
Defines functions calc_impl.z calc_impl.t calc_impl.odds_ratio calc_impl.ratio_of_props calc_impl.diff_in_props calc_impl.function_of_props calc_impl.Chisq calc_impl_diff_f calc_impl.correlation calc_impl.slope calc_impl.F calc_impl_success_f calc_impl_one_f calc_impl warn_on_insufficient_null message_on_excessive_null assume_null check_input_vs_stat check_calculate_stat check_if_mlr calculate

Documented in calculate

#' Calculate summary statistics
#' @description
#' Given the output of [specify()] and/or [hypothesize()], this function will
#' return the observed statistic specified with the `stat` argument. Some test
#' statistics, such as `Chisq`, `t`, and `z`, require a null hypothesis. If
#' provided the output of [generate()], the function will calculate the
#' supplied `stat` for each `replicate`.
#' Learn more in `vignette("infer")`.
#' @param x The output from [generate()] for computation-based inference or the
#'   output from [hypothesize()] piped in to here for theory-based inference.
#' @param stat A string giving the type of the statistic to calculate. Current
#'   options include `"mean"`, `"median"`, `"sum"`, `"sd"`, `"prop"`, `"count"`,
#'   `"diff in means"`, `"diff in medians"`, `"diff in props"`, `"Chisq"` (or
#'   `"chisq"`), `"F"` (or `"f"`), `"t"`, `"z"`, `"ratio of props"`, `"slope"`,
#'   `"odds ratio"`, `"ratio of means"`, and `"correlation"`. `infer` only
#'   supports theoretical tests on one or two means via the `"t"` distribution
#'   and one or two proportions via the `"z"`.
#' @param order A string vector of specifying the order in which the levels of
#'   the explanatory variable should be ordered for subtraction (or division
#'   for ratio-based statistics), where `order = c("first", "second")` means
#'   `("first" - "second")`, or the analogue for ratios. Needed for inference on
#'   difference in means, medians, proportions, ratios, t, and z statistics.
#' @param ... To pass options like `na.rm = TRUE` into functions like
#'   [mean()][base::mean()], [sd()][stats::sd()], etc. Can also be used to
#'   supply hypothesized null values for the `"t"` statistic or additional
#'   arguments to [stats::chisq.test()].
#' @return A tibble containing a `stat` column of calculated statistics.
#' @section Missing levels in small samples:
#' In some cases, when bootstrapping with small samples, some generated
#' bootstrap samples will have only one level of the explanatory variable
#' present. For some test statistics, the calculated statistic in these
#' cases will be NaN. The package will omit non-finite values from
#' visualizations (with a warning) and raise an error in p-value calculations.
#' @includeRmd man-roxygen/seeds.Rmd
#' @examples
#' # calculate a null distribution of hours worked per week under
#' # the null hypothesis that the mean is 40
#' gss %>%
#'   specify(response = hours) %>%
#'   hypothesize(null = "point", mu = 40) %>%
#'   generate(reps = 200, type = "bootstrap") %>%
#'   calculate(stat = "mean")
#' # calculate the corresponding observed statistic
#' gss %>%
#'   specify(response = hours) %>%
#'   calculate(stat = "mean")
#' # calculate a null distribution assuming independence between age
#' # of respondent and whether they have a college degree
#' gss %>%
#'   specify(age ~ college) %>%
#'   hypothesize(null = "independence") %>%
#'   generate(reps = 200, type = "permute") %>%
#'   calculate("diff in means", order = c("degree", "no degree"))
#' # calculate the corresponding observed statistic
#' gss %>%
#'   specify(age ~ college) %>%
#'   calculate("diff in means", order = c("degree", "no degree"))
#' # some statistics require a null hypothesis
#'  gss %>%
#'    specify(response = hours) %>%
#'    hypothesize(null = "point", mu = 40) %>%
#'    calculate(stat = "t")
#' # more in-depth explanation of how to use the infer package
#' \dontrun{
#' vignette("infer")
#' }
#' @seealso [visualize()], [get_p_value()], and [get_confidence_interval()]
#' to extract value from this function's outputs.
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by summarize n
#' @importFrom rlang !! sym quo enquo eval_tidy
#' @family core functions
#' @export
calculate <- function(x,
                      stat = c(
                        "mean", "median", "sum", "sd", "prop", "count",
                        "diff in means", "diff in medians", "diff in props",
                        "Chisq", "F", "slope", "correlation", "t", "z",
                        "ratio of props", "odds ratio", "ratio of means"
                      order = NULL,
                      ...) {
  check_type(x, tibble::is_tibble)
  check_if_mlr(x, "calculate")
  stat <- check_calculate_stat(stat)
  check_input_vs_stat(x, stat)
  check_point_params(x, stat)

  order <- check_order(x, order, in_calculate = TRUE, stat)

  if (!is_generated(x)) {
    x$replicate <- 1L

  x <- message_on_excessive_null(x, stat = stat, fn = "calculate")
  x <- warn_on_insufficient_null(x, stat, ...)

