test_that("exprs() without arguments creates an empty named list", {
expect_identical(exprs(), named_list())
test_that("exprs() captures arguments forwarded with `...`", {
wrapper <- function(...) exprs(...)
expect_identical(wrapper(a = 1, foo = bar), list(a = 1, foo = quote(bar)))
test_that("exprs() captures empty arguments", {
expect_identical(exprs(, , .ignore_empty = "none"), set_names(list(missing_arg(), missing_arg()), c("", "")))
test_that("dots are always named", {
expect_named(dots_list("foo"), "")
expect_named(exprs(foo, bar), c("", ""))
expect_named(dots_splice("foo", list("bar")), c("", ""))
test_that("dots can be spliced", {
spliced_dots <- dots_values(!!!list(letters))
expect_identical(spliced_dots, list(splice(list(letters))))
expect_identical(list2(!!!list(letters)), list(letters))
wrapper <- function(...) list2(...)
expect_identical(wrapper(!!!list(letters)), list(letters))
expect_identical(flatten(dots_values(!!! list(letters))), list(letters))
test_that("interpolation by value does not guard formulas", {
expect_identical(dots_values(~1), list(~1))
test_that("dots names can be unquoted", {
expect_identical(dots_values(!! paste0("foo", "bar") := 10), list(foobar = 10))
test_that("can take forced dots with `allowForced = FALSE`", {
fn <- function(...) {
expect_identical(fn(a = letters), pairlist(a = list(expr = letters, env = empty_env())))
test_that("captured dots are only named if names were supplied", {
fn <- function(...) captureDots()
expect_null(names(fn(1, 2)))
expect_identical(names(fn(a = 1, 2)), c("a", ""))
test_that("dots_values() handles forced dots", {
fn <- function(...) {
expect_identical(fn("foo"), list("foo"))
expect_identical(lapply(1:2, function(...) dots_values(...)), list(list(1L), list(2L)))
expect_identical(lapply(1:2, dots_values), list(list(1L), list(2L)))
test_that("empty arguments trigger meaningful error", {
expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, cnd_class = TRUE, {
list2(1, , 3)
dots_list(1, , 3)
test_that("cleans empty arguments", {
expect_identical(dots_list(1, ), named_list(1))
expect_identical(list2(1, ), list(1))
expect_identical(exprs(1, ), named_list(1))
expect_identical(dots_list(, 1, , .ignore_empty = "all"), named_list(1))
test_that("doesn't clean named empty argument arguments", {
expect_error(dots_list(1, a = ), "empty")
expect_identical(exprs(1, a = ), alist(1, a = ))
expect_identical(exprs(1, a = , b = , , .ignore_empty = "all"), alist(1, a = , b = ))
test_that("capturing dots by value only unquote-splices at top-level", {
expect_identical_(dots_list(!!! list(quote(!!! a))), named_list(quote(!!! a)))
expect_identical_(dots_list(!!! exprs(!!! 1:3)), named_list(1L, 2L, 3L))
test_that("can't unquote when capturing dots by value", {
expect_identical(dots_list(!!! list(!!! TRUE)), named_list(FALSE))
test_that("can splice NULL value", {
expect_identical(dots_list(!!! NULL), named_list())
expect_identical(dots_list(1, !!! NULL, 3), named_list(1, 3))
test_that("dots_splice() flattens lists", {
expect_identical(dots_splice(list("a", list("b"), "c"), "d", list("e")), named_list("a", list("b"), "c", "d", "e"))
expect_identical(dots_splice(list("a"), !!! list("b"), list("c"), "d"), named_list("a", "b", "c", "d"))
expect_identical(dots_splice(list("a"), splice(list("b")), list("c"), "d"), named_list("a", "b", "c", "d"))
test_that("dots_splice() doesn't squash S3 objects", {
s <- structure(list(v1 = 1, v2 = 2), class = "foo")
