
Defines functions shinyApp shinyAppDir shinyAppFile shinyAppDir_serverR initAutoReloadMonitor loadSupport shinyAppDir_appR as.shiny.appobj as.shiny.appobj.shiny.appobj as.shiny.appobj.list as.shiny.appobj.character is.shiny.appobj print.shiny.appobj as.tags.shiny.appobj deferredIFrame shiny_rmd_warning knit_print.shiny.appobj knit_print.shiny.render.function knit_print.reactive

Documented in as.shiny.appobj as.shiny.appobj.character as.shiny.appobj.list as.shiny.appobj.shiny.appobj as.tags.shiny.appobj is.shiny.appobj knit_print.reactive knit_print.shiny.appobj knit_print.shiny.render.function loadSupport print.shiny.appobj shinyApp shinyAppDir shinyAppFile

# TODO: Subapp global.R

#' Create a Shiny app object
#' These functions create Shiny app objects from either an explicit UI/server
#' pair (`shinyApp`), or by passing the path of a directory that contains a
#' Shiny app (`shinyAppDir`).
#' Normally when this function is used at the R console, the Shiny app object is
#' automatically passed to the `print()` function, which runs the app. If
#' this is called in the middle of a function, the value will not be passed to
#' `print()` and the app will not be run. To make the app run, pass the app
#' object to `print()` or [runApp()].
#' @param ui The UI definition of the app (for example, a call to
#'   `fluidPage()` with nested controls).
#'    If bookmarking is enabled (see `enableBookmarking`), this must be
#'    a single argument function that returns the UI definition.
#' @param server A function with three parameters: `input`, `output`, and
#'   `session`. The function is called once for each session ensuring that each
#'   app is independent.
#' @param onStart A function that will be called before the app is actually run.
#'   This is only needed for `shinyAppObj`, since in the `shinyAppDir`
#'   case, a `global.R` file can be used for this purpose.
#' @param options Named options that should be passed to the `runApp` call
#'   (these can be any of the following: "port", "launch.browser", "host", "quiet",
#'   "display.mode" and "test.mode"). You can also specify `width` and
#'   `height` parameters which provide a hint to the embedding environment
#'   about the ideal height/width for the app.
#' @param uiPattern A regular expression that will be applied to each `GET`
#'   request to determine whether the `ui` should be used to handle the
#'   request. Note that the entire request path must match the regular
#'   expression in order for the match to be considered successful.
#' @param enableBookmarking Can be one of `"url"`, `"server"`, or
#'   `"disable"`. The default value, `NULL`, will respect the setting from
#'   any previous calls to  [enableBookmarking()]. See [enableBookmarking()]
#'   for more information on bookmarking your app.
#' @return An object that represents the app. Printing the object or passing it
#'   to [runApp()] will run the app.
#' @examples
#' ## Only run this example in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   options(device.ask.default = FALSE)
#'   shinyApp(
#'     ui = fluidPage(
#'       numericInput("n", "n", 1),
#'       plotOutput("plot")
#'     ),
#'     server = function(input, output) {
#'       output$plot <- renderPlot( plot(head(cars, input$n)) )
#'     }
#'   )
#'   shinyAppDir(system.file("examples/01_hello", package="shiny"))
#'   # The object can be passed to runApp()
#'   app <- shinyApp(
#'     ui = fluidPage(
#'       numericInput("n", "n", 1),
#'       plotOutput("plot")
#'     ),
#'     server = function(input, output) {
#'       output$plot <- renderPlot( plot(head(cars, input$n)) )
#'     }
#'   )
#'   runApp(app)
#' }
#' @export
shinyApp <- function(ui, server, onStart=NULL, options=list(),
                     uiPattern="/", enableBookmarking=NULL) {
  if (!is.function(server)) {
    stop("`server` must be a function", call. = FALSE)

  # Ensure that the entire path is a match
  uiPattern <- sprintf("^%s$", uiPattern)

  httpHandler <- uiHttpHandler(ui, uiPattern)

  serverFuncSource <- function() {

  if (!is.null(enableBookmarking)) {
    bookmarkStore <- match.arg(enableBookmarking, c("url", "server", "disable"))

  # Store the appDir and bookmarking-related options, so that we can read them
  # from within the app.
  shinyOptions(appDir = getwd())
  appOptions <- consumeAppOptions()

      httpHandler = httpHandler,
      serverFuncSource = serverFuncSource,
      onStart = onStart,
      options = options,
      appOptions = appOptions
    class = "shiny.appobj"

