
Defines functions check_is_distribution parse_type get_type check_type check_mlr_x_and_obs_stat check_obs_stat check_direction check_for_nan check_point_params check_order determine_variable_type p_null get_stat_desc get_stat_type_desc is_truefalse is_single_number is_color_string has_response has_explanatory has_attr is_mlr is_fitted is_hypothesized is_generated get_success_then_response_levels get_response_levels theory_type response_variable response_name response_expr explanatory_variable explanatory_name explanatory_expr make_replicate_groups group_by_replicate standardize_variable_types reorder_explanatory c_dedupl copy_attrs get_par_levels put_params print_params format_params append_infer_class

# Miscellaneous Helpers -----------------------------------------------
append_infer_class <- function(x) {
  x_cl <- class(x)
  if (x_cl[1] != "infer") {
    class(x) <- c("infer", x_cl)


format_params <- function(x) {
  par_levels <- get_par_levels(x)
  fct_levels <- as.character(unique(response_variable(x)))
  attr(x, "params")[match(fct_levels, par_levels)]

print_params <- function(x) {
  params <- attr(x, "params")

    "1" = glue(": `{names(params)} = {unname(params)}`", .null = "NULL"),
    "2" = glue(": `p = .5`", .null = "NULL"),
          glue("s: `p = c({put_params(x, params)})`", .null = "NULL")

put_params <- function(x, params) {
  paste0(get_par_levels(x), " = ", params, collapse = ", ")

get_par_levels <- function(x) {
  par_names <- names(attr(x, "params"))
  gsub("^.\\.", "", par_names)

copy_attrs <- function(to, from,
                       attrs = c(
                         "response", "success", "explanatory", "response_type",
                         "explanatory_type", "distr_param", "distr_param2",
                         "null", "params", "theory_type", "generated", "type",
                         "hypothesized", "formula", "fitted",
                         "type_desc_response", "type_desc_explanatory"
                       )) {
  for (at in attrs) {
    attr(to, at) <- attr(from, at)


# Wrapper for deduplication by name after doing `c(...)`
c_dedupl <- function(...) {
  l <- c(...)

  l_names <- names(l)

  if (is.null(l_names)) {
  } else {
    l[!duplicated(l_names) | (l_names == "")]

reorder_explanatory <- function(x, order) {
  x[[explanatory_name(x)]] <- factor(
    levels = c(order[1], order[2])

standardize_variable_types <- function(x) {
   tibble::as_tibble(x) %>%
      # character and ordered to factor
            where(~ is.character(.x) || is.ordered(.x)),
            ~ factor(.x, ordered = FALSE)
      ) %>%
      # logical to factor, with TRUE as the first level
            where(~ is.logical(.x)),
            ~ factor(.x, levels = c("TRUE", "FALSE"))
      )  %>%
      # integer to numeric

# Performant grouping ----------------------------------------------------------
group_by_replicate <- function(tbl, reps, n) {
      groups = make_replicate_groups(tbl, reps = reps, n = n)

make_replicate_groups <- function(tbl, reps, n) {
   res <-
         replicate = 1:reps,
         .rows =
               vctrs::vec_chop(seq_len(n*reps), sizes = rep(n, reps)),
               .ptype = integer()

   attr(res, ".drop") <- TRUE


# Getters, setters, and indicators ------------------------------------------
explanatory_expr <- function(x) {
  attr(x, "explanatory")

explanatory_name <- function(x) {

# if there is more than one explanatory variable, return a data frame.
# if there's one, return a vector. otherwise, return NULL.
explanatory_variable <- function(x) {
  if (!is.null(explanatory_expr(x))) {
    if (length(explanatory_name(x)) > 1) {
    } else {
  } else {

response_expr <- function(x) {
  attr(x, "response")

response_name <- function(x) {

response_variable <- function(x) {

theory_type <- function(x) {
  attr(x, "theory_type")

get_response_levels <- function(x) {

get_success_then_response_levels <- function(x) {
  success_attr <- attr(x, "success")
  response_levels <- setdiff(
  c(success_attr, response_levels)

is_generated <- function(x) {
  isTRUE(attr(x, "generated"))

is_hypothesized <- function(x){
  isTRUE(attr(x, "hypothesized"))

is_fitted <- function(x){
  isTRUE(attr(x, "fitted"))

is_mlr <- function(x) {
  length(explanatory_name(x)) > 1

has_attr <- function(x, at) {
  !is.null(attr(x, at, exact = TRUE))

has_explanatory <- function(x) {
  has_attr(x, "explanatory")

has_response <- function(x) {
  has_attr(x, "response")

is_color_string <- function(x) {
  rlang::is_string(x) &&
    tryCatch(is.matrix(grDevices::col2rgb(x)), error = function(e) {FALSE})

is_single_number <- function(x, min_val = -Inf, max_val = Inf,
                             include_min_val = TRUE, include_max_val = TRUE) {
  left_compare <- if (include_min_val) {`>=`} else {`>`}
  right_compare <- if (include_max_val) {`<=`} else {`<`}

  is.numeric(x) && (length(x) == 1) && is.finite(x) &&
    left_compare(x, min_val) && right_compare(x, max_val)

is_truefalse <- function(x) {
  identical(x, TRUE) || identical(x, FALSE)

