
Defines functions print.brulee_multinomial_reg get_num_multinomial_reg_coef multinomial_reg_fit_imp new_brulee_multinomial_reg brulee_multinomial_reg_bridge brulee_multinomial_reg.recipe brulee_multinomial_reg.formula brulee_multinomial_reg.matrix brulee_multinomial_reg.data.frame brulee_multinomial_reg.default brulee_multinomial_reg

Documented in brulee_multinomial_reg brulee_multinomial_reg.data.frame brulee_multinomial_reg.default brulee_multinomial_reg.formula brulee_multinomial_reg.matrix brulee_multinomial_reg.recipe

#' Fit a multinomial regression model
#' `brulee_multinomial_reg()` fits a model.
#' @param x Depending on the context:
#'   * A __data frame__ of predictors.
#'   * A __matrix__ of predictors.
#'   * A __recipe__ specifying a set of preprocessing steps
#'     created from [recipes::recipe()].
#'  The predictor data should be standardized (e.g. centered or scaled).
#' @param y When `x` is a __data frame__ or __matrix__, `y` is the outcome
#' specified as:
#'   * A __data frame__ with 1 factor column (with three or more levels).
#'   * A __matrix__ with 1 factor column (with three or more levels).
#'   * A factor __vector__ (with three or more levels).
#' @param data When a __recipe__ or __formula__ is used, `data` is specified as:
#'   * A __data frame__ containing both the predictors and the outcome.
#' @inheritParams brulee_mlp
#' @param optimizer The method used in the optimization procedure. Possible choices
#'   are 'LBFGS' and 'SGD'. Default is 'LBFGS'.
#' @param learn_rate A positive number that controls the rapidity that the model
#' moves along the descent path. Values around 0.1 or less are typical.
#' (`optimizer = "SGD"` only)
#' @param momentum A positive number usually on `[0.50, 0.99]` for the momentum
#' parameter in gradient descent.  (`optimizer = "SGD"` only)
#' @details
#' This function fits a linear combination of coefficients and predictors to
#' model the log of the class probabilities. The training process optimizes the
#' cross-entropy loss function.
#' By default, training halts when the validation loss increases for at least
#' `step_iter` iterations. If `validation = 0` the training set loss is used.
#' The _predictors_ data should all be numeric and encoded in the same units (e.g.
#' standardized to the same range or distribution). If there are factor
#' predictors, use a recipe or formula to create indicator variables (or some
#' other method) to make them numeric. Predictors should be in the same units
#' before training.
#' The model objects are saved for each epoch so that the number of epochs can
#' be efficiently tuned. Both the [coef()] and [predict()] methods for this
#' model have an `epoch` argument (which defaults to the epoch with the best
#' loss value).
#' The use of the L1 penalty (a.k.a. the lasso penalty) does _not_ force
#' parameters to be strictly zero (as it does in packages such as \pkg{glmnet}).
#' The zeroing out of parameters is a specific feature the optimization method
#' used in those packages.
#' @seealso [predict.brulee_multinomial_reg()], [coef.brulee_multinomial_reg()],
#' [autoplot.brulee_multinomial_reg()]
#' @return
#' A `brulee_multinomial_reg` object with elements:
#'  * `models_obj`: a serialized raw vector for the torch module.
#'  * `estimates`: a list of matrices with the model parameter estimates per
#'                 epoch.
#'  * `best_epoch`: an integer for the epoch with the smallest loss.
#'  * `loss`: A vector of loss values (MSE for regression, negative log-
#'            likelihood for classification) at each epoch.
#'  * `dim`: A list of data dimensions.
#'  * `parameters`: A list of some tuning parameter values.
#'  * `blueprint`: The `hardhat` blueprint data.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if (torch::torch_is_installed()) {
#'   library(recipes)
#'   library(yardstick)
#'   data(penguins, package = "modeldata")
#'   penguins <- penguins %>% na.omit()
#'   set.seed(122)
#'   in_train <- sample(1:nrow(penguins), 200)
#'   penguins_train <- penguins[ in_train,]
#'   penguins_test  <- penguins[-in_train,]
#'   rec <- recipe(island ~ ., data = penguins_train) %>%
#'     step_dummy(species, sex) %>%
#'     step_normalize(all_predictors())
#'   set.seed(3)
#'   fit <- brulee_multinomial_reg(rec, data = penguins_train, epochs = 5)
#'   fit
#'   predict(fit, penguins_test) %>%
#'     bind_cols(penguins_test) %>%
#'     conf_mat(island, .pred_class)
#' }
#' }
#' @export
brulee_multinomial_reg <- function(x, ...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname brulee_multinomial_reg
brulee_multinomial_reg.default <- function(x, ...) {
  stop("`brulee_multinomial_reg()` is not defined for a '", class(x)[1], "'.", call. = FALSE)

