
Defines functions R_bit_as_hi print.virtual print.physical virtual.default physical.default summary.ri range.ri max.ri min.ri sum.ri anyNA.ri any.ri all.ri length.ri print.ri ri in.bitwhich summary.booltype range.booltype max.booltype min.booltype sum.booltype anyNA.booltype any.booltype all.booltype summary.which range.which max.which min.which sum.which anyNA.which any.which all.which summary.bitwhich range.bitwhich max.bitwhich min.bitwhich sum.bitwhich anyNA.bitwhich any.bitwhich all.bitwhich summary.bit range.bit max.bit min.bit sum.bit anyNA.bit any.bit all.bit xor.logical is.na.bitwhich is.na.bit as.bitwhich.bit as.bitwhich.logical as.bitwhich.integer as.bitwhich.ri as.bitwhich.which as.bitwhich.bitwhich as.bitwhich.NULL as.which.bitwhich as.which.bit as.which.ri as.which.logical as.which.integer as.which.numeric as.which.NULL as.which.which as.logical.which as.double.ri as.integer.ri as.logical.ri as.logical.bitwhich as.double.bitwhich as.integer.bitwhich as.double.bit as.integer.bit as.logical.bit as.bit.ri as.bit.which as.bit.bitwhich as.bit.double as.bit.integer as.bit.logical as.bit.bit as.bit.NULL rep.bitwhich rep.bit rev.bitwhich rev.bit c.bitwhich c.bit c.booltype length.bitwhich length.bit poslength.ri maxindex.ri poslength.which maxindex.which poslength.bitwhich maxindex.bitwhich poslength.bit maxindex.bit poslength.logical maxindex.logical as.ri.default as.ri.ri as.booltype.default is.ri is.hi is.which is.bitwhich is.bit is.booltype booltype print.bitwhich bitwhich_representation bitwhich str.bitwhich as.character.bitwhich str.bit as.character.bit print.bit bit bit_done bit_init

Documented in all.bit all.bitwhich all.booltype all.ri all.which any.bit any.bitwhich any.booltype anyNA.bit anyNA.bitwhich anyNA.booltype anyNA.ri anyNA.which any.ri any.which as.bit.bit as.bit.bitwhich as.bit.double as.bit.integer as.bit.logical as.bit.NULL as.bit.ri as.bit.which as.bitwhich.bit as.bitwhich.bitwhich as.bitwhich.integer as.bitwhich.logical as.bitwhich.NULL as.bitwhich.ri as.bitwhich.which as.booltype.default as.character.bit as.character.bitwhich as.double.bit as.double.bitwhich as.double.ri as.integer.bit as.integer.bitwhich as.integer.ri as.logical.bit as.logical.bitwhich as.logical.ri as.logical.which as.ri.default as.ri.ri as.which.bit as.which.bitwhich as.which.integer as.which.logical as.which.NULL as.which.numeric as.which.ri as.which.which bit bit_done bit_init bitwhich bitwhich_representation booltype c.bit c.bitwhich c.booltype in.bitwhich is.bit is.bitwhich is.booltype is.hi is.na.bit is.na.bitwhich is.ri is.which length.bit length.bitwhich length.ri max.bit max.bitwhich max.booltype maxindex.bit maxindex.bitwhich maxindex.logical maxindex.ri maxindex.which max.ri max.which min.bit min.bitwhich min.booltype min.ri min.which physical.default poslength.bit poslength.bitwhich poslength.logical poslength.ri poslength.which print.bit print.bitwhich print.physical print.ri print.virtual range.bit range.bitwhich range.booltype range.ri range.which rep.bit rep.bitwhich rev.bit rev.bitwhich ri str.bit str.bitwhich sum.bit sum.bitwhich sum.booltype summary.bit summary.bitwhich summary.booltype summary.ri summary.which sum.ri sum.which virtual.default xor.logical

# Functions for boolean vectors
# (c) 2008-2017 Jens Oehlschägel
# Licence: GPL2
# Provided 'as is', use at your own risk

# source("C:/mwp/eanalysis/bit/R/bit.R")

# Configuration: set this to 32L or 64L and keep in sync with BITS in bit.c
#' @rdname bit_init
#' @export
.BITS <- 32L

#' Initializing bit masks
#' Functions to allocate (and de-allocate) bit masks
#' The C-code operates with bit masks.  The memory for these is allocated
#' dynamically.  \code{bit_init} is called by \code{\link{.First.lib}} and
#' \code{bit_done} is called by \code{\link{.Last.lib}}.  You don't need to
#' care about these under normal circumstances.
#' @return NULL
#' @author Jens Oehlschlägel
#' @seealso \code{\link{bit}}
#' @keywords classes logic
#' @examples
#'   bit_done()
#'   bit_init()
#' @export
bit_init <- function()
  .Call(C_R_bit_init, .BITS)

#' @rdname bit_init
#' @export
bit_done <- function()

#' Create empty bit vector 
#' Bit vectors are a boolean type wihout \code{NA} that requires by factor 32 less RAM than \code{\link{logical}}.
#' For details on usage see the \href{../doc/bit-usage.html}{usage-vignette} and for details on performance see \href{../doc/bit-performance.html}{performance-vignette}
#' @param length length in bits
#' @return \code{bit} returns a vector of integer sufficiently long to store 'length' bits
#' @seealso  \code{\link{booltype}}, \code{\link{bitwhich}}, \code{\link{logical}}
#' @keywords classes logic
#' @examples
#' bit(12)
#' !bit(12)
#' str(bit(128))
#' @export
bit <- function(length=0L){
  length <- as.integer(length)
  if (length %% .BITS)
    n <- length %/% .BITS + 1L
    n <- length %/% .BITS
  if (.BITS==64L)
    x <- integer(2L*n)
    x <- integer(n)
  #physical(x) <- list(vmode="boolean")
  #virtual(x)  <- list(Length=length)
  #class(x) <- "bit"
  # tuning
  p <- list()
  v <- list()
  attributes(p) <- list(vmode="boolean", class="physical")
  attributes(v) <- list(Length=length, class="virtual")
  setattributes(x, list(physical=p, virtual=v, class=c("booltype","bit")))

#' Print method for bit 
#' @param x a bit vector
#' @param ... passed to print
#' @return a character vector showing first and last elements of the bit vector
#' @examples
#' print(bit(120))
#' @export
print.bit <- function(x, ...){
  n <- length(x)
  cat("bit length=", n, " occupying only ", length(unclass(x)), " int32\n", sep="")
  if (n>16){
    y <- c(x[1:8], "..", x[(n-7L):n])
    names(y) <- c(1:8, "", (n-7L):n)
    print(y, quote=FALSE, ...)
  }else if(n){
    y <- c(x[])
    names(y) <- c(1:n)
    print(y, quote=FALSE, ...)

#' Coerce bit to character
#' @param x a \code{\link{bit}} vector
#' @param ... ignored
#' @return a character vector of zeroes and ones
#' @examples
#' as.character(bit(12))
#' @export
as.character.bit <- function(x, ...){

#' Str method for bit
#' To actually view the internal structure use \code{str(unclass(bit))}
#' @inheritParams utils::str
#' @return \code{\link{invisible}}
#' @importFrom utils strOptions
#' @examples
#' str(bit(120))
#' @export
str.bit <- function(object
, vec.len  = strO$vec.len
, give.head = TRUE
, give.length = give.head
, ...
  strO <- strOptions()
  vec.len <- 8*vec.len
  n <- length(object)
  if (n>vec.len)
    object <- as.bit(object[seq_len(vec.len)])
  cat(if (give.head)paste("bit ", if (give.length && n>1) paste(" [1:",n,"] ",sep=""), sep=""), paste(as.character(object), collapse=" ")," \n", sep="")

#' Coerce bitwhich to character
#' @param x a \code{\link{bitwhich}} vector
#' @param ... ignored
#' @return a character vector of zeroes and ones
#' @examples
#' as.character(bitwhich(12))
#' @export
as.character.bitwhich <- function(x, ...)c("0","1")[1+as.logical(x)]

#' Str method for bitwhich
#' To actually view the internal structure use \code{str(unclass(bitwhich))}
#' @inheritParams utils::str
#' @return \code{\link{invisible}}
#' @examples
#' str(bitwhich(120))
#' @export
str.bitwhich <- function(object
                    , vec.len  = strO$vec.len
                    , give.head = TRUE
                    , give.length = give.head
                    , ...
  strO <- strOptions()
  vec.len <- 8*vec.len
  n <- length(object)
  if (n>vec.len)
    object <- as.bitwhich(object[seq_len(vec.len)])
  cat(if (give.head)paste("bitwhich ", if (give.length && n>1) paste(" [1:",n,"] ",sep=""), sep=""), paste(as.character(object), collapse=" ")," \n", sep="")

