
Defines functions runCohortMem

Documented in runCohortMem

#' Run Marsh Equilibrium Model with Cohorts
#' This function takes an initial elevation, average annual suspended sediment concentration and tidal properties, plant traits, and decay rates, then builds a scenario, and runs the marsh equilibrium model over that scenario tracking individual sediment mass cohorts including mineral, live root, slow decay organic mater pool and a fast organic matter pool.
#' @param startYear an integer, year in form YYYY, the start year of the scenario 
#' @param endYear an integer, year in form YYYY, the end year of the scenario  
#' @param relSeaLevelRiseInit a numeric, initial rate of relative sea-level rise
#' @param relSeaLevelRiseTotal a numeric, total relative sea-level rise over the course of the scenario
#' @param initElv a numeric, the initial elevation of the marsh at the start of the scenario
#' @param meanSeaLevel a numeric or a vector, Mean Sea Level at the start of the scenario, or a vector of Mean Sea Levels the same length as the number of years in a scenario
#' @param meanSeaLevelDatum a numeric, Mean Sea level over the last datum period
#' @param meanHighWaterDatum a numeric, Mean High Water level over the last datum period
#' @param meanHighHighWaterDatum a numeric (optional), Mean Higher High Water level over the last datum period
#' @param meanHighHighWaterSpringDatum a numeric (optional), Mean Higher High Spring Tide Water level over the last datum period
#' @param suspendedSediment a numeric, suspended sediment concentration of the water column
#' @param lunarNodalAmp a numeric, the amplitude of the 18-year lunar nodal cycle
#' @param lunarNodalPhase a numeric, in decimal years (YYYY) the start year of the sine wave representing the lunar nodal cycle 
#' @param captureRate a numeric, the number of times a water column will clear per tidal cycle
#' @param omToOcParams a list, of numerics listed B0, B1 and optionally B3. These define a linear or parabolic relationship between organic matter and organic carbon
#' @param nFloods a numeric, the number of tidal flooding events per year
#' @param floodTime.fn a function, specify the method used to calculate flooding time per tidal cycle
#' @param bMax a numeric, or vector of numerics, maximum biomass
#' @param zVegMax a numeric, or vector of numerics, upper elevation of biomass limit
#' @param zVegMin a numeric, or vector of numerics, lower elevation of biomass limit
#' @param zVegPeak (optional) a numeric, or vector of numerics, elevation of peak biomass
#' @param plantElevationType character, either "orthometric" or "dimensionless", specifying elevation reference of the vegetation growing elevations
#' @param rootToShoot a numeric, or vector of numerics, root to shoot ratio
#' @param rootTurnover a numeric, or vector of numerics, belowground biomass annual turnover rate
#' @param abovegroundTurnover (optional) a numeric, or vector of numerics, aboveground biomass annual turnover rate
#' @param rootDepthMax a numeric, or vector of numerics, maximum (95\%) rooting depth
#' @param shape a character, "linear" or "exponential" describing the shape of the relationship between depth and root mass
#' @param omDecayRate a numeric, annual fractional mass lost
#' @param recalcitrantFrac a numeric, fraction of organic matter resistant to decay
#' @param omPackingDensity a numeric, the bulk density of pure organic matter
#' @param mineralPackingDensity a numeric, the bulk density of pure mineral matter
#' @param rootPackingDensity a numeric, the bulk density of pure root matter
#' @param abovegroundTurnover (optional) a numeric or vector of numerics, aboveground biomass annual turnover rate
#' @param speciesCode (optional) a character, or vector of characters, species names or codes associated with biological inputs
#' @param initialCohorts a data frame, (optional) custom set of mass cohorts that will override any decision making this function does
#' @param uplandCohorts a data frame,  (optional) custom set of mass cohorts to be used if initial elevation is higher than both maximum tidal height and maximum wetland vegetation tolerance
#' @param supertidalCohorts a data frame, (optional) custom set of mass cohorts to be used if initial elevation is higher than maximum tidal height, but not maximum wetland vegetation tolerance
#' @param supertidalSedimentInput, a numeric, (optional) grams per cm^2 per year, an optional parameter which will define annual suspended sediment delivery to a sediment column that is is higher than maximum tidal height, but not maximum wetland vegetation tolerance
#' @param ...
#' @return a list of data frames, including the annualized summaries, and mapped cohorts tracked for every year of the simulation.