expect_identical(dots_splice(s, s), named_list(s, s))
test_that("dots_split() splits named and unnamed dots", {
dots <- dots_split(1, 2)
expect_identical(dots$named, list())
expect_identical(dots$unnamed, list(1, 2))
dots <- dots_split(a = 1, 2)
expect_identical(dots$named, list(a = 1))
expect_identical(dots$unnamed, list(2))
dots <- dots_split(a = 1, b = 2)
expect_identical(dots$named, list(a = 1, b = 2))
expect_identical(dots$unnamed, list())
test_that("dots_split() handles empty dots", {
dots <- dots_split()
expect_identical(dots$named, list())
expect_identical(dots$unnamed, list())
test_that("dots_split() fails if .n_unnamed doesn't match", {
expect_error(dots_split(1, 2, .n_unnamed = 1), "Expected 1 unnamed")
expect_error(dots_split(1, 2, .n_unnamed = 0:1), "Expected 0 or 1 unnamed")
dots <- dots_split(a = 1, 2, .n_unnamed = 1)
expect_identical(dots$named, list(a = 1))
expect_identical(dots$unnamed, list(2))
test_that("can splice NULL and atomic vectors", {
expect_identical(list2(!!!letters), as.list(letters))
expect_identical(list2(!!!NULL), list())
test_that("can unquote quosures in LHS", {
quo <- quo(foo)
expect_identical(list2(!!quo := NULL), list(foo = NULL))
expect_identical(exprs(!!quo := bar), exprs(foo = bar))
test_that("can preserve empty arguments", {
list3 <- function(...) unname(dots_list(..., .preserve_empty = TRUE))
expect_identical(list3(, ), list(missing_arg()))
expect_identical(list3(, , .ignore_empty = "none"), list(missing_arg(), missing_arg()))
expect_identical(list3(, , .ignore_empty = "all"), list())
test_that("forced symbolic objects are not evaluated", {
x <- list(quote(`_foo`))
expect_identical_(lapply(x, list2), list(x))
expect_identical_(list2(!!!x), x)
x <- unname(exprs(stop("tilt")))
expect_identical_(lapply(x, list2), list(x))
test_that("dots collectors do not warn by default with bare `<-` arguments", {
expect_no_warning(list2(a <- 1))
expect_no_warning(dots_list(a <- 1))
expect_no_warning(exprs(a <- 1))
expect_no_warning(quos(a <- 1))
myexprs <- function(...) enexprs(...)
myquos <- function(...) enexprs(...)
expect_no_warning(myexprs(a <- 1))
expect_no_warning(myquos(a <- 1))
test_that("dots collectors can elect to warn with bare `<-` arguments", {
expect_warning(dots_list(a <- 1, .check_assign = TRUE), "`<-` as argument")
myexprs <- function(...) enexprs(..., .check_assign = TRUE)
myquos <- function(...) enexprs(..., .check_assign = TRUE)
expect_warning(myexprs(TRUE, a <- 1), "`<-` as argument")
expect_warning(myquos(TRUE, a <- 1), "`<-` as argument")
test_that("dots collectors never warn for <- when option is set", {
local_options(rlang_dots_disable_assign_warning = TRUE)
expect_no_warning(list2(a <- 1))
myexprs <- function(...) enexprs(..., .check_assign = TRUE)
myquos <- function(...) enquos(..., .check_assign = TRUE)
expect_no_warning(myexprs(a <- 1))
expect_no_warning(myquos(a <- 1))
test_that("`.homonyms` is matched exactly", {
expect_error(dots_list(.homonyms = "k"), "must be one of")
test_that("`.homonyms = 'first'` matches first homonym", {
list_first <- function(...) {
dots_list(..., .homonyms = "first")
out <- list_first(1, 2)
expect_identical(out, named_list(1, 2))
out <- list_first(a = 1, b = 2, 3, 4)
expect_identical(out, list(a = 1, b = 2, 3, 4))
out <- list_first(a = 1, b = 2, a = 3, a = 4, 5, 6)
expect_identical(out, list(a = 1, b = 2, 5, 6))
test_that("`.homonyms = 'last'` matches last homonym", {
list_last <- function(...) {
dots_list(..., .homonyms = "last")
out <- list_last(1, 2)