#' Create bitwhich vector (skewed boolean)
#' A bitwhich object represents a boolean filter like a \code{\link{bit}} object (NAs are not allowed)
#' but uses a sparse representation suitable for very skewed (asymmetric) selections. 
#' Three extreme cases are represented with logical values, no length via logical(), 
#' all TRUE with TRUE and all FALSE with FALSE. All other selections are represented with 
#' positive or negative integers, whatever is shorter. 
#' This needs less RAM compared to \code{\link{logical}} (and often less than \code{\link{bit}} or \code{\link[=as.which]{which}}).
#' Logical operations are fast if the selection is asymetric (only few or almost all selected).
#' @param maxindex length of the vector
#' @param x Information about which positions are FALSE or TRUE: either \code{logical()} or \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE} or a integer vector of positive or of negative subscripts. 
#' @param xempty what to assume about parameter \code{x} if \code{x=integer(0)}, typically \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}. 
#' @param poslength tuning: \code{poslength} is calculated automatically, you can give \code{poslength} explicitely, in this case it must be correct and \code{x} must be sorted and not have duplicates.
#' @param is.unsorted tuning: FALSE implies that \code{x} is already sorted and sorting is skipped
#' @param has.dup tuning: FALSE implies that \code{x} has no duplicates 
#' @return an object of class 'bitwhich' carrying two attributes
#' \describe{
#'   \item{maxindex}{ see above }
#'   \item{poslength}{ see above }
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{bitwhich_representation}},  \code{\link{as.bitwhich}}, \code{\link{bit}}
#' @examples
#' bitwhich()
#' bitwhich(12)
#' bitwhich(12, x=TRUE)
#' bitwhich(12, x=3)
#' bitwhich(12, x=-3)
#' bitwhich(12, x=integer())
#' bitwhich(12, x=integer(), xempty=TRUE)
#' @export
bitwhich <- function(maxindex=0L, x=NULL, xempty=FALSE, poslength=NULL, is.unsorted=TRUE, has.dup=TRUE){
  maxindex <- as.integer(maxindex)
  if (maxindex==0L){
    if ((!is.null(poslength) && poslength) || (length(x) && (!is.logical(x) || x[[1]]==TRUE)))
      stop("maxindex=0 given with poslength or x")
    poslength <- 0L
    ret <- logical()
    if (length(x)){
      if (is.logical(x)){
        if (length(x)!=1L || is.na(x)){
          stop("logical x should be scalar FALSE or TRUE")
        }else if (x){
          if (is.null(poslength))
            poslength <- maxindex
          else if (poslength!=maxindex)
            stop("x==TRUE implies poslength==maxindex")
          ret <- copy_vector(TRUE)
          if (is.null(poslength))
            poslength <- 0L
          else if (poslength!=0L)
            stop("x==FALSE implies poslength==0")
          ret <- copy_vector(FALSE)
        x <- as.integer(x)
        if (is.null(poslength)){
          ret <- range_nanozero(x)
          r <- getsetattr(ret, "range_na", NULL)
          if (r[3]>0L)
            stop("NA positions not allowed (neither positive nor negative)")
          if (r[1]<0L){
            if (r[2]>0L)
              stop("mixed negative and positive subscripts not allowed")
            if (-r[1] > maxindex)
              stop("index value outside -maxindex..-1")
            if (r[2] > maxindex)
              stop("index value outside 1..maxindex")
          if (is.unsorted)
            ret <- bit_sort_unique(ret, na.last=NA, range_na=r)
          else if (has.dup)
            ret <- bit_unique(ret, na.rm = FALSE, range_na=r)
          if (ret[1]<0){
            poslength <- maxindex - length(ret)
            if (poslength){
              if (poslength <= maxindex%/%2L)
                ret <- merge_rangediff(c(1L,maxindex), ret, revx=FALSE, revy=TRUE)
              ret <- copy_vector(FALSE)
            poslength <- length(ret)
            if (poslength < maxindex){
              if (poslength > maxindex%/%2L)
                ret <- merge_rangediff(c(1L,maxindex), ret, revx=TRUE, revy=TRUE)
              ret <- copy_vector(TRUE)
          poslength <- as.integer(poslength)
          if (poslength==0L)
            ret <- copy_vector(FALSE)
          else if (poslength==maxindex)
            ret <- copy_vector(TRUE)
            if (length(x) > 2 && x[1] >= x[2])
              stop("x is not sorted unique")
            if ( x[1]<0L ){
              if ( poslength != maxindex - length(x) ) 
                stop("wrong poslength")
              if (poslength <= maxindex%/%2L)
                ret <- merge_rangediff(c(1L,maxindex), x, revx=FALSE, revy=TRUE)
                ret <- copy_vector(x)
              if ( poslength != length(x) )
                stop("wrong poslength")
              if (poslength > maxindex%/%2L)
                ret <- merge_rangediff(c(1L,maxindex), x, revx=TRUE, revy=TRUE)
                ret <- copy_vector(x)
      if (is.null(poslength)){
          if (!is.logical(xempty) || length(xempty)!=1 || is.na(xempty))
            stop("xempty must be FALSE or TRUE")
          if (xempty)
            poslength <- maxindex
            poslength <- 0L
          ret <- copy_vector(xempty)
        poslength <- as.integer(poslength)
        if (poslength==0)
          ret <- copy_vector(FALSE)
        else if (poslength==maxindex)
          ret <- copy_vector(TRUE)
          stop("need x with extreme poslength")
  setattributes(ret, list("maxindex" = maxindex, "poslength" = poslength, "class" = c("booltype","bitwhich")))

#' Diagnose representation of bitwhich
#' @param x a \code{\link{bitwhich}} object
#' @return a scalar, one of \code{logical()}, \code{FALSE}, \code{TRUE}, \code{-1} or \code{1}  
#' @examples
#' bitwhich_representation(bitwhich())
#' bitwhich_representation(bitwhich(12,FALSE))
#' bitwhich_representation(bitwhich(12,TRUE))
#' bitwhich_representation(bitwhich(12, -3))
#' bitwhich_representation(bitwhich(12, 3))
#' @export
bitwhich_representation <- function(x)
  .Call(C_R_bitwhich_representation, x)

#' Print method for bitwhich
#' @param x a \code{\link{bitwhich}} object
#' @param ... ignored
#' @export
print.bitwhich <- function(x, ...){
  n <- length(x)
  cat("bitwhich: ", sum(x), "/", n, " occupying only ", length(unclass(x)), " int32 in ", bitwhich_representation(x), " representation\n", sep="")
  if (n>16){
    y <- c(x[1:8], "..", x[(n-7L):n])
    names(y) <- c(1:8, "", (n-7L):n)
    print(y, quote=FALSE, ...)
  }else if(n){
    y <- c(x[])
    names(y) <- c(1:n)
    print(y, quote=FALSE, ...)

#' Boolean types
#' The \code{\link{ordered}} factor \code{booltypes} ranks the boolean types. 
#' There are currently six boolean types, \code{booltypes} is an \code{\link{ordered}} vector with the following ordinal \code{\link{levels}} \describe{
#' \item{nobool}{non-boolean types}
#' \item{\code{\link{logical}}}{for representing any boolean data including \code{NA} }
#' \item{\code{\link{bit}}}{for representing dense boolean data }
#' \item{\code{\link{bitwhich}}}{for representing sparse (skewed) boolean data  }
#' \item{\code{\link{which}}}{for representing sparse boolean data with few \code{TRUE}}
## \item{\code{\link[ff]{hi}}}{hybrid-indexing, implemented in package \code{\link[ff]{ff}} }
#' \item{\code{\link{ri}}}{range-indexing, for representing sparse boolean data with a single range of \code{TRUE} }
#' }
#' \code{booltypes} has a \code{\link{names}} attribute such that elements can be selected by name. 
#' @note do not rely on the internal integer codes of these levels, we might add-in \code{\link[ff]{hi}} later
#' @seealso \code{\link{booltype}}, \code{\link{is.booltype}}, \code{\link{as.booltype}}
#' @export
booltypes <- c("nobool","logical","bit","bitwhich","which","ri")
booltypes <- ordered(booltypes, levels=booltypes)
names(booltypes) <- booltypes

#' Diagnosing boolean types
#' Specific methods for \code{booltype} are required, where non-unary methods can combine multiple bollean types, particularly boolean binary operators.
#' Function \code{booltype} returns the boolean type of its argument.
#' There are currently six boolean types, \code{booltypes} is an \code{\link{ordered}} vector with the following ordinal \code{\link{levels}} \describe{
#' \item{nobool}{non-boolean types}
#' \item{\code{\link{logical}}}{for representing any boolean data including \code{NA} }
#' \item{\code{\link{bit}}}{for representing dense boolean data }
#' \item{\code{\link{bitwhich}}}{for representing sparse (skewed) boolean data  }
#' \item{\code{\link{which}}}{for representing sparse boolean data with few \code{TRUE}}
## \item{\code{\link[ff]{hi}}}{hybrid-indexing, implemented in package \code{\link[ff]{ff}} }
#' \item{\code{\link{ri}}}{range-indexing, for representing sparse boolean data with a single range of \code{TRUE} }
#' }
#' @param x an R object
#' @return one scalar element of \code{\link{booltypes}} in case of 'nobool' it carries a name attribute with the data type.
#' @note do not rely on the internal integer codes of these levels, we might add-in \code{\link[ff]{hi}} later
#' @seealso \code{\link{booltypes}}, \code{\link{is.booltype}}, \code{\link{as.booltype}}
#' @examples
#' unname(booltypes)
#' str(booltypes)
#' sapply(list(double(),integer(),logical(),bit(),bitwhich(),as.which(),ri(1,2,3)), booltype)
#' @export
booltype <- function(x){
  if (is.ri(x))
  else if (is.hi(x))
  else if (is.which(x)) 
  else if (is.bitwhich(x)) 
  else if (is.bit(x)) 
  else if (is.logical(x)) 
  else {
    ret <- booltypes[["nobool"]]
    names(ret) <- typeof(x)

#' Testing for boolean types
#' All \code{\link{booltypes}} including  \code{\link{logical}} except 'nobool' types are considered 'is.booltype'. 
#' @param x an R object
#' @return logical scalar
#' @seealso \code{\link{booltypes}}, \code{\link{booltype}}, \code{\link{as.booltype}}
#' @examples
#' sapply(list(double(),integer(),logical(),bit(),bitwhich(),as.which(),ri(1,2,3)), is.booltype)
#' @export
is.booltype <- function(x){
  inherits(x, "booltype") || is.logical(x)

#' @describeIn is.booltype tests for \code{\link{bit}}
#' @export
is.bit <- function(x)
  inherits(x, "bit")

#' @describeIn is.booltype tests for \code{\link{bitwhich}}
#' @export
is.bitwhich <- function(x)
  inherits(x, "bitwhich")

#' @describeIn is.booltype tests for \code{\link[=as.which]{which}}
#' @export
is.which <- function(x)
  inherits(x, "which")

#' @describeIn is.booltype tests for \code{\link[ff]{hi}}
#' @export
is.hi <- function(x)
  inherits(x, "hi")

#' @describeIn is.booltype tests for \code{\link{ri}}
#' @export
is.ri <- function(x)
  inherits(x, "ri")

#' @describeIn as.booltype default method for as.booltype
#' @export
as.booltype.default <- function(x, booltype="logical", ...){
  bt <- match.arg(as.character(booltype), as.character(booltypes))
    , logical = "as.logical"
    , bit     = "as.bit"
    , bitwhich= "as.bitwhich"
    , which= "as.which"
    , hi= stop("not implemented for booltype hi")
    , ri= "as.ri"
    ), c(list(x, ...)))

