
Defines functions cg_t cg_pmin cg_pmax cg_min cg_max cg_colmeans cg_rowmeans cg_mean cg_colsums cg_rowsums cg_prod cg_sum cg_linear2 cg_linear1 cg_linear cg_tcrossprod cg_crossprod cg_matmul cg_ncol cg_nrow cg_dim cg_array cg_matrix

Documented in cg_array cg_colmeans cg_colsums cg_crossprod cg_dim cg_linear cg_linear1 cg_linear2 cg_matmul cg_matrix cg_max cg_mean cg_min cg_ncol cg_nrow cg_pmax cg_pmin cg_prod cg_rowmeans cg_rowsums cg_sum cg_t cg_tcrossprod

# Copyright 2020 Ron Triepels
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

#' Matrices
#' Create a matrix.
#' @param data either a cg_node object or a numerical vector.
#' @param nrow either a cg_node object or a numerical scalar.
#' @param ncol either a cg_node object or a numerical scalar.
#' @param byrow either a cg_node object or a logical scalar.
#' @param dimnames either a cg_node object or a character vector.
#' @param name character scalar, name of the operation (optional).
#' @return cg_operator object.
#' @note This is a non-differentiable operator.
#' @seealso \link[base:matrix]{matrix}
#' @author Ron Triepels
#' @export
cg_matrix <- function(data = NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 1, byrow = FALSE, dimnames = NULL, name = NULL)
  cg_operator(.matrix, list(data, nrow, ncol, byrow, dimnames), name)

# Function definition
delayedAssign(".matrix", cg_function(def = base::matrix))

#' Multidimensional Arrays
#' Create a multidimensional array.
#' @param data either a cg_node object or a numerical vector.
#' @param dim either a cg_node object or a numerical vector.
#' @param dimnames either a cg_node object or a character vector.
#' @param name character scalar, name of the operation (optional).
#' @return cg_operator object.
#' @note This is a non-differentiable operator.
#' @seealso \link[base:array]{array}
#' @author Ron Triepels
#' @export
cg_array <- function(data = NA, dim = length(data), dimnames = NULL, name = NULL)
  cg_operator(.array, list(data, dim, dimnames), name)

# Function definition
delayedAssign(".array", cg_function(def = base::array))

#' Dimensions of an Array
#' Calculate \code{dim(x)}.
#' @param x either a cg_node object or a numerical array.
#' @param name character scalar, name of the operation (optional).
#' @return cg_operator object.
#' @note This is a non-differentiable operator.
#' @seealso \link[base:dim]{dim}
#' @author Ron Triepels
#' @export
cg_dim <- function(x, name = NULL)
  cg_operator(.dim, list(x), name)

# Function definition
delayedAssign(".dim", cg_function(def = base::dim))

#' Number of Rows of an Array
#' Calculate \code{nrow(x)}.
#' @param x either a cg_node object or a numerical array.
#' @param name character scalar, name of the operation (optional).
#' @return cg_operator object.
#' @note This is a non-differentiable operator.
#' @seealso \link[base:nrow]{nrow}
#' @author Ron Triepels
#' @export
cg_nrow <- function(x, name = NULL)
  cg_operator(.nrow, list(x), name)

# Function definition
delayedAssign(".nrow", cg_function(def = base::nrow))

#' Number of Columns of an Array
#' Calculate \code{ncol(x)}.
#' @param x either a cg_node object or a numerical array.
#' @param name character scalar, name of the operation (optional).
#' @return cg_operator object.
#' @note This is a non-differentiable operator.
#' @seealso \link[base:nrow]{ncol}
#' @author Ron Triepels
#' @export
cg_ncol <- function(x, name = NULL)
  cg_operator(.ncol, list(x), name)

# Function definition
delayedAssign(".ncol", cg_function(def = base::ncol))

#' Matrix Multiplication
#' Calculate \code{x \%*\% y}.
#' @param x either a cg_node object or a numerical matrix.
#' @param y either a cg_node object or a numerical matrix.
#' @param name character scalar, name of the operation (optional).
#' @return cg_operator object.
#' @seealso \link[base:matmult]{matmult}
#' @author Ron Triepels
#' @export
cg_matmul <- function(x, y, name = NULL)
  cg_operator(.matmul, list(x, y), name)

# Function definition
delayedAssign(".matmul", cg_function(
  def = base::`%*%`,
  grads = list(
    function(x, y, value, grad)
      tcrossprod(grad, y)
    function(x, y, value, grad)
      crossprod(x, grad)

