
Defines functions is_cran_check check_for_newdata check_inherits check_case_weights stan_conf_int update_engine_parameters update_main_parameters check_final_param check_outcome new_model_spec update_dot_check names0 check_args.default check_args show_fit levels_from_formula convert_arg show_call prompt_missing_implementation is_printable_spec spec_is_loaded spec_is_possible mode_filter_condition engine_filter_condition is_missing_arg check_empty_ellipse make_classes

Documented in check_args check_empty_ellipse check_final_param make_classes new_model_spec prompt_missing_implementation show_call show_fit spec_is_loaded spec_is_possible stan_conf_int update_dot_check update_engine_parameters update_main_parameters

#' Prepend a new class
#' This adds an extra class to a base class of "model_spec".
#' @param prefix A character string for a class.
#' @return A character vector.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
make_classes <- function(prefix) {
  c(prefix, "model_spec")

#' Check to ensure that ellipses are empty
#' @param ... Extra arguments.
#' @return If an error is not thrown (from non-empty ellipses), a NULL list.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
check_empty_ellipse <- function(...) {
  terms <- quos(...)
  if (!is_empty(terms)) {
      "Please pass other arguments to the model function via {.fun set_engine}."

is_missing_arg <- function(x) {
  identical(x, quote(missing_arg()))

# if the user specified an engine and the model object reflects that in
# the `user_specified_engine` slot, filter the model info down to
# those that the user specified. if not, don't filter the model info at all.
# note that, model objects generated pre parsnip 1.0.2, or from extensions
# that don't implement the `user_specified_engine` slot, will not trigger
# these checks.
engine_filter_condition <- function(engine, user_specified_engine, data) {
  # use !isTRUE so that result is TRUE if is.null(user_specified_engine)
  if (!isTRUE(user_specified_engine) || is.null(engine))  {

  data$engine == engine

# analogous helper for modes to `engine_filter_condition()`
mode_filter_condition <- function(mode, user_specified_mode, data) {
  # use !isTRUE so that result is TRUE if is.null(user_specified_mode)
  if (!isTRUE(user_specified_mode) || is.null(mode))  {

  data$mode == mode

#' Model Specification Checking:
#' The helpers `spec_is_possible()`, `spec_is_loaded()`, and
#' `prompt_missing_implementation()` provide tooling for checking
#' model specifications. In addition to the `spec`, `engine`, and `mode`
#' arguments, the functions take arguments `user_specified_engine` and
#' `user_specified_mode`, denoting whether the user themselves has
#' specified the engine or mode, respectively.
#' `spec_is_possible()` checks against the union of
#' * the current parsnip model environment and
#' * the `model_info_table` of "pre-registered" model specifications
#' to determine whether a model is well-specified. See
#' `parsnip:::model_info_table` for this table.
#' `spec_is_loaded()` checks only against the current parsnip model environment.
#' `spec_is_possible()` is executed automatically on `new_model_spec()`,
#' `set_mode()`, and `set_engine()`, and `spec_is_loaded()` is executed
#' automatically in `print.model_spec()`, among other places. `spec_is_possible()`
#' should be used when a model specification is still "in progress" of being
#' specified, while `spec_is_loaded` should only be called when parsnip or an
#' extension receives some indication that the user is "done" specifying a model
#' specification: at print, fit, addition to a workflow, or `extract_*()`, for
#' example.
#' When `spec_is_loaded()` is `FALSE`, the `prompt_missing_implementation()`
#' helper will construct an informative message to prompt users to load or
#' install needed packages. It's `prompt` argument refers to the prompting
#' function to use, usually [cli::cli_inform] or [cli::cli_abort], and the
#' ellipses are passed to that function.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname extension-check-helpers
spec_is_possible <- function(spec,
                             engine = spec$engine,
                             user_specified_engine = spec$user_specified_engine,
                             mode = spec$mode,
                             user_specified_mode = spec$user_specified_mode) {
  cls <- class(spec)[[1]]

  model_env <- rlang::env_get(get_model_env(), cls)
  model_env_matches <- model_env
  model_env_matches$model <- cls
  model_info_table_matches <-
                     model_info_table$model == cls)

  if (isTRUE(user_specified_engine) && !is.null(engine)) {
    model_env_matches <-
                       model_env_matches$engine == engine)

    model_info_table_matches <-
                       model_info_table_matches$engine == engine)

  if (isTRUE(user_specified_mode) && !is.null(mode)) {
    model_env_matches <-
                       model_env_matches$mode == mode)

    model_info_table_matches <-
                       model_info_table_matches$mode == mode)

  if (vctrs::vec_size(model_env_matches) > 0 ||
      vctrs::vec_size(model_info_table_matches) > 0) {