#' @describeIn as.ri method to coerce \code{\link{ri}} to \code{\link{ri}}
#' @export
as.ri.ri <- function(x, ...)x

#' @describeIn as.ri default method to coerce to \code{\link{ri}}
#' @export
as.ri.default <- function(x, ...){
  r <- range.booltype(x)
  n <- maxindex(x)
  ri(r[[1]], r[[2]], n)

#' @describeIn maxindex default method for \code{maxindex}
#' @export
maxindex.default <- 
  function (x, ...) 
    mi <- attr(x, "maxindex")
    if (is.null(mi)) 
    else mi

#' @describeIn maxindex default method for \code{poslength}
#' @export
poslength.default <- 
  function (x, ...) 
    pl <- attr(x, "poslength")
    if (is.null(pl))  
    else pl

#' @describeIn maxindex \code{maxindex} method for class \code{\link{logical}}
#' @export
maxindex.logical <- function(x, ...){

#' @describeIn maxindex \code{poslength} method for class \code{\link{logical}}
#' @export
poslength.logical <- function(x, ...){

#' @describeIn maxindex \code{maxindex} method for class \code{\link{bit}}
#' @export
maxindex.bit <- function(x, ...){

#' @describeIn maxindex \code{poslength} method for class \code{\link{bit}}
#' @export
poslength.bit <- function(x, ...)
  sum(x, ...)

#' @describeIn maxindex \code{maxindex} method for class \code{\link{bitwhich}}
#' @export
maxindex.bitwhich <- function(x, ...)
  length(x, ...)

#' @describeIn maxindex \code{poslength} method for class \code{\link{bitwhich}}
#' @export
poslength.bitwhich <- function(x, ...)
  sum(x, ...)

#' @describeIn maxindex \code{maxindex} method for class \code{\link[=as.which]{which}}
#' @export
maxindex.which <- function(x, ...){
  attr(x, "maxindex")

#' @describeIn maxindex \code{poslength} method for class \code{\link[=as.which]{which}}
#' @export
poslength.which <- function(x, ...){

#' @describeIn maxindex \code{maxindex} method for class \code{\link{ri}}
#' @export
maxindex.ri <- function(x, ...){

#' @describeIn maxindex \code{poslength} method for class \code{\link{ri}}
#' @export
poslength.ri <- function(x, ...){
  x[[2]] - x[[1]] + 1L

#' Getting and setting length of bit, bitwhich and ri objects
#' Query the number of bits in a \code{\link{bit}} vector or change the number
#' of bits in a bit vector. \cr Query the number of bits in a
#' \code{\link{bitwhich}} vector or change the number of bits in a bit vector.
#' \cr
#' NOTE that the length does NOT reflect the number of selected (\code{TRUE})
#' bits, it reflects the sum of both, \code{TRUE} and \code{FALSE} bits.
#' Increasing the length of a \code{\link{bit}} object will set new bits to
#' \code{FALSE}.  The behaviour of increasing the length of a
#' \code{\link{bitwhich}} object is different and depends on the content of the
#' object: \itemize{ 
#' \item TRUE -- all included, new bits are set to \code{TRUE}
#' \item positive integers -- some included, new bits are set to \code{FALSE}
#' \item negative integers -- some excluded, new bits are set to \code{TRUE}
#' \item FALSE -- all excluded:, new bits are set to \code{FALSE} } Decreasing the
#' length of bit or bitwhich removes any previous information about the status
#' bits above the new length.
#' @name length.bit
#' @param x a \code{\link{bit}}, \code{\link{bitwhich}} or \code{\link{ri}}
#' object
#' @param value the new number of bits
#' @return the length A bit vector with the new length
#' @author Jens Oehlschlägel
#' @seealso \code{\link{length}}, \code{\link[=sum.bit]{sum}},
#' \code{\link{poslength}}, \code{\link{maxindex}}
#' @keywords classes logic
#' @examples
#'   stopifnot(length(ri(1, 1, 32))==32)
#'   x <- as.bit(ri(32, 32, 32))
#'   stopifnot(length(x)==32)
#'   stopifnot(sum(x)==1)
#'   length(x) <- 16
#'   stopifnot(length(x)==16)
#'   stopifnot(sum(x)==0)
#'   length(x) <- 32
#'   stopifnot(length(x)==32)
#'   stopifnot(sum(x)==0)
#'   x <- as.bit(ri(1, 1, 32))
#'   stopifnot(length(x)==32)
#'   stopifnot(sum(x)==1)
#'   length(x) <- 16
#'   stopifnot(length(x)==16)
#'   stopifnot(sum(x)==1)
#'   length(x) <- 32
#'   stopifnot(length(x)==32)
#'   stopifnot(sum(x)==1)
#'   x <- as.bitwhich(bit(32))
#'   stopifnot(length(x)==32)
#'   stopifnot(sum(x)==0)
#'   length(x) <- 16
#'   stopifnot(length(x)==16)
#'   stopifnot(sum(x)==0)
#'   length(x) <- 32
#'   stopifnot(length(x)==32)
#'   stopifnot(sum(x)==0)
#'   x <- as.bitwhich(!bit(32))
#'   stopifnot(length(x)==32)
#'   stopifnot(sum(x)==32)
#'   length(x) <- 16
#'   stopifnot(length(x)==16)
#'   stopifnot(sum(x)==16)
#'   length(x) <- 32
#'   stopifnot(length(x)==32)
#'   stopifnot(sum(x)==32)
#'   x <- as.bitwhich(ri(32, 32, 32))
#'   stopifnot(length(x)==32)
#'   stopifnot(sum(x)==1)
#'   length(x) <- 16
#'   stopifnot(length(x)==16)
#'   stopifnot(sum(x)==0)
#'   length(x) <- 32
#'   stopifnot(length(x)==32)
#'   stopifnot(sum(x)==0)
#'   x <- as.bitwhich(ri(2, 32, 32))
#'   stopifnot(length(x)==32)
#'   stopifnot(sum(x)==31)
#'   length(x) <- 16
#'   stopifnot(length(x)==16)
#'   stopifnot(sum(x)==15)
#'   length(x) <- 32
#'   stopifnot(length(x)==32)
#'   stopifnot(sum(x)==31)
#'   x <- as.bitwhich(ri(1, 1, 32))
#'   stopifnot(length(x)==32)
#'   stopifnot(sum(x)==1)
#'   length(x) <- 16
#'   stopifnot(length(x)==16)
#'   stopifnot(sum(x)==1)
#'   length(x) <- 32
#'   stopifnot(length(x)==32)
#'   stopifnot(sum(x)==1)
#'   x <- as.bitwhich(ri(1, 31, 32))
#'   stopifnot(length(x)==32)
#'   stopifnot(sum(x)==31)
#'   message("NOTE the change from 'some excluded' to 'all excluded' here")
#'   length(x) <- 16
#'   stopifnot(length(x)==16)
#'   stopifnot(sum(x)==16)
#'   length(x) <- 32
#'   stopifnot(length(x)==32)
#'   stopifnot(sum(x)==32)
#' @export
length.bit <- function(x)

#' @rdname length.bit
#' @export
"length<-.bit" <- function(x, value){
  value <- as.integer(value)
  vattr <- attr(x, "virtual")
  oldvalue <- attr(vattr, "Length")
  if (value!=oldvalue){
    pattr <- attr(x, "physical")
    cl <- oldClass(x)
    oldn <- get_length(x)
    dn <- value %% .BITS
    if (dn){
      n <- value %/% .BITS + 1L
      n <- value %/% .BITS
    if (oldn<n){
      ret <- integer(n)
      ret[seq_len(oldn)] <- x
    }else if (n<oldn){
      ret <- unclass(x)[seq_len(n)]
      ret <- copy_vector(x)
    if (dn && value<oldvalue){
      .Call(C_R_bit_set_logical, ret, FALSE, c(value+1L, n*.BITS))
    attr(vattr, "Length") <- value
    setattributes(ret, list("physical" = pattr, "virtual" = vattr, "class" = cl))

#' @rdname length.bit
#' @export
length.bitwhich <- function(x)
  attr(x, "maxindex")

#' @rdname length.bit
#' @export
"length<-.bitwhich" <- function(x, value){
  if (value!=length(x)){
    value <- as.integer(value)
    a <- attributes(x)
    if (value){
      if (is.integer(x)){
          oldClass(x) <- NULL
          if (x[1]>0){
            ret <- x[x <= value]
            l <- length(ret)
            if (l==0)
              ret <- copy_vector(FALSE)
            else if (l==value)
              ret <- copy_vector(TRUE)
            else if (l>(value%/%2L))
              ret <- merge_rangediff(c(-value,-1L), ret, revy=TRUE)
            ret <- x[x >= -value]
            l <- length(ret)
            if (l==0)
              ret <- copy_vector(TRUE)
            else if (l==value)
              ret <- copy_vector(FALSE)
            else if (!((value-l)>(value%/%2L)))
              ret <- merge_rangediff(c(1L,value), ret, revy=TRUE)
            l <- value - l
          if (length(x) && x){
            ret <- bitwhich(value, x=TRUE, poslength=value)
            l <- value
            ret <- bitwhich(value, x=FALSE, poslength=0L)
            l <- 0L
      ret <- bitwhich()
      l <- 0L
  a$maxindex <- value
  a$poslength <- l
  setattributes(ret, a)