# Helpers for test statistics --------------------------------------

# Simplify and standardize checks by grouping statistics based on variable types
# num = numeric, bin = binary (dichotomous), mult = multinomial
stat_types <- tibble::tribble(
  ~resp,   ~exp,   ~stats,
  "num",   "",     c("mean", "median", "sum", "sd", "t"),
  "num",   "num",  c("slope", "correlation"),
  "num",   "bin",  c("diff in means", "diff in medians", "t", "ratio of means"),
  "num",   "mult", c("F"),
  "bin",   "",     c("prop", "count", "z"),
  "bin",   "bin",  c("diff in props", "z", "ratio of props", "odds ratio", "Chisq"),
  "bin",   "mult", c("Chisq"),
  "mult",  "bin",  c("Chisq"),
  "mult",  "",     c("Chisq"),
  "mult",  "mult", c("Chisq"),

stat_type_desc <- tibble::tribble(
  ~type,  ~description,
  "num",  "numeric",
  "bin",  "dichotomous categorical",
  "mult", "multinomial categorical"

get_stat_type_desc <- function(stat_type) {
  stat_type_desc$description[stat_type_desc$type == stat_type]

stat_desc <- tibble::tribble(
  ~stat,               ~description,
  "mean",              "A mean",
  "median",            "A median",
  "sum",               "A sum",
  "sd",                "A standard deviation",
  "prop",              "A proportion",
  "count",             "A count",
  "diff in means",     "A difference in means",
  "diff in medians",   "A difference in medians",
  "diff in props",     "A difference in proportions",
  "Chisq",             "A chi-square statistic",
  "F",                 "An F statistic",
  "slope",             "A slope",
  "correlation",       "A correlation",
  "t",                 "A t statistic",
  "z",                 "A z statistic",
  "ratio of props",    "A ratio of proportions",
  "ratio of means",    "A ratio of means",
  "odds ratio",        "An odds ratio"

stat_hypotheses <- tibble::tribble(
  ~stat,               ~hypothesis,
  "mean",              "point",
  "median",            "point",
  "sum",               "point",
  "sd",                "point",
  "prop",              "point",
  "count",             "point",
  "mean",              "paired independence",
  "median",            "paired independence",
  "sum",               "paired independence",
  "sd",                "paired independence",
  "diff in means",     "independence",
  "diff in medians",   "independence",
  "diff in props",     "independence",
  "Chisq",             "independence",
  "Chisq",             "point",
  "F",                 "independence",
  "slope",             "independence",
  "correlation",       "independence",
  "t",                 "independence",
  "t",                 "point",
  "z",                 "independence",
  "z",                 "point",
  "ratio of props",    "independence",
  "ratio of means",    "independence",
  "odds ratio",        "independence"

get_stat_desc <- function(stat) {
  stat_desc$description[stat_desc$stat == stat]

# Values of `stat` argument of `calculate()`
implemented_stats <-  c(
  "mean", "median", "sum", "sd", "prop", "count",
  "diff in means", "diff in medians", "diff in props",
  "Chisq", "F", "slope", "correlation", "t", "z",
  "ratio of props", "ratio of means", "odds ratio"

implemented_stats_aliases <- tibble::tribble(
  ~ alias, ~ target,
  # Allow case insensitive stat names
  "f",     "F",
  "chisq", "Chisq"

untheorized_stats <- implemented_stats[!implemented_stats %in% c(
  "Chisq", "F", "t", "z"

# Given a statistic and theory type, assume a reasonable null
p_null <- function(x) {
  lvls <- levels(response_variable(x))
  num_lvls <- length(lvls)
  probs <- 1 / num_lvls

  setNames(rep(probs, num_lvls), paste0("p.", lvls))

# The "null_fn" column is a function(x) whose output gives attr(x, "params")
theorized_nulls <- tibble::tribble(
  ~stat,    ~null_fn,
  "Chisq", p_null,
  "t",     function(x) {setNames(0, "mu")},
  "z",     p_null

determine_variable_type <- function(x, variable) {
  var <- switch(
    response = response_variable(x),
    explanatory = explanatory_variable(x)

  if (is.null(var)) {
  } else if (inherits(var, "numeric")) {
  } else if (length(unique(var)) == 2) {
  } else {