#' Matrix Crossproduct
#' Calculate \code{crossprod(x, y)}.
#' @param x either a cg_node object or a numerical matrix.
#' @param y either a cg_node object or a numerical matrix (optional).
#' @param name character scalar, name of the operation (optional).
#' @return cg_operator object.
#' @seealso \link[base:crossprod]{crossprod}
#' @author Ron Triepels
#' @export
cg_crossprod <- function(x, y = x, name = NULL)
  cg_operator(.crossprod, list(x, y), name)

# Function definition
delayedAssign(".crossprod", cg_function(
  def = base::crossprod,
  grads = list(
    function(x, y, value, grad)
      y %*% grad
    function(x, y, value, grad)
      x %*% grad

#' Transpose Matrix Crossproduct
#' Calculate \code{tcrossprod(x, y)}.
#' @param x either a cg_node object or a numerical matrix.
#' @param y either a cg_node object or a numerical matrix (optional).
#' @param name character scalar, name of the operation (optional).
#' @return cg_operator object.
#' @seealso \link[base:crossprod]{tcrossprod}
#' @author Ron Triepels
#' @export
cg_tcrossprod <- function(x, y = x, name = NULL)
  cg_operator(.tcrossprod, list(x, y), name)

# Function definition
delayedAssign(".tcrossprod", cg_function(
  def = base::tcrossprod,
  grads = list(
    function(x, y, value, grad)
      grad %*% y
    function(x, y, value, grad)
      grad %*% x

#' Linear Transformation
#' Calculate \code{x \%*\% y + c(z)}.
#' @param x either a cg_node object or a numerical matrix.
#' @param y either a cg_node object or a numerical matrix.
#' @param z either a cg_node object or a numerical vector.
#' @param name character scalar, name of the operation (optional).
#' @return cg_operator object.
#' @note This function is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. Please use function \link[cgraph:cg_linear1]{cg_linear1} instead.
#' @author Ron Triepels
#' @export
cg_linear <- function(x, y, z, name = NULL)
  cg_operator(.linear1, list(x, y, z), name)

#' Linear Transformation
#' Calculate \code{x1 \%*\% y1 + c(z)}.
#' @param x1 either a cg_node object or a numerical matrix.
#' @param y1 either a cg_node object or a numerical matrix.
#' @param z either a cg_node object or a numerical vector (optional).
#' @param name character scalar, name of the operation (optional).
#' @return cg_operator object.
#' @note This function is equivalent to \code{cg_matmul(x1, y1) + cg_as_numeric(z)} but shorter and more efficient.
#' @author Ron Triepels
#' @export
cg_linear1 <- function(x1, y1, z = NULL, name = NULL)
    cg_operator(.linear1, list(x1, y1), name)
    cg_operator(.linear1, list(x1, y1, z), name)

# Function definition
delayedAssign(".linear1", cg_function(
  def = function(x1, y1, z = NULL)
      x1 %*% y1
      x1 %*% y1 + c(z)
  grads = list(
    function(x1, y1, z, value, grad)
      tcrossprod(grad, y1)
    function(x1, y1, z, value, grad)
      crossprod(x1, grad)
    function(x1, y1, z, value, grad)
      grad <- bsum(grad, length(z))
      dim(grad) <- dim(z)

#' Linear Transformation
#' Calculate \code{x1 \%*\% y1 + x2 \%*\% y2 + c(z)}.
#' @param x1 either a cg_node object or a numerical matrix.
#' @param y1 either a cg_node object or a numerical matrix.
#' @param x2 either a cg_node object or a numerical matrix.
#' @param y2 either a cg_node object or a numerical matrix.
#' @param z either a cg_node object or a numerical vector (optional).
#' @param name character scalar, name of the operation (optional).
#' @return cg_operator object.
#' @note This function is equivalent to \code{cg_matmul(x1, y1) + cg_matmul(x2, y2) + cg_as_numeric(z)} but shorter and more efficient.
#' @author Ron Triepels
#' @export
cg_linear2 <- function(x1, y1, x2, y2, z = NULL, name = NULL)
    cg_operator(.linear2, list(x1, y1, x2, y2), name)
    cg_operator(.linear2, list(x1, y1, x2, y2, z), name)

# Function definition
delayedAssign(".linear2", cg_function(
  def = function(x1, y1, x2, y2, z = NULL)
      x1 %*% y1 + x2 %*% y2
      x1 %*% y1 + x2 %*% y2 + c(z)
  grads = list(
    function(x1, y1, x2, y2, z, value, grad)
      tcrossprod(grad, y1)
    function(x1, y1, x2, y2, z, value, grad)
      crossprod(x1, grad)
    function(x1, y1, x2, y2, z, value, grad)
      tcrossprod(grad, y2)
    function(x1, y1, x2, y2, z, value, grad)
      crossprod(x2, grad)
    function(x1, y1, x2, y2, z, value, grad)
      grad <- bsum(grad, length(z))
      dim(grad) <- dim(z)