#' Concatenating booltype vectors
#' Creating new boolean vectors by concatenating boolean vectors
#' @param \dots \code{\link{booltype}} vectors
#' @return a vector with the lowest input \code{\link{booltype}} (but not lower than\code{\link{logical}})
#' @author Jens Oehlschlägel
#' @seealso \code{\link{c}}, \code{\link{bit}} , \code{\link{bitwhich}},  , \code{\link{which}}
#' @keywords classes logic
#' @examples
#'  c(bit(4), !bit(4))
#'  c(bit(4), !bitwhich(4))
#'  c(bitwhich(4), !bit(4))
#'  c(ri(1,2,4), !bit(4))
#'  c(bit(4), !logical(4))
#'  message("logical in first argument does not dispatch: c(logical(4), bit(4))")
#'  c.booltype(logical(4), !bit(4))
#' @export c.booltype
#' @export
c.booltype <- function(...){
  l <- list(...)
  bt <- sapply(l, booltype)
  # xx TEMPORARY WORKAROND: work around a bug in sapply which destroys ordered levels
  class(bt) <- c("ordered", "factor")
  bt <- max(booltypes[["logical"]], min(bt, booltypes[["bitwhich"]]))
  bt <- as.character(bt)
  f <- list(logical=as.logical, bit=as.bit, bitwhich=as.bitwhich, which=as.which)[[bt]]
  l <- lapply(l, f)
 , logical="c"
 , bit="c.bit"
 , bitwhich="c.bitwhich"
  ),  l)

#' @rdname c.booltype
#' @export
c.bit <- function(...){
  l <- list(...)
  nl <- length(l)
  nold <- sapply(l, length)
  nnew <- sum(nold)
  ncum <- cumsum(nold)
  offsets <- c(0L, ncum[-length(ncum)])
  x <- bit(nnew)
  for (i in seq_len(nl)){
    b <- as.bit(l[[i]])
    .Call(C_R_bit_shiftcopy, bsource_=b, btarget_=x, otarget_=offsets[i], n_=nold[i])

#' @rdname c.booltype
#' @export
c.bitwhich <- function(...){
  l <- list(...)
  if (length(l)==1)
    as.bitwhich(do.call("c", lapply(l, as.bit)))

#' Reversing bit and bitwhich vectors
#' Creating new bit or bitwhich by reversing such vectors
#' @name rev.booltype
#' @param x bit or bitwhich object
#' @return An object of class 'bit' or 'bitwhich'
#' @author Jens Oehlschlägel
#' @seealso \code{\link{rev}}, \code{\link{bit}} , \code{\link{bitwhich}}
#' @keywords classes logic
#' @examples
#'  rev(as.bit(c(FALSE,TRUE)))
#'  rev(as.bitwhich(c(FALSE,TRUE)))

#' @rdname rev.booltype
#' @export
rev.bit <- function(x){
  if (length(x)){
    x <- .Call(C_R_bit_reverse, x, bit(length(x)))

#' @rdname rev.booltype
#' @export
rev.bitwhich <- function(x){
  n <- length(x)
  if (is.logical(x)){
    ret <- bitwhich(n, copy_vector(x), poslength=sum(x))
    y <- bitwhich_representation(x)
    if (n < .Machine$integer.max){
      if (y[1]<0)
        ret <- bitwhich(n, -(n+1L)-reverse_vector(x), poslength=sum(x))
        ret <- bitwhich(n, (n+1L)-reverse_vector(x), poslength=sum(x))
      if (y[1]<0)
        ret <- bitwhich(n, -n-reverse_vector(x)-1L, poslength=sum(x))
        ret <- bitwhich(n, n-reverse_vector(x)+1L, poslength=sum(x))

#' Replicating bit and bitwhich vectors
#' Creating new bit or bitwhich by recycling such vectors
#' @name rep.booltype
#' @param x bit or bitwhich object
#' @param times number of replications
#' @param length.out final length of replicated vector (dominates times)
#' @param \dots not used
#' @return An object of class 'bit' or 'bitwhich'
#' @author Jens Oehlschlägel
#' @seealso \code{\link{rep}}, \code{\link{bit}} , \code{\link{bitwhich}}
#' @keywords classes logic
#' @examples
#'  rep(as.bit(c(FALSE,TRUE)), 2)
#'  rep(as.bit(c(FALSE,TRUE)), length.out=7)
#'  rep(as.bitwhich(c(FALSE,TRUE)), 2)
#'  rep(as.bitwhich(c(FALSE,TRUE)), length.out=1)

#' @rdname rep.booltype
#' @export
rep.bit <- function(x, times = 1L, length.out = NA, ...){
  if (length(times)>1L)
    stop("only scalar times supported")
  if (is.na(length.out))
    length.out <- length(x)*as.integer(times)
    length.out <- as.integer(length.out)
  ret <- bit(length.out)
  .Call(C_R_bit_recycle, ret, x)

#' @rdname rep.booltype
#' @export
rep.bitwhich <- function(x, times = 1L, length.out = NA, ...){
  as.bitwhich(rep(as.bit(x), times=times, length.out=as.integer(length.out), ...))

#' @describeIn as.bit method to coerce to \code{\link{bit}} (zero length) from \code{\link{NULL}}
#' @export
as.bit.NULL <- function(x, ...){

#' @describeIn as.bit method to coerce to \code{\link{bit}} from \code{\link{bit}}
#' @export
as.bit.bit <- function(x, ...)

#' @describeIn as.bit method to coerce to \code{\link{bit}} from \code{\link{logical}}
#' @export
as.bit.logical <- function(x, ...){
  n <- length(x)
  b <- bit(n)
  .Call(C_R_bit_set_logical, b, x, c(1L, n))

#' @describeIn as.bit method to coerce to \code{\link{bit}} from
#'   \code{\link{integer}} (\code{0L} and \code{NA} become \code{FALSE},
#'   everthing else becomes \code{TRUE})
#' @examples as.bit(c(0L,1L,2L,-2L,NA))
#' @export
as.bit.integer <- function(x, ...){
  n <- length(x)
  b <- bit(n)
  .Call(C_R_bit_set_integer, b, x, c(1L, n))

#' @describeIn as.bit method to coerce to \code{\link{bit}} from
#'   \code{\link{double}} (\code{0} and \code{NA} become \code{FALSE}, everthing
#'   else becomes \code{TRUE})
#' @examples as.bit(c(0,1,2,-2,NA))
#' @export
as.bit.double <- function(x, ...){
  n <- length(x)
  b <- bit(n)
  .Call(C_R_bit_set_integer, b, as.integer(x), c(1L, n))

#' @describeIn as.bit method to coerce to \code{\link{bit}} from \code{\link{bitwhich}}
#' @export
as.bit.bitwhich <- function(x, ...){
  if (length(x)){
    b <- bit(length(x))
    if (is.logical(x)){
      if (unclass(x))
      .Call(C_R_bit_replace, b, x, TRUE)

#' @describeIn as.bit method to coerce to \code{\link{bit}} from \code{\link[=as.which]{which}}
#' @export
as.bit.which <- function(x, length=attr(x, "maxindex"), ...){
  if (is.na(length))
    stop("cannot coerce to bit from which object with unknown maxindex")
  b <- bit(length)
  .Call(C_R_bit_replace, b, x, TRUE)

#' @describeIn as.bit method to coerce to \code{\link{bit}} from \code{\link{ri}}
#' @export
as.bit.ri <- function(x, ...){
  if (is.na(x[3]))
    stop("cannot coerce to bit from ri object with unknown maxindex")
  b <- bit(x[3])
  .Call(C_R_bit_set_logical, b, TRUE, x)

#' Coercion from bit, bitwhich, which and ri to logical, integer, double
#' Coercion from bit is quite fast because we use a double loop that fixes each
#' word in a processor register.
#' @name CoercionToStandard
#' @param x an object of class \code{\link{bit}}, \code{\link{bitwhich}} or
#' \code{\link{ri}}
#' @param length length of the boolean vector (required for \code{as.logical.which})
#' @param \dots ignored
#' @return \code{\link{as.logical}} returns a vector of \code{FALSE, TRUE},
#' \code{\link{as.integer}} and \code{\link{as.double}} return a vector of
#' \code{0,1}.
#' @author Jens Oehlschlägel
#' @seealso \code{\link{CoercionToStandard}}, \code{\link{as.booltype}}, \code{\link{as.bit}}, \code{\link{as.bitwhich}}
#' , \code{\link{as.which}}, \code{\link{as.ri}}, \code{\link[ff]{as.hi}},  \code{\link[ff]{as.ff}}
#' @keywords classes logic
#' @examples
#'   x <- ri(2, 5, 10)
#'   y <- as.logical(x)
#'   y
#'   stopifnot(identical(y, as.logical(as.bit(x))))
#'   stopifnot(identical(y, as.logical(as.bitwhich(x))))
#'   y <- as.integer(x)
#'   y
#'   stopifnot(identical(y, as.integer(as.logical(x))))
#'   stopifnot(identical(y, as.integer(as.bit(x))))
#'   stopifnot(identical(y, as.integer(as.bitwhich(x))))
#'   y <- as.double(x)
#'   y
#'   stopifnot(identical(y, as.double(as.logical(x))))
#'   stopifnot(identical(y, as.double(as.bit(x))))
#'   stopifnot(identical(y, as.double(as.bitwhich(x))))

