
Defines functions expandExplanatoryVars INLAstep

Documented in INLAstep

#' Perform stepwise variable selection with INLA
#' Run forwards or backwards stepwise variable selection with INLA regression.
#' Only fixed effects will be considered  for removal.
#' Use holdout data or within sample data to test new models.
#' Choose the level of interactions and power terms to expand the model formula to.
#' Force part of the model to remain in the model (e.g. the spatial term and intercept).
#'@name INLAstep
#'@param fam1 String defining the likelihood familiy.
#'@param dataf A dataframe including covariates and response data.
#'@param spde An spde model object for the spatial component.
#'@param in_stack An inla.data.stack object containing all needed data.
#'@param invariant The part of the formula that should not change (e.g. the intercept and the spatial component.)
#'@param direction string 'forwards' for forward variable selection and 'backwards' for backwards variable elimination.
#'@param include Vector of integers to determine which columns in dataf should be used. If NULL, use all columns except y and y2.
#'@param y String determining the response variable.
#'@param y2 String determining the name of the test response data.
#'@param powerl Integer up to 3 determining which power terms to include.
#'@param inter Integer up to 3 determining how many levels of intereactions to include. 
#'@param thresh Threshold difference in DIC for whether a new model should replace the old model.
#'@param num.threads How many threads to use for INLA computation.
#'@param ... Further arguments to \code{INLA::inla} function.
#'@importFrom stats formula
#'   library(INLA)
#'   data(Epil)
#'   stack <- INLA::inla.stack(data = list(y = Epil$y),
#'                            A = list(1),
#'                            effects = list(data.frame(Intercept = 1, Epil[3:5])))
#'   result <- INLAstep(fam1 = "poisson", 
#'                      Epil,
#'                      in_stack = stack,
#'                      invariant = "0 + Intercept",
#'                      direction = 'backwards',
#'                      include = 3:5,
#'                      y = 'y',
#'                      y2 = 'y',
#'                      powerl = 1,
#'                      inter = 1,
#'                      thresh = 2)
#'   autoplot(result$best_model, which = c(1, 5), CI = TRUE)
#' }

INLAstep<-function(fam1 = "gaussian",
                   spde = NULL,
                   in_stack = NULL,
                   invariant = "0 + Intercept",
                   direction = c("forwards","backwards"),
                   y = NULL,
                   y2 = NULL,
                   include = NULL,
                   powerl = 1,
                   inter = 1,
                   thresh = 2,
                   num.threads = 1,
                   ...) {
  # Basic checks
  if (is.null(nrow(dataf))) {
    stop("error in data frame")
  if (nrow(dataf) == 0) {
    stop("no rows in data frame")
  if (is.null(y)) {
    stop("no y variable")
  if (is.null(in_stack)) {
    stop("no stack defined")
  if (!(class(dataf) == "data.frame" |
        class(dataf) == "SpatialPointsDataFrame")) {
    stop("data is not a data frame")
  if (!class(in_stack) == "inla.data.stack") {
    stop("in_stack is not an inla.stack object")
  if (!is.null(spde) &
      !grepl('spde', invariant)) {
    warning('You have included an spde object, but not included it in the invariant part of the formula 
      \n e.g. invariant = "0 + Intercept + f(spatial.field, model=spde)"')

  # Get indices of all fixed effects (i.e. remove respose columns.
  if (is.null(include))
    include <- (1:ncol(dataf))[!names(dataf) %in% c(y, y2)]
  z <- NULL

  facts <- sapply(dataf, is.factor)[include]
  # Sort and combine all different variable types (should refactor and then test nicely.)
  #   Think its function(expl, powerl, inter) return(expl)
  expl <- expandExplanatoryVars(expl, explF, facts, powerl, inter)
  choice <- NULL
  chosen <- NULL
  new1 <- NULL
  dicloss <- 999
  dicold <- NULL
  ###keep looping until nothing is gained 
  while(length(expl) > 0){
    # If backwards.... ? 
    if (direction == "backwards") {
      runs <- c(1:length(expl), 9999999)
    } else{
      runs <- 1:length(expl)
    for (ii in runs) {
      if (direction == "backwards") {
        if (ii == 9999999) {
          ii <- 1:length(expl)
        } else{
          ii <-
            -1 * ii
          } # Drop each variable in turn. Final run is ii == 9999 and therefore do all variables.
      # Refactor function(chose, invariant, expl, ii) return(formula2)
      if (is.null(chosen)) {
        if (length(expl[ii]) > 0) {
          formula2 <-
            formula(paste(y, "~", invariant, "+", paste(expl[ii], collapse = "+"), sep =
        } else {
          formula2 <- formula(paste(y, "~", invariant))
      } else{
        if (length(expl[ii]) > 0) {
          formula2 <-
            formula(paste(y, "~", invariant, "+", chosen, " + ", expl[ii], sep = ""))
        } else {
          formula2 <- formula(paste(y, "~", invariant, "+", chosen))
      result2 <- INLA::inla(
        family = fam1,
        num.threads = num.threads,
        control.compute = list(cpo = TRUE, 
                               dic = TRUE, 
                               waic = TRUE),
        verbose = FALSE,
        data = INLA::inla.stack.data(in_stack, spde = spde),
        control.predictor = list(A = INLA::inla.stack.A(in_stack), 
                                 compute = TRUE),
        control.fixed = list(expand.factor.strategy = "inla"),

