
Defines functions lookupIsCompleteIds lookupDataProcessIds lookupDataProcessTypeIds lookupAreaTypeIds lookupSubGroupsIds lookupIndicatorIds lookupLocIds lookupDataTypeGroupId2s lookupDataTypeGroupIds save_in_working_dir format.numeric.colums build_filter linkGenerator

Documented in build_filter format.numeric.colums linkGenerator save_in_working_dir

#' API Link Generator Function
#' @param server The path to the database. Check if the "unpd_server" option is
#' is set. If not, defaults to \code{"https://popdiv.dfs.un.org/DemoData/api/"}
#' @param type Type of data. Various options are available.
#' @param verbose Logical for whether to print the final translated call
#' to numeric arguments. If the translation of arguments take a lot of time,
#' it can have a substantial reduction in timing. This only makes sense if
#' the user provided values as strings which need translation (such as a
#' country name like 'Haiti' rather than its actually country code).
#' @param ... Other arguments that might define the path to data. All arguments
#' accept a numeric code which is interpreted as the code of the specific
#' product requested. Alternatively, you can supply the equivalent product
#' name as a string which is case insensitive (see examples). Handle with
#' care, this is important! For a list of all options available, see the
#' parameters for each endpoint at https://popdiv.dfs.un.org/Demodata/swagger/ui/index#/
#' @details The link generator is based on the structure of the database
#' created by Dennis Butler (in late 2018). To change the server used to make
#' the requests, set this at the beginning of your script:
#' options(unpd_server = "fill this out").
#' When requesting data from the structured data format (usually called from
#' \code{\link{get_recorddata}}), the columns \code{TimeStart} and \code{TimeEnd}
#' are returned with format \code{DD/MM/YYYY}, where \code{DD} are days, \code{MM}
#' are months and \code{YYYY} are years.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Link to country list
#' L1 <- linkGenerator(
#'   type = "locations",
#'   addDefault = "false",
#'   includeDependencies = "false",
#'   includeFormerCountries = "false"
#' )
#' L1
#' # Link to location types (for Egypt)
#' # With strings rather than codes
#' L2 <- linkGenerator(
#'   type = "locAreaTypes",
#'   indicatorTypeIds = "Population by sex",
#'   locIds = "Egypt",
#'   isComplete = "Abridged"
#' )
#' L2
#' # Link to subgroup types (for Egypt)
#' L3 <- linkGenerator(
#'   type = "subGroups",
#'   indicatorTypeIds = 8,
#'   locIds = 818,
#'   isComplete = 0
#' )
#' L3
#' # Link to indicator list
#' L4 <- linkGenerator(
#'   type = "indicators",
#'   addDefault = "false"
#' )
#' L4
#' # Link to data process type list
#' L5 <- linkGenerator(type = "dataProcessTypes")
#' L5
#' }
#' @keywords internal
linkGenerator <- function(server = getOption("unpd_server", "https://popdiv.dfs.un.org/DemoData/api/"),
                          ...) {
  types <- c(
    # These are within UserUtility

  type <- match.arg(tolower(type), choices = tolower(types))
  query <- build_filter(..., verbose = verbose)
  link <- utils::URLencode(paste0(server, type, query))

#' Build the section of the path (link) responsible with filtering the data
#' For a description of what each argument represents, see
#' @keywords internal
build_filter <- function(dataTypeIds = NULL,
                         dataTypeGroupIds = NULL,
                         dataTypeGroupId2s = NULL,
                         dataProcessIds = NULL,
                         dataProcessTypeIds = NULL,
                         dataSourceShortNames = NULL,
                         dataSourceYears = NULL,
                         startYear = NULL,
                         endYear = NULL,
                         AgeStart = NULL,
                         AgeEnd = NULL,
                         indicatorTypeIds = NULL,
                         indicatorIds = NULL,
                         componentIds = NULL,
                         isComplete = NULL,
                         isActive = NULL,
                         locIds = NULL,
                         ids = NULL,
                         locAreaTypeIds = NULL,
                         subGroupIds = NULL,
                         shortNames = NULL,
                         addDefault = NULL,
                         includeDependencies = NULL,
                         includeFormerCountries = NULL,
                         includeDataIDs = NULL,
                         includeUncertainty = NULL,
                         isSubnational = NULL,
                         years = NULL,
                         verbose) {

  # Keep as list because unlisting multiple ids for a single
  # parameters separates them into different strings
  x <- as.list(environment())

  # Exclude verbose option
  x <- x[!names(x) == "verbose"]

  # For later, to print the translated code query
  # so the user gets the faster request
  translate_vars <- c(
    "locIds", "indicatorTypeIds", "isComplete", "subGroupIds",
    "locAreaTypeIds", "dataProcessIds", "dataProcessTypeIds",
    "dataTypeGroupIds", "dataTypeGroupId2s"

  x_str <- x[translate_vars]

  any_str <- any(vapply(x_str, is.character, FUN.VALUE = logical(1)))

  lookupParams <- list(
    "locIds" = lookupLocIds,
    "indicatorTypeIds" = lookupIndicatorIds,
    "isComplete" = lookupIsCompleteIds,
    "subGroupIds" = lookupSubGroupsIds,
    "dataTypeGroupIds" = lookupDataTypeGroupIds,
    "dataTypeGroupId2s" = lookupDataTypeGroupId2s

