# ---
# repo: r-lib/rlang
# file: standalone-cli.R
# last-updated: 2023-10-06
# license: https://unlicense.org
# ---
# Provides a minimal shim API to format message elements consistently
# with cli in packages that can't depend on it. If available, cli is
# used to format the elements. Otherwise a fallback format is used.
# ## Changelog
# 2023-10-06:
# * Speedup in `.rlang_cli_compat()`.
# 2022-09-23:
# * `format_` functions now use `cli::format_inline()` instead of
# `cli::format_message()`, resulting in simpler ANSI codes.
# * Added `format_run()` and `format_href()`.
# 2022-08-16:
# * Added `has_ansi()`. This checks that cli is installed and that
# `cli::num_ansi_colors()` is greater than 1.
# * `col_` and `style_` functions now consistently return bare strings.
# 2022-05-23:
# * Added compat for `style_hyperlink()`.
# 2022-02-23:
# * Bullet formatting now ignores unknown bullet names, consistently
# with cli. This increases resiliency against hard-to-detect errors
# and improves forward compatibility.
# 2022-02-22:
# * `format_error()` and variants now call cli even when ANSI colours
# are disabled.
# * The fallback formatting for `.emph` and `.strong` no longer
# surrounds in `_` or `*` characters. This is consistent with cli
# formatting.
# 2021-07-06:
# * Added missing `col_`, `bg_`, and `style_` functions.
# 2021-05-18:
# * Added `symbol_` and corresponding `ansi_` functions to create
# unicode symbols if possible. The `ansi_` variants apply default
# colours to these symbols if possible.
# * Added `style_` functions to apply ANSI styling (colours, slant, weight).
# * Added `format_error()` and variants to format messages with
# cli (including bullets).
# * Added `cli_escape()` to escape glue and cli syntax.
# * `mark_` functions now produce `{.cli input}` tags to be formatted
# with one of the message formatter (such as `format_error()`). They
# all have a `format_` variant that formats eagerly. Eager
# formatting is easier to work with but might produce incorrect
# styling in very specific cases involving sophisticated cli themes.
# 2021-05-11:
# * Initial version.
# nocov start
#' Create unicode symbols
#' The `symbol_` functions generate Unicode symbols if cli is
#' installed and Unicode is enabled. The corresponding `ansi_`
#' functions apply default ANSI colours to these symbols if possible.
#' @noRd
symbol_info <- function() if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) cli::symbol$info else "i"
symbol_cross <- function() if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) cli::symbol$cross else "x"
symbol_tick <- function() if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) cli::symbol$tick else "v"
symbol_bullet <- function() if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) cli::symbol$bullet else "*"
symbol_arrow <- function() if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) cli::symbol$arrow_right else ">"
symbol_alert <- function() "!"
ansi_info <- function() col_blue(symbol_info())
ansi_cross <- function() col_red(symbol_cross())
ansi_tick <- function() col_green(symbol_tick())
ansi_bullet <- function() col_cyan(symbol_bullet())
ansi_arrow <- function() symbol_arrow()
ansi_alert <- function() col_yellow(symbol_alert())
#' Apply ANSI styling
#' The `col_`, `bg_`, and `style_` functions style their inputs using
#' the relevant ANSI escapes if cli is installed and ANSI colours are
#' enabled.
#' @param x A string.
