGSdeclClass <- setRefClass('BUGSdeclClass',
                             fields = list(
                                 ###### the following are set in setup(), and never change.
                                 contextID = 'ANY',
                                 sourceLineNumber = 'ANY',
                                 code = 'ANY',        ## original BUGS code line
                                 type = 'ANY',
                                 targetExpr = 'ANY',   ## LHS of code
                                 valueExpr = 'ANY',    ## RHS of code
                                 transExpr = 'ANY',
                                 indexExpr = 'ANY',
                                 targetVarExpr = 'ANY',
                                 targetNodeExpr = 'ANY',
                                 targetVarName = 'ANY',
                                 targetNodeName = 'ANY',
                                 ## set in setIndexVariableExprs(), and never changes.
                                 indexVariableExprs = 'ANY',
                                 ## set in genSymbolicParentNodes(), and never changes.
                                 symbolicParentNodes = 'ANY',
                                 ##### the following are set in genReplacementsAndCodeReplaced(), and never change, with one exception
                                 replacements = 'ANY',
                                 codeReplaced = 'ANY',     ## *** MODIFIED **** in genAltParamsModifyCodeReplaced() to remove the .params
                                 replacementNameExprs = 'ANY',
                                 logProbNodeExpr = 'ANY',
                                 ##### the following is set in genAltParamsModifyCodeReplaced(), and never changes
                                 altParamExprs = 'ANY',   ## contains the "smart" expression from each altParam: from original parameterization, whenever possible
                                 ## the following are set in modelDefClass$genNodeInfo(), and never change:
                                 indexedNodeInfo = 'ANY',
                                 indexedNodeNames = 'ANY'
                             methods = list(
                                 setup                          = function() {},
                                 setIndexVariableExprs          = function() {},
                                 genSymbolicParentNodes         = function() {},
                                 genReplacementsAndCodeReplaced = function() {},
                                 genAltParamsModifyCodeReplaced = function() {},
                                 allParentVarNames = function() {
                                     unlist(lapply(symbolicParentNodes, function(x) if(length(x) == 1) as.character(x) else if(x[[1]] == '[') as.character(x[[2]]) else stop('Error in allParentVarNames')))
                                 allTargetNodeNames = function() {
                                     unlist(lapply(indexedNodeInfo, `[[`, 'targetNodeName'))
                                 allParentNodeNames = function() {
                                     unique(unlist(lapply(indexedNodeInfo, `[[`, 'parentNodeNames')))

                                 allParentNodeExprs = function() {
                                     unique(unlist(lapply(indexedNodeInfo, `[[`, 'parentNodeExprs')))
                                 allEdges = function() {
                                     edgesIn  <- unlist(lapply(indexedNodeInfo, 
                                                               function(x) {
                                                                   expandedNodeIndices <- nl_vectorizedExpandNodeIndexExprs(x$parentNodeExprs)
                                                                   if(length(expandedNodeIndices) > 0) 
                                                                                      sep = '&', collapse = '&'), '&') else NULL}))
                                     edgesOut <- unlist(lapply(indexedNodeInfo, 
                                                               function(x) if(is.vectorized(x$targetNodeName)) 
                                                                                  sep = '&', collapse = '&'), '&') else NULL))
                                     return(c(edgesIn, edgesOut))