  # Iterative over each lookupParams and apply their corresponding lookup
  # function to translate strings such as Germany to the corresponding code.
  # Only available for the names in lookupParams
  x[names(lookupParams)] <- mapply(
    function(fun, vec) fun(vec),

  # Here we need a separate call to the same thing bc
  # I reuse the translated parameters defined above
  # to make queries in the endpoints below
  extraParams <- list(
    "locAreaTypeIds" = lookupAreaTypeIds,
    "dataProcessIds" = lookupDataProcessIds,
    "dataProcessTypeIds" = lookupDataProcessTypeIds

  x[names(extraParams)] <- mapply(
    function(fun, vec, ...) fun(vec, ...),
    # I pass the already translated parameter list
    # to avoid retranslating stuff like locations, etc...
    # This can save time in querying API
    MoreArgs = list(paramList = x)

  if (length(x) > 0) {
    if (verbose && any_str) {
      # Print call for easier requests
      collapsed_x <- lapply(x, function(i) {
        if (length(i) > 1) paste0("c(", paste0(i, collapse = ", "), ")") else i

      mockup <- unlist(collapsed_x)
      res <- paste0(
        paste0(names(mockup), " = ", mockup, collapse = ", "),
        "If you run the same query again, use the one below (faster): \n ",

    # Turn TRUE/FALSE to true/false
    is_logical <- vapply(x, is.logical, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
    x[is_logical] <- lapply(x[is_logical], function(x) tolower(as.character(x)))

    # Collapse multiple ids to parameters
    x <- vapply(x, paste0, collapse = ",", FUN.VALUE = character(1))
    # and exclude the empty ones
    x <- x[x != ""]

    S <- paste(paste(names(x), x, sep = "="), collapse = "&")
    out <- paste0("?", S)
  } else {
    out <- ""

#' Format data from character to numeric
#' @description When a data is downloaded from web it is saved as a list or
#' data.frame with columns containing strings of information (character format).
#' This function reads the values and if it sees in these columns only numbers
#' will convert the column to class numeric.
#' @param X data.frame
#' @keywords internal
format.numeric.colums <- function(X, exceptions) {
  isNum <- apply(X, 2, FUN = function(w) all(varhandle::check.numeric(w)))
  isNum[colnames(X) %in% exceptions] <- FALSE
  X[isNum] <- lapply(X[, isNum], as.numeric)

#' Save downloaded data in a .Rdata file located in the working directory
#' @param data The dataset to be saved;
#' @param file_name Name to be assigned to the data.
#' @keywords internal
save_in_working_dir <- function(data, file_name) {
  assign(file_name, value = data)
  save(list = file_name, file = paste0(file_name, ".Rdata"))

  wd <- getwd()
  n <- nchar(wd)
  wd <- paste0("...", substring(wd, first = n - 45, last = n))
  message(paste0(file_name, ".Rdata is saved in your working directory:\n", wd),
    appendLF = FALSE
  cat("\n   ")

lookupDataTypeGroupIds <- function(paramStr) {
  if (is.numeric(paramStr) || is.null(paramStr)) {

  paramStr_low <- tolower(paramStr)

  data_types <- get_datatypes()
  type_code <- data_types[tolower(data_types$DataTypeGroupName) %in% paramStr_low, ]

  # The all statement is in case you provide 2 countries, for example
  if (all(!paramStr_low %in% tolower(type_code$DataTypeGroupName))) {
      "DataTypeGroup(s) ",
      paste0("'", paramStr[!paramStr_low %in% type_code$DataTypeGroupName], "'", collapse = ", "),
      " not found. Check get_datatypes()"


lookupDataTypeGroupId2s <- function(paramStr) {
  if (is.numeric(paramStr) || is.null(paramStr)) {

  paramStr_low <- tolower(paramStr)

  data_types <- get_datatypes()
  type_code <- data_types[tolower(data_types$DataTypeGroupName2) %in% paramStr_low, ]

  # The all statement is in case you provide 2 countries, for example
  if (all(!paramStr_low %in% tolower(type_code$DataTypeGroupName2))) {
      "DataTypeGroup2(s) ",
      paste0("'", paramStr[!paramStr_low %in% type_code$DataTypeGroupName2], "'", collapse = ", "),
      " not found. Check get_datatypes()"


lookupLocIds <- function(paramStr) {
  if (is.numeric(paramStr) || is.null(paramStr)) {

  paramStr_low <- tolower(paramStr)

  locs <- get_locations()
  cnt_code <- locs[tolower(locs$Name) %in% paramStr_low, ]

  # The all statement is in case you provide 2 countries, for example
  if (all(!paramStr_low %in% tolower(cnt_code$Name))) {
      "Location(s) ",
      paste0("'", paramStr[!paramStr_low %in% cnt_code$Name], "'", collapse = ", "),
      " not found. Check get_locations()"


lookupIndicatorIds <- function(paramStr) {
  if (is.numeric(paramStr) || is.null(paramStr)) {
  paramStr_low <- tolower(paramStr)

  inds <- get_indicatortypes()
  inds_code <- inds[tolower(inds$Name) %in% paramStr_low, ]