# see ?add_on_exports for more information on usage
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname extension-check-helpers
spec_is_loaded <- function(spec,
                           engine = spec$engine,
                           user_specified_engine = spec$user_specified_engine,
                           mode = spec$mode,
                           user_specified_mode = spec$user_specified_mode) {
  cls <- class(spec)[[1]]

  avail <- get_from_env(cls)

  if (is.null(avail)) {

  engine_condition <- engine_filter_condition(engine, user_specified_engine, avail)
  mode_condition <- mode_filter_condition(mode, user_specified_mode, avail)

  avail <- avail %>%
    vctrs::vec_slice(mode_condition & engine_condition)

  if (nrow(avail) > 0) {


is_printable_spec <- function(x) {
  !is.null(x$method$fit$args) &&

# construct a message informing the user that there are no
# implementations for the current model spec / mode / engine.
# if there's a "pre-registered" extension supporting that setup,
# nudge the user to install/load it.
# see ?add_on_exports for more information on usage
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname extension-check-helpers
prompt_missing_implementation <- function(spec,
                                          engine = spec$engine,
                                          user_specified_engine = spec$user_specified_engine,
                                          mode = spec$mode,
                                          user_specified_mode = spec$user_specified_mode,
                                          prompt, ...) {
  cls <- class(spec)[[1]]

  avail <- get_from_env(cls)

  engine_condition <- engine_filter_condition(engine, user_specified_engine, avail)
  mode_condition <- mode_filter_condition(mode, user_specified_mode, avail)

  if (!is.null(avail)) {
    avail <- vctrs::vec_slice(avail, mode_condition & engine_condition)

  engine_condition_all <- engine_filter_condition(engine, user_specified_engine, model_info_table)
  mode_condition_all <- mode_filter_condition(mode, user_specified_mode, model_info_table)

  all <-
      model_info_table$model == cls &
        mode_condition_all &
        engine_condition_all &

  all <- all[setdiff(names(all), "model")]

  if (!isTRUE(user_specified_mode)) {mode <- ""}

  msg <- c(
    "!" = "{.pkg parsnip} could not locate an implementation for `{cls}` {mode} \\
           model specifications{if (isTRUE(user_specified_engine)) {
           paste0(' using the `', engine, '` engine')} else {''}}."

  if (nrow(avail) == 0 && nrow(all) > 0) {
    pkgs <- unique(all$pkg)

    msg <-
        "i" = paste0("{cli::qty(pkgs)}The parsnip extension package{?s} {.pkg {pkgs}}",
                     " implemen{?ts/t} support for this specification."),
        "i" = "Please install (if needed) and load to continue."

  prompt(c(msg, ""), ...)

#' Print the model call
#' @param object A "model_spec" object.
#' @return A character string.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
show_call <- function(object) {
  object$method$fit$args <-
    map(object$method$fit$args, convert_arg)

    .ns = object$method$fit$func["pkg"]

convert_arg <- function(x) {
  if (is_quosure(x)) {
  } else {

levels_from_formula <- function(f, dat) {
  if (inherits(dat, "tbl_spark")) {
    res <- NULL
  } else {
    res <- levels(eval_tidy(rlang::f_lhs(f), dat))

#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname add_on_exports
show_fit <- function(model, eng) {
  mod <- translate(x = model, engine = eng)
  fit_call <- show_call(mod)
  call_text <- deparse(fit_call)
  call_text <- paste0(call_text, collapse = "\n")

# Check non-translated core arguments
# Each model has its own definition of this
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname add_on_exports
check_args <- function(object, call = rlang::caller_env()) {

#' @export
check_args.default <- function(object, call = rlang::caller_env()) {

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# copied form recipes

names0 <- function(num, prefix = "x", call = rlang::caller_env()) {
  if (num < 1) {
    cli::cli_abort("{.arg num} should be > 0.", call = call)
  ind <- format(seq_len(num))
  ind <- gsub(" ", "0", ind)
  paste0(prefix, ind)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname add_on_exports
update_dot_check <- function(...) {
  dots <- enquos(...)

  if (length(dots) > 0) {
    cli::cli_abort("The extra argument{?s} {.arg {names(dots)}} will be ignored.")


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname add_on_exports
new_model_spec <- function(cls, args, eng_args, mode, user_specified_mode = TRUE,
                           method, engine, user_specified_engine = TRUE) {
  # determine if the model specification could feasibly match any entry
  # in the union of the parsnip model environment and model_info_table.
  # if not, trigger an error based on the (possibly inferred) model spec slots.
  out <- list(
    args = args, eng_args = eng_args,
    mode = mode, user_specified_mode = user_specified_mode, method = method,
    engine = engine, user_specified_engine = user_specified_engine
  class(out) <- make_classes(cls)

  if (!spec_is_possible(spec = out)) {
    check_spec_mode_engine_val(cls, engine, mode, call = caller_env())


