

#' Inverse kernel for calculating a weight matrix from a distance matrix
#' 1/distance with a threshold. 
#'@param distMatrix A distance matrix of the euclidean distances between each pair of colonies
#'@param thresh A maximum distance above which colonies are not connected.
#'@name inverseKern

inverseKern <- function(distMatrix, thresh){
	t <- max(distMatrix)/thresh
	W <- max(distMatrix)/distMatrix
	W[is.infinite(W)] <- 0
	W[W<t] <- 0

#' Linear kernel for calculating a weight matrix from a distance matrix
#' 1 - distance with a threshold. 
#'@inheritParams inverseKern
#'@name linearKern

linearKern <- function(distMatrix, thresh){
	t <- max(distMatrix) - thresh
	W <- max(distMatrix) - distMatrix
	W[is.infinite(W)] <- 0
	W[W<t] <- 0

#' Unweighted kernel for calculating a weight matrix from a distance matrix
#' Creates an unweighted network. As long as distance < theshold, the weight is 1.
#'@inheritParams inverseKern
#'@name unweightedKern

unweightedKern <- function(distMatrix, thresh){
  W <- (distMatrix<thresh)*1
  diag(W) <- 0
timcdlucas/MetapopEpi documentation built on May 31, 2019, 1:47 p.m.