#' Sum of Vector Elements
#' Calculate \code{sum(x)}.
#' @param x either a cg_node object or a numerical vector or array.
#' @param name character scalar, name of the operation (optional).
#' @note In contrast to the base \link[base:sum]{sum} function, this function only accepts a single argument.
#' @return cg_operator object.
#' @note Function \link[base:sum]{sum} is called without changing the default value of argument \code{na.rm}.
#' @seealso \link[base:sum]{sum}
#' @author Ron Triepels
#' @export
cg_sum <- function(x, name = NULL)
  cg_operator(.sum, list(x), name)

# Function definition
delayedAssign(".sum", cg_function(
  def = base::sum,
  grads = list(
    function(x, value, grad)
      grad <- rep(grad, length(x))
      dim(grad) <- dim(x)

#' Product of Vector Elements
#' Calculate \code{prod(x)}.
#' @param x either a cg_node object or a numerical vector or array.
#' @param name character scalar, name of the operation (optional).
#' @note In contrast to the base \link[base:prod]{prod} function, this function only accepts a single argument.
#' @return cg_operator object.
#' @note Function \link[base:prod]{prod} is called without changing the default value of argument \code{na.rm}.
#' @seealso \link[base:prod]{prod}
#' @author Ron Triepels
#' @export
cg_prod <- function(x, name = NULL)
  cg_operator(.prod, list(x), name)

# Function definition
delayedAssign(".prod", cg_function(
  def = base::prod,
  grads = list(
    function(x, value, grad)
      grad * value / x

#' Row Sums
#' Calculate \code{rowSums(x)}.
#' @param x either a cg_node object or a numerical matrix or array.
#' @param name character scalar, name of the operation (optional).
#' @return cg_operator object.
#' @note Function \link[base:colSums]{rowSums} is called without changing the default value of argument \code{na.rm} and \code{dims}.
#' @seealso \link[base:colSums]{rowSums}
#' @author Ron Triepels
#' @export
cg_rowsums <- function(x, name = NULL)
  cg_operator(.rowsums, list(x), name)

# Function definition
delayedAssign(".rowsums", cg_function(
  def = base::rowSums,
  grads = list(
    function(x, value, grad)
      grad <- rep(grad, nrow(x))
      dim(grad) <- dim(x)

#' Column Sums
#' Calculate \code{colSums(x)}.
#' @param x either a cg_node object or a numerical matrix or array.
#' @param name character scalar, name of the operation (optional).
#' @return cg_operator object.
#' @note Function \link[base:colSums]{colSums} is called without changing the default value of argument \code{na.rm} and \code{dims}.
#' @seealso \link[base:colSums]{colSums}
#' @author Ron Triepels
#' @export
cg_colsums <- function(x, name = NULL)
  cg_operator(.colsums, list(x), name)

# Function definition
delayedAssign(".colsums", cg_function(
  def = base::colSums,
  grads = list(
    function(x, value, grad)
      grad <- rep(grad, nrow(x))
      dim(grad) <- rev(dim(x))

#' Arithmetic Mean
#' Calculate \code{mean(x)}.
#' @param x either a cg_node object or a numerical vector or array.
#' @param name character scalar, name of the operation (optional).
#' @return cg_operator object.
#' @note Function \link[base:mean]{mean} is called without changing the default value of argument \code{trim} and \code{na.rm}.
#' @seealso \link[base:mean]{mean}
#' @author Ron Triepels
#' @export
cg_mean <- function(x, name = NULL)
  cg_operator(.mean, list(x), name)

# Function definition
delayedAssign(".mean", cg_function(
  def = base::mean.default,
  grads = list(
    function(x, value, grad)
      grad <- rep(grad / length(x), length(x))
      dim(grad) <- dim(x)

#' Row Means
#' Calculate \code{rowMeans(x)}.
#' @param x either a cg_node object or a numerical matrix or array.
#' @param name character scalar, name of the operation (optional).
#' @return cg_operator object.
#' @note Function \link[base:colSums]{rowMeans} is called without changing the default value of argument \code{na.rm} and \code{dims}.
#' @seealso \link[base:colSums]{rowMeans}
#' @author Ron Triepels
#' @export
cg_rowmeans <- function(x, name = NULL)
  cg_operator(.rowmeans, list(x), name)