#' @noRd
col_black <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::col_black(x)) else x
col_blue <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::col_blue(x)) else x
col_cyan <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::col_cyan(x)) else x
col_green <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::col_green(x)) else x
col_magenta <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::col_magenta(x)) else x
col_red <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::col_red(x)) else x
col_white <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::col_white(x)) else x
col_yellow <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::col_yellow(x)) else x
col_grey <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::col_grey(x)) else x
col_silver <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::col_silver(x)) else x
col_none <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::col_none(x)) else x
bg_black <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::bg_black(x)) else x
bg_blue <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::bg_blue(x)) else x
bg_cyan <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::bg_cyan(x)) else x
bg_green <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::bg_green(x)) else x
bg_magenta <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::bg_magenta(x)) else x
bg_red <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::bg_red(x)) else x
bg_white <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::bg_white(x)) else x
bg_yellow <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::bg_yellow(x)) else x
bg_none <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::bg_none(x)) else x
style_dim <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::style_dim(x)) else x
style_blurred <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::style_blurred(x)) else x
style_bold <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::style_bold(x)) else x
<- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::(x)) else x
style_inverse <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::style_inverse(x)) else x
style_italic <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::style_italic(x)) else x
style_strikethrough <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::style_strikethrough(x)) else x
style_underline <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::style_underline(x)) else x
style_no_dim <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::style_no_dim(x)) else x
style_no_blurred <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::style_no_blurred(x)) else x
style_no_bold <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::style_no_bold(x)) else x
<- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::(x)) else x
style_no_inverse <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::style_no_inverse(x)) else x
style_no_italic <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::style_no_italic(x)) else x
style_no_strikethrough <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::style_no_strikethrough(x)) else x
style_no_underline <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::style_no_underline(x)) else x
style_reset <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::style_reset(x)) else x
style_no_colour <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::style_no_color(x)) else x
style_no_bg_colour <- function(x) if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) .rlang_cli_unstructure(cli::style_no_bg_color(x)) else x
style_hyperlink <- function(text, url, params = NULL) {
if (is.null(params)) {
if (.rlang_cli_has_cli(CLI_SUPPORT_HYPERLINK)) {
cli::style_hyperlink(text, url)
} else {
} else {
if (.rlang_cli_has_cli(CLI_SUPPORT_HYPERLINK_PARAMS)) {
cli::style_hyperlink(text, url, params = params)
} else {
#' Apply inline styling
#' @description
#' This set of `mark_` and `format_` functions create consistent
#' inline styling, using cli if available or an ASCII fallback style
#' otherwise.
#' * The `mark_` functions wrap the input with mark up tags when cli
#' is available. For instance, `"foo"` is transformed to `{.span
#' {\"foo\"}}`. These marked up strings must eventually be formatted
#' using a formatter such as `format_error()` to be styled
#' appropriately.
#' * The `format_` functions are easier to work with because they
#' format the style eagerly. However they produce slightly incorrect
#' style in corner cases because the formatting doesn't take into
#' account the message type. In principle, cli themes can create