#' @rdname CoercionToStandard
#' @export 
as.logical.bit <- function(x, ...){
  l <- logical(length(x))
  .Call(C_R_bit_get_logical, x, l, c(1L, length(x)))

#' @rdname CoercionToStandard
#' @export 
as.integer.bit <- function(x, ...){
  l <- integer(length(x))
  .Call(C_R_bit_get_integer, x, l, c(1L, length(x)))

#' @rdname CoercionToStandard
#' @export 
as.double.bit <- function(x, ...){
  l <- integer(length(x))
  as.double(.Call(C_R_bit_get_integer, x, l, c(1L, length(x))))

#' @rdname CoercionToStandard
#' @export 
as.integer.bitwhich <- function(x, ...){
  n <- length(x)
  if (is.logical(x)){
    if (sum(x)==n)
      rep(1L, n)
      rep(0L, n)
    ret <- integer(n)
    ret[x] <- 1L

#' @rdname CoercionToStandard
#' @export 
as.double.bitwhich <- function(x, ...){
  n <- length(x)
  if (is.logical(x)){
    if (sum(x)==n)
      rep(1, n)
      rep(0, n)
    ret <- double(n)
    ret[x] <- 1

#' @rdname CoercionToStandard
#' @export 
as.logical.bitwhich <- function(x, ...){
  n <- length(x)
  p <- sum(x)
  if (p==0){
    rep(FALSE, length(x))
  }else if (p==n){
    rep(TRUE, length(x))
    ret <- logical(length(x))
    ret[x] <- TRUE

#' @rdname CoercionToStandard
#' @export 
as.logical.ri <- function(x, ...){
  if (is.na(x[3]))
    stop("cannot coerce to logical from ri object with unknown maxindex")
  ret <- logical(x[3])
  ret[x[1]:x[2]] <- TRUE

#' @rdname CoercionToStandard
#' @export 
as.integer.ri <- function(x, ...){
  if (is.na(x[3]))
    stop("cannot coerce to integer from ri object with unknown maxindex")
  ret <- integer(x[3])
  ret[x[1]:x[2]] <- 1L

#' @rdname CoercionToStandard
#' @export 
as.double.ri <- function(x, ...){
  if (is.na(x[3]))
    stop("cannot coerce to integer from ri object with unknown maxindex")
  ret <- double(x[3])
  ret[x[1]:x[2]] <- 1

#' @rdname CoercionToStandard
#' @export 
as.logical.which <- function(x, length=attr(x, "maxindex"), ...){
  if (is.na(length))
    stop("cannot coerce to logical from which object with unknown maxindex")
  l <- logical(length)
  l[x] <- TRUE

#' @describeIn as.which method to coerce to \code{\link[=as.which]{which}} from \code{\link[=as.which]{which}}
#' @export
as.which.which <- function(x, maxindex=NA_integer_, ...)x

#' @describeIn as.which method to coerce to zero length \code{\link[=as.which]{which}} from \code{\link{NULL}}
#' @export
as.which.NULL <- function(x, ...)structure(integer(), maxindex=0L, class=c("booltype", "which"))

#' @describeIn as.which method to coerce to \code{\link[=as.which]{which}} from \code{\link{numeric}}
#' @export
as.which.numeric <- function(x, maxindex=NA_integer_, ...){
  as.which(as.integer(x), maxindex=maxindex, ...)

#' @describeIn as.which method to coerce to \code{\link[=as.which]{which}} from \code{\link{integer}}
#' @export
as.which.integer <- function(x, maxindex=NA_integer_, is.unsorted=TRUE, has.dup=TRUE, ...){
  ret <- range_nanozero(as.integer(x))
  r <- getsetattr(ret, "range_na", NULL)
  if (length(ret)){
    if (r[3]>0L)
      stop("NA positions not allowed (neither positive nor negative)")
    if (r[1]<0L){
      if (r[2]>0L)
        stop("mixed negative and positive subscripts not allowed")
      if (is.na(maxindex))
        stop("need maxindex with negative subscripts")
      else if (-r[1] > maxindex)
        stop("index value outside -maxindex..-1")
      if (!is.na(maxindex) && r[2] > maxindex)
        stop("index value outside 1..maxindex")
    if (is.unsorted)
      ret <- bit_sort_unique(ret, na.last=NA, range_na=r, has.dup=has.dup)
    else if (has.dup)
      ret <- bit_unique(ret, na.rm = FALSE, range_na=r)
    if (r[1]<0L)
      ret <- merge_rangediff(c(1L,maxindex), ret, revx=FALSE, revy=TRUE)
  setattributes(ret, list("maxindex" = maxindex, "class" = c("booltype", "which")))

#' @describeIn as.which method to coerce to \code{\link[=as.which]{which}} from \code{\link{logical}}
#' @export
as.which.logical <- function(x, ...){
  ret <- which(x)
  setattributes(ret, list("maxindex" = as.integer(length(x)), "class" = c("booltype", "which")))

#' @describeIn as.which method to coerce to \code{\link[=as.which]{which}} from \code{\link{ri}}
#' @export
as.which.ri <- function(x, ...){
  ret <- x[1]:x[2]
  setattributes(ret, list("maxindex" = as.integer(x[3]), "class" = c("booltype", "which")))

#' @describeIn as.which method to coerce to \code{\link[=as.which]{which}} from \code{\link{bit}}
#' @export
as.which.bit <- function(x, range=NULL, ...){
  maxindex <- length(x)
  if (is.null(range))
    range <- c(1L, maxindex)
    range <- as.integer(range[1:2])
    if (range[1]<1L || range[2]>maxindex)
      stop("illegal range")
  s <- sum(x, range=range)
  n <- range[2] - range[1] + 1L
  if (s==0L){
    ret <- integer()
  }else if (s==n){
    #ret <- as.integer(seq.int(from=range[1], to=range[2], by=1))
    ret <- merge_rangediff(range, integer())
    ret <- .Call(C_R_bit_which, x, s, range, negative=FALSE)
  setattributes(ret, list("maxindex" = as.integer(maxindex), "class" = c("booltype", "which")))

#' @describeIn as.which method to coerce to \code{\link[=as.which]{which}} from \code{\link{bitwhich}}
#' @export
as.which.bitwhich <- function(x, ...){
  maxindex <- length(x)
  if (is.logical(x)){
    if (maxindex && unclass(x))
      ret <- seq_len(maxindex)
      ret <- integer()
    if (unclass(x)[[1]]<0)
      ret <- merge_rangediff(c(1L,maxindex), x, revx=FALSE, revy=TRUE)
      ret <- copy_vector(x)
  setattributes(ret, list("maxindex" = as.integer(maxindex), "class" = c("booltype", "which")))

#' @describeIn as.bitwhich method to coerce to \code{\link{bitwhich}} (zero length) from \code{\link{NULL}}
#' @export
as.bitwhich.NULL <- function(x, ...){

#' @describeIn as.bitwhich method to coerce to \code{\link{bitwhich}} from \code{\link{bitwhich}}
#' @export
as.bitwhich.bitwhich <- function(x, ...){

#' @describeIn as.bitwhich method to coerce to \code{\link{bitwhich}} from \code{\link[=as.which]{which}}
#' @export
as.bitwhich.which <- function(x, maxindex=attr(x, "maxindex"), ...){
  if (is.na(maxindex))
    stop("need maxindex")
  if (maxindex==0)
    poslength <- length(x)
    if (poslength==0)
      bitwhich(maxindex, FALSE, poslength)
    else if (poslength==maxindex)
      bitwhich(maxindex, TRUE, poslength)
    else if (poslength>(maxindex%/%2L)){
      bitwhich(maxindex, merge_rangediff(c(1L,maxindex), x, revx=TRUE, revy=TRUE), poslength=poslength)
      bitwhich(maxindex, x, poslength=poslength)

#' @describeIn as.bitwhich method to coerce to \code{\link{bitwhich}} from \code{\link{ri}}
#' @export
as.bitwhich.ri <- function(x, ...){
  maxindex <- length(x)
  if (is.na(maxindex))
    stop("you must provide maxindex with ri() in as.bitwhich.ri()")
  # ri selects at least one element, 
  # hence maxindex>0 and poslength>0
  poslength <- sum(x)
  if (poslength==maxindex)
    bitwhich(maxindex, TRUE, poslength=poslength)
  else if (poslength>(maxindex%/%2L)){
    if (x[1]>1L) b <- (-x[1]+1L):(-1) else b <- integer()
    if (x[2]<maxindex) a <- (-maxindex):(-x[2]-1L) else a <- integer()
    bitwhich(maxindex, c(a,b), poslength=poslength)
    bitwhich(maxindex, x[1]:x[2], poslength=poslength)

#' @describeIn as.bitwhich method to coerce to \code{\link{bitwhich}} from
#'   \code{\link{integer}} (\code{0} and \code{NA} become \code{FALSE}, everthing
#'   else becomes \code{TRUE})
#' @examples as.bitwhich(c(0L,1L,2L,-2L,NA))
#' @export
as.bitwhich.integer <- function(x, poslength=NULL, ...)
  as.bitwhich(as.logical(x), poslength=poslength, ...)