# XY method - data frame

#' @export
#' @rdname brulee_multinomial_reg
brulee_multinomial_reg.data.frame <-
           epochs = 20L,
           penalty = 0.001,
           mixture = 0,
           validation = 0.1,
           optimizer = "LBFGS",
           learn_rate = 1.0,
           momentum = 0.0,
           batch_size = NULL,
           class_weights = NULL,
           stop_iter = 5,
           verbose = FALSE,
           ...) {
    processed <- hardhat::mold(x, y)

      epochs = epochs,
      optimizer = optimizer,
      learn_rate = learn_rate,
      penalty = penalty,
      mixture = mixture,
      validation = validation,
      momentum = momentum,
      batch_size = batch_size,
      class_weights = class_weights,
      stop_iter = stop_iter,
      verbose = verbose,

# XY method - matrix

#' @export
#' @rdname brulee_multinomial_reg
brulee_multinomial_reg.matrix <- function(x,
                                          epochs = 20L,
                                          penalty = 0.001,
                                          mixture = 0,
                                          validation = 0.1,
                                          optimizer = "LBFGS",
                                          learn_rate = 1,
                                          momentum = 0.0,
                                          batch_size = NULL,
                                          class_weights = NULL,
                                          stop_iter = 5,
                                          verbose = FALSE,
                                          ...) {
  processed <- hardhat::mold(x, y)

    epochs = epochs,
    optimizer = optimizer,
    learn_rate = learn_rate,
    momentum = momentum,
    penalty = penalty,
    mixture = mixture,
    validation = validation,
    batch_size = batch_size,
    class_weights = class_weights,
    stop_iter = stop_iter,
    verbose = verbose,

# Formula method

#' @export
#' @rdname brulee_multinomial_reg
brulee_multinomial_reg.formula <-
           epochs = 20L,
           penalty = 0.001,
           mixture = 0,
           validation = 0.1,
           optimizer = "LBFGS",
           learn_rate = 1,
           momentum = 0.0,
           batch_size = NULL,
           class_weights = NULL,
           stop_iter = 5,
           verbose = FALSE,
           ...) {
    processed <- hardhat::mold(formula, data)

      epochs = epochs,
      optimizer = optimizer,
      learn_rate = learn_rate,
      momentum = momentum,
      penalty = penalty,
      mixture = mixture,
      validation = validation,
      batch_size = batch_size,
      class_weights = class_weights,
      stop_iter = stop_iter,
      verbose = verbose,

# Recipe method

#' @export
#' @rdname brulee_multinomial_reg
brulee_multinomial_reg.recipe <-
           epochs = 20L,
           penalty = 0.001,
           mixture = 0,
           validation = 0.1,
           optimizer = "LBFGS",
           learn_rate = 1,
           momentum = 0.0,
           batch_size = NULL,
           class_weights = NULL,
           stop_iter = 5,
           verbose = FALSE,
           ...) {
    processed <- hardhat::mold(x, data)

      epochs = epochs,
      optimizer = optimizer,
      learn_rate = learn_rate,
      momentum = momentum,
      penalty = penalty,
      mixture = mixture,
      validation = validation,
      batch_size = batch_size,
      class_weights = class_weights,
      stop_iter = stop_iter,
      verbose = verbose,

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bridge

brulee_multinomial_reg_bridge <- function(processed, epochs, optimizer,
                                          learn_rate, momentum, penalty, mixture,
                                          validation, batch_size, stop_iter, verbose, ...) {
  if(!torch::torch_is_installed()) {
    cli::cli_abort("The torch backend has not been installed; use `torch::install_torch()`.")