#' @export
runCohortMem <- function(startYear, endYear=startYear+99, relSeaLevelRiseInit, relSeaLevelRiseTotal, initElv,
                         meanSeaLevel, meanSeaLevelDatum=meanSeaLevel[1], meanHighWaterDatum, meanHighHighWaterDatum=NA, meanHighHighWaterSpringDatum=NA, 
                         suspendedSediment, lunarNodalAmp, lunarNodalPhase=2011.181,
                         nFloods = 705.79, floodTime.fn = floodTimeLinear,
                         bMax, zVegMin, zVegMax, zVegPeak, plantElevationType,
                         rootToShoot, rootTurnover, abovegroundTurnover=NA, speciesCode=NA, rootDepthMax, shape="linear",
                         omDecayRate, recalcitrantFrac, captureRate,
                         omToOcParams = list(B0=0, B1=0.48),
                         omPackingDensity=0.085, mineralPackingDensity=1.99,
                         ...) {
  # Make sure tidyverse is there
  ##TODO move this to the package description
  require(tidyverse, quietly = TRUE)
  # Build scenario curve
  scenario <- buildScenarioCurve(startYear=startYear, endYear=endYear, 
  # add high tides
  scenario <- buildHighTideScenario(scenario, 
  # Add blank colums for attributes we will add later
  scenario$surfaceElevation <- as.numeric(rep(NA, nrow(scenario)))
  scenario$speciesCode <- as.character(rep(NA, nrow(scenario)))
  scenario$rootToShoot <- as.numeric(rep(NA, nrow(scenario)))
  scenario$rootTurnover <- as.numeric(rep(NA, nrow(scenario)))
  scenario$abovegroundTurnover <- as.numeric(rep(NA, nrow(scenario)))
  scenario$rootDepthMax <- as.numeric(rep(NA, nrow(scenario)))
  scenario$aboveground_biomass <- as.numeric(rep(NA, nrow(scenario)))
  scenario$belowground_biomass <- as.numeric(rep(NA, nrow(scenario)))
  scenario$mineral <- as.numeric(rep(NA, nrow(scenario)))

  # Set initial conditions
  initialConditions <- determineInitialCohorts(initElv=initElv,
                                               nFloods = nFloods, floodTime.fn = floodTime.fn,
                                               bMax=bMax, zVegMin=zVegMin, zVegMax=zVegMax, zVegPeak=zVegPeak, 
                                               rootToShoot=rootToShoot, rootTurnover=rootTurnover, 
                                               rootDepthMax=rootDepthMax, shape=shape,
  cohorts <- initialConditions[[1]]

  # Add initial conditions to annual time step tracker
  scenario$surfaceElevation[1] <- initElv
  scenario[1,names(scenario) %in% names(initialConditions[[2]])] <- initialConditions[[2]]
  scenario$mineral[1] <- initialConditions[[3]]
  cohorts$year <- rep(scenario$year[1], nrow(cohorts))
  # Preallocate memory for cohort tracking
  nInitialCohorts <- nrow(cohorts)
  nScenarioYears <- nrow(scenario)
  initCohortRows <- nInitialCohorts * nScenarioYears
  newCohortRows <- sum(1:nScenarioYears)
  totalRows <- initCohortRows+newCohortRows
  trackCohorts <- data.frame(age=as.numeric(rep(NA, totalRows)),
                             fast_OM=as.numeric(rep(NA, totalRows)),
                             slow_OM=as.numeric(rep(NA, totalRows)),
                             respired_OM=as.numeric(rep(NA, totalRows)),
                             mineral=as.numeric(rep(NA, totalRows)), 
                             root_mass=as.numeric(rep(NA, totalRows)),
                             layer_top=as.numeric(rep(NA, totalRows)),
                             layer_bottom=as.numeric(rep(NA, totalRows)),
                             cumCohortVol=as.numeric(rep(NA, totalRows)),
                             year=as.integer(rep(NA, totalRows)))
  # add initial set of cohorts
  trackCohorts[1:nInitialCohorts,] <- cohorts
  # create variables to keep track of cohorts added to the full cohort tracker
  cohortsNewRowMin <- nInitialCohorts + 1
  # Calculate the unmoving bottom of the profile as a consistent reference point
  profileBottomElv <- initElv - max(cohorts$layer_bottom)
  # Convert real growing elevations to dimensionless growing elevations
  if (! plantElevationType %in% c("dimensionless", "zStar", "Z*", "zstar")) {
    zStarVegMin <- convertZToZstar(zVegMin, meanHighWaterDatum, meanSeaLevelDatum)
    zStarVegMax <- convertZToZstar(zVegMax, meanHighWaterDatum, meanSeaLevelDatum)
    zStarVegPeak <- convertZToZstar(zVegPeak, meanHighWaterDatum, meanSeaLevelDatum)