# Argument checking --------------------------------------------------------

check_order <- function(x, order, in_calculate = TRUE, stat, call = caller_env()) {
  # If there doesn't need to be an order argument, warn if there is one,
  # and otherwise, skip checks
  if (!(theory_type(x) %in% c("Two sample props z", "Two sample t") ||
        is.null(stat) ||
        stat %in% c("diff in means", "diff in medians",
                    "diff in props", "ratio of props", "odds ratio"))) {
    if (!is.null(order)) {
         "Statistic is not based on a difference or ratio; the `order` argument \\
          will be ignored. Check {.help [{.fun calculate}](infer::calculate)} \\
          for details."
    } else {

  explanatory_variable <- explanatory_variable(x)
  unique_ex <- sort(unique(explanatory_variable))

  if (is.null(order) & in_calculate) {
    # Default to subtracting/dividing the first (alphabetically) level by the
    # second, unless the explanatory variable is a factor (in which case order
    # is preserved); raise a warning if this was done implicitly.
    order <- as.character(unique_ex)
      "The statistic is based on a difference or ratio; by default, for \\
       difference-based statistics, the explanatory variable is subtracted \\
       in the order \"{unique_ex[1]}\" - \"{unique_ex[2]}\", or divided in \\
       the order \"{unique_ex[1]}\" / \"{unique_ex[2]}\" for ratio-based \\
       statistics. To specify this order yourself, supply `order = \\
       c(\"{unique_ex[1]}\", \"{unique_ex[2]}\")` to the calculate() function."
  } else if (is.null(order)) {
    order <- as.character(unique_ex)
      "The statistic is based on a difference or ratio; by default, for \\
       difference-based statistics, the explanatory variable is subtracted \\
       in the order \"{unique_ex[1]}\" - \"{unique_ex[2]}\", or divided in \\
       the order \"{unique_ex[1]}\" / \"{unique_ex[2]}\" for ratio-based \\
       statistics. To specify this order yourself, supply `order = \\
       c(\"{unique_ex[1]}\", \"{unique_ex[2]}\")`."
  } else {
    if (xor(is.na(order[1]), is.na(order[2]))) {
        "Only one level specified in `order`. Both levels need to be specified.",
        call = call
    if (length(order) > 2) {
         "`order` is expecting only two entries.",
         call = call
    if (order[1] %in% unique_ex == FALSE) {
         "{order[1]} is not a level of the explanatory variable.",
         call = call
    if (order[2] %in% unique_ex == FALSE) {
         "{order[2]} is not a level of the explanatory variable.",
         call = call
  # return the order as given (unless the argument was invalid or NULL)

check_point_params <- function(x, stat, call = caller_env()) {
  param_names <- attr(attr(x, "params"), "names")
  hyp_text <- 'to be set in `hypothesize()`.'
  if (is_hypothesized(x) && !identical(attr(x, "null"), "paired independence")) {
    if (stat %in% c("mean", "median", "sd", "prop")) {
      if ((stat == "mean") && !("mu" %in% param_names)) {
         cli_abort('`stat == "mean"` requires `"mu"` {hyp_text}', call = call)
      if (!(stat == "mean") && ("mu" %in% param_names)) {
         cli_abort('`"mu"` does not correspond to `stat = "{stat}"`.', call = call)
      if ((stat == "median") && !("med" %in% param_names)) {
         cli_abort('`stat == "median"` requires `"med"` {hyp_text}', call = call)
      if (!(stat == "median") && ("med" %in% param_names)) {
         cli_abort('`"med"` does not correspond to `stat = "{stat}"`.', call = call)

# This function checks for NaNs in the output of `calculate` and raises
# a message/warning/error depending on the context in which it was called.
check_for_nan <- function(x, context) {
  if (inherits(x, "infer_dist")) {

  stat_is_nan <- is.nan(x[["stat"]])
  num_nans <- sum(stat_is_nan)
  # If there are no NaNs, continue on as normal :-)
  if (num_nans == 0) {

  calc_ref <- c(i = "See {.help [{.fun calculate}](infer::calculate)} for more details.")
  # If all of the data is NaN, raise an error
  if (num_nans == nrow(x)) {
       c("All calculated statistics were `NaN`.", calc_ref),
       call = NULL

  stats_were <- if (num_nans == 1) {"statistic was"} else {"statistics were"}
  num_nans_msg <- glue::glue("{num_nans} calculated {stats_were} `NaN`")

  if (context == "visualize") {
    # Raise a warning and plot the data with NaNs removed
      c("{num_nans_msg}. `NaN`s have been omitted from visualization.", calc_ref)
    return(x[!stat_is_nan, ])
  } else if (context == "get_p_value") {
    # Raise an error
      c("{num_nans_msg}. Simulation-based p-values are not well-defined for \\
       null distributions with non-finite values.", calc_ref),
      call = NULL

