
# Date: January 28, 2018
# Procedure: testing the k selection
# Purpose: unit testing
context("Testing the functionality of the ideal k finder")

k.titration <- c(5, 50, 500)
test <- ImputeTesting(k.titration = k.titration,
                      cells = wand.il7,
                      input.markers = input.markers,
                      test.markers = funct.markers)

test_that("High-level desired output from the impute testing function", {
    expect_equal(length(test), length(k.titration))

test_that("Convex loss function expected", {
    expect_true(test[1] > test[2])
    expect_true(test[2] < test[3])

test_that("Edge case for improper k selection", {
    expect_error(ImputeTesting(k.titration = c(-4),
                               cells = wand.il7,
                               input.markers = input.markers,
                               test.markers = funct.markers))
tjburns08/Sconify documentation built on May 31, 2019, 8:56 a.m.