#' @export
print.GbsrGenotypeData <- function(x, ...) {
#' Convert a VCF file to a GDS file
#' This function converts a variant call data in the VCF format.
#' The current implementation only accepts biallelic
#' single nucleotide polymorphisms.
#' Please filter out variants which are insertions and
#' deletions or multiallelic.
#' You may use "bcftools" or "vcftools" for filtering.
#' @param vcf_fn A string to indicate path to an input VCF file.
#' @param out_fn A string to indicate path to an output GDS file.
#' @param gt the ID for genotypic data in the FORMAT column; "GT" by default,
#' VCFv4.0.
#' @param info.import characters, the variable name(s) in the INFO field for
#' import; or NULL for all variables. If you specify `character(0)`, nothing
#' will be retrieved from the INFO filed.
#' @param fmt.import characters, the variable name(s) in the FORMAT field for
#' import; or NULL for all variables. If you specify `character(0)`, nothing
#' will be retrieved from the FORMAT filed, except for GT.
#' @param force A logical value to overwrite a GDS file even if
#' the file specified in "out_fn" exists.
#' @param verbose if TRUE, show information.
#' @details
#' gbsrVCF2GDS converts a VCF file to a GDS file.
#' The data structure of the GDS file created via this functions is same with
#' those created by `seqVCF2GDS()` of `SeqArray`.
#' @return The output GDS file path.
#' @examples
#' # Create a GDS file from a sample VCF file.
#' vcf_fn <- system.file("extdata", "sample.vcf", package = "GBScleanR")
#' gds_fn <- tempfile("sample", fileext = ".gds")
#' gbsrVCF2GDS(vcf_fn = vcf_fn, out_fn = gds_fn, force = TRUE)
#' # Load data in the GDS file and instantiate a `GbsrGenotypeData` object.
#' gds <- loadGDS(gds_fn)
#' # Close the connection to the GDS file.
#' closeGDS(gds)
#' @export
#' @importFrom SeqArray seqVCF2GDS seqOptimize seqStorageOption seqExport seqNumAllele
gbsrVCF2GDS <- function(vcf_fn,
gt = "GT",
info.import = NULL,
fmt.import = NULL,
force = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE) {
# Check if the out_fn already exists and whether it can be overwritten.
if (file.exists(out_fn)) {
message(out_fn, ' exists!')
while (TRUE) {
if (force) {
user <- readline("Are you sure to overwirte?(y/n)")
if (user == "y") {
} else if (user == "n") {
message('Stopped by user.')
# Create GDS file formatted in the SeqArray style.
stropt <- seqStorageOption(mode = c('annotation/format/AD' = "int64",
'annotation/format/DP' = "int64",
'annotation/format/GQ' = "int64",
'annotation/format/MIN_DP' = "int64",
'annotation/format/PL' = "int64",
'annotation/format/PS' = "int64",
'annotation/format/RGQ' = "int64",
'annotation/format/SB' = "int64"))
fmt.import <- unique(c("AD", fmt.import))
out_fn <- seqVCF2GDS(vcf_fn, out_fn, ignore.chr.prefix = "",
storage.option = stropt,
info.import = info.import,
fmt.import = fmt.import,
genotype.var.name = gt,
verbose = verbose)
gds <- seqOpen(out_fn)
# Filter out non-biallelic markers
n_allele <- seqNumAllele(gds)
if(any(n_allele != 2)){
message("Some markers are not bi-allelic.",
"\nGBScleanR filters out those markers.")
message("Filtering non-biallelic markers.")
temp_fn <- tempfile("biallelic", tempdir(), ".gds")
seqSetFilter(gds, variant.sel = n_allele == 2)
seqExport(gds, temp_fn)
file.copy(temp_fn, out_fn, overwrite = TRUE)
} else {
#' Load a GDS file and construct a `GbsrGenotypeData` object.
#' Load data stored in an input GDS file to R environment and
#' create a `GbsrGenotypeData` instance.
#' GBScleanR handles only one class `GbsrGenotypeData` and
#' conducts all data manipulation via class methods for it.
#' @param x A string of the path to an input GDS file or
#' a `GbsrGenotypeData` object to reload.
#' @param load_filter A logical whether to load the filtering information made
#' via [setSamFilter()] and [setMarFilter()] and saved in the GDS file via
#' [closeGDS()] with `save_filter = TRUE`.
#' @param ploidy Set the ploidy of the population.
#' @param verbose if TRUE, show information.
#' @return A `GbsrGenotypeData` object.