  } else {
    zStarVegMin <- zVegMin
    zStarVegMax <- zVegMax
    zStarVegPeak <- zVegPeak
  # Fourth, add one cohort for each year in the scenario
  # Iterate through scenario table
  for (i in 2:nrow(scenario)) {
    # Calculate surface elevation relative to datum
    surfaceElvZStar <- convertZToZstar(z=scenario$surfaceElevation[i-1], 
    # Calculate dynamic above ground biomass
    bio_table <- runMultiSpeciesBiomass(z=surfaceElvZStar, bMax=bMax, zVegMax=zStarVegMax, 
                                        zVegMin=zStarVegMin, zVegPeak=zStarVegPeak,
    # Calculate Mineral pool
    dynamicMineralPool <- deliverSediment(z=scenario$surfaceElevation[i-1], 
                                          meanHighHighWater = scenario$meanHighHighWater[i], 
                                          meanHighHighWaterSpring = scenario$meanHighHighWaterSpring[i], 
    # Add a the new inorganic sediment cohort,
    # add live roots, and age the organic matter
    cohorts <- addCohort(cohorts, totalRootMassPerArea=bio_table$belowground_biomass[1], rootDepthMax=bio_table$rootDepthMax[1], 
                         rootTurnover = bio_table$rootTurnover[1], omDecayRate = list(fast=omDecayRate, slow=0),
                         rootOmFrac=list(fast=1-recalcitrantFrac, slow=recalcitrantFrac),
                         packing=list(organic=omPackingDensity, mineral=mineralPackingDensity), 
                         rootDensity=rootPackingDensity, shape=shape,
                         mineralInput = dynamicMineralPool)
    # Add the calendar year to the cohort table so that we can track each cohort over each year
    cohorts$year <- rep(scenario$year[i], nrow(cohorts))
    # add new set of cohorts, to the table of all the cohorts we are tracking over each year
    cohortsNewRowMax <- cohortsNewRowMin + nrow(cohorts) - 1
    trackCohorts[cohortsNewRowMin:cohortsNewRowMax,] <- cohorts
    # Keep track of the number of rows in the cohorts table
    cohortsNewRowMin <- cohortsNewRowMin + nrow(cohorts) + 1
    # Add annual variables to annual time step summary table
    scenario$surfaceElevation[i] <- profileBottomElv + max(cohorts$layer_bottom, na.rm=T)
    scenario[i,names(scenario) %in% names(bio_table)] <- bio_table
    scenario$mineral[i] <- dynamicMineralPool
  # Calculate C sequestration rate from cohorts table and add it to scenario table
    # To convert OM to OC
    # If parmeter list is 2 long then simple linear correlation
    if (length(omToOcParams) == 2) {
      omToOc <- function(om, B0=omToOcParams$B0, B1=omToOcParams$B1) {return(B0 + om*B1)}
    } else if (length(omToOcParams) == 3) {
      # If parameter list is 3 long, then it's quadratic
      omToOc <- function(om, B0=omToOcParams$B, B1=omToOcParams$B1,
                         B2=omToOcParams$B2) {return(B0 + om*B1 + om^2*B2)}
    } else {
      # If something else then trip an error message
      stop("Invalid number of organic matter to organic carbon conversion parameters,")
    # Remove NA values from cohorts
    trackCohorts <- trimCohorts(trackCohorts)
    # Apparent Carbon Burial Rate
    # Carbon Sequestration Rate
    carbonFluxTab <- trackCohorts %>%
      # Total organic matter per cohort
      dplyr::mutate(total_om_perCoh = fast_OM + slow_OM + root_mass) %>%
      dplyr::group_by(year) %>%
      # Get the total cumulative observed and sequestered organic matter for the profile
      dplyr::summarise(cumulativeTotalOm = sum(total_om_perCoh),
                       cumulativeSequesteredOm = sum(slow_OM)) %>% 
      # Caluclate fluxes by comparing total at time step i to time step i - 1
      dplyr::mutate(omFlux = cumulativeTotalOm - lag(cumulativeTotalOm),
                    omSequestration = cumulativeSequesteredOm - lag(cumulativeSequesteredOm),
                    # Convert organic matter to organic carbon using function defined in previous step.
                    cFlux = omToOc(om=omFlux),
                    cSequestration = omToOc(om = omSequestration))
    # Join flux table to annual time step table
    scenario <- scenario %>% 
  # Return annual time steps and full set of cohorts
  outputsList <- list(annualTimeSteps = scenario, cohorts = trackCohorts)
tilbud/rCTM documentation built on March 30, 2024, 10:06 a.m.