shiny::shinyAppDir(system.file(package = "shinyAce", "examples", "12-tooltips"))
#' Get namespace to get access to unexported functions, namely
#' .getHelpFile
#' .assignLinebuffer
#' .assignEnd
#' .guessTokenFromLine
#' .completeToken
#' @import utils
.utils <- asNamespace("utils")
#' Get namespace to get access to unexported functions, namely
#' RdTags
#' @import tools
.tools <- asNamespace("tools")
#' Retrieve an Rd object of a help query
#' Safely return NULL if an error is encountered.
#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{utils::help}
#' @return the Rd object returned from utils:::getHelpFile
#' @import utils
get_help_file <- function(...) {
dots <- list(...)
if (is.character(dots$package) && nchar(dots$package) == 0)
dots$package <- NULL
h <-, dots)
if (length(h) > 1) h <-, c(h[1], attributes(h)))
if (!length(h)) NULL
else .utils$.getHelpFile(h)
}, error = function(e) {
shinyAce_debug("Error while trying to retrieve help files: \n", e$message)
#' Convert an Rd object to HTML
#' @inheritParams tools::Rd2HTML
#' @return a character value of Rd content rendered as HTML
#' @importFrom tools Rd2HTML
rd_2_html <- function(...) {
paste(capture.output(tools::Rd2HTML(...)), collapse = " ")
#' Retrieve description section from help document
#' @param ... arguments passed to get_help_file
#' @return a character value representing the description section of a help
#' document, rendered as HTML
#' @examples
#' shinyAce:::get_desc_help("match", package = "base")
#' @import tools
get_desc_help <- function(...) {
x <- get_help_file(...)
if (is.null(x)) return(x)
rd_2_html(x[[which(.tools$RdTags(x) == "\\description")]], fragment = TRUE)
#' Retrieve argument documentation from help document
#' @param ... arguments passed to get_help_file
#' @param args function arguments names to get documentation for
#' @return A character vector of help
#' @examples
#' shinyAce:::get_arg_help("match", package = "base", args = c("table", "nomatch"))
#' @import tools
get_arg_help <- function(..., args = character()) {
# split multi-argument help text, e.g. for function "seq" which gives a
# description for arguments "from" and "to" together
x <- get_help_file(...)
if (is.null(x)) return(character())
arg_rds <- x[[which(.tools$RdTags(x) == "\\arguments")]]
arg_rds <- Filter(function(i) attr(i, "Rd_tag") == "\\item", arg_rds)
names(arg_rds) <- Map(function(i) i[[1]][[1]], arg_rds)
arg_rds <- lapply(arg_rds, "[[", 2)
# split multiple argument entries (e.g "package, help" from ?library)
arg_rds <- Reduce(c, Map(function(name, value) {
n <- strsplit(name, ", ")[[1]]
out <- rep(list(value), length(n))
names(out) <- n
}, names(arg_rds), arg_rds))
# rename R "\dots" fields
names(arg_rds)[names(arg_rds) == "list()"] <- "..."
if (length(args)) arg_rds <- arg_rds[which(names(arg_rds) %in% args)]
out <- vector("character", length(args))
names(out) <- args
out[names(arg_rds)] <- vapply(arg_rds, rd_2_html, character(1L), fragment = TRUE)
#' Retrieve usage section from help document
#' @param ... arguments passed to get_help_file
#' @return a character value representing the usage section of a help
#' document, rendered as HTML
#' @examples
#' shinyAce:::get_usage_help("match", package = "base")
#' @import tools
get_usage_help <- function(...) {
x <- get_help_file(...)
if (is.null(x)) return(x)
rd_2_html(x[[which(.tools$RdTags(x) == "\\usage")]], fragment = TRUE)
#' Retrieve regular expression named capture groups as a list
#' @param x a character string to capture from
#' @param re the regular expression to use
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{\link[base]{regexpr}}
#' @return a named list of matches
#' @examples
#' shinyAce:::re_capture("ak09j b", "(?<num>\\d+)(?<alpha>[a-zA-Z]+)", perl = TRUE)
re_capture <- function(x, re, ...) {
re_match <- regexpr(re, x, ...)
out <- substring(x,
s <- attr(re_match, "capture.start"),
s + attr(re_match, "capture.length") - 1)
names(out) <- attr(re_match, "capture.names")
#' Character value to use for package meta field
meta_pkg <- function() "{pkg}"
#' Character value to use for object meta field
meta_obj <- function() "{obj}"
#' Function for handling optional debugging messages
#' @inheritParams base::message
shinyAce_debug <- function(...) {
if (getOption("shinyAce.debug", FALSE))
message("[shinyAce] ", ...)
#' Regular expression for matching the function name in a completion line in the
#' middle of a function call
.fname_regex <- paste0(
"(?:^|.*[^a-zA-Z0-9._:])", # non-function name chars, non-capturing group
"([a-zA-Z0-9._:]+)", # function name capturing group
"\\(", # function call open paren
"[^)]*$" # remainder of line buffer within function call
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