#' Autoplot method for INLA objects
#' Replicate the plots produced by \code{\link{plot}} using ggplot.
#'@param object An inla object.
#'@param which Vector of integers selecting which plots (1 -- 4) are wanted.
#'@param priors Logical, plot priors as well.
#'@param CI Plot credible intervals. TRUE for 95\% CI or a numeric in [0, 1]
#'@param ... other arguments passed to methods
#' The plot types are
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Marginal plot for fixed effects
#' \item Marginal plot for hyper parameters
#' \item Marginal line plot for random effects
#' \item Marginal boxplot plot for random effects (more informative then 3, but gets big with lots of levels
#' \item
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' library(INLA)
#' data(Epil)
#' ##Define the model
#' formula = y ~ Trt + Age + V4 +
#' f(Ind, model="iid") + f(rand,model="iid")
#' result = inla(formula, family="poisson", data = Epil, control.predictor = list(compute = TRUE))
#' plot(result)
#' p <- autoplot(result)
#' # Change the theme
#' p <- p + theme_bw()
#' # Add a title to a subplot
#' p[[2]] <- p[[2]] + ggtitle('Hyper parameters')
#' # Switch plot of fixed effects posteriors to not rescale x axis
#' # If variables are on the same scale, this may provide a useful comparison
#' p[[1]] <- p[[1]] + facet_wrap('var', scale = 'free_y')
#' # Change colours etc.
#' p[[1]]$layers[[1]] <- geom_line(colour = 'red', linetype = 2)
#' }
autoplot.inla <- function(object, which = c(1:3, 5), priors = FALSE, CI = FALSE, ...){
if(!all(which %in% 1:5)){
stop('which should only contain integers in 1:5')
# Check that the plots requested are possible
if(length(object$marginals.fixed) == 0 & 1 %in% which){
warning('Plot 1 selected in which, but no fixed effects to plot marginals for.')
warning('Plot 1 will not be plotted.')
which <- which[which != 1]
if(length(object$marginals.hyperpar) == 0 & 2 %in% which){
warning('Plot 2 selected in which, but no hyperparameters to plot marginals for.')
warning('Plot 2 will not be plotted.')
which <- which[which != 2]
if(5 %in% which & !object$.args$control.predictor$compute){
warning('Plot 5 selected but this can only be plotted if `control.predictor = list(compute = TRUE)` is passed to `inla`.
\nPlot 5 will not be plotted.')
which <- which[which != 5]
if(length(object$summary.random) == 0 & 3 %in% which){
warning('Plot 3 selected in which, but no random effects to plot marginals for.')
warning('Plot 3 will not be plotted.')
which <- which[which != 3]
if(length(object$summary.random) == 0 & 4 %in% which){
warning('Plot 4 selected in which, but no random effects to plot marginals for.')
warning('Plot 4 will not be plotted.')
which <- which[which != 4]
# Create empty list.
plots <- list()
# Plot marginals for fixed effects
if(1 %in% which){
plots$fixed.marginals <- plot_fixed_marginals(object, priors, CI)
# Plot marginals for hyperparameters
if(2 %in% which){
plots$hyper.marginals <- plot_hyper_marginals(object, CI)
# plot random effects
if(3 %in% which){
plots$random.effects.line <- plot_random_effects(object, type = 'line')
if(4 %in% which){
plots$random.effects.boxplots <- plot_random_effects(object, type = 'boxplot')
# plot predicted data
if(5 %in% which){
plots$marginal.fitted <- plot_marginals_fitted(object)
print(cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = plots))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# individual plot types.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
#' Individual plot functions for INLA objects
#' Replicate the individual plots produced by \code{\link{plot}} using ggplot.