expect_identical(out, named_list(1, 2))
out <- list_last(a = 1, b = 2, 3, 4)
expect_identical(out, list(a = 1, b = 2, 3, 4))
out <- list_last(a = 1, b = 2, a = 3, a = 4, 5, 6)
expect_identical(out, list(b = 2, a = 4, 5, 6))
test_that("`.homonyms` = 'error' fails with homonyms", {
list_error <- function(...) {
dots_list(..., .homonyms = "error")
expect_identical(list_error(1, 2), named_list(1, 2))
expect_identical(list_error(a = 1, b = 2), list(a = 1, b = 2))
(expect_error(list_error(1, a = 2, a = 3)))
(expect_error(list_error(1, a = 2, b = 3, 4, b = 5, b = 6, 7, a = 8)))
(expect_error(list_error(1, a = 2, b = 3, 4, b = 5, b = 6, 7, a = 8)))
test_that("`.homonyms` works with spliced arguments", {
args <- list(a = 1, b = 2, a = 3, a = 4, 5, 6)
expect_identical(dots_list(!!!args, .homonyms = "first"), list(a = 1, b = 2, 5, 6))
myexprs <- function(...) enexprs(..., .homonyms = "last")
expect_identical(myexprs(!!!args), list(b = 2, a = 4, 5, 6))
myquos <- function(...) enquos(..., .homonyms = "first")
expect_identical(myquos(!!!args), quos_list(a = quo(1), b = quo(2), quo(5), quo(6)))
test_that("can mix `!!!` and splice boxes", {
expect_identical(list2(1L, !!!(2:3), splice(list(4L))), as.list(1:4))
test_that("list2() and dots_values() support splice boxes", {
expect_identical(list2(1, splice(c("foo", "bar")), 3), list(1, "foo", "bar", 3))
expect_identical(dots_values(1, splice(c("foo", "bar")), 3), list(1, splice(list("foo", "bar")), 3))
test_that("dots_values() doesn't splice", {
expect_identical_(dots_values(!!!c(1:3)), list(splice(as.list(1:3))))
expect_identical_(dots_values(!!!list("foo", "bar")), list(splice(list("foo", "bar"))))
test_that("!!! does not evaluate multiple times (#981)", {
foo <- function() x <<- x + 1
x <- 0
expect_identical(x, 1)
x <- 0
expect_identical(x, 1)
x <- 0
expect_identical(x, 1)
test_that("dots_list() optionally auto-names arguments (#957)", {
dots_list(.named = TRUE),
dots_list(1, letters, .named = TRUE),
list(`1` = 1, letters = letters)
dots_list(1, foo = letters, .named = TRUE),
list(`1` = 1, foo = letters)
dots_list(!!!list(a = 1:3, 1:3), .named = TRUE),
list(a = 1:3, `<int>` = 1:3)
dots_list(!!!list(1:3, 1:3), .named = TRUE),
list(`<int>` = 1:3, `<int>` = 1:3)
test_that("`.ignore_empty` is matched", {
# Tests the `r_arg_match()` library function
(expect_error(dots_list(.ignore_empty = "t")))
foo <- function() dots_list(.ignore_empty = "t")
# Suboptimal but not worth fixing the UI
test_that("`.named` can be `NULL` (default names) or `FALSE` (minimal names)", {
dots_list(.named = FALSE),
set_names(list(), "")
exprs(.named = FALSE),
set_names(list(), "")
dots_list(.named = NULL),
exprs(.named = NULL),
test_that("`.homonyms` error is thrown", {
f <- function() dots_list(a = 1, a = 2, .homonyms = "error")
test_that("`list2(!!!x)` returns `x` without duplication", {
x <- as.list(1:100)
with_memory_prof(out <- list2(!!!x))
expect_equal(out, as.list(x))
x <- 1:100 + 0L
with_memory_prof(out <- list2(!!!x))
expect_equal(out, as.list(x))
test_that("list2(...) doesn't copy forced promises (#1491)", {
fn <- function(...) {
x <- seq_len(1e4) + 0
fn(x, x, x, x, x, x)
test_that("names are not mutated after splice box early exit", {
xs <- list(1)
dots_list(!!!xs, .named = FALSE)
expect_equal(names(xs), NULL)
dots_list(!!!xs, .named = TRUE)
expect_equal(names(xs), NULL)
dots_list(!!!xs, .named = NULL)
expect_equal(names(xs), NULL)
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