
Defines functions est.R0.ML

Documented in est.R0.ML

# Name   : est.R0.ML
# Desc   : Estimation of basic Reproduction Number using Maximum Likelihood method,
#          as presented by White & Pagano
# Date   : 2011/11/09
# Update : 2023/03/01
# Author : Boelle, Obadia

#' @title
#' Estimate R0 by Maximum Likelihood
#' @description
#' Estimate R0 by maximum likelihood, assuming Poisson distribution of offsprings
#' generated from infected individuals at each time step.
#' @note
#' This is the implementation of the method provided by White & Pagano (2009).
#' @references
#' White, L.F., J. Wallinga, L. Finelli, C. Reed, S. Riley, M. Lipsitch, and M. Pagano. "Estimation of the Reproductive Number and the Serial Interval in Early Phase of the 2009 Influenza A/H1N1 Pandemic in the USA." Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses 3, no. 6 (2009): 267-276.
#' @details
#' For internal use. Called by [estimate.R()].
#' White & Pagano (2009) detail two maximum likelihood methods for estimatig the 
#' reproduction ratio. The principle of the methods described by White & all is to 
#' compute the expected number of cases in the future, and optimise to get R using 
#' a Poisson distribution.
#' The first (and used by default in this package) assumes that the serial interval 
#' distirbution is known, and subsequently the likelihood is only maximised depending 
#' on the value of R. 
#' The second method can be used if the serial interval distribution is unknown: in 
#' that case, the generation time is set to follow a Gamma distribution with two 
#' parameters (size, shape), and the optimization routine finds the values of R, size 
#' and shape that maximize the likelihood. However, the epidemic curve must be long 
#' enough to account for a whole generation. The authors showed that this is achieved 
#' when the cumulated amount of incident cases reaches approximately 150. 
#' When using this method, the flag `unknown.GT` must be set to `TRUE`. GT must still 
#' be provided with a `R0.GT`-class object, though its mean and sd will be recycled 
#' as starting value for the optimization routine.
#' The 95% confidence interval is achieved by profiling the likelihood.
#' @param epid Object containing epidemic curve data. 
#' @param GT Generation time distribution from [generation.time()]. 
#' @param import Vector of imported cases. 
#' @param t Vector of dates at which incidence was observed. 
#' @param begin At what time estimation begins. 
#' @param end Time at which to end computation. 
#' @param date.first.obs Optional date of first observation, if `t` not specified. 
#' @param time.step Optional. If date of first observation is specified, number of day between each incidence observation. 
#' @param range Range of values over which the MLE must be explored. 
#' @param unknown.GT Boolean value. When GT distribution is unknown, it is estimated jointly (see details). 
#' @param impute.incid Boolean value. If TRUE, will impute unobserved cases at the beginning of the epidemic to correct for censored data.
#' @param checked Internal flag used to check whether integrity checks were ran or not.
#' @param ... Parameters passed to inner functions.
#' @return
#' A list with components:
#' \item{R}{The estimate of the reproduction ratio.}
#' \item{conf.int}{The 95% confidence interval for the R estimate.}
#' \item{epid}{Original or augmented epidemic data, depending whether [impute.incid()] is set to `FALSE` or `TRUE.`}
#' \item{epid.orig}{Original epidemic data.}
#' \item{GT}{Generation time distribution uised in the computation.}
#' \item{begin}{Starting date for the fit.}
#' \item{begin.nb}{The number of the first day used in the fit.}
#' \item{end}{The end date for the fit.}
#' \item{end.nb}{The number of the las day used for the fit.}
#' \item{pred}{Prediction on the period used for the fit.}
#' \item{Rsquared}{Correlation coefficient between predicted curve (by [fit.epid()]) and observed epidemic curve.}
#' \item{call}{Call used for the function.}
#' \item{method}{Method used for fitting.}
#' \item{method.code}{Internal code used to designate method.}
#' @importFrom stats uniroot poisson qchisq optim optimize glm
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @example tests/est.R0.ML.R
#' @author Pierre-Yves Boelle, Thomas Obadia

# Function declaration

est.R0.ML <- function(
    import         = NULL, 
    t              = NULL, 
    begin          = NULL, 
    end            = NULL, 
    date.first.obs = NULL, 
    time.step      = 1, 
    range          = c(0.01,50), 
    unknown.GT     = FALSE, 
    impute.incid   = FALSE, 
    checked        = FALSE, 