#'@param x An inla object
#'@param type Which type of plot? 'boxplot' or 'line'
#'@name plot_random_effects
#' library(INLA)
#' data(Epil)
#' ##Define the model
#' formula = y ~ Trt + Age + V4 +
#' f(Ind, model="iid") + f(rand,model="iid")
#' result = inla(formula, family="poisson", data = Epil, control.predictor = list(compute = TRUE))
#' plot_random_effects(result)
#' plot_random_effects(result, type = 'boxplot')
#' plot_fixed_marginals(result)
#' plot_hyper_marginals(result)
plot_random_effects <- function(x, type = 'line'){
assert_that(type %in% c('line', 'boxplot'))
if(length(x$summary.random) == 0) stop('No random effects to plot')
if(type == 'line'){
allSummary <- lapply(seq_len(length(x$summary.random)),
function(p) data.frame(x$summary.random[[p]], var = names(x$summary.random)[p]))
allSummary <- do.call(rbind, allSummary)
allSummary$ID <- as.numeric(factor(allSummary$ID))
# plot
p <- ggplot2::ggplot(allSummary, ggplot2::aes_string(x = 'ID', y = 'mean')) +
ggplot2::facet_wrap('var', scales = 'free', ncol = 1) +
ggplot2::geom_line() +
ggplot2::xlab('ID') +
ggplot2::geom_ribbon(ggplot2::aes_string(ymin = '`X0.025quant`', ymax = '`X0.975quant`'), alpha = 0.3)
#geom_line(aes(y = X0.025quant), linetype = 2) +
#geom_line(aes(y = X0.975quant), linetype = 2)
if(type == 'boxplot'){
allMarginals = list()
for(i in seq_len(length(x$marginals.random))){
allMarginals[[i]] <- lapply(seq_len(length(x$marginals.random[[i]])),
function(p) data.frame(x$marginals.random[[i]][[p]],
ID = as.character(p),
var = names(x$marginals.random)[i]))
allMarginals[[i]] <- do.call(rbind, allMarginals[[i]])
combMarginals <- do.call(rbind, allMarginals)
# Plot
p <- ggplot2::ggplot(combMarginals, ggplot2::aes_string(x = 'ID', y = 'x')) +
ggplot2::facet_wrap('var', scales = 'free', ncol = 1) +
ggplot2::geom_boxplot(outlier.size = 0.0, outlier.colour = '#FFFFFF00')
#'@name plot_fixed_marginals
#'@param CI Plot credible intervals. TRUE for 95\% CI or a numeric in [0, 1]
#'@param priors Logical, plot priors as well.
#'@rdname plot_random_effects
plot_fixed_marginals <- function(x, priors = FALSE, CI = FALSE){
# Combine all marginals
allMarginals <- lapply(seq_len(length(x$marginals.fixed)),
function(p) data.frame(x$marginals.fixed[[p]], var = names(x$marginals.fixed)[p]))
allMarginals <- do.call(rbind, allMarginals)
# Plot
p <- ggplot2::ggplot(allMarginals, ggplot2::aes_string('x', 'y')) +
ggplot2::facet_wrap('var', scales = 'free') +
# empty dataframe for priors
priorParams <- extractPriors(x)
evalPriors <- evalPriors(x, allMarginals, priorParams)
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_line(data = evalPriors, colour = '#2078C0')
# If CI is just true, use 95% as default
if(identical(CI, TRUE)){
CI <- 0.95
# Unless CI is false, loop through fixed effects, find quantiles, find y values for those quantiles
CIs <- list()
for(i in seq_len(length(x$marginals.fixed))){
CIs[[i]] <- data.frame(x = c(INLA::inla.qmarginal((1 - CI) / 2, x$marginals.fixed[[i]]),
INLA::inla.qmarginal(1 - (1 - CI) / 2, x$marginals.fixed[[i]])),
var = names(x$marginals.fixed)[i],
y0 = 0
CIs[[i]]$y <- INLA::inla.dmarginal(CIs[[i]]$x, x$marginals.fixed[[i]])
CIs <- do.call(rbind, CIs)
# Add to plot
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_segment(data = CIs, ggplot2::aes_string(x = 'x', xend = 'x', y = 'y', yend = 'y0'), colour = 'darkgrey')
#'@name plot_hyper_marginals
#'@rdname plot_random_effects
plot_hyper_marginals <- function(x, CI = FALSE){
allMarginals <- lapply(seq_len(length(x$marginals.hyperpar)),
function(p) data.frame(x$marginals.hyperpar[[p]], var = names(x$marginals.hyperpar)[p]))