#' @rdname shinyApp
#' @param appDir Path to directory that contains a Shiny app (i.e. a server.R
#'   file and either ui.R or www/index.html)
#' @export
shinyAppDir <- function(appDir, options=list()) {
  if (!utils::file_test('-d', appDir)) {
    stop("No Shiny application exists at the path \"", appDir, "\"")

  # In case it's a relative path, convert to absolute (so we're not adversely
  # affected by future changes to the path)
  appDir <- normalizePath(appDir, mustWork = TRUE)

  if (file.exists.ci(appDir, "server.R")) {
    shinyAppDir_serverR(appDir, options = options)
  } else if (file.exists.ci(appDir, "app.R")) {
    shinyAppDir_appR("app.R", appDir, options = options)
  } else {
    stop("App dir must contain either app.R or server.R.")

#' @rdname shinyApp
#' @param appFile Path to a .R file containing a Shiny application
#' @export
shinyAppFile <- function(appFile, options=list()) {
  appFile <- normalizePath(appFile, mustWork = TRUE)
  appDir <- dirname(appFile)

  shinyAppDir_appR(basename(appFile), appDir, options = options)

# This reads in an app dir in the case that there's a server.R (and ui.R/www)
# present, and returns a shiny.appobj.
# appDir must be a normalized (absolute) path, not a relative one
shinyAppDir_serverR <- function(appDir, options=list()) {
  # Most of the complexity here comes from needing to hot-reload if the .R files
  # change on disk, or are created, or are removed.

  # In an upcoming version of shiny, this option will go away.
  if (getOption("shiny.autoload.r", TRUE)) {
    # Create a child env which contains all the helpers and will be the shared parent
    # of the ui.R and server.R load.
    sharedEnv <- new.env(parent = globalenv())
  } else {
    # old behavior
    sharedEnv <- globalenv()

  # uiHandlerSource is a function that returns an HTTP handler for serving up
  # ui.R as a webpage. The "cachedFuncWithFile" call makes sure that the closure
  # we're creating here only gets executed when ui.R's contents change.
  uiHandlerSource <- cachedFuncWithFile(appDir, "ui.R", case.sensitive = FALSE,
    function(uiR) {
      if (file.exists(uiR)) {
        # If ui.R contains a call to shinyUI (which sets .globals$ui), use that.
        # If not, then take the last expression that's returned from ui.R.
        .globals$ui <- NULL
        on.exit(.globals$ui <- NULL, add = FALSE)
        ui <- sourceUTF8(uiR, envir = new.env(parent = sharedEnv))
        if (!is.null(.globals$ui)) {
          ui <- .globals$ui[[1]]
      } else {
        return(function(req) NULL)
  uiHandler <- function(req) {

  wwwDir <- file.path.ci(appDir, "www")
  if (dirExists(wwwDir)) {
    staticPaths <- list("/" = staticPath(wwwDir, indexhtml = FALSE, fallthrough = TRUE))
  } else {
    staticPaths <- list()

  fallbackWWWDir <- system.file("www-dir", package = "shiny")

  serverSource <- cachedFuncWithFile(appDir, "server.R", case.sensitive = FALSE,
    function(serverR) {
      # If server.R contains a call to shinyServer (which sets .globals$server),
      # use that. If not, then take the last expression that's returned from
      # server.R.
      .globals$server <- NULL
      on.exit(.globals$server <- NULL, add = TRUE)
      result <- sourceUTF8(serverR, envir = new.env(parent = sharedEnv))
      if (!is.null(.globals$server)) {
        result <- .globals$server[[1]]

  # This function stands in for the server function, and reloads the
  # real server function as necessary whenever server.R changes
  serverFuncSource <- function() {
    serverFunction <- serverSource()
    if (is.null(serverFunction)) {
      return(function(input, output) NULL)
    } else if (is.function(serverFunction)) {
      # This is what we normally expect; run the server function
    } else {
      stop("server.R returned an object of unexpected type: ",

  shinyOptions(appDir = appDir)

  oldwd <- NULL
  monitorHandle <- NULL
  onStart <- function() {
    oldwd <<- getwd()
    monitorHandle <<- initAutoReloadMonitor(appDir)
    # TODO: we should support hot reloading on global.R and R/*.R changes.
    if (getOption("shiny.autoload.r", TRUE)) {
      loadSupport(appDir, renv=sharedEnv, globalrenv=globalenv())
    }  else {
      if (file.exists(file.path.ci(appDir, "global.R")))
        sourceUTF8(file.path.ci(appDir, "global.R"))
  onStop <- function() {
    monitorHandle <<- NULL

