#' Read the runtime parameters file and store them in environment
#' @param propertiesFN Filename containing the runtime parameters, with full
#' path information included in the filename
#' @param format The format the runtime parameters are stored in within the
#' file, which includes java (the default, and currently only supported
#' format) and xml (future)
#' @param delimiter The character used to separate the parameter name from its
#' value (defaults to '=', not relevant for XML format)
#' @param import_flag Some parameters are tables stored in external files in
#' command separated value (CSV) format. This parameter, when it precedes the
#' runtime parameter value, signals the function that the value string is
#' a file that should should be read when adding that runtime parameter to the
#' simulation environment. (default is '&')
#' @param echo_parameters Print the runtime parameters after setting them up
#' (defaults to TRUE)
#' @param save_to Filename for saving the runtime parameters to R binary file
#' for later processing or archiving (optional)
#' @details This function reads a file containing the runtime parameters
#' required by the CT platform. The variables required depend somewhat upon
#' the exact model implementation (i.e., what CT functions are called, using
#' what methods, and in what order). These should be specified by the model
#' developer. Note that it is possible to call this function twice in order
#' to set default parameters the first time through, and scenario-specific
#' parameters the second time. In that case the default parameters are
#' overwritten if also defined in the scenario-specific parameters file. This
#' enables the latter to only contain parameter values that differ from one
#' model run to the next, rather than repeating standard parameters that
#' rarely change, if ever, between different simulations.
#' It is important to note that all of the parameters are treated as strings
#' in plaintext (java) formatted files, whereas the class can be explicitly
#' set in XML or JSON files. However, the latter are not yet implemented (and
#' will not be until needed). Thus, it is incumbent upon the user to cast the
#' runtime parameters to correct class before evaluating or manipulating them
#' in their code.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get_runtime_parameters("/Models/swim25/run81/t0/swim.properties")
#' get_runtime_parameters("/Models/swim25/run91/t25/swim.properties",
#' save_to = "ct_runtime_parameters.RData")
get_runtime_parameters <- function(propertiesFN, format = "java",
delimiter = '=', import_flag = '&', echo_parameters = TRUE, save_to = NULL) {
require(stringr) # package prefix omitted in this function for brevity sake
# How we will read the parameters file will depend upon how it is coded. For
# now the only supported type is java.
supported_formats <- c("java")
if (!format %in% supported_formats) {
error_message <- paste("Format", format, "is not supported")
# Start with code for handling java format
if (format == "java") {
# Start by reading the contents of the runtime parameters file and removing
# any embedded tab characters
raw <- scan(file = propertiesFN, what = "character", sep = '\n',
strip.white = TRUE, comment.char = '#') #, quote = "")
notabs <- str_replace(noquote(raw), '\t', "")
noquotes <- str_replace_all(notabs, '\"', "") # Remove R's double quote
# Split each record into token and value by using the delimiter argument to
# split them. Start by extracting the token names. Remember that str_locate
# returns two values: the first and last occurrences of the character in the
# string. We only need the first value in this case.
params <- dplyr::data_frame(token = str_trim(str_sub(noquotes, 1,
str_locate(notabs, delimiter)[,1]-1)))
# Next isolate the value associated with each token
params$value <- str_trim(str_sub(noquotes,
str_locate(noquotes, delimiter)[,1]+1, str_length(noquotes)))
params$value <- str_replace_all(params$value, " ", "") # Remove spaces
# Finally, we need to determine whether the string we read for the value is
# indeed what the user intended, or whether it is a pointer to a file that
# should be read to obtain the contents. Thus, we look for a leading import
# flag, which is specified in function list.
params$flag <- ifelse(substr(params$value, 1, 1) == import_flag, "file",
params$value <- ifelse(params$flag == "literal", params$value,
substr(params$value, 2, str_length(params$value)))
# End java format handling
} else {
error_message <- paste("Format", format, "not yet supported")
# Create the runtime parameters (RTP) environment if it does not exist, and
# add the current token-value pairs to it. This will overwrite existing pairs
# if redefined in the current set.
if (!exists("RTP")) RTP <<- new.env()
# We need to set the root.dir first, because other parameters might depend
# upon it to find location of the files if relative directory structure is
# used. So we'll sequentially number the params records, set root.dir to zero,
# and then re-sort the data frame accordingly.
params$seq <- 1:nrow(params)
params$seq <- ifelse(params$token == "root.dir", 0, params$seq)
# If the user did not explicitly set root.dir then assume it is the current
# directory. Again, it needs to be first, so put it there after defining it.
all_tokens <- unique(params$token)
if (!"root.dir" %in% all_tokens) {
params <- dplyr::bind_rows(
dplyr::data_frame(token = "root.dir", value = "./", flag = "literal",
seq = 0),
ct_msg(paste("Required parameter root.dir assumed to be", getwd()))
params <- dplyr::arrange(params, seq)
# Set the individual runtime enviroment variables from this stack
for (i in 1:nrow(params)) {
if (params$flag[i] == "literal") {
# If the value is literal then simply place it into the environment
RTP[[params$token[i]]] <- params$value[i]
} else {
# But otherwise we will attempt to read the file as CSV format from the
# current folder. If it is not found there then look for it in root.dir.
# And if not there then stop the program, for the user has either not
# set the required root.dir runtime parameter or mis-specified the file.
filename <- params$value[i]
if (!file.exists(filename)) {
# If the file does not exist in the current directory then look for it
# in the root.dir folder
if (nchar(RTP[["root.dir"]])<1) {
error_message <- paste("Somehow root.dir is not defined at seq=",
} else {
filename <- file.path(RTP[["root.dir"]], filename)
# If the file isn't there, either, then stop
if (!file.exists(filename)) {
error_message <- paste(params$value[i], "not found in either the",
"current folder or in root.dir")
RTP[[params$token[i]]] <- readr::read_csv(filename)
# Finally, echo the relevant parameters so that we know they were properly
# set. However, we don't want to print a data frame associated with any given
# token, so just print abbreviated summary. Finally, omit any parameters that
# we don't care about.
keep <- c("root.dir", "scenario.name", "base.year", "t.year", "t.year.prefix",
"scenario.outputs", "alpha2beta.file", "highway.assign.previous.skim.path",
"pecas.makeuse", "pecas.zonal.employment")
# In addition, we want to save anything that has "ct." or "faf." prefix
for (this_token in all_tokens) {
# Find the first dot character in the token name
first_dot <- str_locate(this_token, '\\.')[,1]
prefix <- substr(this_token, 1, first_dot)
if (prefix %in% c("ct.", "faf.")) keep <- c(keep, this_token)
keep <- sort(keep)
# Finally, print the parameters unless the user has told us not to
if (echo_parameters == TRUE) {
ct_msg("Runtime parameters:")
for (this_token in keep) {
if (!this_token %in% all_tokens) next # Skip kept tokens that don't exist
if (is.data.frame(RTP[[this_token]])) {
S <- paste(this_token, ": ", dim(params)[1], " x ", dim(params)[2],
" tibble", sep = '')
} else {
S <- paste(this_token, ": ", RTP[[this_token]], sep = '')
# Finally, if the user has asked to save them put the parameters into a binary
# data file in the root directory
if (!is.null(save_to)) {
filename <- file.path(RTP[["root.dir"]], "ct_runtime_parameters.RData")
save(RTP, file = filename)
ct_msg(paste("Runtime parameters saved to", filename))
# There is nothing to return, for the RTP environment is already populated
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