  f_nm <- "brulee_multinomial_reg"
  # check values of various argument values
  if (is.numeric(epochs) & !is.integer(epochs)) {
    epochs <- as.integer(epochs)
  check_integer(epochs, single = TRUE, 1, fn = f_nm)
  if (!is.null(batch_size)) {
    if (is.numeric(batch_size) & !is.integer(batch_size)) {
      batch_size <- as.integer(batch_size)
    check_integer(batch_size, single = TRUE, 1, fn = f_nm)
  check_double(penalty, single = TRUE, 0, incl = c(TRUE, TRUE), fn = f_nm)
  check_double(mixture, single = TRUE, 0, 1, incl = c(TRUE, TRUE), fn = f_nm)
  check_double(validation, single = TRUE, 0, 1, incl = c(TRUE, FALSE), fn = f_nm)
  check_double(momentum, single = TRUE, 0, 1, incl = c(TRUE, TRUE), fn = f_nm)
  check_double(learn_rate, single = TRUE, 0, incl = c(FALSE, TRUE), fn = f_nm)
  check_logical(verbose, single = TRUE, fn = f_nm)

  ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  predictors <- processed$predictors

  if (!is.matrix(predictors)) {
    predictors <- as.matrix(predictors)
    if (is.character(predictors)) {
          "There were some non-numeric columns in the predictors.",
          "Please use a formula or recipe to encode all of the predictors as numeric."
  check_double(penalty, single = TRUE, 0, incl = c(TRUE, TRUE), fn = f_nm)
  check_double(validation, single = TRUE, 0, 1, incl = c(TRUE, FALSE), fn = f_nm)
  check_double(momentum, single = TRUE, 0, 1, incl = c(TRUE, TRUE), fn = f_nm)
  check_double(learn_rate, single = TRUE, 0, incl = c(FALSE, TRUE), fn = f_nm)
  check_logical(verbose, single = TRUE, fn = f_nm)

  ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  outcome <- processed$outcomes[[1]]
  if (length(levels(outcome)) < 3) {
    cli::cli_abort("multinomial regression is for outcomes with 3+ classes.")

  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  lvls <- levels(outcome)
  xtab <- table(outcome)
  class_weights <- check_class_weights(class_weights, lvls, xtab, f_nm)

  ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  fit <-
      x = predictors,
      y = outcome,
      epochs = epochs,
      optimizer = optimizer,
      learn_rate = learn_rate,
      momentum = momentum,
      penalty = penalty,
      mixture = mixture,
      validation = validation,
      batch_size = batch_size,
      class_weights = class_weights,
      stop_iter = stop_iter,
      verbose = verbose

    model_obj = fit$model_obj,
    estimates = fit$estimates,
    best_epoch = fit$best_epoch,
    loss = fit$loss,
    dims = fit$dims,
    y_stats = fit$y_stats,
    parameters = fit$parameters,
    blueprint = processed$blueprint

new_brulee_multinomial_reg <- function( model_obj, estimates, best_epoch, loss,
                                        dims, y_stats, parameters, blueprint) {
  if (!inherits(model_obj, "raw")) {
    cli::cli_abort("'model_obj' should be a raw vector.")
  if (!is.list(estimates)) {
    cli::cli_abort("'parameters' should be a list")
  if (!is.vector(loss) || !is.numeric(loss)) {
    cli::cli_abort("'loss' should be a numeric vector")
  if (!is.list(dims)) {
    cli::cli_abort("'dims' should be a list")
  if (!is.list(parameters)) {
    cli::cli_abort("'parameters' should be a list")
  if (!inherits(blueprint, "hardhat_blueprint")) {
    cli::cli_abort("'blueprint' should be a hardhat blueprint")
  hardhat::new_model(model_obj = model_obj,
                     estimates = estimates,
                     best_epoch = best_epoch,
                     loss = loss,
                     dims = dims,
                     y_stats = y_stats,
                     parameters = parameters,
                     blueprint = blueprint,
                     class = "brulee_multinomial_reg")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Fit code

multinomial_reg_fit_imp <-
  function(x, y,
           epochs = 20L,
           batch_size = 32,
           penalty = 0.001,
           mixture = 0,
           validation = 0.1,
           optimizer = "LBFGS",
           learn_rate = 1,
           momentum = 0.0,
           class_weights = NULL,
           stop_iter = 5,
           verbose = FALSE,
           ...) {

    torch::torch_manual_seed(sample.int(10^5, 1))

    ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # General data checks:

    check_data_att(x, y)