  # Use S3 method to match correct calculation
  result <- calc_impl(
    structure(stat, class = gsub(" ", "_", stat)), x, order, ...

  result <- copy_attrs(to = result, from = x)
  attr(result, "stat") <- stat

  # For returning a 1x1 observed statistic value
  if (nrow(result) == 1) {
    result <- select(result, stat)


check_if_mlr <- function(x, fn, call = caller_env()) {
  if (fn == "calculate") {
    suggestion <-
       "When working with multiple explanatory variables, use \\
        {.help [{.fun fit}](infer::fit.infer)} instead."
  } else {
    suggestion <- ""

  if (is_mlr(x)) {
      c("Multiple explanatory variables are not supported in {.fun {fn}}.",
        i = suggestion),
      call = call

check_calculate_stat <- function(stat, call = caller_env()) {

  check_type(stat, rlang::is_string, call = call)

  # Check for possible `stat` aliases
  alias_match_id <- match(stat, implemented_stats_aliases[["alias"]])
  if (!is.na(alias_match_id)) {
    stat <- implemented_stats_aliases[["target"]][alias_match_id]
  } else {
    rlang::arg_match(stat, implemented_stats)


# Raise an error if the user supplies a test statistic that doesn't
# make sense given the variable and hypothesis specified
check_input_vs_stat <- function(x, stat, call = caller_env()) {
  response_type <- attr(x, "type_desc_response")
  explanatory_type <- attr(x, "type_desc_explanatory")

  possible_stats <- stat_types %>%
    dplyr::filter(resp == response_type & exp == explanatory_type) %>%
    dplyr::pull(stats) %>%

  if (is.null(possible_stats)) {
      "The infer team has not implemented test statistics for the \\
       supplied variable types.",
      call = call

  if (!stat %in% possible_stats) {
    if (has_explanatory(x)) {
      msg_tail <- glue(
        "a {get_stat_type_desc(explanatory_type)} explanatory variable ",
        .null = "NULL"
    } else {
      msg_tail <- "no explanatory variable."

      "{get_stat_desc(stat)} is not well-defined for a \\
       {get_stat_type_desc(response_type)} response variable \\
       ({response_name(x)}) and {msg_tail}",
      call = call

  if (is_hypothesized(x)) {
    stat_nulls <- stat_hypotheses %>%
      dplyr::filter(stat == !!stat &
                    hypothesis == attr(x, "null"))

    if (nrow(stat_nulls) == 0) {
        'The supplied statistic `stat = "{stat}"` is incompatible with the \\
         supplied hypothesis `null = "{attr(x, "null")}"`.',
        call = call


# When given no hypothesis for a theorized statistic, supply a reasonable value
assume_null <- function(x, stat_) {
  null_fn <- theorized_nulls %>%
    dplyr::filter(stat == stat_) %>%
    dplyr::pull(null_fn) %>%


# User supplied "too much" information - hypothesized a value for a point
# estimate that isn't relevant to the statistic calculation
# The `stat = "mean"` default ensures that `stat %in% untheorized_stats`
# when called in non-`calculate` functions
message_on_excessive_null <- function(x, stat = "mean", fn) {
  if (!is_generated(x) && is_hypothesized(x) && stat %in% untheorized_stats) {
    null_type <- attr(x, "null")
    null_param <- attr(x, "params")

      "Message: The {null_type} null hypothesis \\
       {if (null_type == 'point') {paste0('`', names(null_param), ' = ', unname(null_param), '` ')} else {''}} \\
       does not inform calculation of the observed \\
       {if (fn == 'calculate') {paste0('statistic (', tolower(get_stat_desc(stat)), ') ')} else {'fit '}} \\
       and will be ignored."


# User didn't supply "enough" information - no hypothesis for a theorized
# statistic on a point estimate, so warn that a reasonable value was assumed.
warn_on_insufficient_null <- function(x, stat, ...) {
  if (!is_hypothesized(x)          &&
      !has_explanatory(x)          &&
      !stat %in% untheorized_stats &&
      !(stat == "t" && "mu" %in% names(list(...)))) {
    attr(x, "null") <- "point"
    attr(x, "params") <- assume_null(x, stat)

      "{get_stat_desc(stat)} requires a null \\
       hypothesis to calculate the observed statistic.",
       "Output assumes the following null value{print_params(x)}."


calc_impl <- function(type, x, order, ...) {
  UseMethod("calc_impl", type)

calc_impl_one_f <- function(f) {
  function(type, x, order, ...) {
    col <- base::setdiff(names(x), "replicate")

    if (!identical(dplyr::group_vars(x), "replicate")) {
       x <- dplyr::group_by(x, replicate)

    res <- x %>%
      dplyr::summarize(stat = f(!!(sym(col)), ...))