check_direction <- function(direction = c("less", "greater", "two_sided",
                                          "left", "right", "both",
                                          "two-sided", "two sided",
                                          "two.sided"), call = caller_env()) {
  check_type(direction, is.character, call = call)

  if (
    !(direction %in% c("less", "greater", "two_sided", "left", "right",
                       "both", "two-sided", "two sided", "two.sided"))
  ) {
     'The provided value for `direction` is not appropriate. Possible values \\
      are "less", "greater", "two-sided", "left", "right", "both", \
      "two_sided", "two sided", or "two.sided".',
     call = call

check_obs_stat <- function(obs_stat, plot = NULL, call = caller_env()) {
  if (!is.null(obs_stat)) {

    if ("data.frame" %in% class(obs_stat)) {
      if (is_fitted(obs_stat)) {
        x_lab <- x_axis_label(plot)

        obs_stat <-
          obs_stat %>%
          dplyr::filter(term == x_lab) %>%


      check_type(obs_stat, is.data.frame, call = call)
      if ((nrow(obs_stat) != 1) || (ncol(obs_stat) != 1)) {
          "The first row and first column value of the given `obs_stat` will \\
           be used."

      # [[1]] is used in case `stat` is not specified as name of 1x1
      obs_stat <- obs_stat[[1]][[1]]
      check_type(obs_stat, is.numeric, call = call)
    } else {
      check_type(obs_stat, is.numeric, call = call)


check_mlr_x_and_obs_stat <- function(x, obs_stat, fn, arg, call = caller_env()) {
  if (!is_fitted(obs_stat)) {
       c("The `{arg}` argument should be the output of `fit()`.",
         i = "See the documentation with `?{fn}`."),
       call = call

  if (!is_generated(x)) {
      "The `x` argument needs to be passed to `generate()` before `fit()`.",
      call = call

  if (any(!unique(x$term) %in% unique(obs_stat$term)) ||
      any(!unique(obs_stat$term) %in% unique(x$term))) {
      "The explanatory variables used to generate the distribution of \\
       null fits are not the same used to fit the observed data.",
      call = call

  if (response_name(x) != response_name(obs_stat)) {
      "The response variable of the null fits ({response_name(x)}) is not \\
       the same as that of the observed fit ({response_name(obs_stat)}).",
       call = call


#' Check object type
#' Throw an error in case object is not of desired type.
#' @param x An object to check.
#' @param predicate A function to perform check or a formula (as input for
#'   `rlang::as_function()`). A good idea is to use function named `is.*()` or
#'   `is_*()` with possible `<package>::` prefix.
#' @param type_name A string for desired type name. If `NULL`, type is taken
#'   from parsing original name of supplied `predicate`: all alphanumeric with
#'   '_' and '.' characters (until the name end) after the first appearance of
#'   either `is.` or `is_`. In case of a doubt supply `type_name` explicitly.
#' @param x_name String to be used as variable name instead of supplied one
#'   (default).
#' @param allow_null If `TRUE` then error isn't thrown if `x` is `NULL`, no
#'   matter what `predicate(x)` returns.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to `predicate`.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' x <- 1
#' check_type(x, is.numeric)
#' check_type(x, is.logical)
#' check_type(x, rlang::is_string, "character of length 1")
#' check_type(
#'   x,
#'   ~ is.character(.) && (length(.) == 1),
#'   "character of length 1"
#' )
#' }
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
check_type <- function(x, predicate, type_name = NULL, x_name = NULL,
                        allow_null = FALSE, ..., call = caller_env()) {
  if (is.null(x_name)) {
    x_name <- deparse(substitute(x))

  if (is.null(type_name)) {
    predicate_name <- deparse(rlang::enexpr(predicate))
    type_name <- parse_type(predicate_name)

  predicate <- rlang::as_function(predicate)

  is_pred_true <- (allow_null && is.null(x)) || isTRUE(predicate(x, ...))

  if (!is_pred_true) {
    # Not using "must be of type" because of 'tibble' and 'string' cases
       "`{x_name}` must be '{type_name}', not '{get_type(x)}'.",
       call = call


# This function is needed because `typeof()` on data frame returns "list"
get_type <- function(x) {
  if (is.data.frame(x)) {


parse_type <- function(f_name) {
  res <- regmatches(
    regexec("is[_\\.]([[:alnum:]_\\.]+)$", f_name)

  if (is.na(res)) {
    res <- f_name


check_is_distribution <- function(x, fn, call = caller_env()) {
  if (!any(inherits(x, "infer_dist") || is.data.frame(x))) {
      "The `x` argument to `{fn}()` must be an infer distribution, \\
       outputted by `assume()` or `calculate()`.",
      call = call
tidymodels/infer documentation built on Aug. 17, 2024, 7:05 a.m.