#' different stylings depending on the message type.
#' @param x A string.
#' @noRd
mark_emph <- function(x) .rlang_cli_style_inline(x, "emph", "_%s_")
mark_strong <- function(x) .rlang_cli_style_inline(x, "strong", "*%s*")
mark_code <- function(x) .rlang_cli_style_inline(x, "code", "`%s`")
mark_q <- function(x) .rlang_cli_style_inline(x, "q", NULL)
mark_pkg <- function(x) .rlang_cli_style_inline(x, "pkg", NULL)
mark_fn <- function(x) .rlang_cli_style_inline(x, "fn", "`%s()`")
mark_arg <- function(x) .rlang_cli_style_inline(x, "arg", "`%s`")
mark_kbd <- function(x) .rlang_cli_style_inline(x, "kbd", "[%s]")
mark_key <- function(x) .rlang_cli_style_inline(x, "key", "[%s]")
mark_file <- function(x) .rlang_cli_style_inline(x, "file", NULL)
mark_path <- function(x) .rlang_cli_style_inline(x, "path", NULL)
mark_email <- function(x) .rlang_cli_style_inline(x, "email", NULL)
mark_url <- function(x) .rlang_cli_style_inline(x, "url", "<%s>")
mark_var <- function(x) .rlang_cli_style_inline(x, "var", "`%s`")
mark_envvar <- function(x) .rlang_cli_style_inline(x, "envvar", "`%s`")
mark_field <- function(x) .rlang_cli_style_inline(x, "field", NULL)
mark_cls <- function(x) {
fallback <- function(x) sprintf("<%s>", paste0(x, collapse = "/"))
.rlang_cli_style_inline(x, "cls", fallback)
format_emph <- function(x) .rlang_cli_format_inline(x, "emph", "%s")
format_strong <- function(x) .rlang_cli_format_inline(x, "strong", "%s")
format_code <- function(x) .rlang_cli_format_inline(x, "code", "`%s`")
format_q <- function(x) .rlang_cli_format_inline(x, "q", NULL)
format_pkg <- function(x) .rlang_cli_format_inline(x, "pkg", NULL)
format_fn <- function(x) .rlang_cli_format_inline(x, "fn", "`%s()`")
format_arg <- function(x) .rlang_cli_format_inline(x, "arg", "`%s`")
format_kbd <- function(x) .rlang_cli_format_inline(x, "kbd", "[%s]")
format_key <- function(x) .rlang_cli_format_inline(x, "key", "[%s]")
format_file <- function(x) .rlang_cli_format_inline(x, "file", NULL)
format_path <- function(x) .rlang_cli_format_inline(x, "path", NULL)
format_email <- function(x) .rlang_cli_format_inline(x, "email", NULL)
format_url <- function(x) .rlang_cli_format_inline(x, "url", "<%s>")
format_var <- function(x) .rlang_cli_format_inline(x, "var", "`%s`")
format_envvar <- function(x) .rlang_cli_format_inline(x, "envvar", "`%s`")
format_field <- function(x) .rlang_cli_format_inline(x, "field", NULL)
format_href <- function(x, target = NULL) .rlang_cli_format_inline_link(x, target, "href", "<%s>")
format_run <- function(x, target = NULL) .rlang_cli_format_inline_link(x, target, "run", "`%s`")
format_error_arg_highlight <- function(x, quote = TRUE) {
if (is_true(peek_option("rlang:::trace_test_highlight"))) {
return(paste0("<<ARG ", x, ">>"))
out <- if (quote) format_arg(x) else x
format_error_call_highlight <- function(x, quote = TRUE) {
if (is_true(peek_option("rlang:::trace_test_highlight"))) {
return(paste0("<<CALL ", x, ">>"))
out <- if (quote) format_code(x) else x
format_cls <- function(x) {
fallback <- function(x) sprintf("<%s>", paste0(x, collapse = "/"))
.rlang_cli_format_inline(x, "cls", fallback)
.rlang_cli_style_inline <- function(x, span, fallback = "`%s`") {
if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) {
paste0("{.", span, " {\"", encodeString(x), "\"}}")
} else if (is.null(fallback)) {
} else if (is.function(fallback)) {
} else {
sprintf(fallback, x)
.rlang_cli_format_inline <- function(x, span, fallback = "`%s`") {
if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) {
cli::format_inline(paste0("{.", span, " {x}}"))
} else {
.rlang_cli_style_inline(x, span, fallback = fallback)
.rlang_cli_format_inline_link <- function(x, target, span, fallback = "`%s`") {
if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) {
if (is_null(target)) {
cli::format_inline(paste0("{.", span, " {x}}"))
} else {
cli::format_inline(paste0("{.", span, " [{x}]({target})}"))
} else {
.rlang_cli_style_inline(x, span, fallback = fallback)
#' Format messages
#' @description
#' These format functions use cli if available to format condition
#' messages. This includes structural formatting:
#' - Styling as a function of the message type (error, warning,
#' message).
#' - Bullets formatting (info, alert, ...).
#' - Indented width wrapping.
#' This also applies inline formatting in combination with the
#' `style_` prefixed functions.
#' The input should not contain any `"{foo}"` glue syntax. If you are
#' assembling a message from multiple pieces, use `cli_escape()` on
#' user or external inputs that might contain curly braces.
#' @param x A character vector of lines. Names define bullet types.
