Man pages for thq80/Owen_2000_Safe-and-Effective-IS
Optimal Mixture Weights in Multiple Importance Sampling

alpha2NInternal function. convert mixture proportions to mixture...
batch.estimationTwo stage estimation, a pilot estimate of mixing alpha and a...
compatible.testTest the compatibility of user defined functions _fname,...
do.mixture.sampleInternal function. sample from the mixture distribution...
do.plain.mcDo plain monte carlo with target density
get.index.bInternal function. Get the row index in the stacked sample...
get.initial.alphaInternal function. Calculate the initial alpha vector for the...
get.varInternal function. With stratified samples, calculate the... a given mixture weight alpha, use importance sample with...
optismixtureOptimal Mixture Weights in Multiple Importance Sampling
penoptpersppenalized optimization of the constrained linearized...
penoptpersp.alpha.onlypenalized optimization of the constrained linearized...
thq80/Owen_2000_Safe-and-Effective-IS documentation built on May 10, 2019, 9:53 a.m.