    # calculate SE for confidence intervals
    if (!is_generated(x)) {
      sample_sd <- x %>%
        dplyr::summarize(stats::sd(!!(sym(col)))) %>%

      attr(res, "se") <- sample_sd / sqrt(nrow(x))


#' @export
calc_impl.mean <- calc_impl_one_f(mean)

#' @export
calc_impl.median <- calc_impl_one_f(stats::median)

#' @export
calc_impl.sum <- calc_impl_one_f(sum)

#' @export
calc_impl.sd <- calc_impl_one_f(stats::sd)

calc_impl_success_f <- function(f, output_name) {
  function(type, x, order, ...) {
    col <- base::setdiff(names(x), "replicate")

    success <- attr(x, "success")

    if (!identical(dplyr::group_vars(x), "replicate")) {
       x <- dplyr::group_by(x, replicate)

    res <- x %>%
      dplyr::summarize(stat = f(!!sym(col), success))

    # calculate SE for confidence intervals
    if (!is_generated(x) && output_name == "proportion") {
      prop <- res[["stat"]]

      attr(res, "se") <- sqrt((prop * (1 - prop)) / nrow(x))


#' @export
calc_impl.prop <- calc_impl_success_f(
  f = function(response, success, ...) {
    mean(response == success, ...)
  output_name = "proportion"

#' @export
calc_impl.count <- calc_impl_success_f(
  f = function(response, success, ...) {
    sum(response == success, ...)
  output_name = "count"

#' @export
calc_impl.F <- function(type, x, order, ...) {
  x %>%
      stat = stats::anova(
        stats::lm(!!(response_expr(x)) ~ !!(explanatory_expr(x)))
      )$`F value`[1]

#' @export
calc_impl.slope <- function(type, x, order, ...) {
  x %>%
      stat = stats::coef(
        stats::lm(!!(response_expr(x)) ~ !!(explanatory_expr(x)))

#' @export
calc_impl.correlation <- function(type, x, order, ...) {
  x %>%
      stat = stats::cor(!!explanatory_expr(x), !!response_expr(x))

calc_impl_diff_f <- function(f, operator) {
  function(type, x, order, ...) {
    res <- x %>%
      dplyr::group_by(replicate, !!explanatory_expr(x), .drop = FALSE) %>%
      dplyr::summarize(value = f(!!response_expr(x), ...)) %>%
      dplyr::group_by(replicate) %>%
        stat = operator(
           value[!!(explanatory_expr(x)) == order[1]],
           value[!!(explanatory_expr(x)) == order[2]]

    # calculate SE for confidence intervals
    if (!is_generated(x) && identical(operator, `-`)) {
      sample_sds <- x %>%
        dplyr::group_by(replicate, !!explanatory_expr(x), .drop = FALSE) %>%
        dplyr::summarize(stats::sd(!!response_expr(x))) %>%

      sample_counts <- x %>%
        dplyr::count(!!explanatory_expr(x), .drop = FALSE) %>%

      attr(res, "se") <-
            (sample_sds[1] / sqrt(sample_counts[1]))^2,
            (sample_sds[2] / sqrt(sample_counts[2]))^2


#' @export
calc_impl.diff_in_means <- calc_impl_diff_f(mean, operator = `-`)

#' @export
calc_impl.diff_in_medians <- calc_impl_diff_f(stats::median, operator = `-`)

#' @export
calc_impl.ratio_of_means <- calc_impl_diff_f(mean, operator = `/`)

#' @export
calc_impl.Chisq <- function(type, x, order, ...) {
  resp_var <- response_name(x)

  if (!has_attr(x, "explanatory")) {
    # Chi-Square Goodness of Fit
    p_levels <- get_par_levels(x)
    chisq_gof <- function(df) {
      chisq <- suppressWarnings(stats::chisq.test(
        # Ensure correct ordering of parameters
        p = attr(x, "params"),


    result <- x %>%
      dplyr::nest_by(.key = "data") %>%
      dplyr::summarise(stat = chisq_gof(data), .groups = "drop")
  } else {
    # Chi-Square Test of Independence
    expl_var <- explanatory_name(x)
    chisq_indep <- function(df) {
      res <- suppressWarnings(stats::chisq.test(
        x = df[[expl_var]],
        y = df[[resp_var]],