      staticPaths = staticPaths,
      # Even though the wwwDir is handled as a static path, we need to include
      # it here to be handled by R as well. This is because the special case
      # of index.html: it is specifically not handled as a staticPath for
      # reasons explained above, but if someone does want to serve up an
      # index.html, we need to handle it, and we do it by using the
      # staticHandler in the R code path. (#2380)
      httpHandler = joinHandlers(c(uiHandler, wwwDir, fallbackWWWDir)),
      serverFuncSource = serverFuncSource,
      onStart = onStart,
      onStop = onStop,
      options = options
    class = "shiny.appobj"

# Start a reactive observer that continually monitors dir for changes to files
# that have the extensions: r, htm, html, js, css, png, jpg, jpeg, gif. Case is
# ignored when checking extensions. If any changes are detected, all connected
# Shiny sessions are reloaded.
# Use options(shiny.autoreload = TRUE) to enable this behavior. Since monitoring
# for changes is expensive (we are polling for mtimes here, nothing fancy) this
# feature is intended only for development.
# You can customize the file patterns Shiny will monitor by setting the
# shiny.autoreload.pattern option. For example, to monitor only ui.R:
# options(shiny.autoreload.pattern = glob2rx("ui.R"))
# The return value is a function that halts monitoring when called.
initAutoReloadMonitor <- function(dir) {
  if (!getOption("shiny.autoreload", FALSE)) {

  filePattern <- getOption("shiny.autoreload.pattern",

  lastValue <- NULL
  observeLabel <- paste0("File Auto-Reload - '", basename(dir), "'")
  obs <- observe(label = observeLabel, {
    files <- sort(list.files(dir, pattern = filePattern, recursive = TRUE,
      ignore.case = TRUE))
    times <- file.info(files)$mtime
    names(times) <- files

    if (is.null(lastValue)) {
      # First run
      lastValue <<- times
    } else if (!identical(lastValue, times)) {
      # We've changed!
      lastValue <<- times
      for (session in appsByToken$values()) {

    invalidateLater(getOption("shiny.autoreload.interval", 500))


#' Load an app's supporting R files
#' Loads all of the supporting R files of a Shiny application. Specifically,
#' this function loads any top-level supporting `.R` files in the `R/` directory
#' adjacent to the `app.R`/`server.R`/`ui.R` files.
#' Since Shiny 1.5.0, this function is called by default when running an
#' application. If it causes problems, there are two ways to opt out. You can
#' either place a file named `_disable_autoload.R` in your R/ directory, or
#' set `options(shiny.autoload.r=FALSE)`. If you set this option, it will
#' affect any application that runs later in the same R session, potentially
#' breaking it, so after running your application, you should unset option with
#' `options(shiny.autoload.r=NULL)`
#' @details The files are sourced in alphabetical order (as determined by
#'   [list.files]). `global.R` is evaluated before the supporting R files in the
#'   `R/` directory.
#' @param appDir The application directory
#' @param renv The environmeny in which the files in the `R/` directory should
#'   be evaluated.
#' @param globalrenv The environment in which `global.R` should be evaluated. If
#'   `NULL`, `global.R` will not be evaluated at all.
#' @export
loadSupport <- function(appDir, renv=new.env(parent=globalenv()), globalrenv=globalenv()){
  if (!is.null(globalrenv)){
    # Evaluate global.R, if it exists.
    if (file.exists(file.path.ci(appDir, "global.R"))){
      sourceUTF8(file.path.ci(appDir, "global.R"), envir=globalrenv)

  helpersDir <- file.path(appDir, "R")

  disabled <- list.files(helpersDir, pattern="^_disable_autoload\\.r$", recursive=FALSE, ignore.case=TRUE)
  if (length(disabled) > 0){
    message("R/_disable_autoload.R detected; not loading the R/ directory automatically")

  helpers <- list.files(helpersDir, pattern="\\.[rR]$", recursive=FALSE, full.names=TRUE)

  if (length(helpers) > 0){
    message("Automatically loading ", length(helpers), " .R file",
            ifelse(length(helpers) != 1, "s", ""),
            " found in the R/ directory.\nSee https://rstd.io/shiny-autoload for more info.")

  lapply(helpers, sourceUTF8, envir=renv)