BUGSdeclClass$methods(setup = function(code, contextID, sourceLineNum) {
    ## master entry function.
    ## uses 'contextID' to set the field: contextID.
    ## uses 'code' argument, to set the fields:
    ## code
    ## targetExpr, valueExpr
    ## targetVarExpr, targetNodeExpr
    ## targetVarName, targetNodeName
    contextID <<- contextID
    sourceLineNumber <<- sourceLineNum
    code <<- code
    if(code[[1]] == '~') {
        type <<- 'stoch'
        if(!is.call(code[[3]]) || !any(code[[3]][[1]] == distributions$namesVector))
            stop(paste0('Improper syntax for stochastic declaration: ', deparse(code, width.cutoff=500L)))
    } else if(code[[1]] == '<-') {
        type <<- 'determ'
        if( is.call(code[[3]]) &&  any(code[[3]][[1]] == distributions$namesVector))
            stop(paste0('Improper syntax for determistic declaration: ', deparse(code, width.cutoff=500L)))
    } else {
        stop(paste0('Improper syntax for declaration: ', deparse(code, width.cutoff=500L)))
    targetExpr <<- code[[2]]
    valueExpr <<- code[[3]]
    transExpr <<- NULL
    indexExpr <<- NULL
    if(length(targetExpr) > 1) {
        ## There is a tranformation and/or a subscript
        if(targetExpr[[1]] == '[') {
            ## It is a subscript only
            indexExpr <<- as.list(targetExpr[-c(1,2)]) 
            targetVarExpr <<- targetExpr[[2]]
            targetNodeExpr <<- targetExpr
        } else {
            ## There is a transformation, possibly with a subscript
            transExpr <<- targetExpr[[1]]
            targetNodeExpr <<- targetExpr[[2]]
            if(length(targetNodeExpr)>1) {
                ## There are subscripts inside the transformation
                if(targetNodeExpr[[1]] != '[') {
                    print(paste("Invalid subscripting for", deparse(targetExpr)))
                indexExpr <<- as.list(targetNodeExpr[-c(1,2)])
                targetVarExpr <<- targetNodeExpr[[2]]
            } else {
                targetVarExpr <<- targetNodeExpr
    } else {
        ## no tranformation or subscript
        targetVarExpr <<- targetExpr
        targetNodeExpr <<- targetVarExpr
    targetVarName <<- deparse(targetVarExpr)
    targetNodeName <<- deparse(targetNodeExpr)

BUGSdeclClass$methods(setIndexVariableExprs = function(exprs) {
    indexVariableExprs <<- exprs

BUGSdeclClass$methods(genSymbolicParentNodes = function(constantsNamesList, context, nimFunNames) {
    ## sets the field symbolicparentNodes
    symbolicParentNodes <<- unique(getSymbolicParentNodes(valueExpr, constantsNamesList, context$indexVarExprs, nimFunNames)) 

BUGSdeclClass$methods(genReplacementsAndCodeReplaced = function(constantsNamesList, context, nimFunNames) {
    replacementsAndCode <- genReplacementsAndCodeRecurse(code, c(constantsNamesList,context$indexVarExprs), nimFunNames)
    replacements <<- replacementsAndCode$replacements
    codeReplaced <<- replacementsAndCode$codeReplaced
    if(type == 'determ') { logProbNodeExpr <<- NULL }
    if(type == 'stoch') {
        logProbNodeExprAndReplacements <- genLogProbNodeExprAndReplacements(code, codeReplaced, context$indexVarExprs)
        logProbNodeExpr <<- logProbNodeExprAndReplacements$logProbNodeExpr
        replacements <<- c(replacements, logProbNodeExprAndReplacements$replacements)
    replacementNameExprs <<- lapply(as.list(names(replacements)), as.name)

