
### R code from Applied Predictive Modeling (2013) by Kuhn and Johnson.
### Copyright 2013 Kuhn and Johnson
### Web Page:
### Contact: Max Kuhn ( 
### Chapter 18: Measuring Predictor Importance
### Required packages: AppliedPredictiveModeling, caret, CORElearn, corrplot,
###                    pROC, minerva
### Data used: The solubility data from the AppliedPredictiveModeling 
###            package, the segmentation data in the caret package and the 
###            grant data (created using "CreateGrantData.R" in the same
###            directory as this file).
### Notes: 
### 1) This code is provided without warranty.
### 2) This code should help the user reproduce the results in the
### text. There will be differences between this code and what is is
### the computing section. For example, the computing sections show
### how the source functions work (e.g. randomForest() or plsr()),
### which were not directly used when creating the book. Also, there may be 
### syntax differences that occur over time as packages evolve. These files 
### will reflect those changes.
### 3) In some cases, the calculations in the book were run in 
### parallel. The sub-processes may reset the random number seed.
### Your results may slightly vary.

### Section 18.1 Numeric Outcomes

## Load the solubility data


trainData <- solTrainXtrans
trainData$y <- solTrainY

## keep the continuous predictors and append the outcome to the data frame
SolContPred <- solTrainXtrans[, !grepl("FP", names(solTrainXtrans))]
numSolPred <- ncol(SolContPred)
SolContPred$Sol <- solTrainY

## Get the LOESS smoother and the summary measure
smoother <- filterVarImp(x = SolContPred[, -ncol(SolContPred)], 
                         y = solTrainY, 
                         nonpara = TRUE)
smoother$Predictor <- rownames(smoother)
names(smoother)[1] <- "Smoother"

## Calculate the correlation matrices and keep the columns with the correlations
## between the predictors and the outcome

correlations <- cor(SolContPred)[-(numSolPred+1),(numSolPred+1)]
rankCorrelations <- cor(SolContPred, method = "spearman")[-(numSolPred+1),(numSolPred+1)]
corrs <- data.frame(Predictor = names(SolContPred)[1:numSolPred],
                    Correlation = correlations,
                    RankCorrelation  = rankCorrelations)

## The maximal information coefficient (MIC) values can be obtained from the
### minerva package:

MIC <- mine(x = SolContPred[, 1:numSolPred], y = solTrainY)$MIC
MIC <- data.frame(Predictor = rownames(MIC),
                  MIC = MIC[,1])

## The Relief values for regression can be computed using the CORElearn
## package:

ReliefF <- attrEval(Sol ~ .,  data = SolContPred,
                    estimator = "RReliefFequalK")
ReliefF <- data.frame(Predictor = names(ReliefF),
                  Relief = ReliefF)

## Combine them all together for a plot
contDescrScores <- merge(smoother, corrs)
contDescrScores <- merge(contDescrScores, MIC)
contDescrScores <- merge(contDescrScores, ReliefF)

rownames(contDescrScores) <- contDescrScores$Predictor


contDescrSplomData <- contDescrScores
contDescrSplomData$Correlation <- abs(contDescrSplomData$Correlation)
contDescrSplomData$RankCorrelation <- abs(contDescrSplomData$RankCorrelation)
contDescrSplomData$Group <- "Other"
contDescrSplomData$Group[grepl("Surface", contDescrSplomData$Predictor)] <- "SA"

featurePlot(solTrainXtrans[, c("NumCarbon", "SurfaceArea2")],
            between = list(x = 1),
            type = c("g", "p", "smooth"),
            df = 3,
            aspect = 1,
            labels = c("", "Solubility"))

splom(~contDescrSplomData[,c(3, 4, 2, 5)],
      groups = contDescrSplomData$Group,
      varnames = c("Correlation", "Rank\nCorrelation", "LOESS", "MIC"))

## Now look at the categorical (i.e. binary) predictors
SolCatPred <- solTrainXtrans[, grepl("FP", names(solTrainXtrans))]
SolCatPred$Sol <- solTrainY
numSolCatPred <- ncol(SolCatPred) - 1

tests <- apply(SolCatPred[, 1:numSolCatPred], 2,
                  function(x, y)
                    tStats <- t.test(y ~ x)[c("statistic", "p.value", "estimate")]
               y = solTrainY)
## The results are a matrix with predictors in columns. We reverse this
tests <-
names(tests) <- c("t.Statistic", "t.test_p.value", "mean0", "mean1")
tests$difference <- tests$mean1 - tests$mean0