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom SeqArray seqOpen seqSummary seqOptimize
#' @importFrom gdsfmt exist.gdsn delete.gdsn objdesp.gdsn setdim.gdsn add.gdsn
#' @details
#' The first time to load a newly produced GDS file will take long time due to
#' data reformatting for quick access. The `GbsrGenotypeData` object returned
#' from `loadGDS()` can be also handled as `SeqVarGDSClass` of the [SeqArray]
#' package.
#' @examples
#' # Create a GDS file from a sample VCF file.
#' vcf_fn <- system.file("extdata", "sample.vcf", package = "GBScleanR")
#' gds_fn <- tempfile("sample", fileext = ".gds")
#' gbsrVCF2GDS(vcf_fn = vcf_fn, out_fn = gds_fn, force = TRUE)
#' # Load data in the GDS file and instantiate a `GbsrGenotypeData` object.
#' gds <- loadGDS(gds_fn)
#' # Reload data from the GDS file.
#' gds <- loadGDS(gds)
#' # Close the connection to the GDS file.
#' closeGDS(gds)
loadGDS <- function(x, load_filter = FALSE, ploidy = 2, verbose = TRUE) {
if(verbose){ message('Loading GDS file.') }
# Check input data type
if(inherits(x = x, what = "GbsrGenotypeData")){
if(isOpenGDS(object = x)){
closeGDS(object = x, save_filter = FALSE)
# Leave the following connection open to build
# the GdsGenotypeReader object with `readonly = FALSE` mode.
gds <- seqOpen(gds.fn = x$filename, readonly = FALSE)
} else if(is.character(x)){
# Leave the following connection open to build
# the GdsGenotypeReader object with `readonly = FALSE` mode.
gds <- seqOpen(gds.fn = x, readonly = FALSE)
} else {
stop("x must be a file path or a GbsrGenotypeData object",
call. = FALSE)
# Parse the GBSR output formats in VCF
.parseGBSRformat(gds = gds)
# Optimize gds nodes
opt <- exist.gdsn(node = gds, path = "genotype/~data") &
exist.gdsn(node = gds, path = "annotation/format/AD/~data")
seqClose(object = gds)
seqOptimize(gdsfn = gds$filename, target = "by.sample",
format.var = c("AD", "FAD", "HAP", "CGT", "FGT"),
verbose = verbose)
gds <- seqOpen(gds.fn = gds$filename, readonly = FALSE)
# Create the GbsrGenotypeData class object
d <- seqSummary(gdsfile = gds, varname = "genotype", verbose = FALSE)
marker <- data.frame(valid = rep(TRUE, d$dim[3]))
sample <- data.frame(valid = rep(TRUE, d$dim[2]))
attributes(sample) <- c(attributes(sample), list(ploidy = ploidy))
gds <- new(Class = "GbsrGenotypeData", gds, sample = sample, marker = marker)
# Load filtering information if specified
if(exist.gdsn(gds, "sample.annotation/GFL")){
validSam(gds) <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "sample.annotation/GFL"))
validMar(gds) <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "annotation/info/GFL"))
} else {
warnings("No filtering information stored in the GDS.")
.parseGBSRformat <- function(gds){
for(node in c("FGT", "CGT", "HAP")){
gdsn <- paste0("annotation/format/", node)
if(exist.gdsn(gds, gdsn)){
message("Reformatting ", node)
i_gdsn <- index.gdsn(gds, paste0(gdsn, "/data"))
gdsn_dim <- objdesp.gdsn(i_gdsn)
if(length(gdsn_dim$dim) != 3){
if(node == "FGT"){storage <- "bit2"; na_val <- 3}
if(node == "CGT"){storage <- "bit2"; na_val <- 3}
if(node == "HAP"){storage <- "bit6"; na_val <- 0}
tmp_gdsn <- add.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, gdsn),
"tmp", NULL, storage, NULL,
replace = TRUE)
apply.gdsn(i_gdsn, margin = 1,
x <- unlist(strsplit(x, "\\||/"))
x[x == "."] <- na_val
x <- as.integer(x)
as.is = "gdsnode",
target.node = tmp_gdsn)
setdim.gdsn(tmp_gdsn, c(2, gdsn_dim$dim[2], gdsn_dim$dim[1]))
i_gdsn <- add.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, gdsn),
"data", NULL, storage, NULL,
replace = TRUE)
apply.gdsn(tmp_gdsn, margin = 2, c, as.is = "gdsnode",
target.node = i_gdsn)
setdim.gdsn(i_gdsn, c(2, gdsn_dim$dim[1], gdsn_dim$dim[2]))
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