
# R3D rendering functions - rgl implementation
# $Id$

# Node Management

getr3dDefaults <- function() 
    tryCatch(get("r3dDefaults", envir=.GlobalEnv),
	     error = function(e) r3dDefaults)

clear3d     <- function(type = c("shapes", "bboxdeco", "material"), 
                        subscene = 0) {
    rgl.clear( type, subscene = subscene )

    type <- rgl.enum.nodetype(type)
    if ( 4 %in% type ) { # userviewpoint
	do.call("par3d", defaults["FOV"])
    if ( 8 %in% type ) { # modelviewpoint
        do.call("par3d", defaults["userMatrix"])
    if ( 5 %in% type ) { # material
        if (length(defaults$material))
    	    do.call("material3d", defaults$material)

pop3d       <- function(...) {.check3d(); rgl.pop(...)}

# Environment

.material3d <- c("color", "alpha", "lit", "ambient", "specular",
    "emission", "shininess", "smooth", "front", "back", "size", 
    "lwd", "fog", "point_antialias", "line_antialias",
    "texture", "textype", "texmipmap",
    "texminfilter", "texmagfilter", "texenvmap",
    "depth_mask", "depth_test")

.material3d.writeOnly <- character(0)

# This function expands a list of arguments by putting
# all entries from Params (i.e. the current settings by default)
# in place for any entries that are not listed.  
# Unrecognized args are left in place.

.fixMaterialArgs <- function(..., Params = material3d()) {
   f <- function(...) list(...)
   formals(f) <- c(Params, formals(f))
   names <- as.list(names(Params))
   names(names) <- names
   names <- lapply(names, as.name)
   b <- as.list(body(f))
   body(f) <- as.call(c(b[1], names, b[-1]))
material3d  <- function (...)
    args <- list(...)
    argnames <- names(args)
    if (!length(args))
	argnames <- .material3d
    else {
	if (is.null(names(args)) && all(unlist(lapply(args, is.character)))) {
	    argnames <- unlist(args)
	    args <- NULL
	if (length(args) == 1) {
	    if (is.list(args[[1]]) | is.null(args[[1]])) {
		args <- args[[1]]
		argnames <- names(args)
    value <- rgl.getmaterial()[argnames]
    if (length(args)) {
    	args <- do.call(".fixMaterialArgs", args)
        do.call("rgl.material", args)
    } else if (length(argnames) == 1) return(value[[1]])
    else return(value)

bg3d        <- function(...) {
  .check3d(); save <- material3d(); on.exit(material3d(save))
  new <- .fixMaterialArgs(sphere = FALSE, fogtype = "none", 
                          color = c("black", "white"), back = "lines", Params = save)
  do.call("rgl.bg", .fixMaterialArgs(..., Params = new))

light3d     <- function(theta=0,phi=15,x=NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(x))
    rgl.light(theta=theta,phi=phi,x=x, ...)
    rgl.light(x=x, ...)

view3d      <- function(theta=0,phi=15,...) {

bbox3d	    <- function(xat = NULL, 
                        yat = NULL, 
                        zat = NULL, 
                        xunit = "pretty",
                        yunit = "pretty",
                        zunit = "pretty",
		        expand = 1.03, nticks = 5, draw_front = FALSE, ...) {  
  .check3d(); save <- material3d(); on.exit(material3d(save))
  ranges <- .getRanges(expand = expand)
  do.call("rgl.bbox", c(list(xat=xat, yat=yat, zat=zat, 
                             xunit=xunit, yunit=yunit, zunit=zunit, expand=expand,
                             nticks=nticks, draw_front=draw_front), 
                        .fixMaterialArgs(..., Params = save)))

observer3d <- function(x, y=NULL, z=NULL, auto=FALSE) {
  if (missing(x))
    location <- c(NA, NA, NA)
  else {
    xyz <- xyz.coords(x,y,z)
    location <- c(xyz$x, xyz$y, xyz$z)
    if (length(location) != 3) stop("a single point must be specified for the observer location") 
  prev <- .C(rgl_getObserver, success=integer(1), ddata=numeric(3), NAOK = TRUE)$ddata
  .C(rgl_setObserver, success=as.integer(auto), ddata=as.numeric(location), NAOK = TRUE)

# Shapes

points3d    <- function(x,y=NULL,z=NULL,...) {
  .check3d(); save <- material3d(); on.exit(material3d(save))
  do.call("rgl.points", c(list(x=x,y=y,z=z), .fixMaterialArgs(..., Params = save)))

lines3d     <- function(x,y=NULL,z=NULL,...) {
  .check3d(); save <- material3d(); on.exit(material3d(save))
  do.call("rgl.linestrips", c(list(x=x,y=y,z=z), .fixMaterialArgs(..., Params = save)))

segments3d  <- function(x,y=NULL,z=NULL,...) {
  .check3d(); save <- material3d(); on.exit(material3d(save))
  do.call("rgl.lines", c(list(x=x,y=y,z=z), .fixMaterialArgs(..., Params = save)))