#' @describeIn as.bitwhich method to coerce to \code{\link{bitwhich}} from
#'   \code{\link{double}} (\code{0} and \code{NA} become \code{FALSE}, everthing
#'   else becomes \code{TRUE})
#' @examples as.bitwhich(c(0,1,2,-2,NA))
#' @export
as.bitwhich.double <- as.bitwhich.integer 

#' @describeIn as.bitwhich method to coerce to \code{\link{bitwhich}} from \code{\link{logical}}
#' @export
as.bitwhich.logical <- function(x, poslength=NULL, ...){
  maxindex <- length(x)
  if (maxindex==0)
    if (is.null(poslength))
      poslength <- sum(x, na.rm=TRUE)
        stop("poslength > maxindex")
    if (poslength==0)
      bitwhich(maxindex, FALSE, poslength=poslength)
    else if (poslength==maxindex)
      bitwhich(maxindex, TRUE, poslength=poslength)
    else if (poslength>(maxindex%/%2L)){
      as.bitwhich(as.bit(x), poslength=poslength)
      bitwhich(maxindex, which(x), poslength=poslength)

#' @describeIn as.bitwhich method to coerce to \code{\link{bitwhich}} from \code{\link{bit}}
#' @export
as.bitwhich.bit <- function(x, range=NULL, poslength=NULL, ...){
  maxindex <- length(x)
  if (maxindex){
    if (is.null(range))
      range <- c(1L, maxindex)
      range <- as.integer(range[1:2])
      if (range[1]<1L || range[2]>maxindex)
        stop("illegal range")
    if (is.null(poslength))
      poslength <- sum(x, range=range, na.rm=TRUE)
        stop("poslength > maxindex")
    if (poslength==0)
      bitwhich(maxindex, FALSE, poslength=poslength)
    else if (poslength==maxindex)
      bitwhich(maxindex, TRUE, poslength=poslength)
      if (poslength>(maxindex%/%2L)){
        bitwhich(maxindex, .Call(C_R_bit_which, x, maxindex - poslength, range=range, negative=TRUE), poslength=poslength)
        bitwhich(maxindex, .Call(C_R_bit_which, x, poslength, range=range, negative=FALSE), poslength=poslength)
  }else bitwhich()

#' Test for NA in bit and bitwhich
#' @name is.na.bit
#' @param x a \code{\link{bit}} or  \code{\link{bitwhich}} vector
#' @return vector of same type with all elements \code{FALSE}
#' @seealso \code{\link{is.na}}
#' @examples
#' is.na(bit(6))
#' is.na(bitwhich(6))
is.na.bit <- function(x)bit(length(x))

#' @describeIn is.na.bit method for \code{\link{is.na}} from \code{\link{bitwhich}}
#' @export
is.na.bitwhich <- function(x)bitwhich(length(x))

#' @describeIn xor default method for \code{\link{xor}}
#' @export
xor.default <- function (x, y) 
  (x | y) & !(x & y)

#' @describeIn xor \code{\link{logical}} method for \code{\link{xor}}
#' @export
xor.logical <- function(x,y){
    as.logical(x) != as.logical(y)

#' @describeIn xor \code{\link{bit}} method for \code{\link{!}}
#' @export
"!.bit" <- function(x){
  if (length(x)){
    ret <- copy_vector(x)
    setattributes(ret, attributes(x))
    .Call(C_R_bit_not, ret)

#' @describeIn xor \code{\link{bit}} method for \code{\link{&}}
#' @export
"&.bit" <- function(e1, e2){
  n <- c(length(e1), length(e2))
  if (any(n==0L))
    stop("length(e1) != length(e2)")
  e1 <- as.bit(e1)
  e2 <- as.bit(e2)
  ret <- bit(n[1])
  .Call(C_R_bit_and, e1, e2, ret)

#' @describeIn xor \code{\link{bit}} method for \code{\link{|}}
#' @export
"|.bit" <- function(e1, e2){
  n <- c(length(e1), length(e2))
  if (any(n==0L))
    stop("length(e1) != length(e2)")
  e1 <- as.bit(e1)
  e2 <- as.bit(e2)
  ret <- bit(n[1])
  .Call(C_R_bit_or, e1, e2, ret)

#' @describeIn xor \code{\link{bit}} method for \code{\link{==}}
#' @export
"==.bit" <- function(e1, e2){
  n <- c(length(e1), length(e2))
  if (any(n==0L))
    stop("length(e1) != length(e2)")
  e1 <- as.bit(e1)
  e2 <- as.bit(e2)
  ret <- bit(n[1])
  .Call(C_R_bit_equal, e1, e2, ret)

#' @describeIn xor \code{\link{bit}} method for \code{\link{!=}}
#' @export
"!=.bit" <- function(e1, e2){
  n <- c(length(e1), length(e2))
  if (any(n==0L))
    stop("length(e1) != length(e2)")
  e1 <- as.bit(e1)
  e2 <- as.bit(e2)
  ret <- bit(n[1])
  .Call(C_R_bit_xor, e1, e2, ret)

#' @describeIn xor \code{\link{bit}} method for \code{\link{xor}}
#' @export
"xor.bit" <- function(x, y){
  n <- c(length(x), length(y))
  if (any(n==0L))
    stop("length(x) != length()")
  x <- as.bit(x)
  y <- as.bit(y)
  ret <- bit(n[1])
  .Call(C_R_bit_xor, x, y, ret)

#' @describeIn xor \code{\link{bitwhich}} method for \code{\link{!}}
#' @export
"!.bitwhich" <- function(x){
  n <- length(x)
  p <- sum(x)
  if (is.logical(x)){
    if (n==0)
    else if (p==n){
      bitwhich(maxindex=n, FALSE, poslength=0L)
      bitwhich(maxindex=n, TRUE, poslength=n)
    #bitwhich(maxindex=n, -rev(unclass(x)), poslength=n-p, is.unsorted = FALSE, has.dup=FALSE)
    bitwhich(maxindex=n, copy_vector(x, revx=TRUE), poslength=n-p, is.unsorted = FALSE, has.dup=FALSE)

#' @describeIn xor \code{\link{bitwhich}} method for \code{\link{&}}
#' @export
"&.bitwhich" <- function(e1, e2){
  e1 <- as.bitwhich(e1)
  e2 <- as.bitwhich(e2)
  n <- c(length(e1), length(e2))
  if (any(n==0L))
    stop("length(e1) != length(e2)")
  p <- c(sum(e1), sum(e2))
  if (p[1]==0 || p[2]==0)
    return(bitwhich(n[1], FALSE, 0L))
  if (p[1]==n[1])
  if (p[2]==n[2])
  #negative <- p>(n%/%2L)
  negative <- c(unclass(e1)[1]<0, unclass(e2)[1]<0)
  if (negative[1]){
    if (negative[2]){
      ret <- merge_union(e1, e2, method="exact")
      bitwhich(maxindex=n[1], ret, poslength=n[1]-length(ret)) 
      ret <- merge_setdiff(e2, e1, revy=TRUE, method="exact")
      bitwhich(maxindex=n[1], ret, poslength=length(ret))
    if (negative[2]){
      ret <- merge_setdiff(e1, e2, revy=TRUE, method="exact")
      bitwhich(maxindex=n[1], ret, poslength=length(ret))
      ret <- merge_intersect(e1, e2, method="exact")
      bitwhich(maxindex=n[1], ret, poslength=length(ret))

#' @describeIn xor \code{\link{bitwhich}} method for \code{\link{|}}
#' @export
"|.bitwhich" <- function(e1, e2){
  e1 <- as.bitwhich(e1)
  e2 <- as.bitwhich(e2)
  n <- c(length(e1), length(e2))
  if (any(n==0L))
    stop("length(e1) != length(e2)")
  p <- c(sum(e1), sum(e2))
  if (p[1]==n[1] || p[2]==n[2])
    return(bitwhich(n[1], TRUE, n[1]))
  if (p[1]==0)
  if (p[2]==0)
  #negative <- p>(n%/%2L)
  negative <- c(unclass(e1)[1]<0, unclass(e2)[1]<0)
  if (negative[1]){
    if (negative[2]){
      ret <- merge_intersect(e1, e2, method="exact")
      bitwhich(maxindex=n[1], ret, poslength=n[1]-length(ret))
      ret <- merge_setdiff(e1, e2, revy=TRUE, method="exact")
      bitwhich(maxindex=n[1], ret, poslength=n[1]-length(ret))
    if (negative[2]){
      ret <- merge_setdiff(e2, e1, revy=TRUE, method="exact")
      bitwhich(maxindex=n[1], ret, poslength=n[1]-length(ret))
      ret <- merge_union(e1, e2, method="exact")
      bitwhich(maxindex=n[1], ret, poslength=length(ret)) 

#' @describeIn xor \code{\link{bitwhich}} method for \code{\link{==}}
#' @export
"==.bitwhich" <- function(e1, e2){
  e1 <- as.bitwhich(e1)
  e2 <- as.bitwhich(e2)
  n <- c(length(e1), length(e2))
  if (any(n==0L))
    stop("length(e1) != length(e2)")
  p <- c(sum(e1), sum(e2))
  if (p[1]==0)
  if (p[1]==n[1])
  if (p[2]==0)
  if (p[2]==n[2])
  #negative <- p>(n%/%2L)
  negative <- c(unclass(e1)[1]<0, unclass(e2)[1]<0)
  if (negative[1]){
    if (negative[2]){
      ret <- merge_symdiff(e1, e2, method = "exact")
      bitwhich(maxindex=n[1], ret, poslength=n[1]-length(ret))
      ret <- merge_symdiff(e1, e2, revx=TRUE, method = "exact")
      bitwhich(maxindex=n[1], ret, poslength=length(ret))
    if (negative[2]){
      ret <- merge_symdiff(e1, e2, revy=TRUE, method = "exact")
      bitwhich(maxindex=n[1], ret, poslength=length(ret))
      ret <- merge_symdiff(e1, e2, revx=TRUE, revy=TRUE, method = "exact")
      bitwhich(maxindex=n[1], ret, poslength=n[1]-length(ret))