## Create a volcano plot

xyplot(-log10(t.test_p.value) ~ difference,
       data = tests,
       xlab = "Mean With Structure - Mean Without Structure",
       ylab = "-log(p-Value)",
       type = "p")

### Section 18.2 Categorical Outcomes

## Load the segmentation data

segTrain <- subset(segmentationData, Case == "Train")
segTrain$Case <- segTrain$Cell <- NULL

segTest <- subset(segmentationData, Case != "Train")
segTest$Case <- segTest$Cell <- NULL

## Compute the areas under the ROC curve
aucVals <- filterVarImp(x = segTrain[, -1], y = segTrain$Class)
aucVals$Predictor <- rownames(aucVals)

## Cacluate the t-tests as before but with x and y switched
segTests <- apply(segTrain[, -1], 2,
                  function(x, y)
                    tStats <- t.test(x ~ y)[c("statistic", "p.value", "estimate")]
               y = segTrain$Class)
segTests <-
names(segTests) <- c("t.Statistic", "t.test_p.value", "mean0", "mean1")
segTests$Predictor <- rownames(segTests)

## Fit a random forest model and get the importance scores
rfImp <- randomForest(Class ~ ., data = segTrain, 
                      ntree = 2000, 
                      importance = TRUE)
rfValues <- data.frame(RF = importance(rfImp)[, "MeanDecreaseGini"],
                       Predictor = rownames(importance(rfImp)))

## Now compute the Relief scores

ReliefValues <- attrEval(Class ~ ., data = segTrain,
                         estimator="ReliefFequalK", ReliefIterations = 50)
ReliefValues <- data.frame(Relief = ReliefValues,
                           Predictor = names(ReliefValues))

## and the MIC statistics
segMIC <- mine(x = segTrain[, -1],
               ## Pass the outcome as 0/1
               y = ifelse(segTrain$Class == "PS", 1, 0))$MIC
segMIC <- data.frame(Predictor = rownames(segMIC),
                  MIC = segMIC[,1])

rankings <- merge(segMIC, ReliefValues)
rankings <- merge(rankings, rfValues)
rankings <- merge(rankings, segTests)
rankings <- merge(rankings, aucVals)

rankings$channel <- "Channel 1"
rankings$channel[grepl("Ch2$", rankings$Predictor)] <- "Channel 2"
rankings$channel[grepl("Ch3$", rankings$Predictor)] <- "Channel 3"
rankings$channel[grepl("Ch4$", rankings$Predictor)] <- "Channel 4"
rankings$t.Statistic <- abs(rankings$t.Statistic)

splom(~rankings[, c("PS", "t.Statistic", "RF", "Relief", "MIC")],
      groups = rankings$channel,
      varnames = c("ROC\nAUC", "Abs\nt-Stat", "Random\nForest", "Relief", "MIC"),
      auto.key = list(columns = 2))

## Load the grant data. A script to create and save these data is contained
## in the same directory as this file.


dataSubset <- training[pre2008, c("Sponsor62B", "ContractValueBandUnk", "RFCD240302")]

## This is a simple function to compute several statistics for binary predictors
tableCalcs <- function(x, y)
  tab <- table(x, y)
  fet <- fisher.test(tab)
  out <- c(OR = fet$estimate,
           P = fet$p.value,
           Gain = attrEval(y ~ x, estimator = "GainRatio"))

## lapply() is used to execute the function on each column
tableResults <- lapply(dataSubset, tableCalcs, y = training[pre2008, "Class"])

## The results come back as a list of vectors, and "rbind" is used to join
## then together as rows of a table
tableResults <-"rbind", tableResults)

## The permuted Relief scores can be computed using a function from the
## AppliedPredictiveModeling package. 

permuted <- permuteRelief(x = training[pre2008, c("Sponsor62B", "Day", "NumCI")], 
                          y = training[pre2008, "Class"],
                          nperm = 500,
                          ### the remaining options are passed to attrEval()
                          ReliefIterations= 50)

## The original Relief scores:

## The number of standard deviations away from the permuted mean:

## The distributions of the scores if there were no relationship between the
## predictors and outcomes

          data = permuted$permutations, 
          xlim = extendrange(permuted$permutations$value),
          xlab = "Relief Score")

### Session Information


topepo/AppliedPredictiveModeling documentation built on Aug. 25, 2023, 11:12 a.m.