## only affects stochastic nodes
## removes any params in codeReplaced which begin with '.'
## generates the altParamExprs list, which contains the expression for each alternate parameter,
## which is taken from the .param expression (no longer taken from distributions[[distName]]$altParams, ever)
BUGSdeclClass$methods(genAltParamsModifyCodeReplaced = function() {
    altParamExprs <<- list()
    if(type == 'stoch') {
        RHSreplaced <- codeReplaced[[3]]
        paramNamesAll <- names(RHSreplaced)
        paramNamesDotLogicalVector <- grepl('^\\.', paramNamesAll)
        RHSreplacedWithoutDotParams <- RHSreplaced[!paramNamesDotLogicalVector]    ## removes all parameters whose name begins with '.' from distribution
        codeReplaced[[3]] <<- RHSreplacedWithoutDotParams
        altParamExprs <<- if(any(paramNamesDotLogicalVector)) as.list(RHSreplaced[paramNamesDotLogicalVector]) else list()
        names(altParamExprs) <<- gsub('^\\.', '', names(altParamExprs))    ## removes the '.' from each name
#         dotParamNames <- names(dotParamExprs)
#         distRuleAltParamExprs <- distributions[[as.character(RHSreplaced[[1]])]]$altParams
#         for(altParam in names(distRuleAltParamExprs)) {
#             if(altParam %in% dotParamNames) {
#                 altParamExprs[[altParam]] <<- dotParamExprs[[altParam]]
#             } else {
#                 defaultParamExpr <- distributions[[as.character(RHSreplaced[[1]])]]$altParams[[altParam]]
#                 subParamExpr <- eval(substitute(substitute(EXPR, as.list(RHSreplaced)[-1]), list(EXPR=defaultParamExpr)))
#                 altParamExprs[[altParam]] <<- subParamExpr
#             }
#         }

getSymbolicParentNodes <- function(code, constNames = list(), indexNames = list(), nimbleFunctionNames = list(), addDistNames = FALSE) {
    ## replaceConstants looks to see if name of a function exists in R
    ## getSymbolicVariables requires a list of nimbleFunctionNames.
    ## The latter could take the former approach
    if(addDistNames) nimbleFunctionNames <- c(nimbleFunctionNames, distributions$namesExprList)
    ans <- getSymbolicParentNodesRecurse(code, constNames, indexNames, nimbleFunctionNames)
getSymbolicParentNodesRecurse <- function(code, constNames = list(), indexNames = list(), nimbleFunctionNames = list()) {
    ## Takes as input some code and returns the variables in it
    ## Expects one line of code, no '{'s
    ## However, indexNames and constNames are not identified as separate variables
    ## e.g. x[i] is returned as 'x' and 'i' or as 'x[i]' if i is an indexName
    ## indexNames and constNames can be substituted at compile time, such as a block index variable
    ## every function EXCEPT those in nimbleFunctionNames can be evaluated at compile time
    ## constNames, indexNames and nimbleFunctionNames should be lists of names
    if(is.numeric(code)) {
        return(list(code = NULL, replaceable = TRUE, hasIndex = FALSE))
    cLength <- length(code)
    if(cLength == 1) {
        if(is.name(code)) {
            if(any(code == indexNames)) {
                return(list(code = NULL, replaceable = TRUE, hasIndex = TRUE))
            if(any(code == constNames)) {
                return(list(code = NULL, replaceable = TRUE, hasIndex = FALSE))
            ## just something regular: not constant or index
            return(list(code = list(code), replaceable = FALSE, hasIndex = FALSE))
    if(is.call(code)) {
        if(code[[1]] == '[') {
            contents <- lapply(code[-c(1,2)], function(x) getSymbolicParentNodesRecurse(x, constNames, indexNames, nimbleFunctionNames))
            contentsCode <- unlist(lapply(contents, function(x) x$code), recursive = FALSE)
            contentsHasIndex <- unlist(lapply(contents, function(x) x$hasIndex))
            contentsReplaceable <- unlist(lapply(contents, function(x) x$replaceable))
            variable <- getSymbolicParentNodesRecurse(code[[2]], constNames, indexNames, nimbleFunctionNames)
            if(variable$hasIndex) stop('Error: Variable', deparse(code[[2]]), 'on outside of [ contains a BUGS code index.')
