
carte <- function (long, lat, obs, sf.obj = NULL, num = NULL, criteria = NULL,
                   buble = FALSE, cbuble = NULL, nointer = FALSE, 
                   carte = NULL, nocart = FALSE, label = "", cex.lab = NULL,
                   symbol = 16, lablong = "", lablat = "", method = "", 
                   W = NULL, couleurs = "blue", classe = NULL, legmap = NULL,
                   legends = list(FALSE, FALSE), labmod = "", axis = FALSE) {

# graphical parameters


  if(couleurs[1] == "blue") 
    couleurs <- "lightblue3" 

  # Different type of map
  if (method == "Neighbourplot1") {
        obs2 <- diag(obs)
        obs2 <- obs
  if (method == "Neighbourplot2" | method == "Neighbourplot3") 
    obs2 <- apply(obs, 1, any)

  # initialisation
  leg.symb <- symbol
  # Representation case by case
  if ((method == "Cluster") || (method == "Quadrant") || (method == "Neighbourplot1")) { 
    if (length(symbol) != length(levels(as.factor(classe)))) { 
      symbol <- rep(symbol[1], length(long))
      if (method == "Neighbourplot1") {
        symbol[!obs2] <- 16 
        } else { 
          symbol[!obs] <- 16
      leg.symb <- rep(16, length(levels(as.factor(classe))))
      } else {
        if ((method == "Cluster")||(method == "Quadrant"))
          symbol <- symbol[as.factor(classe)]
    if (length(couleurs) != length(levels(as.factor(classe))))
      couleurs <- rep(couleurs[1], length(levels(as.factor(classe))))
  # Bubbles initialisation 

  if (buble && (length(cbuble) != 0)) {
    if(min(cbuble) == 0)
      cbuble[cbuble == 0] <- min(cbuble[cbuble != 0])/2

    if(length(legmap) > 0)
      if(as.numeric(legmap[3]) == 0)
        legmap[3] <- min(cbuble)
    } else {
      cbuble <- rep(0.7, length(long))
      if (class(obs)[1] == "matrix") { 
        if (method == "Neighbourplot1") {
          cbuble[intersect(which(obs == TRUE, arr.ind = TRUE)[, 1], which(obs == TRUE, arr.ind = TRUE)[, 2])] <- 1
          } else { 
            if (method=="Neighbourplot2") {
              cbuble[unique(which(obs==TRUE, arr.ind=TRUE)[, 1])] <- 1 
              } else {
                cbuble[unique(which(obs == TRUE, arr.ind = TRUE)[, 1][which(obs == TRUE, arr.ind = TRUE)[, 1] == which(obs == TRUE, arr.ind = TRUE)[, 2]])] <- 1
        } else {
          cbuble[which(obs == TRUE)] <- 1 

# dessin des points

  # draw spatial units
    plot(st_geometry(sf.obj), xlab = lablong, ylab = lablat, axes = axis,
       col = couleurs, pch = 16, cex = cbuble)

  if (nocart)
    plot(st_geometry(carte), add = T)
  if ((method == "Cluster") || (method == "Quadrant")) 
      plot(st_geometry(sf.obj), add = TRUE, col = couleurs[as.factor(classe)],
           pch = 16)
    if (method == "Neighbourplot1" ) {
      if (!all(obs2)) 
        plot(st_geometry(sf.obj[!obs2,]), add = TRUE, pch = 16,
             col = couleurs[as.factor(classe)][!obs2])
        if (!all(obs)) {
          if (method == "Neighbourplot3" | method =="Neighbourplot2") {
              plot(st_geometry(sf.obj[!obs2,]), add = TRUE, col = "lightblue3")
          } else {
              plot(st_geometry(sf.obj[!obs, ]), add = TRUE, col = "lightblue3")
  if (buble && st_geometry_type(sf.obj, by_geometry = F) %in% c("POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON")) 
    points(long, lat, col = "lightgreen", pch = 16, cex = cbuble)
# Legend parameters

 if (legends[[1]]) {
   if ((method == "pairwise") & (legmap[length(legmap)] == "Mahalanobis")) {
     legend(legends[[3]]$x, legends[[3]]$y, c(legmap[7], legmap[8], legmap[9], legmap[10], legmap[11]),
            title = legmap[12], pch = 16, cex = cex.lab, 
            pt.cex = c(as.numeric(legmap[1]), as.numeric(legmap[2]), as.numeric(legmap[3]),
                       as.numeric(legmap[4]), as.numeric(legmap[5])))
   } else {
     legend(legends[[3]]$x, legends[[3]]$y, c(legmap[4], legmap[5], legmap[6]),
            title = legmap[7], pch = 16, cex = cex.lab,
            pt.cex = c(as.numeric(legmap[1]), as.numeric(legmap[2]), as.numeric(legmap[3])))
if (legends[[2]]) { 
  if(is.null(legends[[4]]$name)) {
      legend(legends[[4]]$x, legends[[4]]$y, labmod, fill = couleurs)
  } else {
       legend(legends[[4]]$x, legends[[4]]$y, labmod, fill = couleurs,
               title = legends[[4]]$name)
# dessin des points