# This reads in an app dir for a single-file application (e.g. app.R), and
# returns a shiny.appobj.
# appDir must be a normalized (absolute) path, not a relative one
shinyAppDir_appR <- function(fileName, appDir, options=list())
  fullpath <- file.path.ci(appDir, fileName)

  # In an upcoming version of shiny, this option will go away.
  if (getOption("shiny.autoload.r", TRUE)) {
    # Create a child env which contains all the helpers and will be the shared parent
    # of the ui.R and server.R load.
    sharedEnv <- new.env(parent = globalenv())
  } else {
    sharedEnv <- globalenv()

  # This sources app.R and caches the content. When appObj() is called but
  # app.R hasn't changed, it won't re-source the file. But if called and
  # app.R has changed, it'll re-source the file and return the result.
  appObj <- cachedFuncWithFile(appDir, fileName, case.sensitive = FALSE,
    function(appR) {
      result <- sourceUTF8(fullpath, envir = new.env(parent = sharedEnv))

      if (!is.shiny.appobj(result))
        stop("app.R did not return a shiny.appobj object.")



  # A function that invokes the http handler from the appObj in app.R, but
  # since this uses appObj(), it only re-sources the file when it changes.
  dynHttpHandler <- function(...) {

  dynServerFuncSource <- function(...) {

  wwwDir <- file.path.ci(appDir, "www")
  if (dirExists(wwwDir)) {
    # wwwDir is a static path served by httpuv. It does _not_ serve up
    # index.html, for two reasons. (1) It's possible that the user's
    # www/index.html file is not actually used as the index, but as a template
    # that gets processed before being sent; and (2) the index content may be
    # modified by the hosting environment (as in SockJSAdapter.R).
    # The call to staticPath normalizes the path, so that if the working dir
    # later changes, it will continue to point to the right place.
    staticPaths <- list("/" = staticPath(wwwDir, indexhtml = FALSE, fallthrough = TRUE))
  } else {
    staticPaths <- list()

  fallbackWWWDir <- system.file("www-dir", package = "shiny")

  oldwd <- NULL
  monitorHandle <- NULL
  onStart <- function() {
    oldwd <<- getwd()
    # TODO: we should support hot reloading on R/*.R changes.
    if (getOption("shiny.autoload.r", TRUE)) {
      loadSupport(appDir, renv=sharedEnv, globalrenv=NULL)
    monitorHandle <<- initAutoReloadMonitor(appDir)
    if (!is.null(appObj()$onStart)) appObj()$onStart()
  onStop <- function() {
    monitorHandle <<- NULL

      # fallbackWWWDir is _not_ listed in staticPaths, because it needs to
      # come after the uiHandler. It also does not need to be fast, since it
      # should rarely be hit. The order is wwwDir (in staticPaths), then
      # uiHandler, then falbackWWWDir (which is served up by the R
      # staticHandler function).
      staticPaths = staticPaths,
      # Even though the wwwDir is handled as a static path, we need to include
      # it here to be handled by R as well. This is because the special case
      # of index.html: it is specifically not handled as a staticPath for
      # reasons explained above, but if someone does want to serve up an
      # index.html, we need to handle it, and we do it by using the
      # staticHandler in the R code path. (#2380)
      httpHandler = joinHandlers(c(dynHttpHandler, wwwDir, fallbackWWWDir)),
      serverFuncSource = dynServerFuncSource,
      onStart = onStart,
      onStop = onStop,
      options = options
    class = "shiny.appobj"

#' Shiny App object
#' Internal methods for the `shiny.appobj` S3 class.
#' @keywords internal
#' @name shiny.appobj

#' @rdname shiny.appobj
#' @param x Object to convert to a Shiny app.
#' @export
as.shiny.appobj <- function(x) {
  UseMethod("as.shiny.appobj", x)

#' @rdname shiny.appobj
#' @export
as.shiny.appobj.shiny.appobj <- function(x) {

#' @rdname shiny.appobj
#' @export
as.shiny.appobj.list <- function(x) {
  shinyApp(ui = x$ui, server = x$server)

#' @rdname shiny.appobj
#' @export
as.shiny.appobj.character <- function(x) {
  if (identical(tolower(tools::file_ext(x)), "r"))

#' @rdname shiny.appobj
#' @export
is.shiny.appobj <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "shiny.appobj")