triangles3d <- function(x,y=NULL,z=NULL,...) {
  .check3d(); save <- material3d(); on.exit(material3d(save))
  do.call("rgl.triangles", c(list(x=x,y=y,z=z), .fixMaterialArgs(..., Params = save)))

quads3d     <- function(x,y=NULL,z=NULL,...) {
  .check3d(); save <- material3d(); on.exit(material3d(save))
  do.call("rgl.quads", c(list(x=x,y=y,z=z), .fixMaterialArgs(..., Params = save)))

text3d      <- function(x,y=NULL,z=NULL,texts,adj=0.5,justify,...) {
  .check3d(); save <- material3d(); on.exit(material3d(save))
  new <- .fixMaterialArgs(..., Params = save)
  if (!missing(justify)) new <- c(list(justify=justify), new)
  do.call("rgl.texts", c(list(x=x,y=y,z=z,text=texts,adj=adj),new))
texts3d	    <- text3d

spheres3d   <- function(x,y=NULL,z=NULL,radius=1,...) {
  .check3d(); save <- material3d(); on.exit(material3d(save))
  do.call("rgl.spheres", c(list(x=x,y=y,z=z,radius=radius), .fixMaterialArgs(..., Params = save)))

planes3d   <- function(a,b=NULL,c=NULL,d=0,...) {
  .check3d(); save <- material3d(); on.exit(material3d(save))
  do.call("rgl.planes", c(list(a=a,b=b,c=c,d=d), .fixMaterialArgs(..., Params = save)))

clipplanes3d   <- function(a,b=NULL,c=NULL,d=0) {

abclines3d   <- function(x,y=NULL,z=NULL,a,b=NULL,c=NULL,...) {
  .check3d(); save <- material3d(); on.exit(material3d(save))
  do.call("rgl.abclines", c(list(x=x,y=y,z=z,a=a,b=b,c=c), .fixMaterialArgs(..., Params = save)))

sprites3d   <- function(x,y=NULL,z=NULL,radius=1,shapes=NULL,userMatrix,...) {
  .check3d(); save <- material3d(); on.exit(material3d(save))
  if (missing(userMatrix)) {
    userMatrix <- getr3dDefaults()$userMatrix
    if (is.null(userMatrix)) userMatrix <- diag(4)
  savepar <- par3d(skipRedraw=TRUE, ignoreExtent=TRUE)
  on.exit(par3d(savepar), add=TRUE)

  do.call("rgl.sprites", c(list(x=x,y=y,z=z,radius=radius,shapes=shapes,
          .fixMaterialArgs(..., Params = save)))

terrain3d   <- function(x,y=NULL,z=NULL,...,normal_x=NULL,normal_y=NULL,normal_z=NULL) {
  .check3d(); save <- material3d(); on.exit(material3d(save))
  do.call("rgl.surface", c(list(x=x,y=z,z=y,coords=c(1,3,2),
                           .fixMaterialArgs(..., Params = save)))
surface3d   <- terrain3d

# Interaction

select3d    <- function(...) {.check3d(); rgl.select3d(...)}

# 3D Generic Object Rendering Attributes

dot3d <- function(x,...) UseMethod("dot3d")
wire3d  <- function(x,...) UseMethod("wire3d")
shade3d <- function(x,...) UseMethod("shade3d")

# 3D Generic transformation

translate3d <- function(obj,x,y,z,...) UseMethod("translate3d")
scale3d <- function(obj,x,y,z,...) UseMethod("scale3d")
rotate3d <- function(obj,angle,x,y,z,matrix,...) UseMethod("rotate3d")
transform3d <- function(obj,matrix,...) rotate3d(obj, matrix=matrix, ...)

subdivision3d <- function(x,...) UseMethod("subdivision3d")

# 3D Custom shapes

particles3d <- function(x,y=NULL,z=NULL,radius=1,...) sprites3d(

# r3d default settings for new windows

r3dDefaults <- list(userMatrix = rotationMatrix(290*pi/180, 1, 0, 0),
		  mouseMode = c("trackball", "zoom", "fov"),
		  FOV = 30,
		  bg = list(color="white"),
		  family = "sans",
		  material = list(color="black", fog=FALSE))

open3d <- function(..., params = getr3dDefaults(), 
                   useNULL = rgl.useNULL()	)
    args <- list(...)
    if (!is.null(args$antialias) 
        || !is.null(args$antialias <- r3dDefaults$antialias)) {
    	saveopt <- options(rgl.antialias = args$antialias)
    	args$antialias <- NULL
    if (!is.null(args$material)) {
    	params$material <- do.call(.fixMaterialArgs, c(args$material, Params=list(params$material)))
    	args$material <- NULL
    params[names(args)] <- args
    clear3d("material", defaults = params)
    params$material <- NULL
    if (!is.null(params$bg)) {
      do.call("bg3d", params$bg)
      params$bg <- NULL
    do.call("par3d", params)   

.check3d <- function() {
    if (result<-rgl.cur()) return(result)
    else return(open3d())

snapshot3d <- function(...) rgl.snapshot(...)
trestletech/rgl documentation built on May 31, 2019, 7:49 p.m.