if(length(long[obs]) != 0) {
    # general case
  if ((method == "") || (method == "Cluster") || (method == "Quadrant")) {
    plot(st_geometry(sf.obj[obs, ]), add = TRUE, col = "yellow",
             lwd = 1.5, border = "red", pch = 16, cex = cbuble[obs])
    if (st_geometry_type(sf.obj, by_geometry = F) == "POINT")
      plot(st_geometry(sf.obj[obs, ]), add = TRUE, col = "red", cex = cbuble[obs])

  if (buble && st_geometry_type(sf.obj, by_geometry = F) %in% c("POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON")) 
    points(long, lat, col = "lightgreen", pch = 16, cex = cbuble)
    # selection of a point in the map in Neighbourmap
    if ((method == "Neighbourplot1") || (method == "Neighbourplot3")) {
      if (method == "Neighbourplot1") 
        ppp <- symbol[as.factor(classe)]
        ppp <- rep(symbol[1], length(long))
    if (st_geometry_type(sf.obj, by_geometry = F) == "POINT") {
        plot(st_geometry(sf.obj[obs2, ]), add = TRUE, col = "red", cex = cbuble[obs],
             pch = 1)
      } else {
       plot(st_geometry(sf.obj[obs2, ]), add = TRUE, col = "yellow",
             lwd = 1.5, border = "red", pch = 16, cex = cbuble[obs])
      # plot(st_geometry(sf.obj[obs2, ]), add = TRUE, col = "yellow")

        for (j in 1:length(long)) {
            for (i in 1:length(long)) {
                if (length(obs) == length(long)) {
                  if ((W[j,i] != 0) && (obs[j])) {  
                    points(long[j], lat[j], col = "red", cex = cbuble[j], pch = ppp[j])  
                    segments(long[j], lat[j], long[i], lat[i], col = "red")
                    text(long[j], lat[j], label[j], cex = cex.lab, font = 3,adj = c(0.75, -0.75))
                } else {
                  if (obs[j, i]) {
                    points(long[j], lat[j], col = "red", cex = cbuble[j], pch = ppp[j])
                    if(W[j, i] != 0) { #ecriture des labels de chaque point selectionne   
                      segments(long[j], lat[j], long[i], lat[i], col = "red")
                      text(long[j], lat[j], label[j], cex = cex.lab, 
                           font = 3, adj = c(0.75,-0.75))
  # selection of a point sur le graphique dans la fonction Neighbourmap
  if (method == "Neighbourplot2") {
      plot(st_geometry(sf.obj[obs2, ]), add = TRUE, col = "yellow")
        for (j in 1: length(long)) {
            for (i in 1:length(long)) {
              if (obs[j, i]) {
                points(long[j], lat[j], col = "red", pch = symbol[1], cex = cbuble[j])
                segments(long[j], lat[j], long[i], lat[i], col = "red")
                text(long[i], lat[i], label[i], cex = cex.lab, adj = c(0.75, -0.75)) 
                text(long[j], lat[j], label[j], cex = cex.lab, adj = c(0.75, -0.75))
  if ((method == "Angleplot") || (method == "Variocloud")|| (method == "pairwise")) {
    x0 <- NULL
    y0 <- NULL
    x1 <- NULL
    y1 <- NULL

    for (j in 1:length(long)) {
      for (i in 1:length(long)) {
        if (obs[j, i]) {
          if (length(levels(as.factor(cbuble))) > 1) {
            points(long[j], lat[j], col = "red", pch = symbol, cex = cbuble[j])
            points(long[i], lat[i], col = "red", pch = symbol, cex = cbuble[i])
          } else {
            points(long[j], lat[j], col = "red", pch = symbol, cex = 0.8)
            points(long[i], lat[i], col = "red", pch = symbol, cex = 0.8)
          x0 <- c(x0, long[j])
          y0 <- c(y0, lat[j])
          x1 <- c(x1, long[i])
          y1 <- c(y1, lat[i])
          # labels 
          text(long[i], lat[i], label[i], cex = cex.lab, adj = c(0.75, -0.75))
          text(long[j], lat[j], label[j], cex = cex.lab, adj = c(0.75, -0.75))
    segments(x0, y0, x1, y1, col = "green")
  if (method == "Scatter3d") {
    if (symbol == 1) {
      points(long[obs], lat[obs], col = "green", pch = 10, cex = 1.5)
    } else {
      points(long[obs], lat[obs], col = "green", pch = 16)
# dessin des points per critria
    points(jitter(long[criteria]), lat[criteria], pch = "X",
          cex = 0.8, col = "lightgreen")

  if ((length(long[obs]) != 0) & ((method == "") || (method == "Cluster")||(method == "Quadrant")) & length(label) != 1)
   text(long[obs], lat[obs], label[obs], col = "black", cex = cex.lab, 
        font = 3, adj = c(0.2, -0.2))
tibo31/GeoXp documentation built on April 8, 2023, 7:50 a.m.