#' @noRd
format_error <- function(x) {
.rlang_cli_format(x, cli::format_error)
#' @rdname format_error
#' @noRd
format_warning <- function(x) {
.rlang_cli_format(x, cli::format_warning)
#' @rdname format_error
#' @noRd
format_message <- function(x) {
.rlang_cli_format(x, cli::format_message)
.rlang_cli_format <- function(x, cli_format) {
if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) {
out <- cli_format(x, .envir = emptyenv())
.rlang_cli_str_restore(out, unname(x))
} else {
.rlang_cli_format_fallback <- function(x) {
if (!length(x)) {
nms <- names(x)
if (is_null(nms)) {
nms <- rep_len("", length(x))
abort <- .rlang_cli_compat("abort")
bullets <- local({
unicode_opt <- getOption("cli.condition_unicode_bullets")
if (identical(unicode_opt, FALSE)) {
old <- options(cli.unicode = FALSE)
# For consistency with `cli::format_error()` and for resiliency
# against hard-to-detect errors (see #1364), unknown names are
# silently ignored. This also makes it easier to add new bullet
# names in the future with forward-compatibility.
ifelse(nms == "i", ansi_info(),
ifelse(nms == "x", ansi_cross(),
ifelse(nms == "v", ansi_tick(),
ifelse(nms == "*", ansi_bullet(),
ifelse(nms == "!", ansi_alert(),
ifelse(nms == ">", ansi_arrow(),
ifelse(nms == "", "",
ifelse(nms == " ", " ",
bullets <-
ifelse(bullets == "", "", paste0(bullets, " "))
out <- paste0(bullets, x, collapse = "\n")
.rlang_cli_str_restore(out, unname(x))
.rlang_cli_str_restore <- function(x, to) {
out <- to
out <- out[1]
out[[1]] <- x
# Restore attributes only if unclassed. It is assumed the `[` and
# `[[` methods deal with attributes in case of classed objects.
# Preserving attributes matters for the assertthat package for
# instance.
if (!is.object(to)) {
attrib <- attributes(to)
attrib$names <- NULL
attrib$dim <- NULL
attrib$dimnames <- NULL
attrib <- c(attributes(out), attrib)
attributes(out) <- attrib
has_ansi <- function() {
.rlang_cli_has_cli() && cli::num_ansi_colors() > 1
.rlang_cli_has_cli <- local({
cache <- new.env()
function(version = "3.0.0") {
out <- cache[[version]]
if (is.null(out)) {
out <- cache[[version]] <<-
requireNamespace("cli", quietly = TRUE) &&
utils::packageVersion("cli") >= version
#' Escape cli and glue syntax
#' This doubles all `{` and `}` characters to prevent them from being
#' interpreted as syntax for glue interpolation or cli styling.
#' @param x A character vector.
#' @noRd
cli_escape <- function(x) {
if (.rlang_cli_has_cli()) {
gsub("\\}", "}}", gsub("\\{", "{{", x))
} else {
.rlang_cli_compat <- function(fn, try_rlang = TRUE) {
# Compats that behave the same independently of rlang's presence
out <- switch(
is_installed = return(function(pkg) requireNamespace(pkg, quietly = TRUE))
# Only use rlang if it is fully loaded (#1482)
if (try_rlang &&
requireNamespace("rlang", quietly = TRUE) &&
environmentIsLocked(asNamespace("rlang"))) {
is_interactive = return(rlang::is_interactive)
ns <- asNamespace("rlang")
# Make sure rlang knows about "x" and "i" bullets.
# Pull from namespace rather than via `utils::packageVersion()`
# to avoid slowdown (#1657)
if (ns[[".__NAMESPACE__."]][["spec"]][["version"]] >= "0.4.2") {
abort = return(rlang::abort),
warn = return((rlang::warn)),
inform = return(rlang::inform)
# Fall back to base compats
is_interactive_compat <- function() {
opt <- getOption("rlang_interactive")
if (!is.null(opt)) {
} else {
format_msg <- function(x) paste(x, collapse = "\n")
is_interactive = return(is_interactive_compat),
abort = return(function(msg) stop(format_msg(msg), call. = FALSE)),
warn = return(function(msg) warning(format_msg(msg), call. = FALSE)),
inform = return(function(msg) message(format_msg(msg)))
stop(sprintf("Internal error in rlang shims: Unknown function `%s()`.", fn))
.rlang_cli_unstructure <- function(x) {
attributes(x) <- NULL
# nocov end
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