#' @describeIn xor \code{\link{bitwhich}} method for \code{\link{!=}}
#' @export
"!=.bitwhich" <- function(e1, e2){
  e1 <- as.bitwhich(e1)
  e2 <- as.bitwhich(e2)
  n <- c(length(e1), length(e2))
  if (any(n==0L))
    stop("length(e1) != length(e2)")
  p <- c(sum(e1), sum(e2))
  if (p[1]==0)
  if (p[1]==n[1])
  if (p[2]==0)
  if (p[2]==n[2])
  #negative <- p>(n%/%2L)
  negative <- c(unclass(e1)[1]<0, unclass(e2)[1]<0)
  if (negative[1]){
    if (negative[2]){
      ret <- merge_symdiff(e1, e2, revx=TRUE, revy=TRUE, method = "exact")
      bitwhich(maxindex=n[1], ret, poslength=length(ret))
      ret <- merge_symdiff(e1, e2, revy=TRUE, method = "exact")
      bitwhich(maxindex=n[1], ret, poslength=n[1]-length(ret))
    if (negative[2]){
      ret <- merge_symdiff(e1, e2, revx=TRUE, method = "exact")
      bitwhich(maxindex=n[1], ret, poslength=n[1]-length(ret))
      ret <- merge_symdiff(e1, e2, method = "exact")
      bitwhich(maxindex=n[1], ret, poslength=length(ret))

#' @describeIn xor \code{\link{bitwhich}} method for \code{\link{xor}}
#' @export
"xor.bitwhich" <- function(x, y) x != y

#' @describeIn xor \code{\link{booltype}} method for \code{\link{&}}
#' @export &.booltype
#' @export
"&.booltype" <- function(e1, e2){
  # align booltype between logical and bitwhich
  b1 <- booltype(e1)
  b2 <- booltype(e2)
  b <- min(max(booltypes[["logical"]], min(b1,b2)), booltypes[["bitwhich"]])
  e1 <- as.booltype(e1, b)
  e2 <- as.booltype(e2, b)
  # align length
  n1 <- length(e1)
  n2 <- length(e2)
  if (n1 && n2){
    if (n1 < n2){
      if (n2%%n1)
        warning("longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length")
      e1 <- rep(e1, length.out=n2)
      n1 <- n2
    }else if (n2 < n1){
      if (n1%%n2)
        warning("longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length")
      e2 <- rep(e2, length.out=n1)
  # do the operation
  switch(  as.character(b)
         , "logical" = e1 & e2
         , "bit" = "&.bit"(e1, e2)
         , "bitwhich" = "&.bitwhich"(e1, e2)

#' @describeIn xor \code{\link{booltype}} method for \code{\link{|}}
#' @export |.booltype
#' @export
"|.booltype" <- function(e1, e2){
  # align booltype between logical and bitwhich
  b1 <- booltype(e1)
  b2 <- booltype(e2)
  b <- min(max(booltypes[["logical"]], min(b1,b2)), booltypes[["bitwhich"]])
  e1 <- as.booltype(e1, b)
  e2 <- as.booltype(e2, b)
  # align length
  n1 <- length(e1)
  n2 <- length(e2)
  if (n1 && n2){
    if (n1 < n2){
      if (n2%%n1)
        warning("longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length")
      e1 <- rep(e1, length.out=n2)
      n1 <- n2
    }else if (n2 < n1){
      if (n1%%n2)
        warning("longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length")
      e2 <- rep(e2, length.out=n1)
  # do the operation
  switch(  as.character(b)
           , "logical" = e1 | e2
           , "bit" = "|.bit"(e1, e2)
           , "bitwhich" = "|.bitwhich"(e1, e2)

#' @describeIn xor \code{\link{booltype}} method for \code{\link{==}}
#' @export ==.booltype
#' @export
"==.booltype" <- function(e1, e2){
  # align booltype between logical and bitwhich
  b1 <- booltype(e1)
  b2 <- booltype(e2)
  b <- min(max(booltypes[["logical"]], min(b1,b2)), booltypes[["bitwhich"]])
  e1 <- as.booltype(e1, b)
  e2 <- as.booltype(e2, b)
  # align length
  n1 <- length(e1)
  n2 <- length(e2)
  if (n1 && n2){
    if (n1 < n2){
      if (n2%%n1)
        warning("longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length")
      e1 <- rep(e1, length.out=n2)
      n1 <- n2
    }else if (n2 < n1){
      if (n1%%n2)
        warning("longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length")
      e2 <- rep(e2, length.out=n1)
  # do the operation
  switch(  as.character(b)
           , "logical" = e1 == e2
           , "bit" = "==.bit"(e1, e2)
           , "bitwhich" = "==.bitwhich"(e1, e2)

#' @describeIn xor \code{\link{booltype}} method for \code{\link{!=}}
#' @export !=.booltype
#' @export
"!=.booltype" <- function(e1, e2){
  # align booltype between logical and bitwhich
  b1 <- booltype(e1)
  b2 <- booltype(e2)
  b <- min(max(booltypes[["logical"]], min(b1,b2)), booltypes[["bitwhich"]])
  e1 <- as.booltype(e1, b)
  e2 <- as.booltype(e2, b)
  # align length
  n1 <- length(e1)
  n2 <- length(e2)
  if (n1 && n2){
    if (n1 < n2){
      if (n2%%n1)
        warning("longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length")
      e1 <- rep(e1, length.out=n2)
      n1 <- n2
    }else if (n2 < n1){
      if (n1%%n2)
        warning("longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length")
      e2 <- rep(e2, length.out=n1)
  # do the operation
  switch(  as.character(b)
           , "logical" = e1 != e2
           , "bit" = "!=.bit"(e1, e2)
           , "bitwhich" = "!=.bitwhich"(e1, e2)

#' @describeIn xor \code{\link{booltype}} method for \code{\link{xor}}
#' @export xor.booltype
#' @export
"xor.booltype" <- function(x, y){
  x != y

#' Summaries of boolean vectors
#' Fast aggregation functions for \code{\link{booltype}} vectors. namely \code{\link{bit}}, \code{\link{all}}, \code{\link{any}}, \code{\link{anyNA}},
#' \code{\link{min}}, \code{\link{max}}, \code{\link{range}},
#' \code{\link{sum}} and \code{\link{summary}}.
#' Now all boolean summaries (except for \code{anyNA} because the generic does not allow it) have an optional \code{range} argument to restrict the range of evalution.
#' Note that the boolean summaries have meaning and return values differing from logical aggregation functions: they treat \code{NA} as \code{FALSE}, 
#' \code{min}, \code{max} and \code{range} give the minimum and maximum positions of \code{TRUE}, \code{summary} returns counts of \code{FALSE},  \code{TRUE} and the \code{range}.
#' Note that you can force the boolean interpretation by calling the booltype method explicitely on any \code{\link{booltypes}} input, e.g. \code{min.booltype()}, see the examples.
#' Summaries of \code{\link{bit}} vectors are quite fast because we use a double loop that fixes each
#' word in a processor register.  Furthermore we break out of looping as soon
#' as possible. Summaries of \code{\link{bitwhich}} vectors are even faster, if the selection is very skewed.
#' @name Summaries
#' @param x an object of class bit or bitwhich
#' @param object an object of class bit
#' @param range a \code{\link{ri}} or an integer vector of length==2 giving a
#' range restriction for chunked processing
#' @param recursive formally required but not used
#' @param \dots formally required but not used
#' @return as expected
#' @author Jens Oehlschlägel
#' @seealso \code{\link{length}}
#' @keywords classes logic
#' @examples
#'   l <- c(NA, FALSE, TRUE)
#'   b <- as.bit(l)
#'   all(l)
#'   all(b)
#'   all(b, range=c(3,3))
#'   all.booltype(l, range=c(3,3))
#'   min(l)
#'   min(b)
#'   sum(l)
#'   sum(b)
#'   summary(l)
#'   summary(b)
#'   summary.booltype(l)

# xx MEMO: R CMD check --no-tests  --no-manual --no-vignettes bit

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export 
all.bit <- function(x, range=NULL, ...){
  if (is.null(range))
    range <- c(1L, length(x))
    range <- as.integer(range[1:2])
    if (range[1]<1L || range[2]>length(x))
      stop("illegal range")
  .Call(C_R_bit_all, x, range)

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export
any.bit <- function(x, range=NULL, ...){
  if (is.null(range))
    range <- c(1L, length(x))
    range <- as.integer(range[1:2])
    if (range[1]<1L || range[2]>length(x))
      stop("illegal range")
  .Call(C_R_bit_any, x, range)

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export
anyNA.bit <- function(x
                      #, range=NULL
                      , recursive = FALSE)FALSE

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export
sum.bit <- function(x, range=NULL, ...){
  if (is.null(range))
    range <- c(1L, length(x))
    range <- as.integer(range[1:2])
    if (range[1]<1L || range[2]>length(x))
      stop("illegal range")
  .Call(C_R_bit_sum, x, range)

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export
min.bit <- function(x, range=NULL, ...){
  if (is.null(range))
    range <- c(1L, length(x))
    range <- as.integer(range[1:2])
    if (range[1]<1L || range[2]>length(x))
      stop("illegal range")
  .Call(C_R_bit_min, x, range)

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export
max.bit <- function(x, range=NULL, ...){
  if (is.null(range))
    range <- c(1L, length(x))
    range <- as.integer(range[1:2])
    if (range[1]<1L || range[2]>length(x))
      stop("illegal range")
  .Call(C_R_bit_max, x, range)

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export
range.bit <- function(x, range=NULL, ...){
  if (is.null(range))
    range <- c(1L, length(x))
    range <- as.integer(range[1:2])
    if (range[1]<1L || range[2]>length(x))
      stop("illegal range")
  ret <- integer(2)
  ret[1] <- .Call(C_R_bit_min, x, range)
  if (is.na(ret[1]))
    ret[2] <- NA_integer_
    ret[2] <- .Call(C_R_bit_max, x, range)

