#' Generate annual truckload equivalents using FAF3 Traffic Analysis process
#' @param faf_data Data frame containing reformatted FAF commodity flow database
#' @param truck_allocation_factors Data frame containing factors that map
#' commodity flows to different types of trucks
#' @param truck_equivalency_factors Data frame containing factors that
#' translate tons into truckload equivalents
#' @param empty_truck_factors Data frame containing factors for calculating
#' incidence of empty trucks, given the trade (domestic versus foreign) and
#' truck type
#' @param debug_trace Turns detailed tracing statements on or off (defaults to
#' @details This function appends annual truckload equivalents to the FHWA
#' Freight Analysis Framework (FAF) commodity flow forecast database. The
#' process is based upon the FAF3 Traffic Analysis report developed by
#' Battelle, which maps tonnage to truckload equivalents, including empty
#' trucks. The function requires reformatted FAF data that replaces several
#' numeric values with strings that are more intuitive and retains data only
#' for the target year. The function also requires three tables from Chapter 3
#' of the FAF Traffic Analysis report, and then follows their methodology
#' exactly (but without the errors in the report). The function returns an
#' updated FAF database with truckload equivalents appended to each record.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' faf_annual_trucks <- create_annual_faf_truckloads(faf_data,
#' truck_allocation_factors, truck_equivalency_factors, empty_truck_factors)
create_annual_faf_truckloads <- function(faf_data, truck_allocation_factors,
truck_equivalency_factors, empty_truck_factors, debug_trace = FALSE) {
# Start by reporting the problem size
truck_flows <- dplyr::filter(faf_data, domestic_mode == "Truck")
print(paste("Generating annual truckload equivalents for", nrow(truck_flows),
"FAF truck flow records"), quote = FALSE)
# Define a helper function to extract truck allocation factors (Table 3-3)
# for the appropriate distance range. We will normalize the factors within the
# chosen distance on the fly
getTruckAllocationFactors <- function(distance) {
truck_allocation_factors %>%
dplyr::filter(distance >= minimum_range & distance <= maximum_range) %>%
dplyr::mutate(alloc_factor = allocation_factor/sum(allocation_factor)) %>%
dplyr::select(vehicle_type, alloc_factor)
# The truck equivalency factors found in Appendix A of the FAF3 Freight
# Traffic Analysis report are used for converting kilotons into truckload
# equivalents. Convert them from wide to tall format. Since we are dealing
# with tons we need to scale the factors to account for the differences.
truck_equivalency_factors <- tidyr::gather(truck_equivalency_factors,
body_type, equiv_factor, auto:other)
# We will also define a helper function to pull the appropriate values by
# commodity and vehicle type.
getTruckEquivalencyFactors <- function(commodity) {
dplyr::filter(truck_equivalency_factors, sctg2==commodity, equiv_factor>0.0)
# Finally, convert the empty truck factors from wide to tall format, and
# define a helper function to grab appropriate values by body type and flow
# direction.
empty_truck_factors <- tidyr::gather(empty_truck_factors, vehicle_type,
empty_factor, SU:TPT)
getEmptyTruckFactors <- function(flow_direction) {
dplyr::filter(empty_truck_factors, crossing_type == flow_direction)
# Calculate truck equivalencies for each FAF flow record. The resulting table
# will have flows by each vehicle (truck) type and status (empty, loaded)
calcTruckloadEquivalencies <- function(replicant, i,
debug_msg = debug_trace) {
# Get the factors appropriate for the current distance between domestic FAF
# regions, trade type, and commodity
taf <- getTruckAllocationFactors(replicant$wgt_dist)
tef <- getTruckEquivalencyFactors(replicant$sctg2)
etf <- getEmptyTruckFactors(replicant$trade_type)