allMarginals <- do.call(rbind, allMarginals)
# Plot
p <- ggplot2::ggplot(allMarginals, ggplot2::aes_string('x', 'y')) +
ggplot2::facet_wrap('var', scales = 'free') +
# If CI is just true, use 95% as default
if(identical(CI, TRUE)){
CI <- 0.95
# Unless CI is false, loop through fixed effects, find quantiles, find y values for those quantiles
CIs <- list()
for(i in seq_len(length(x$marginals.hyper))){
CIs[[i]] <- data.frame(x = c(INLA::inla.qmarginal((1 - CI) / 2, x$marginals.hyper[[i]]),
INLA::inla.qmarginal(1 - (1 - CI) / 2, x$marginals.hyper[[i]])),
var = names(x$marginals.hyper)[i],
y0 = 0
CIs[[i]]$y <- INLA::inla.dmarginal(CIs[[i]]$x, x$marginals.hyper[[i]])
CIs <- do.call(rbind, CIs)
# Add to plot
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_segment(data = CIs, ggplot2::aes_string(x = 'x', xend = 'x', y = 'y', yend = 'y0'), colour = 'darkgrey')
#'@name plot_marginals_fitted
#'@rdname plot_random_effects
plot_marginals_fitted <- function(x){
#assert_that(type %in% c('line'))
#if(type == 'line'){
d1 <- cbind(ID = 1:NROW(x$summary.linear.predictor), x$summary.linear.predictor[, -7], plot = 'Linear Predictor')
d2 <- cbind(ID = 1:NROW(x$summary.fitted.values), x$summary.fitted.values, plot = 'Fitted Values')
d <- rbind(d1, d2)
p <- ggplot2::ggplot(d, ggplot2::aes_string(x = 'ID', y = 'mean')) +
ggplot2::facet_wrap('plot', scales = 'free', ncol = 1) +
ggplot2::geom_line() +
ggplot2::geom_ribbon(ggplot2::aes_string(ymin = '`0.025quant`', ymax = '`0.975quant`'), alpha = 0.3)
# if(type == 'boxplot'){
# allMarginals = list()
# for(i in seq_len(length(x$marginals.fitted.values))){
# allMarginals[[i]] <- lapply(seq_len(length(x$marginals.fitted.values[[i]])),
# function(p) data.frame(x$marginals.fitted.values[[i]][[p]],
# ID = as.character(p)))
# allMarginals[[i]] <- do.call(rbind, allMarginals[[i]])
# }
# combMarginals <- do.call(rbind, allMarginals)
# names(combMarginals) <- c('x', 'ID')
# # Plot
# p <- ggplot2::ggplot(combMarginals, aes(ID, y = x)) +
# geom_boxplot(outlier.size = 0.01)
# }
# Get the priors out of the inla object and into a dta.frame
extractPriors <- function(x){
priors <- data.frame(var = x$names.fixed, mean = NA, prec = NA)
row.names(priors) <- x$names.fixed
priors['(Intercept)', 2:3] <- c(x$.args$control.fixed$mean.intercept, x$.args$control.fixed$prec.intercept)
if(priors['(Intercept)', 3] == 0) priors['(Intercept)', 3] <- 1e-9
# find and combine prior means
if(length(x$.args$control.fixed$mean) == 1){
priors$mean[!priors$var == '(Intercept)'] <- x$.args$control.fixed$mean
} else if(length(x$.args$control.fixed$mean) == length(x$names.fixed) - 1) {
priors[names(x$.args$control.fixed$mean), 'mean'] <- unlist(x$.args$control.fixed$mean)
} else {
priors$mean[!priors$var == '(Intercept)'] <- x$.args$control.fixed$mean$default
# Take mean values that are not defulat
nondef <- unlist(x$.args$control.fixed$mean)[names(x$.args$control.fixed$mean) != 'default']
priors[names(nondef), 'mean'] <- x$.args$control.fixed$mean[[1]]
# find and combine prior prec
if(length(x$.args$control.fixed$prec) == 1){
priors$prec[!priors$var == '(Intercept)'] <- x$.args$control.fixed$prec
} else if(length(x$.args$control.fixed$prec) == length(x$names.fixed) - 1) {
priors[names(x$.args$control.fixed$prec), 'prec'] <- unlist(x$.args$control.fixed$prec)
} else {
priors$prec[!priors$var == '(Intercept)'] <- x$.args$control.fixed$prec$default
# Take mean values that are not defulat
nondef <- unlist(x$.args$control.fixed$prec)[names(x$.args$control.fixed$prec) != 'default']
priors[names(nondef), 'mean'] <- x$.args$control.fixed$prec[[1]]
priors <- priors[complete.cases(priors), ]