# Code

  CALL <- match.call()
  # Various class and integrity checks
  if (checked == FALSE) {
    parameters <- integrity.checks(epid=epid, GT=GT, t=t, begin=begin, end=end, date.first.obs=date.first.obs, time.step=time.step, AR=NULL, S0=NULL, methods="ML")
    begin <- parameters$begin
    end <- parameters$end
  epid <- check.incid(epid, t, date.first.obs, time.step)
  begin.nb <- which(epid$t == begin)
  end.nb <- which(epid$t == end)
  if(!is.null(import) & length(import) != length(epid$incid)) stop("Import vector and incidence vector do not have the same length.")
  if (is.null(import)) import <- rep(0, length(epid$incid))
  #  if (impute.incid == TRUE) {
  #    begin.nb = 1
  #    end.nb = length(epid$incid)
  #  }
  #Backup of original epidemic data
  epid.orig <- epid
  #Truncate at end if necessary
  epid <- list(incid=epid$incid[begin.nb:end.nb],t=epid$t[begin.nb:end.nb])
  import <- import[begin.nb:end.nb]
  #Make a likelihood that can be optimized
  log.R <- log(1) #initial value is taken at 1
  if (unknown.GT==TRUE) {
    optimized.val <- optim(c(log.R, GT$mean, GT$sd), fit.epid.optim, epid=epid, import=import, control=list(fnscale=-1))$par
    GT <- generation.time("gamma", c(optimized.val[2], optimized.val[3]))
  res.R <- optimize(fit.epid,log(range),GT=GT,epid=epid,import=import,maximum=TRUE)
  if ((exp(res.R$maximum) == range[1]) | (exp(res.R$maximum) == range[2])) { 
    warning("Algorithm converged to boundary. Try increasing 'range'")
  # Should get the confidence interval by solving likelihood. 
  # Use uniroot starting from current estimate.
  R.max <- uniroot(fit.epid,lower=res.R$maximum, upper = log(range[2]), offset=res.R$objective-qchisq(0.95,df=1),epid=epid,GT=GT,import=import)
  R.min <- uniroot(fit.epid,lower=log(range[1]), upper=res.R$maximum, offset=res.R$objective-qchisq(0.95,df=1),epid=epid,GT=GT,import=import)
  # Compute prediction
  pred <- fit.epid(res.R$maximum,epid,GT,import=import,pred=TRUE)
  #We check how prediction and observed data match to compute a deviance-measured R-squared value
  tmp <- glm(epid$incid~pred, family=poisson())
  #tmp <- glm(epid$incid~pred)
  Rsquared <- (tmp$null.deviance-tmp$deviance)/(tmp$null.deviance)
  #If data are censored and need to be imputed, recursive call of ML method
  if (impute.incid == TRUE) {
    R0.val.i <- vector()
    R0.val.i[1] <- exp(res.R$maximum)
    new.incid <- impute.incid(c(0,0), epid.orig, R0.val.i[1], GT)
    R0.val.i[2] <- est.R0.ML(epid=new.incid, GT, begin=1, end=as.numeric(end.nb+length(GT$GT)), impute.incid=FALSE)$R
    i <- 2
    while (abs(R0.val.i[i] - R0.val.i[i-1]) > 0.0001) {
      #When too few values are available for convergence, break condition is needed
      #Most common case is convergence to 2nd digit (which should be enough for any estimation...)
      if ((i>1000) && (abs(R0.val.i[i-1] - R0.val.i[i-2])<0.01)) {
        warning("Algorithm didn't converge to lower than 1e-4 after 1000 iterations. However, termination was achieved with a 1e-2 threshold over the last two values.")
      new.incid <- impute.incid(c(0,0), epid.orig, R0.val.i[i], GT)
      tmp.res <- est.R0.ML(epid=new.incid, GT, begin=1, end=as.numeric(end.nb+length(GT$GT)), impute.incid=FALSE)
      R0.val.i[i+1] <- tmp.res$R
      tmp.conf.int <- tmp.res$conf.int
      tmp.pred <- tmp.res$pred
      i <- i+1
    R0.best <- R0.val.i[length(R0.val.i)]
    conf.int <- tmp.conf.int
    pred <- tmp.pred
    new.epid <- check.incid(incid=new.incid, time.step=time.step, date.first.obs=(epid$t[1]-length(GT$GT)))
  if (impute.incid == FALSE) {
    return (structure(list(R=exp(res.R$maximum), conf.int=c(exp(R.min$root), exp(R.max$root)), epid=epid.orig, GT=GT, begin=begin, begin.nb=begin.nb, end=end, end.nb=end.nb, pred=pred, Rsquared=Rsquared, call=CALL, method="Maximum Likelihood", method.code="ML"),class="R0.R"))
  else {
    return (structure(list(R=R0.best, conf.int=conf.int, epid=new.epid, epid.orig=epid.orig, GT=GT, begin=new.epid$t[1], begin.nb=1, end=end, end.nb=which(new.epid$t == end), pred=pred, Rsquared=Rsquared, call=CALL, method="Maximum Likelihood", method.code="ML"),class="R0.R"))
tobadia/R0 documentation built on Sept. 24, 2023, 5:16 p.m.