
# The following functions load, reduce, and organize stimulus data from a `.txt`
# Eprime outputted by Eprime.

#' Parse an LWL stimulus data file outputted by Eprime
#' \code{Stimdata} is used to read and parse the \code{.txt} file that is output
#' by E-prime during a session of a Looking While Listening experiment.
#' @param stimdata_path Either the full or relative path to the \code{.txt} file
#'   that is to be parsed.
#' @param output_file Whether to write the parsed stimdata to a csv file.
#'   Defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, that stimdata is saved to
#'   \code{[folder]/[basename]_stim.csv}, where the folder and basename are
#'   extracted from the path used in \code{stimdata_path}
#' @return A dataframe containing the parsed stimdata.  Each row of the
#'   dataframe is the stimdata for a single experimental trial.
#' @details A stimdata file in a Looking While Listening task file the naming
#' convention: \code{[Task]_[BlockNo]_[SubjectID]}. The stimdata file is
#' assigned a class based on the task in the filename, and then methods for
#' extracting the stimdata are dispatched based on that class value. Valid task
#' names include "RWL", "MP", and "Coartic".
#' @export
Stimdata <- function(stimdata_path, output_file = lwl_opts$get("write_stimdata")) {
  # Extract experiment information from the input file name
  file_info <- ParseFilename(stimdata_path)
  task <- file_info$Task

  # Load the stimdata file
  stimlog <- LoadStimdataFile(stimdata_path)
  class(stimlog) <- c(task, class(stimlog))

  # Determine the appropriate stimdata features and extract them.
  config <- DetermineStim(stimlog)
  stimdata <- ExtractStim(config, stimlog)

  # Finalize stimdata
  class(stimdata) <- c(task, "Stimdata", class(stimdata))
  stimdata <- FinalizeStimdata(stimdata)
  stimdata$Basename <- file_info$Basename

  # Optionally write out stimdata as a csv
  if (output_file) {
    landing_dir <- dirname(stimdata_path)
    landing_file <- paste0(file_info$Basename, "_stim.csv")
    landing_path <- file.path(landing_dir, landing_file)
    write.csv(stimdata, landing_path, row.names = FALSE)


#' Open a stimulus log file outputted by Eprime
#' @param stimdata_path Either the full or relative path to the \code{.txt} file
#'   that is to be parsed.
#' @return the raw contents of the stimdata file. The basename of
#'   \code{stimdata_path} is attached as an attribute called \code{"Basename"}.
#' @details
#' Historically, we have had issues with the encoding of these .txt
#' files, so now we include some exception-handling measures. The procedure is
#' to first try to load the file with UCS-2 Little Endian encoding. If a warning
#' is encountered, the warning is muffled and the file is loaded again, this
#' time without specifying the encoding beforehand. If a warning is encountered
#' on this second attempt, it is printed to the console.
#' @export
LoadStimdataFile <- function(stimdata_path) {
  # A message with the filename is helpful.
  message(paste0("Reading stimdata in ", stimdata_path))

  # Initialize an empty warning object.
  warned <- NULL

  # Define the procedure to handle warnings: Store them and muffle them.
  HandleWarning <- function(w) {
    warned <<- w

  # Read in a file connection using the warning handler.
  con <- file(stimdata_path, open = "rt", encoding = "UCS-2LE")
  withCallingHandlers(stimlog <- readLines(con), warning = HandleWarning)

  # If a warning is caught, try connection again with no encoding specified.
  if (0 < length(warned)) {
    con <- file(stimdata_path, open = "rt")
    stimlog <- readLines(con)

  # Attach the original filename to the stimlog as an attribute.
  attr(stimlog, "Basename") <- basename(stimdata_path)


#' @keywords internal
ExtractStim <- function(stim_config, stimlog) {
  # Get the values from the stimdata file
  stim <- stim_config$Stim
  parsed_stimlog <- Map(.GetValuesOfStimdataType(stimlog), stim)

  # If a stim field was not found in the stimdata file, it will have a length of
  # zero in the parsed stimlog. We drop those fields that weren't found. This
  # avoids the error that comes from trying to combine the stim vectors of
  # differing lengths into a dataframe (which is a collection of vectors of
  # equal length).
  lengths <- sapply(parsed_stimlog, length)
  drops <- which(lengths == 0)

  if (length(drops) != 0) {
    parsed_stimlog <- parsed_stimlog[-drops]
    # Warn the user
    warn_names <- paste(names(parsed_stimlog)[drops], collapse = ", ")
    warn <- paste0("Empty stimdata fields: ", warn_names)

  # Put the dataframe together
  stimdata <- data.frame(parsed_stimlog, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  # Add the constants
  for (constant in names(stim_config$Constants)) {
    # Using a for-loop because each iteration updates (side-effects) `stimdata`
    value <- stim_config$Constants[constant]
    stimdata[, constant] <- value

  # Convert number strings to numerics
  num_stim <- stim_config$Numerics
  stimdata[num_stim] <- lapply(stimdata[num_stim], as.numeric)

  # Compute derived column values
  skip <- is.null(stim_config$Derived)
  if (!skip) {
    exp <- parse(text = stim_config$Derived)
    stimdata <- within(stimdata, {
      for (ex in exp) eval(ex)

  # Include the date and time of the block. `unique` because the date and time
  # are recorded twice (at the beginning and end of the experiment).
  date <- unique(.GetValuesOfStimdataType(stimlog)("SessionDate"))
  time <- unique(.GetValuesOfStimdataType(stimlog)("SessionTime"))
  datetime <- lubridate::mdy(date, quiet = TRUE) + lubridate::hms(time)
  stimdata$DateTime <- as.character(datetime)


#' Extract values of a given type from a stimdata file
#' \code{.GetValuesOfStimdataType} is a utility function for extracting from a
#' stimlog, the value of a given type of stimdata for each trial. This function
#' is curried so that \code{.GetValuesOfStimdataType(stimlog)} returns a
#' function that can be applied to a vector of the names of the stimdata types.
#' @keywords internal
#' @param stimlog A character vector whose elements are the lines of the
#'   stimlog.
#' @param stimdataType A character string identifying the type of stimdata whose
#'   value for each trial should be found.  E.g., 'Image1' is the stimdata type
#'   of the top left image in the Real Word Listening task.
#' @return Either a character vector or numeric vector, each element of which is
#'   the value of stimdataType for a trial.
#' @examples
#' # Single value extraction
#' # onset_times <- .GetValuesOfStimdataType(stimlog)("Image2sec.OnsetTime")
#' # Multiple value extraction
#' # image_names <- c("ImageL", "ImageR")
#' # image_values <- Map(.GetValuesOfStimdataType(stimlog), image_names)
.GetValuesOfStimdataType <- function(stimlog) {
  function(stimdata_type) {
    stopifnot(length(stimdata_type) <= 1)
    # The stimdata for each trial is logged using the following pattern:
    # `\t*{key}: {value}`.
    stim_pattern <- sprintf("\t*%s: ", stimdata_type)
    # Find the lines matching the pattern, then extract the {value}s
    stimlog_lines <- grep(stim_pattern, stimlog, value = TRUE)
    str_replace(stimlog_lines, stim_pattern, "")

#' Wrapper for `.GetValuesOfStimdataType` that returns whether a value is
#' present in `stimlog`
#' @keywords internal
.CheckForStimdataType <- function(stimlog, stimdataType) {
  values <- .GetValuesOfStimdataType(stimlog)(stimdataType)
  length(values) != 0
tjmahr/lookr documentation built on May 31, 2019, 3:41 p.m.