    # Check missing values
    compl_data <- check_missing_data(x, y, "brulee_multinomial_reg", verbose)
    x <- compl_data$x
    y <- compl_data$y
    n <- length(y)
    p <- ncol(x)

    lvls <- levels(y)
    y_dim <- length(lvls)
    # the model will output softmax values.
    # so we need to use negative likelihood loss and
    # pass the log of softmax.
    loss_fn <- function(input, target, wts = NULL) {
        weight = wts,
        input = torch::torch_log(input),
        target = target

    if (validation > 0) {
      in_val <- sample(seq_along(y), floor(n * validation))
      x_val <- x[in_val,, drop = FALSE]
      y_val <- y[in_val]
      x <- x[-in_val,, drop = FALSE]
      y <- y[-in_val]
    y_stats <- list(mean = NA_real_, sd = NA_real_)
    loss_label <- "\tLoss:"

    if (optimizer == "LBFGS" & !is.null(batch_size)) {
     cli::cli_warn("'batch_size' is only used for the SGD optimizer.")
     batch_size <- NULL
    if (is.null(batch_size)) {
      batch_size <- nrow(x)
    } else {
      batch_size <- min(batch_size, nrow(x))

    ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Convert to index sampler and data loader
    ds <- brulee::matrix_to_dataset(x, y)
    dl <- torch::dataloader(ds, batch_size = batch_size)

    if (validation > 0) {
      ds_val <- brulee::matrix_to_dataset(x_val, y_val)
      dl_val <- torch::dataloader(ds_val)

    ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Initialize model and optimizer
    model <- multinomial_module(ncol(x), y_dim)
    loss_fn <- make_penalized_loss(loss_fn, model, penalty, mixture)
    optimizer_obj <- set_optimizer(optimizer, model, learn_rate, momentum)

    ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    loss_prev <- 10^38
    loss_min <- loss_prev
    poor_epoch <- 0
    best_epoch <- 1
    loss_vec <- rep(NA_real_, epochs)
    if (verbose) {
      epoch_chr <- format(1:epochs)

    ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    param_per_epoch <- list()

    # Optimize parameters
    for (epoch in 1:epochs) {

      # training loop
        for (batch in dl) {
          cl <- function() {
            pred <- model(batch$x)
            loss <- loss_fn(pred, batch$y, class_weights)

      # calculate loss on the full datasets
      if (validation > 0) {
        pred <- model(dl_val$dataset$tensors$x)
        loss <- loss_fn(pred, dl_val$dataset$tensors$y, class_weights)
      } else {
        pred <- model(dl$dataset$tensors$x)
        loss <- loss_fn(pred, dl$dataset$tensors$y, class_weights)

      # calculate losses
      loss_curr <- loss$item()
      loss_vec[epoch] <- loss_curr

      if (is.nan(loss_curr)) {
        cli::cli_warn("Current loss in NaN. Training wil be stopped.")

      if (loss_curr >= loss_min) {
        poor_epoch <- poor_epoch + 1
        loss_note <- paste0(" ", cli::symbol$cross, " ")
      } else {
        loss_min <- loss_curr
        loss_note <- NULL
        poor_epoch <- 0
        best_epoch <- epoch
      loss_prev <- loss_curr

      # persists models and coefficients
      param_per_epoch[[epoch]] <-
        lapply(model$state_dict(), function(x) torch::as_array(x$cpu()))

      if (verbose) {
        msg <- paste("epoch:", epoch_chr[epoch], loss_label,
                     signif(loss_curr, 3), loss_note)


      if (poor_epoch == stop_iter) {


    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    class_weights <- as.numeric(class_weights)
    names(class_weights) <- lvls

    ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

      model_obj = model_to_raw(model),
      estimates = param_per_epoch,
      loss = loss_vec[1:length(param_per_epoch)],
      best_epoch = best_epoch,
      dims = list(p = p, n = n, h = 0, y = y_dim, levels = lvls, features = colnames(x)),
      y_stats = y_stats,
      parameters = list(learn_rate = learn_rate,
                        penalty = penalty,
                        mixture = mixture,
                        validation = validation,
                        class_weights = class_weights,
                        batch_size = batch_size, momentum = momentum)

multinomial_module <-
    initialize = function(num_pred, num_classes) {
      self$fc1 <- torch::nn_linear(num_pred, num_classes)
      self$transform <- torch::nn_softmax(dim = 2)
    forward = function(x) {
      x %>%
        self$fc1() %>%

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

get_num_multinomial_reg_coef <- function(x) {
  model <- x$estimates[[1]]
  param <- vapply(model, function(.x) prod(dim(.x)), double(1))

#' @export
print.brulee_multinomial_reg <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("Multinomial regression\n\n")
tidymodels/lantern documentation built on Feb. 28, 2024, 12:59 a.m.