
Defines functions generation.time

Documented in generation.time

# Name   : GT
# Desc   : Generate a discrete Generation Time distribution given a distribution 
#          type and specifications (mean, sd).
# Date   : 2011/11/09
# Update : 2023/03/02
# Author : Boelle, Obadia

#' @title
#' Generation Time distribution
#' @description
#' Create an object of class `GT` representing a discretized Generation Time
#' distribution, that can be subsequently passed to estimation routines.
#' @details
#' How the GT is discretized may have some impact on the shape of the distribution.
#' For example, the distribution may be discretized in intervals of 1 time step 
#' starting at time 0, i.e. [0,1), [1,2), and so on. Or it may be discretized as 
#' [0,0.5), [0.5, 1.5), ... (the default). 
#' If the GT is discretized from a given continuous distribution, the expected 
#' duration of the Generation Time will be less than the nominal, it will be in 
#' better agreement using the second discretization (default behavior).
#' If p0 is set to `TRUE` (default), the generation time distribution is set to 0 for 
#' day 0, meaning that the infectees generated by an infected individual will not 
#' become incident on the same day.
#' If no truncation is provided, the distribution will be truncated at 99.99% 
#' probability.
#' @param type Type of distribution (can be any of `"empirical"`, `"gamma"`, `"weibull"`, or `"lognormal"`)
#' @param val Vector of values used for the empirical distribution, or `c(mean, sd)` if parametric.
#' @param truncate Maximum extent of the GT distribution.
#' @param step Time step used in discretization.
#' @param first.half Boolean. When set to `TRUE` (default), the first probability is computed on a half period.
#' @param p0 Boolen. When set to `TRUE` the probability on day 0 is forced to 0.
#' @return
#' A list with components:
#' \item{GT}{The probabilities for each time unit, starting at time 0.}
#' \item{time}{The time at which probabilities are calculated.}
#' \item{mean}{The mean of the discretized GT.}
#' \item{sd}{The standard deviation of the discretized GT.}
#' @importFrom stats pweibull pgamma plnorm
#' @export
#' @example tests/generation.time.R
#' @author Pierre-Yves Boelle, Thomas Obadia

# Function declaration

generation.time <- function(
    type       = c("empirical", "gamma", "weibull", "lognormal"),
    val        = NULL, 
    truncate   = NULL, 
    step       = 1, 
    first.half = TRUE, 
    p0         = TRUE 
  # Code
  # all tests required 
  #if empirical, check values
  if (type=="empirical") {
    GT <- val
    if (any(GT <0))
      stop("Values in 'val' must be positive")
    if (sum(GT) >1)
      warning("Values will be standardized to sum to 1")
    if (!is.null(truncate)) {
      if (truncate < length(val)) {
        warning(paste("Empirical distribution truncated at length ",truncate))
        GT <- GT[1:truncate]
    # if parametric
  } else {
    if (length(val)<2 )
      stop("val= c(mean,sd) must be provided for parametric GT")
    mean <- val[1]
    sd <- val[2]
    if (any(c(mean,sd) <= 0))
      stop("'mean' and 'sd' must be positive")
    if (is.null(truncate)) { 
      tmax <- ceiling(mean+10*sd); # sufficiently large
    } else {
      tmax <- truncate
    if (first.half) {
      t.scale <- c(0,0.5+c(0:tmax))
    } else {
      t.scale <- c(0:tmax)
    if (type == "gamma") {
      a <- mean*mean/(sd*sd) 
      s <- sd*sd / mean						
      GT <- diff(pgamma(t.scale,shape=a,scale=s))
      #other cases; weibull, ...		
    } else if (type == "lognormal") {
      meanlog <- log(mean^2/sqrt(mean^2+sd^2))
      sdlog <- sqrt(2)*sqrt(log(sqrt(mean^2+sd^2)/mean))
      GT <- diff(plnorm(t.scale,meanlog=meanlog,sdlog=sdlog))
    } else if (type == "weibull") {
      cv <- sd/(mean)
      if (cv < 1e-06) {
        nu <- cv/(sqrt(trigamma(1)) - cv * digamma(1))
        shape <- 1/nu
        scale <- (mean)/(1 + nu * digamma(1))
      } else {
        aa <- log(cv^2 + 1)
        nu <- 2 * cv/(1 + cv)
        repeat {
          gb <- (lgamma(1 + 2 * nu) - 2 * lgamma(1 + nu) - aa)/(2 * (digamma(1 + 2 * nu) - digamma(1 + nu)))
          nu <- nu - gb
          if (abs(gb) < 1e-12) break
        shape <- 1/nu
        scale <- exp(log(mean) - lgamma(1 + nu))
      GT <- diff(pweibull(t.scale,shape=shape,scale=scale))
    if (is.null(truncate)) {
      # truncate when GI distribution >0.9999
      GT.cum <- cumsum(GT)
      if(length(GT.cum[GT.cum > 0.9999]) != 0){
        truncate <- (GT.cum > 0.9999)*(1:length(GT.cum))
        truncate <- min(truncate[truncate > 0])
        if (truncate == 0) warning(paste('provide truncate larger than ',mean + 10 * sd))
        GT <- GT[1:truncate]
  if (p0 == TRUE) GT[1]=0
  time <- 0:(length(GT)-1)
  GT <- GT/sum(GT)
  mu <- sum(GT * time) 
  sigma <- sqrt(sum(GT*time^2) - mu^2)
tobadia/R0 documentation built on Sept. 24, 2023, 5:16 p.m.