# Function definition
delayedAssign(".rowmeans", cg_function(
  def = base::rowMeans,
  grads = list(
    function(x, value, grad)
      grad <- rep(grad / prod(dim(x)[-1L]), nrow(x))
      dim(grad) <- dim(x)

#' Column Means
#' Calculate \code{colMeans(x)}.
#' @param x either a cg_node object or a numerical matrix or array.
#' @param name character scalar, name of the operation (optional).
#' @return cg_operator object.
#' @note Function \link[base:colSums]{colMeans} is called without changing the default value of argument \code{na.rm} and \code{dims}.
#' @seealso \link[base:colSums]{colMeans}
#' @author Ron Triepels
#' @export
cg_colmeans <- function(x, name = NULL)
  cg_operator(.colmeans, list(x), name)

# Function definition
delayedAssign(".colmeans", cg_function(
  def = base::colMeans,
  grads = list(
    function(x, value, grad)
      grad <- rep(grad / nrow(x), nrow(x))
      dim(grad) <- rev(dim(x))

#' Maxima
#' Calculate \code{max(x)}.
#' @param x either a cg_node object or a numerical vector or array.
#' @param name character scalar, name of the operation (optional).
#' @return cg_operator object.
#' @note Function \link[base:Extremes]{max} is called without changing the default value of argument \code{na.rm}.
#' @seealso \link[base:Extremes]{max}
#' @author Ron Triepels
#' @export
cg_max <- function(x, name = NULL)
  cg_operator(.max, list(x), name)

# Function definition
delayedAssign(".max", cg_function(
  def = base::max,
  grads = list(
    function(x, value, grad)
      c(grad) * (x == c(value))

#' Minima
#' Calculate \code{min(x)}.
#' @param x either a cg_node object or a numerical vector or array.
#' @param name character scalar, name of the operation (optional).
#' @return cg_operator object.
#' @note Function \link[base:Extremes]{min} is called without changing the default value of argument \code{na.rm}.
#' @seealso \link[base:Extremes]{min}
#' @author Ron Triepels
#' @export
cg_min <- function(x, name = NULL)
  cg_operator(.min, list(x), name)

# Function definition
delayedAssign(".min", cg_function(
  def = base::min,
  grads = list(
    function(x, value, grad)
      c(grad) * (x == c(value))

#' Parallel Maxima
#' Calculate \code{pmax(x, y)}.
#' @param x either a cg_node object or a numerical vector or array.
#' @param y either a cg_node object or a numerical vector or array.
#' @param name character scalar, name of the operation (optional).
#' @return cg_operator object.
#' @note Function \link[base:Extremes]{pmax} is called without changing the default value of argument \code{na.rm}.
#' @seealso \link[base:Extremes]{pmax}
#' @author Ron Triepels
#' @export
cg_pmax <- function(x, y, name = NULL)
  cg_operator(.pmax, list(x, y), name)

# Function definition
delayedAssign(".pmax", cg_function(
  def = base::pmax,
  grads = list(
    function(x, y, value, grad)
        grad * (x >= c(y))
        bsum(grad * (x >= c(y)), length(x))
    function(x, y, value, grad)
        grad * (x < c(y))
        bsum(grad * (x < c(y)), length(y))

#' Parallel Minima
#' Calculate \code{pmin(x, y)}.
#' @param x either a cg_node object or a numerical vector or array.
#' @param y either a cg_node object or a numerical vector or array.
#' @param name character scalar, name of the operation (optional).
#' @return cg_operator object.
#' @note Function \link[base:Extremes]{pmin} is called without changing the default value of argument \code{na.rm}.
#' @seealso \link[base:Extremes]{pmin}
#' @author Ron Triepels
#' @export
cg_pmin <- function(x, y, name = NULL)
  cg_operator(.pmin, list(x, y), name)

# Function definition
delayedAssign(".pmin", cg_function(
  def = base::pmin,
  grads = list(
    function(x, y, value, grad)
        grad * (x <= c(y))
        bsum(grad * (x <= c(y)), length(x))
    function(x, y, value, grad)
        grad * (x > c(y))
        bsum(grad * (x > c(y)), length(y))

#' Matrix Transpose
#' Calculate \code{t(x)}.
#' @param x either a cg_node object or a numerical matrix.
#' @param name character scalar, name of the operation (optional).
#' @return cg_operator object.
#' @seealso \link[base:t]{t}
#' @author Ron Triepels
#' @export
cg_t <- function(x, name = NULL)
  cg_operator(.t, list(x), name)

# Function definition
delayedAssign(".t", cg_function(
  def = base::t.default,
  grads = list(
    function(x, value, grad)
triepels/cgraph documentation built on April 24, 2020, 12:58 a.m.