# Allocate the tonnage to each vehicle (as in Table 3-7)
taf$tons <- replicant$exp_tons * taf$alloc_factor
# Merge the tonnage by vehicle type with the truck equivalency factors to
# get tonnage by vehicle type and body type.
loaded <- tef %>%
dplyr::left_join(taf, by="vehicle_type") %>%
dplyr::mutate(annual_trucks = tons * equiv_factor) %>%
dplyr::select(-equiv_factor, -alloc_factor, -tons)
# We need to catch the case where rounding annual truck trips winds up zero
# for all truck types under consideration. We will always have a minimum of
# one truck, so pick vehicle and body type that has higher number of them
check_loaded <- loaded %>%
dplyr::group_by(vehicle_type) %>%
dplyr::summarize(annual_trucks = sum(annual_trucks, na.rm = TRUE))
zed <- max(check_loaded$annual_trucks)
if (zed < 1.0) {
loaded <- loaded %>%
dplyr::arrange(desc(annual_trucks)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(annual_trucks = 1.0) %>%
# Calculate the number of empty trucks. If we obtain zero trucks we will
# accept that.
empty <- loaded %>%
dplyr::left_join(etf, by=c("body_type", "vehicle_type")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(empty_trucks = annual_trucks * empty_factor) %>%
dplyr::select(-crossing_type, -empty_factor)
# We needed to retain the body types to calculate empties, but now we can
# collapse each group to vehicle types
loaded <- loaded %>%
dplyr::group_by(vehicle_type) %>%
dplyr::summarise(annual_trucks = round(sum(annual_trucks), 0)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(status = "loaded")
empty <- empty %>%
dplyr::group_by(vehicle_type) %>%
dplyr::summarise(annual_trucks = round(sum(empty_trucks), 0)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(status = "empty")
# Append the original value and tons for it to operate upon
loaded$exp_tons <- replicant$exp_tons
loaded$exp_value <- replicant$exp_value
# Create a separate record for the combined groups and merge with the data
# from the flow record. Note that we drop the original value and tons, as
# they are now split among the various loaded truck types.
loaded <- loaded %>%
dplyr::mutate(percent = annual_trucks / sum(annual_trucks),
exp_tons = percent * exp_tons,
exp_value = as.numeric(percent * exp_value)) %>%
empty <- dplyr::mutate(empty, exp_tons = 0.0, exp_value = 0.0)
together <- dplyr::bind_rows(loaded, empty)
# Add the SCTG code back in, as we will use that to merge the two tables
together$sctg2 <- replicant$sctg2
final_result <- together %>%
dplyr::left_join(dplyr::select(replicant, -exp_tons, -exp_value,
-exp_tmiles), by = "sctg2") %>%
dplyr::mutate(zed = zed) %>%
dplyr::filter(annual_trucks > 0) # Drop truck types with no annual trips
# Write debugging info is requested, and then return the results
if (debug_msg == TRUE) {
print(paste0("replicant ", i, ": zed=", round(zed, 4), " annual trucks=",
sum(final_result$annual_trucks)), quote = FALSE)
# Run the simulation
simulation_start <- proc.time()
results <- foreach(i = 1:nrow(truck_flows), .packages=c("dplyr")) %dopar%
calcTruckloadEquivalencies(truck_flows[i,], i)
combined <- dplyr::bind_rows(results)
simulation_stop <- proc.time()
elapsed_seconds <- round((simulation_stop-simulation_start)[["elapsed"]], 1)
print(paste("Simulation time=", elapsed_seconds, "seconds"), quote=FALSE)
# Tabulate system-level summary
summary1 <- combined %>%
dplyr::group_by(vehicle_type) %>%
dplyr::summarise(records = n(), exp_tons = sum(exp_tons, na.rm = TRUE),
exp_value = sum(exp_value, na.rm = TRUE),
annual_trucks = sum(annual_trucks)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(avg_tons = round(exp_tons / annual_trucks, 2))
print("Annual trucks generated:", quote = FALSE)
# Exit stage left
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