
Defines functions summary.abund

Documented in summary.abund

#' @title Summarize abundance estimates
#' @description Summarize an object of class \code{c("abund","dfunc")} 
#' that is output by \code{abundEstim}.
#' @param x An object output by \code{abundEstim}.  This is a distance 
#' function object augmented with abundance estimates, and has 
#' class \code{c("abund", "dfunc")}.
#' @param criterion A string specifying the criterion to print.
#' Must be one of "AICc" (the default), 
#' "AIC", or "BIC".  See \code{\link{AIC.dfunc}} for formulas. 
#' @param maxBSFailPropForWarning The proportion of bootstrap 
#' iterations that can fail without a warning. If the proportion 
#' of bootstrap iterations that did not converge exceeds this 
#' parameter, a warning about the validity of CI's is issued and 
#' a diagnostic message printed.  Increasing this to a number greater 
#' than 1 will kill the warning, but ignoring a large number of non-convergent
#' bootstrap iterations may be a bad idea (i.e., validity of the CI is 
#' questionable). 
#' @param \dots Included for compatibility to other print methods.  
#' Ignored here.
#' @details The default summary method for class 'dfunc' is 
#' called first, then the abundance estimates are printed.
#' @return 0 is invisibly returned.
#' @seealso \code{\link{dfuncEstim}}, \code{\link{abundEstim}}, 
#' \code{\link{summary.dfunc}}, \code{\link{print.dfunc}}, 
#' \code{\link{print.abund}}
#' @examples
#' # Load example sparrow data (line transect survey type)
#' data(sparrowDetectionData)
#' data(sparrowSiteData)
#' # Fit half-normal detection function
#' dfunc <- dfuncEstim(formula=dist ~ 1 + offset(groupsize)
#'                   , detectionData=sparrowDetectionData)
#' # Estimate abundance given the detection function
#' # Note: do more than R=20 bootstrap iterations
#' fit <- abundEstim(dfunc
#'                 , detectionData = sparrowDetectionData
#'                 , siteData = sparrowSiteData
#'                 , area = units::set_units(4105, "km^2")
#'                 , R=20
#'                 , ci=0.95)
#' summary(fit)
#' @keywords models
#' @export

summary.abund <- function( x, 
                         maxBSFailPropForWarning = RdistanceControls()$maxBSFailPropForWarning,
                         ... ){
  summary.dfunc( x, criterion=criterion )
  hasCI <- all(!is.null(x$density.ci))
  # ---- Groupsize printout ----
  mess <- format(c(
                  "Surveyed Units:"
                , "Individuals seen:"
                , "Average group size:"
                , "Range:"), justify = "right")
  mess[1] <- paste0(" ", mess[1]) # pesky " " that happens with cat and \n
  avgGs <- c(
           , paste( format(x$n.seen), "in", format(x$n), "groups")
           , colorize( format( x$avg.group.size ))
           , paste(colorize(format( x$rng.group.size[1] ))
                          , "to"
                          , colorize(format( x$rng.group.size[2] ))))
  mess <- paste(mess, avgGs)
  cat(paste(mess, "\n"))
  # ---- Density printout ----
  if( hasCI ){
    mess <- c("Density in sampled area:", paste0(x$alpha*100, "% CI:"))
    mess <- format(mess, justify = "right")
    mess[2] <- substring(mess[2], 2) # remove pesky " " that happens with cat and \n
    ci <- paste( colorize(format(x$density.ci[1])), 
                 colorize(format(x$density.ci[2])) )
    ptEst <- colorize( colorize(format(x$density)), col = "bold" )
    mess <- paste(mess, c(ptEst, ci))
  } else {
    mess <- c("Density in sampled area:")
    ptEst <- colorize( colorize(format(x$density)), col = "bold" )
    mess <- paste(mess, ptEst)
  cat(paste0(mess, "\n"))

  # ---- Abundance printout ----
    cat("\n")  # blank line between for readability
  if( hasCI ){
    mess <- c(paste0( "Abundance in ", format(x$area), " study area:"), 
                      paste0(x$alpha*100, "% CI:"))
    mess <- format(mess, justify = "right")
    mess[2] <- substring(mess[2], 2) # remove pesky " " that happens with cat and \n
    ci <- paste( colorize(format(x$n.hat.ci[1])), 
                 colorize(format(x$n.hat.ci[2])) )
    ptEst <- colorize( colorize(format(x$n.hat)), col = "bold" )
    mess <- paste(mess, c(ptEst, ci))
  } else {
    mess <- paste0( "Abundance in ", format(x$area), " study area:")
    ptEst <- colorize( colorize(format(x$n.hat)), col = "bold" )
    mess <- paste(mess, ptEst)
  cat(paste0(mess, "\n"))
    if(x$nItersConverged < nrow(x$B)) {
      cat(paste("CI based on", x$nItersConverged, "of", nrow(x$B), 
                "successful bootstrap iterations\n"))
      convRatio <- x$nItersConverged / nrow(x$B)
      if((1.0-convRatio) > maxBSFailPropForWarning) {
        warning("The proportion of non-convergent bootstrap iterations is high.", immediate. = TRUE)
        cat(paste0("The proportion of non-convergent bootstrap iterations exceeds ",
                  maxBSFailPropForWarning, ".\n",
                  "You should figure out why this happened (low detections, unstable dfunc form, etc.),\n",
                  "inspect the $B component of the abundance object (e.g., hist(x$B)), and decide whether the bootstrap CI is valid.\n"))

tmcd82070/Rdistance documentation built on April 10, 2024, 10:20 p.m.