  # The all statement is in case you provide 2 indicators, for example
  if (all(!tolower(paramStr_low) %in% tolower(inds_code$Name))) {
      "Location(s) ",
      paste0("'", paramStr[!paramStr_low %in% inds_code$Name], "'", collapse = ", "),
      " not found. Check get_indicatortypes()"


lookupSubGroupsIds <- function(paramStr) {
  if (is.numeric(paramStr) || is.null(paramStr)) {
  paramStr_low <- tolower(paramStr)

  inds <- get_subgroups()
  inds_code <- inds[tolower(inds$Name) %in% paramStr_low, ]

  # The all statement is in case you provide 2 indicators, for example
  if (all(!tolower(paramStr) %in% tolower(inds_code$Name))) {
      "Location(s) ",
      paste0("'", paramStr[!paramStr_low %in% inds_code$Name], "'", collapse = ", "),
      " not found. Check get_subgroups()"


lookupAreaTypeIds <- function(paramStr, paramList) {
  if (is.numeric(paramStr) || is.null(paramStr)) {
  paramStr_low <- tolower(paramStr)

  inds <- get_locationtypes(
    locIds = paramList[["locIds"]],
    indicatorTypeIds = paramList[["indicatorTypeIds"]],
    isComplete = paramList[["isComplete"]]

  inds_code <- inds[tolower(inds$Name) %in% paramStr_low, ]
  # The all statement is in case you provide 2 area types, for example
  if (all(!tolower(paramStr) %in% tolower(inds_code$Name))) {
      "Area Type(s) ",
      paste0("'", paramStr[!paramStr_low %in% inds_code$Name], "'", collapse = ", "),
      " not found. Check get_locationtypes()"


lookupDataProcessTypeIds <- function(paramStr, paramList) {
  if (is.numeric(paramStr) || is.null(paramStr)) {
  paramStr_low <- tolower(paramStr)

  inds <- get_dataprocesstype(
    locIds = paramList[["locIds"]],
    indicatorTypeIds = paramList[["indicatorTypeIds"]],
    isComplete = paramList[["isComplete"]]

  inds_code <- inds[tolower(inds$Name) %in% paramStr_low, ]
  # The all statement is in case you provide 2 area types, for example
  if (all(!tolower(paramStr) %in% tolower(inds_code$Name))) {
      "Data type(s) ",
      paste0("'", paramStr[!paramStr_low %in% inds_code$Name], "'", collapse = ", "),
      " not found. Check get_dataprocesstype()"


lookupDataProcessIds <- function(paramStr, paramList) {
  if (is.numeric(paramStr) || is.null(paramStr)) {
  paramStr_low <- tolower(paramStr)

  inds <- get_dataprocess(
    locIds = paramList[["locIds"]],
    indicatorTypeIds = paramList[["indicatorTypeIds"]],
    isComplete = paramList[["isComplete"]]

  inds_code <- inds[tolower(inds$Name) %in% paramStr_low, ]

  # The all statement is in case you provide 2 area types, for example
  if (all(!tolower(paramStr) %in% tolower(inds_code$Name))) {
      "Data type(s) ",
      paste0("'", paramStr[!paramStr_low %in% inds_code$Name], "'", collapse = ", "),
      " not found. Check get_dataprocess()"


lookupIsCompleteIds <- function(paramStr) {
  if (is.numeric(paramStr) || is.null(paramStr)) {

  paramStr_low <- tolower(paramStr)

  res <- switch(paramStr_low,
    "abridged" = 0,
    "complete" = 1,
    "total" = 2,
      "IsComplete does not accept string '",
      paramStr, "'",
      ". Only 'abridged', 'complete', 'total'."


values_env <- new.env()

# Columns to turn into labelled factors
values_env$id_to_fact <- c(
  AreaName = "AreaID",
  ## DataCatalogName = "DataCatalogID",
  DataReliabilityName = "DataReliabilityID",
  ## SubGroupName = "PK_SubGroupID",
  ## DataSourceName = "DataSourceID",
  DataStatusName = "DataStatusID",
  ## DataTypeName = "DataTypeID",
  DataTypeGroupName = "DataTypeGroupID",
  IndicatorName = "IndicatorID",
  LocName = "LocID",
  LocAreaTypeName = "LocAreaTypeID",
  LocTypeName = "LocTypeID",
  ModelPatternName = "ModelPatternID",
  ModelPatternFamilyName = "ModelPatternFamilyID",
  PeriodGroupName = "PeriodGroupID",
  PeriodTypeName = "PeriodTypeID",
  RegName = "RegID",
  SexName = "SexID",
  StatisticalConceptName = "StatisticalConceptID",
  SubGroupTypeName = "SubGroupTypeID"
  ## DataProcess = "PK_DataProcessID"

values_env$col_order <- c(
  ## "TimeReferenceID",
  ## "StaffMemberID",
timriffe/DDSQLtools documentation built on Oct. 6, 2021, 5:34 p.m.