            if(variable$replaceable) {
                return(list(code = contentsCode,
                            replaceable = all(contentsReplaceable),
                            hasIndex = any(contentsHasIndex)))
            } else {
                if(all(contentsReplaceable)) {
                    return(list(code = c(contentsCode, list(code)),
                                replaceable = FALSE,
                                hasIndex = any(contentsHasIndex)))
                } else {
                    return(list(code = c(contentsCode, list(code[[2]])),
                                replaceable = FALSE,
                                hasIndex = any(contentsHasIndex)))
        } else {
            if(cLength > 1) {
                contents <- lapply(code[-1], function(x) getSymbolicParentNodesRecurse(x, constNames, indexNames, nimbleFunctionNames))
                contentsCode <- unlist(lapply(contents, function(x) x$code), recursive = FALSE)
                contentsHasIndex <- unlist(lapply(contents, function(x) x$hasIndex))
                contentsReplaceable <- unlist(lapply(contents, function(x) x$replaceable))
                allContentsReplaceable <- all(contentsReplaceable)
            } else {
                contentsCode <- NULL
                contentsHasIndex <- FALSE
                allContentsReplaceable <- TRUE
            isRfunction <- !any(code[[1]] == nimbleFunctionNames)
            isRonly <- isRfunction &
                !any(deparse(code[[1]]) == nimbleOrRfunctionNames)
            if(isRonly & !allContentsReplaceable) stop(paste('Error, R function', deparse(code[[1]]),' has non-replaceable node values as arguments.  Must be a nimble function.'))
            return(list(code = contentsCode,
                        replaceable = allContentsReplaceable & isRfunction,
                        hasIndex = any(contentsHasIndex)))
    stop(paste('Something went wrong in getSymbolicVariablesRecurse with', deparse(code)))

## The replaceVariableLHS arg avoids replacement of x[i] if x[i] is on the LHS of <- or ~
genReplacementsAndCodeRecurse <- function(code, constAndIndexNames, nimbleFunctionNames, replaceVariableLHS = TRUE, debug = FALSE) {
    if(debug) browser()
    if(is.numeric(code))  return(list(codeReplaced = code, replacements = list(), replaceable = TRUE))
    cLength <- length(code)
    if(cLength == 1) {
        if(is.name(code)) {
            if(any(code == constAndIndexNames) & replaceVariableLHS) return(replaceAllCodeSuccessfully(code))
            else  return(list(codeReplaced = code, replacements = list(), replaceable = FALSE))
    if(is.call(code)) {
        if(code[[1]] == '[') {
            contents <- lapply(code[-c(1,2)], function(x) genReplacementsAndCodeRecurse(x, constAndIndexNames, nimbleFunctionNames, debug = debug))
            contentsCodeReplaced <- lapply(contents, function(x) x$codeReplaced)
            contentsReplacements <- lapply(contents, function(x) x$replacements)
            contentsReplaceable  <- unlist(lapply(contents, function(x) x$replaceable))
            if(replaceVariableLHS) {
                variable <- genReplacementsAndCodeRecurse(code[[2]], constAndIndexNames, nimbleFunctionNames, debug = debug)
                if(variable$replaceable && all(contentsReplaceable))  return(replaceAllCodeSuccessfully(code))
            return(replaceWhatWeCan(code, contentsCodeReplaced, contentsReplacements, contentsReplaceable, startingAt=3))
        assignment <- any(code[[1]] == c('<-', '~'))
        if(cLength > 1) {
            if(assignment) {
                ## In an assignment, prevent the outermost variable on the LHS from being replaced 
                contents <- c(list(genReplacementsAndCodeRecurse(code[[2]], constAndIndexNames, nimbleFunctionNames, replaceVariableLHS = FALSE, debug)),
                              lapply(code[-c(1,2)], function(x) genReplacementsAndCodeRecurse(x, constAndIndexNames, nimbleFunctionNames, debug = debug)))
            } else {
                contents <- lapply(code[-1], function(x) genReplacementsAndCodeRecurse(x, constAndIndexNames, nimbleFunctionNames, debug = debug))
            contentsCodeReplaced <- lapply(contents, function(x) x$codeReplaced)
            contentsReplacements <- lapply(contents, function(x) x$replacements)
            contentsReplaceable  <- unlist(lapply(contents, function(x) x$replaceable))
            allContentsReplaceable <- all(contentsReplaceable)
        } else {
            contentsCodeReplaced <- list()
            contentsReplacements <- list()
            contentsReplaceable  <- list()
            allContentsReplaceable <- TRUE
        if(code[[1]] == ':')   return(replaceWhatWeCan(code, contentsCodeReplaced, contentsReplacements, contentsReplaceable, startingAt=2, replaceable=allContentsReplaceable))
        if(assignment)         return(replaceWhatWeCan(code, contentsCodeReplaced, contentsReplacements, contentsReplaceable, startingAt=2))
        isRfunction <- !any(code[[1]] == nimbleFunctionNames)
        isRonly <- isRfunction & !any(deparse(code[[1]]) == nimbleOrRfunctionNames)
        if(isRonly & !allContentsReplaceable) stop(paste0('Error, R function \"', deparse(code[[1]]),'\" has non-replaceable node values as arguments.  Must be a nimble function.'))
