
#' Quick Heatmap
#' A quick heatmap function for visualizing typical qdap dataframe/matrix 
#' outputs.
#' @param mat A matrix or dataframe produced by many qdap functions in 
#' which the first column is the grouping variable and the rest of the matrix 
#' is numeric.  Also accepts objects directly from \code{\link[qdap]{word_stats}} 
#' and \code{\link[qdap]{question_type}}.
#' @param low The color to be used for lower values.
#' @param high The color to be used for higher values.
#' @param values logical.  If TRUE the cell values will be included on 
#' the heatmap.
#' @param digits The number of digits displayed if \code{values} is TRUE.
#' @param text.size A integer size to plot the text if \code{values} is TRUE.
#' @param text.color A character vector to plot the text if \code{values} 
#' is TRUE.
#' @param xaxis.col A single character vector color choice for the high values.
#' @param yaxis.col  A single character vector color choice for the low values.
#' @param order.by An optional character vector of a variable name to order the 
#' columns by.  To reverse use a negative (\code{-}) before the column name.
#' @param grid The color of the grid (Use NULL to remove the grid).  
#' @param by.column logical.  If TRUE applies scaling to the column.  If 
#' FALSE  applies scaling by row (use NULL to turn off scaling).
#' @param auto.size logical.  IF TRUE the visual will be resized to create 
#' square cells.
#' @param mat2 A second matrix equal in dimensions to \code{mat} that will be used 
#' for cell labels if \code{values} is TRUE.
#' @details \code{qheat} is useful for finding patterns and anomalies in large
#' qdap generated dataframes and matrices.
#' @note \code{\link[qdap]{qheat}} is a fast way of working with data formats 
#' produced by qdap.  The function isn't designed to be extended beyond 
#' exploratory qdap usage.
#' @keywords heatmap
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2 gridExtra scales RColorBrewer reshape2
#' @examples
#' dat <- sentSplit(DATA, "state")
#' ws.ob <- with(dat, word_stats(state, list(sex, adult), tot=tot))
#' qheat(ws.ob)
#' qheat(ws.ob, order.by = "sptot", 
#'     xaxis.col = c("red", "black", "green", "blue"))
#' qheat(ws.ob, order.by = "sptot")
#' qheat(ws.ob, order.by = "-sptot")
#' qheat(ws.ob, values = TRUE)
#' qheat(ws.ob, values = TRUE, text.color = "red")
#' qheat(ws.ob, "yellow", "red", grid = FALSE)
#' dat1 <- data.frame(G=LETTERS[1:5], matrix(rnorm(20), ncol = 4))
#' dat2 <- data.frame(matrix(LETTERS[1:25], ncol=5))
#' qheat(dat1, values=TRUE)
#' qheat(dat1, values=TRUE, mat2=dat2)
qheat <- function(mat, low = "white", high ="darkblue", values = FALSE,
    digits = 1, text.size = 3, text.color = "grey40", xaxis.col = "black",
    yaxis.col = "black", order.by = NULL, grid = "white", by.column = TRUE, 
    auto.size = FALSE, mat2 = NULL) {
    group <- value <- values2 <- NULL
    if (!is.null(mat2) & !values) {
        values <- TRUE 
    numformat <- function(val, digits) { 
        sub("^(-?)0.", "\\1.", sprintf(paste0("%.", digits, "f"), val)) 
    classRdf <- c("diversity")
    if (class(mat) %in% classRdf) {
        class(mat) <- "data.frame"
    CLS <- class(mat)
    if (CLS == "word_stats") {
        mat <- mat[["gts"]]
        class(mat) <- "data.frame"
    if (CLS %in% c("character.table", "question_type", "pos.by")) {
        mat <- mat[["prop"]]
    if (CLS == "termco") {
        mat2 <- mat[["rnp"]]
        mat <- data.frame(mat[["prop"]])
        class(mat2) <- "data.frame"
    dat2 <- as.matrix(mat[, -1])
    if (!is.null(by.column)){
        by.column <- by.column + 1
        dat2 <- apply(dat2, by.column, scale)
    if (!is.null(order.by)) {
        if(substring(order.by, 1, 1) != "-") {
            ord <- as.character(mat[order(mat[, order.by]), 1])
        } else {
            ord <- rev(as.character(mat[order(mat[, gsub("-", "", 
                order.by)]), 1]))
        mat[, 1] <- factor(mat[, 1], levels = ord)
    ws4 <- data.frame(group = mat[, 1], dat2, check.names = FALSE)
    colnames(ws4)[1] <- "group"
    ws4 <- melt(ws4, id.var = "group")
    colnames(ws4)[1:2] <- c("group", "var")
    ws4$var <- factor(ws4$var, levels=rev(levels(ws4$var)))
    if (values) {
        if (is.null(mat2)) {
            mat2 <- mat
        ws5 <- data.frame(group = mat2[, 1], mat2[, -1])
        ws5 <- melt(ws5, id.var = "group")
        if(is.numeric(ws5$value)) {
            ws4$values2 <- numformat(ws5$value, digits = digits)
        } else {
            ws4$values2 <- ws5$value
    if (length(xaxis.col) == 1) {
        ws4[, "xaxis.col"] <- rep(xaxis.col, nrow(ws4))
    } else {
        if (length(xaxis.col) != nrow(mat)) {
            warning("Length of colors not equal to number of grouping variables")
        ws4[, "xaxis.col"] <- lookup(ws4[, "group"], mat[, 1], xaxis.col)         
    if (length(yaxis.col) == 1) {
        ws4[, "yaxis.col"] <- rep(yaxis.col, nrow(ws4))
    } else {
        if (length(yaxis.col) != (ncol(mat) - 1)) {
            warning("Length of colors not equal to number of grouping variables")
        ws4[, "yaxis.col"] <- lookup(ws4[, "group"], mat[, 1], yaxis.col)         
    if (is.null(grid)) {
        if (values) {
            GP <- ggplot(ws4, aes(group, var, group=var)) +
                geom_tile(aes(fill = value)) +
                geom_text(aes(fill = value, label = values2), 
                    size = text.size, color = text.color)
        } else {
            GP <- ggplot(ws4, aes(group, var, group=var)) +
                geom_tile(aes(fill = value))
    } else {
        if (values) {
            GP <- ggplot(ws4, aes(group, var, group=var)) +
                geom_tile(aes(fill = value), color = grid) +
                geom_text(aes(fill = value, label = values2), 
                    size = text.size, color = text.color)
        } else {
            GP <- ggplot(ws4, aes(group, var, group=var)) +
                geom_tile(aes(fill = value), color = grid)
    GP <- GP + scale_fill_gradient(low = low, high = high) + 
        theme_grey() + 
        scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0, 0)) +
        scale_y_discrete(expand = c(0, 0)) + 
        theme(axis.ticks = element_blank(), 
            axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -90, 
            hjust = -.1, vjust=.6, colour=xaxis.col), 
            axis.text.y =element_text(colour=yaxis.col)) +
    xlab(gsub("\\&", " & ", colnames(mat)[1])) +
    if (auto.size) {
        GP <- GP + coord_equal()
trinker/qdap2 documentation built on May 31, 2019, 9:47 p.m.