    # Compute result
    result <- x %>%
      dplyr::nest_by(.key = "data") %>%
      dplyr::summarise(stat = chisq_indep(data), .groups = "drop")

  if (is_generated(x)) {
    result <- result %>% dplyr::select(replicate, stat)
  } else {
    result <- result %>% dplyr::select(stat)

    to = result, from = x,
    attrs = c(
      "response", "success", "explanatory", "response_type",
      "explanatory_type", "distr_param", "distr_param2", "theory_type",
      "type_desc_response", "type_desc_explanatory"

#' @export
calc_impl.function_of_props <- function(type, x, order, operator, ...) {
  col <- response_expr(x)
  success <- attr(x, "success")

  res <- x %>%
    dplyr::group_by(replicate, !!explanatory_expr(x), .drop = FALSE) %>%
    dplyr::summarize(prop = mean(!!sym(col) == success, ...)) %>%
      stat = operator(
        prop[!!explanatory_expr(x) == order[1]],
        prop[!!explanatory_expr(x) == order[2]]

  # calculate SE for confidence intervals
  if (!is_generated(x)) {
    props <- x %>%
      dplyr::group_by(!!explanatory_expr(x), .drop = FALSE) %>%
      dplyr::summarize(prop = mean(!!sym(col) == success, ...)) %>%

    counts <- x %>%
      dplyr::count(!!explanatory_expr(x), .drop = FALSE) %>%

    attr(res, "se") <-
          abs((props[1] * (1 - props[1])) / counts[1]),
          abs((props[2] * (1 - props[2])) / counts[2])


#' @export
calc_impl.diff_in_props <- function(type, x, order, ...) {
  calc_impl.function_of_props(type, x, order, operator = `-`, ...)

#' @export
calc_impl.ratio_of_props <- function(type, x, order, ...) {
  calc_impl.function_of_props(type, x, order, operator = `/`, ...)

#' @export
calc_impl.odds_ratio <- function(type, x, order, ...) {
  col <- response_expr(x)
  success <- attr(x, "success")

  x %>%
    dplyr::group_by(replicate, !!explanatory_expr(x), .drop = FALSE) %>%
    dplyr::summarize(prop = mean(!!sym(col) == success, ...)) %>%
      prop_1 = prop[!!explanatory_expr(x) == order[1]],
      prop_2 = prop[!!explanatory_expr(x) == order[2]],
      stat = (prop_1 / prop_2) / ((1 - prop_1) / (1 - prop_2))
    ) %>%

#' @export
calc_impl.t <- function(type, x, order, ...) {
  if (theory_type(x) == "Two sample t") {
    x <- reorder_explanatory(x, order)

    df_out <- x %>%
        stat = stats::t.test(
          !!response_expr(x) ~ !!explanatory_expr(x), ...
  } else if (theory_type(x) == "One sample t") {
    if (!is_hypothesized(x)) {
      # For bootstrap
      df_out <- x %>%
          stat = stats::t.test(!!response_expr(x), ...)[["statistic"]]
    } else {
      # For hypothesis testing
      df_out <- x %>%
          stat = stats::t.test(
            mu = attr(!!x, "params"),

#' @export
calc_impl.z <- function(type, x, order, ...) {
  # Two sample proportions
  if (theory_type(x) == "Two sample props z") {
    col <- response_expr(x)
    success <- attr(x, "success")

    x$explan <- factor(
      levels = c(order[1], order[2])

    aggregated <- x %>%
      dplyr::group_by(replicate, explan) %>%
        group_num = dplyr::n(),
        prop = mean(rlang::eval_tidy(col) == rlang::eval_tidy(success)),
        num_suc = sum(rlang::eval_tidy(col) == rlang::eval_tidy(success))

    df_out <- aggregated %>%
        diff_prop = prop[explan == order[1]] - prop[explan == order[2]],
        total_suc = sum(num_suc),
        n1 = group_num[1],
        n2 = group_num[2],
        p_hat = total_suc / (n1 + n2),
        denom = sqrt(p_hat * (1 - p_hat) / n1 + p_hat * (1 - p_hat) / n2),
        stat = diff_prop / denom
      ) %>%

  } else if (theory_type(x) == "One sample prop z") {
    # One sample proportion

    # When `hypothesize()` has been called
    success <- attr(x, "success")
    col <- response_expr(x)
    p0 <- unname(attr(x, "params")[1])
    num_rows <- nrow(x) / length(unique(x$replicate))

    df_out <- x %>%
        stat = (
          mean(rlang::eval_tidy(col) == rlang::eval_tidy(success), ...) - p0
        ) / sqrt((p0 * (1 - p0)) / num_rows)

tidymodels/infer documentation built on Aug. 17, 2024, 7:05 a.m.