        if(isRfunction & allContentsReplaceable)   return(replaceAllCodeSuccessfully(code))
        return(replaceWhatWeCan(code, contentsCodeReplaced, contentsReplacements, contentsReplaceable, startingAt=2))
    stop(paste('Something went wrong in genReplacementsAndCodeRecurse with', deparse(code)))
replaceAllCodeSuccessfully <- function(code) {
    deparsedCode <- nameMashupFromExpr(code, colonsOK = TRUE)
    replacements <- list()
    replacements[[deparsedCode]] <- code
    return(list(codeReplaced = as.name(deparsedCode), replacements = replacements, replaceable = TRUE))
replaceWhatWeCan <- function(code, contentsCodeReplaced, contentsReplacements, contentsReplaceable, startingAt, replaceable=FALSE) {
    replacements <- list()
    codeReplaced <- code
    if(length(code) >= startingAt) for(i in seq_along(contentsReplaceable)) {
        replacements <- c(replacements, contentsReplacements[[i]])
        codeReplaced[[i+startingAt-1]] <- contentsCodeReplaced[[i]]
    replacements <- replacements[unique(names(replacements))]
    list(codeReplaced = codeReplaced, replacements = replacements, replaceable = replaceable)
genLogProbNodeExprAndReplacements <- function(code, codeReplaced, indexVarExprs) {
    logProbNodeExpr <- codeReplaced[[2]]   ## initially, we'll use the replaced version
    replacements <- list()
    if(length(logProbNodeExpr) == 1) {
        ## no indexing present
        logProbNodeExpr <- as.name(makeLogProbName(logProbNodeExpr))
    } else {
        ## indexing on the LHS node
        if(logProbNodeExpr[[1]] != '[')    stop('something wrong')
        logProbNodeExpr[[2]] <- as.name(makeLogProbName(logProbNodeExpr[[2]]))
        origLHS <- code[[2]]
        for(i in seq_along(origLHS)[-c(1,2)]) {
            origIndex <- origLHS[[i]]
            if(is.vectorized(origIndex)) {
                if(any(indexVarExprs %in% all.vars(origIndex))) {
                    ## the vectorized index includes a loop-indexing variable; we will create a replacement, for a memberData, for each nodeFunction
                    replacementExpr <- substitute(min(EXPR), list(EXPR=origIndex))
                    replacementName <- nameMashupFromExpr(replacementExpr, colonsOK = TRUE)
                    logProbNodeExpr[[i]] <- as.name(replacementName)
                    replacements[[replacementName]] <- replacementExpr
                } else {
                    ## no loop-indexing variables present in the vectorized index.  this index should be constant for all instances of this nodeFunction
                    logProbIndexValue <- as.numeric(min(eval(origIndex)))   ## if this eval() causes an error... then is some case I haven't thought of.
                    logProbNodeExpr[[i]] <- logProbIndexValue
    list(logProbNodeExpr = logProbNodeExpr, replacements = replacements)
thirdwing/nimble documentation built on May 31, 2019, 10:41 a.m.