# Return priors evaluated at points on x to be plotted.
# Doesn't account for free_x very well?
evalPriors <- function(x, allMarginals, priors){
# Make x ranges that match the ranges from the inla object
x_mins <- by(allMarginals, allMarginals$var, function(x) min(x$x))
x_maxs <- by(allMarginals, allMarginals$var, function(x) max(x$x))
x_vals <- sapply(seq_along(x_mins), function(x) seq(x_mins[x], x_maxs[x], length.out = 1000))
x_vals <- as.vector(x_vals)
priorsEval <- data.frame(x = x_vals,
var = rep(x$names.fixed, each = 1000),
mean = rep(priors$mean, each = 1000),
prec = rep(priors$prec, each = 1000))
priorsEval$sd <- 1/sqrt(priorsEval$prec)
priorsEval$sd[is.infinite(priorsEval$sd)] <- 1e100
priorsEval$y <- with(priorsEval, dnorm(x, mean, sd))
# # Get the priors out of the inla object and into a dta.frame
# extractHyperPriors <- function(x){
# priors <- data.frame(var = x$names.fixed, mean = NA, prec = NA)
# row.names(priors) <- x$names.fixed
# priors['(Intercept)', 2:3] <- c(x$.args$control.fixed$mean.intercept, x$.args$control.fixed$prec.intercept)
# # find and combine prior means
# if(length(x$.args$control.fixed$mean) == 1){
# priors$mean[!priors$var == '(Intercept)'] <- x$.args$control.fixed$mean
# } else if(length(x$.args$control.fixed$mean) == length(x$names.fixed) - 1) {
# priors$mean[names(x$.args$control.fixed$mean)] <- unlist(x$.args$control.fixed$mean)
# } else {
# priors$mean[!priors$var == '(Intercept)'] <- x$.args$control.fixed$mean$default
# # Take mean values that are not defulat
# nondef <- unlist(x$.args$control.fixed$mean)[names(x$.args$control.fixed$mean) != 'default']
# priors[names(nondef), 'mean'] <- x$.args$control.fixed$mean[[1]]
# }
# # find and combine prior prec
# if(length(x$.args$control.fixed$prec) == 1){
# priors$prec[!priors$var == '(Intercept)'] <- x$.args$control.fixed$prec
# } else if(length(x$.args$control.fixed$prec) == length(x$names.fixed) - 1) {
# priors$prec[names(x$.args$control.fixed$prec)] <- unlist(x$.args$control.fixed$prec)
# } else {
# priors$prec[!priors$var == '(Intercept)'] <- x$.args$control.fixed$prec$default
# # Take mean values that are not defulat
# nondef <- unlist(x$.args$control.fixed$prec)[names(x$.args$control.fixed$prec) != 'default']
# priors[names(nondef), 'mean'] <- x$.args$control.fixed$prec[[1]]
# }
# return(priors)
# }
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