#' @rdname shiny.appobj
#' @param ... Additional parameters to be passed to print.
#' @export
print.shiny.appobj <- function(x, ...) {
  opts <- x$options %OR% list()
  opts <- opts[names(opts) %in%
      c("port", "launch.browser", "host", "quiet",
        "display.mode", "test.mode")]

  # Quote x and put runApp in quotes so that there's a nicer stack trace (#1851)
  args <- c(list(quote(x)), opts)

  do.call("runApp", args)

#' @rdname shiny.appobj
#' @method as.tags shiny.appobj
#' @export
as.tags.shiny.appobj <- function(x, ...) {
  # jcheng 06/06/2014: Unfortunate copy/paste between this function and
  # knit_print.shiny.appobj, but I am trying to make the most conservative
  # change possible due to upcoming release.
  opts <- x$options %OR% list()
  width <- if (is.null(opts$width)) "100%" else opts$width
  height <- if (is.null(opts$height)) "400" else opts$height

  path <- addSubApp(x)
  deferredIFrame(path, width, height)

# Generate subapp iframes in such a way that they will not actually load right
# away. Loading subapps immediately upon app load can result in a storm of
# connections, all of which are contending for the few concurrent connections
# that a browser will make to a specific origin. Instead, we load dummy iframes
# and let the client load them when convenient. (See the initIframes function in
# init_shiny.js.)
deferredIFrame <- function(path, width, height) {
  tags$iframe("data-deferred-src" = path,
    width = width, height = height,
    class = "shiny-frame shiny-frame-deferred"

#' Knitr S3 methods
#' These S3 methods are necessary to help Shiny applications and UI chunks embed
#' themselves in knitr/rmarkdown documents.
#' @name knitr_methods
#' @param x Object to knit_print
#' @param ... Additional knit_print arguments

# If there's an R Markdown runtime option set but it isn't set to Shiny, then
# return a warning indicating the runtime is inappropriate for this object.
# Returns NULL in all other cases.
shiny_rmd_warning <- function() {
  runtime <- knitr::opts_knit$get("rmarkdown.runtime")
  if (!is.null(runtime) && runtime != "shiny")
    # note that the RStudio IDE checks for this specific string to detect Shiny
    # applications in static document
      "Shiny application in a static R Markdown document",
      class = "rmd_warning"))

#' @rdname knitr_methods
knit_print.shiny.appobj <- function(x, ...) {
  opts <- x$options %OR% list()
  width <- if (is.null(opts$width)) "100%" else opts$width
  height <- if (is.null(opts$height)) "400" else opts$height

  runtime <- knitr::opts_knit$get("rmarkdown.runtime")
  if (!is.null(runtime) && runtime != "shiny") {
    # If not rendering to a Shiny document, create a box exactly the same
    # dimensions as the Shiny app would have had (so the document continues to
    # flow as it would have with the app), and display a diagnostic message
    width <- validateCssUnit(width)
    height <- validateCssUnit(height)
    output <- tags$div(
      style=paste("width:", width, "; height:", height, "; text-align: center;",
                  "box-sizing: border-box;", "-moz-box-sizing: border-box;",
                  "-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;"),
      class="muted well",
      "Shiny applications not supported in static R Markdown documents")
  else {
    path <- addSubApp(x)
    output <- deferredIFrame(path, width, height)

  # If embedded Shiny apps ever have JS/CSS dependencies (like pym.js) we'll
  # need to grab those and put them in meta, like in knit_print.shiny.tag. But
  # for now it's not an issue, so just return the HTML and warning.

  knitr::asis_output(htmlPreserve(format(output, indent=FALSE)),
                     meta = shiny_rmd_warning(), cacheable = FALSE)

# Let us use a nicer syntax in knitr chunks than literally
# calling output$value <- renderFoo(...) and fooOutput().
#' @rdname knitr_methods
#' @param inline Whether the object is printed inline.
knit_print.shiny.render.function <- function(x, ..., inline = FALSE) {
  x <- htmltools::as.tags(x, inline = inline)
  output <- knitr::knit_print(tagList(x))
  attr(output, "knit_cacheable") <- FALSE
  attr(output, "knit_meta") <- append(attr(output, "knit_meta"),

# Lets us drop reactive expressions directly into a knitr chunk and have the
# value printed out! Nice for teaching if nothing else.
#' @rdname knitr_methods
knit_print.reactive <- function(x, ..., inline = FALSE) {
  renderFunc <- if (inline) renderText else renderPrint
  }), inline = inline)
tomkuipers1402/shiny documentation built on Feb. 13, 2020, 7:22 p.m.