            rmse <-
          dataf[, y2] - result2$summary.fitted.values$mean[1:nrow(dataf)]
        ) ^ 2, na.rm = TRUE))
      sumcpo <- sum(log(result2$cpo$cpo), na.rm = TRUE)
      if (length(ii) > 1) {
        var1 <- paste(expl[ii], collapse = "+")
      } else{
        var1 <- expl[abs(ii)]
      if (is.null(choice)) {
        choice <-
            var = var1,
            aic = result2$waic$waic,
            stringsAsFactors = FALSE
      } else{
        choice <-
              var = var1,
              aic = result2$waic$waic,
              stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    }##end of run through
    new1 <- choice[which.min(choice$aic), 1]
    # If not the first time through, calculate dic loss
    if (!is.null(dicold)) {
      dicloss <- dicold - min(choice$aic, na.rm = TRUE)[1]
    # Update dic old 
    dicold <- choice[which.min(choice$aic), 2]
    if (is.null(z)) {
      progress <- choice[choice$var == new1, ]
      z <- 1
    } else {
      progress <- rbind(progress, choice[choice$var == new1, ])
    message(paste(new1, " - ", min(choice$aic, na.rm = TRUE)), sep = "")
    choice <- NULL
    if (dicloss > thresh) {

      if (direction == "backwards") {
        expl <- expl[!expl == new1]
      if (direction == "forwards") {
        if (is.null(chosen)) {
          chosen <- new1
          expl <- expl[!expl == new1]
        } else {
          chosen <- paste(chosen, " + ", new1, sep = "")
          expl <- expl[!expl == new1]
    } else {
  if (direction == "backwards") {
    formulax <-
      formula(paste(y, "~", invariant, "+", paste(expl[ii], collapse = "+"), sep = ""))
  } else {
      formulax <- formula(paste(y, "~", invariant, "+", chosen, sep = ""))
    } else {
      formulax <- formula(paste(y, "~", invariant, sep = ""))
  result2 <- INLA::inla(
    family = fam1,
    num.threads = num.threads,
    control.compute = list(cpo = TRUE, 
                           dic = TRUE, 
                           waic = TRUE),
    verbose = FALSE,
    data = INLA::inla.stack.data(in_stack, spde = spde),
    control.predictor = list(A = INLA::inla.stack.A(in_stack), 
                             compute = TRUE),
    control.fixed = list(expand.factor.strategy = "inla"),
  output <- list(
    best_formula = formulax,
    waic = dicold,
    progress = progress,
    best_model = result2
  class(output) <- 'INLAstep'
}##end of function

expandExplanatoryVars <- function(expl, explF, facts, powerl, inter){
  if (length(expl) > 0) {
    if (powerl == 2) {
      expl2 <-
        paste("I(", expl, "^2)", sep = "")
      expl3 <- NULL
      expl4 <- NULL
      explX <- c(expl, expl2, expl3, expl4)
    if (powerl == 3) {
      expl2 <-
        paste("I(", expl, "^2)", sep = "")
      expl3 <-
        paste("I(", expl, "^3)", sep = "")
      expl4 <- NULL
      explX <- c(expl, expl2, expl3, expl4)
    if (powerl >= 4) {
      expl2 <-
        paste("I(", expl, "^2)", sep = "")
      expl3 <-
        paste("I(", expl, "^3)", sep = "")
      expl4 <-
        paste("I(", expl, "^4)", sep = "")
      explX <- c(expl, expl2, expl3, expl4)
    if (powerl > 1) {
      expl <- explX
    if (inter >= 2) {
      lvls <- data.frame(p1 = utils::combn(expl, 2)[1, ],
                         p2 = utils::combn(expl, 2)[2, ])
      lvls2 <- do.call(paste, c(lvls[names(lvls)], sep = ":"))
      expl2 <- c(expl, lvls2)
    if (inter >= 3) {
      lvls <- data.frame(
        p1 = utils::combn(expl, 3)[1, ],
        p2 = utils::combn(expl, 3)[2, ],
        p3 = utils::combn(expl, 3)[3, ]
      lvls3 <- do.call(paste, c(lvls[names(lvls)], sep = ":"))
      expl2 <- c(expl2, lvls3)
    if (inter >= 4) {
      lvls <- data.frame(
        p1 = utils::combn(expl, 4)[1, ],
        p2 = utils::combn(expl, 4)[2, ],
        p3 = utils::combn(expl, 4)[3, ],
        p4 = utils::combn(expl, 4)[4, ]
      lvls4 <- do.call(paste, c(lvls[names(lvls)], sep = ":"))
      expl2 <- c(expl2, lvls4)
    if (inter > 1) {
      expl <- expl2
  if (length(explF[facts]) > 0) {
    expl <- c(expl, explF[facts])
timcdlucas/INLAutils documentation built on Nov. 29, 2022, 5:41 a.m.