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

check_outcome <- function(y, spec) {
  if (spec$mode == "unknown") {

  has_no_outcome <- if (is.atomic(y)) {is.null(y)} else {length(y) == 0}
  if (isTRUE(has_no_outcome)) {
      c("!" = "{.fun {class(spec)[1]}} was unable to find an outcome.",
        "i" = "Ensure that you have specified an outcome column and that it \\
               hasn't been removed in pre-processing."),
      call = NULL

  if (spec$mode == "regression") {
    outcome_is_numeric <- if (is.atomic(y)) {is.numeric(y)} else {all(map_lgl(y, is.numeric))}
    if (!outcome_is_numeric) {
      cls <- class(y)[[1]]
        "For a regression model, the outcome should be `numeric`, ",
        "not a `", cls, "`."

  if (spec$mode == "classification") {
    outcome_is_factor <- if (is.atomic(y)) {is.factor(y)} else {all(map_lgl(y, is.factor))}
    if (!outcome_is_factor) {
      cls <- class(y)[[1]]
        "For a classification model, the outcome should be a `factor`, ",
        "not a `", cls, "`."

    if (inherits(spec, "logistic_reg") && is.atomic(y) && length(levels(y)) > 2) {
      # warn rather than error since some engines handle this case by binning
      # all but the first level as the non-event, so this may be intended
        "!" = "Logistic regression is intended for modeling binary outcomes, \\
               but there are {length(levels(y))} levels in the outcome.",
        "i" = "If this is unintended, adjust outcome levels accordingly or \\
               see the {.fn multinom_reg} function."

  if (spec$mode == "censored regression") {
    outcome_is_surv <- inherits(y, "Surv")
    if (!outcome_is_surv) {
      cls <- class(y)[[1]]
        "For a censored regression model, the outcome should be a `Surv` object, ",
        "not a `", cls, "`."


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname add_on_exports
check_final_param <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(x)) {
  if (!is.list(x) & !tibble::is_tibble(x)) {
    cli::cli_abort("The parameter object should be a list or tibble.")
  if (tibble::is_tibble(x) && nrow(x) > 1) {
    cli::cli_abort("The parameter tibble should have a single row.")
  if (tibble::is_tibble(x)) {
    x <- as.list(x)
  if (length(names) == 0 || any(names(x) == "")) {
    cli::cli_abort("All values in {.arg parameters} should have a name.")


#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname add_on_exports
update_main_parameters <- function(args, param) {
  if (length(param) == 0) {
  if (length(args) == 0) {

  # In case an engine argument is included:
  has_extra_args <- !(names(param) %in% names(args))
  extra_args <- names(param)[has_extra_args]
  if (any(has_extra_args)) {
      "Argument{?s} {.arg {extra_args}} {?is/are} not a main argument."
  param <- param[!has_extra_args]

  args <- utils::modifyList(args, param)

#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname add_on_exports
update_engine_parameters <- function(eng_args, fresh, ...) {
  dots <- enquos(...)

  ## only update from dots when there are eng args in original model spec
  if (is_null(eng_args) || (fresh && length(dots) == 0)) {
    ret <- NULL
  } else {
    ret <- utils::modifyList(eng_args, dots)

  has_extra_dots <- !(names(dots) %in% names(eng_args))
  dots <- dots[has_extra_dots]


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Since stan changed the function interface
#' Wrapper for stan confidence intervals
#' @param object A stan model fit
#' @param newdata A data set.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
stan_conf_int <- function(object, newdata) {
  check_installs(list(method = list(libs = "rstanarm")))
  if (utils::packageVersion("rstanarm") >= "2.21.1") {
    fn <- rlang::call2("posterior_epred",
      .ns = "rstanarm",
      object = expr(object),
      newdata = expr(newdata),
      seed = expr(sample.int(10^5, 1))
  } else {
    fn <- rlang::call2("posterior_linpred",
      .ns = "rstanarm",
      object = expr(object),
      newdata = expr(newdata),
      transform = TRUE,
      seed = expr(sample.int(10^5, 1))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

check_case_weights <- function(x, spec, call = rlang::caller_env()) {
  if (is.null(x) | spec$engine == "spark") {
  if (!hardhat::is_case_weights(x)) {
      "{.arg case_weights} should be a single numeric vector of
       class {.cls hardhat_case_weights}.",
      call = call
  allowed <- case_weights_allowed(spec)
  if (!allowed) {
      "Case weights are not enabled by the underlying model implementation.",
      call = call

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

check_inherits <- function(x, cls, arg = caller_arg(x), call = caller_env()) {
  if (is.null(x)) {

  if (!inherits(x, cls)) {
      "{.arg {arg}} should be a {.cls {cls}}, not {.obj_type_friendly {x}}.",
      call = call

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check_for_newdata <- function(..., call = rlang::caller_env()) {
  if (any(names(list(...)) == "newdata")) {
      "Please use {.arg new_data} instead of {.arg newdata}.",
      call = call

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# driven by https://github.com/Rdatatable/data.table/issues/5658
# nocov start
# adapted from ps:::is_cran_check()
is_cran_check <- function() {
  if (identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true")) {
  else {
    Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_PACKAGE_NAME_", "") != ""
# nocov end
tidymodels/parsnip documentation built on Sept. 14, 2024, 8:56 p.m.