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export
summary.bit <- function(object, range=NULL, ...){
  if (is.null(range))
    range <- c(1L, length(object))
    range <- as.integer(range[1:2])
    if (range[1]<1L || range[2]>length(object))
      stop("illegal range")
  s <- sum(object, range=range)
  r <- range(object, range=range)
  c("FALSE"=range[2]-range[1]+1L-s, "TRUE"=s, "Min."=r[1], "Max."=r[2])

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export
all.bitwhich <- function(x, range=NULL, ...){
  if (is.null(range))
    attr(x, "poslength") == attr(x, "maxindex")
    y <- bitwhich_representation(x)
    range <- as.integer(range)
    if (is.logical(y)){
      if (y) 
      if (y<0){
        all(merge_rangenotin(rx=range, y=x, revx=FALSE, revy=TRUE))
        all(merge_rangein(rx=range, y=x, revx=FALSE, revy=FALSE))

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export
any.bitwhich <- function(x, range=NULL, ...){
  if (is.null(range))
    attr(x, "poslength") > 0L
    y <- bitwhich_representation(x)
    range <- as.integer(range)
    if (is.logical(y)){
      if (y) 
      if (y<0){
        any(merge_rangenotin(rx=range, y=x, revx=FALSE, revy=TRUE))
        any(merge_rangein(rx=range, y=x, revx=FALSE, revy=FALSE))

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export
anyNA.bitwhich <- function(x
                           #, range=NULL
                           , recursive = FALSE)FALSE

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export
sum.bitwhich <- function(x, range=NULL, ...){
  if (is.null(range))
    attr(x, "poslength")
    y <- bitwhich_representation(x)
    range <- as.integer(range)
    if (is.logical(y)){
      if (y) 
        range[2] - range[1] + 1L
      if (y<0){
        sum(merge_rangenotin(rx=range, y=x, revx=FALSE, revy=TRUE))
        sum(merge_rangein(rx=range, y=x, revx=FALSE, revy=FALSE))

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export
min.bitwhich <- function(x, range=NULL, ...){
  y <- bitwhich_representation(x)
  if (is.logical(y)){
    if (length(y) && y)
    if (is.null(range)){
      if (y<0L){
        merge_firstnotin(c(1L,length(x)), x, revy=TRUE)
      range <- as.integer(range)
      if (y<0L){
        merge_firstnotin(range, x, revy=TRUE)
        merge_firstin(range, x)

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export
max.bitwhich <- function(x, range=NULL, ...){
  y <- bitwhich_representation(x)
  if (is.logical(y)){
    if (length(y) && y)
    if (is.null(range)){
      if (y<0L){
        merge_lastnotin(c(1L,length(x)), x, revy=TRUE)
      range <- as.integer(range)
      if (y<0L){
        merge_lastnotin(range, x, revy=TRUE)
        merge_lastin(range, x)

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export
range.bitwhich <- function(x, range=NULL, ...){
  c(min(x, range=range, ...), max(x, range=range, ...))

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export
summary.bitwhich <- function(object, range=NULL, ...){
  n <- attr(object, "maxindex")
  p <- attr(object, "poslength")
  r <- range(object)
  c("FALSE"=n-p, "TRUE"=p, "Min."=r[1], "Max."=r[2])

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export
all.which <- function(x, range=NULL, ...){
  if (is.null(range))
    length(x) == attr(x, "maxindex")
    range <- as.integer(range)
    all(merge_rangein(rx=range, y=x, revx=FALSE, revy=FALSE))

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export
any.which <- function(x, range=NULL, ...){
  if (is.null(range))
    length(x) > 0L
    range <- as.integer(range)
    any(merge_rangein(rx=range, y=x, revx=FALSE, revy=FALSE))

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export
anyNA.which <- function(x
                        #, range=NULL
                        , recursive = FALSE)FALSE

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export
sum.which <- function(x, range=NULL, ...){
  if (is.null(range))
    sum(merge_rangein(rx=range, y=x, revx=FALSE, revy=FALSE))

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export
min.which <- function(x, range=NULL, ...){
  if (is.null(range)){
    range <- as.integer(range)
    merge_firstin(range, x)

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export
max.which <- function(x, range=NULL, ...){
  if (is.null(range)){
    range <- as.integer(range)
    merge_lastin(range, x)

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export
range.which <- function(x, range=NULL, ...){
  c(min(x, range=range, ...), max(x, range=range, ...))

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export
summary.which <- function(object, range=NULL, ...){
  n <- attr(object, "maxindex")
  p <- attr(object, "poslength")
  r <- range(object)
  c("FALSE"=n-p, "TRUE"=p, "Min."=r[1], "Max."=r[2])

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export all.booltype
#' @export
all.booltype <- function(x, range=NULL, ...){
         , nobool=all.bit(as.bit(x), range=range, ...)
         , logical=all.bit(as.bit(x), range=range, ...)
         , bit=all.bit(x, range=range, ...)
         , bitwhich=all.bitwhich(x, range=range, ...)
         , which=all.bit(as.bit(x), range=range, ...)
         , hi=stop("not implemented")
         , ri=all.ri(x, range=range, ...)

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export any.booltype
#' @export
any.booltype <- function(x, range=NULL, ...){
         , nobool=any.bit(as.bit(x), range=range, ...)
         , logical=any.bit(as.bit(x), range=range, ...)
         , bit=any.bit(x, range=range, ...)
         , bitwhich=any.bitwhich(x, range=range, ...)
         , which=any.bit(as.bit(x), range=range, ...)
         , hi=stop("not implemented")
         , ri=any.ri(x, range=range, ...)

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export anyNA.booltype
#' @export
anyNA.booltype <- function(x
                           #, range=NULL
                           , ...){
         , nobool=anyNA.bit(as.bit(x)
                            #, range=range
                            , ...)
         , logical=anyNA.bit(as.bit(x)
                             #, range=range
                             , ...)
         , bit=anyNA.bit(x
                         #, range=range
                         , ...)
         , bitwhich=anyNA.bitwhich(x
                                   #, range=range
                                   , ...)
         , which=anyNA.bit(as.bit(x)
                           #, range=range
                           , ...)
         , hi=stop("not implemented")
         , ri=anyNA.ri(x
                       #, range=range
                       , ...)

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export sum.booltype
#' @export
sum.booltype <- function(x, range=NULL, ...){
         , nobool=sum.bit(as.bit(x), range=range, ...)
         , logical=sum.bit(as.bit(x), range=range, ...)
         , bit=sum.bit(x, range=range, ...)
         , bitwhich=sum.bitwhich(x, range=range, ...)
         , which=sum.bit(as.bit(x), range=range, ...)
         , hi=stop("not implemented")
         , ri=sum.ri(x, range=range, ...)

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export min.booltype
#' @export
min.booltype <- function(x, range=NULL, ...){
         , nobool=min.bit(as.bit(x), range=range, ...)
         , logical=min.bit(as.bit(x), range=range, ...)
         , bit=min.bit(x, range=range, ...)
         , bitwhich=min.bitwhich(x, range=range, ...)
         , which=min.bit(as.bit(x), range=range, ...)
         , hi=stop("not implemented")
         , ri=min.ri(x, range=range, ...)

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export max.booltype
#' @export
max.booltype <- function(x, range=NULL, ...){
         , nobool=max.bit(as.bit(x), range=range, ...)
         , logical=max.bit(as.bit(x), range=range, ...)
         , bit=max.bit(x, range=range, ...)
         , bitwhich=max.bitwhich(x, range=range, ...)
         , which=max.bit(as.bit(x), range=range, ...)
         , hi=stop("not implemented")
         , ri=max.ri(x, range=range, ...)

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export range.booltype
#' @export
range.booltype <- function(x, range=NULL, ...){
         , nobool=range.bit(as.bit(x), range=range, ...)
         , logical=range.bit(as.bit(x), range=range, ...)
         , bit=range.bit(x, range=range, ...)
         , bitwhich=range.bitwhich(x, range=range, ...)
         , which=range.bit(as.bit(x), range=range, ...)
         , hi=stop("not implemented")
         , ri=range.ri(x, range=range, ...)

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export summary.booltype
#' @export
summary.booltype <- function(object, range=NULL, ...){
         , nobool=summary.bit(as.bit(object), range=range, ...)
         , logical=summary.bit(as.bit(object), range=range, ...)
         , bit=summary.bit(object, range=range, ...)
         , bitwhich=summary.bitwhich(object, range=range, ...)
         , which=summary.bit(as.bit(object), range=range, ...)
         , hi=stop("not implemented")
         , ri=summary.ri(object, range=range, ...)

#' Extract or replace part of an boolean vector
#' Operators acting on \code{\link{bit}} or \code{\link{bitwhich}} objects to extract or replace parts.
#' The typical usecase for for '[' and '[<-' is subscripting with positive integers, 
#' negative integers are allowed but slower, 
#' as logical subscripts only scalars are allowed. 
#' The subscript can be given as a \code{\link{bitwhich}} object.
#' Also \code{\link{ri}} can be used as subscript.
#' Extracting from \code{\link{bit}} and \code{\link{bitwhich}} is faster than from  \code{\link{logical}} if positive subscripts are used.
#' integer subscripts make sense.  Negative subscripts are converted to
#' positive ones, beware the RAM consumption.  
#' @name Extract
#' @param x a \code{\link{bit}} or \code{\link{bitwhich}} object
#' @param i preferrably a positive integer subscript or a \code{\link{ri}}, see text
#' @param value new logical or integer values
#' @return The extractors \code{[[} and \code{[} return a logical scalar or
#' vector.  The replacment functions return an object of \code{class(x)}. 
#' @author Jens Oehlschlägel
#' @seealso \code{\link{bit}}, \code{\link[base]{Extract}}
#' @keywords classes logic
#' @examples
#'   x <- as.bit(c(FALSE, NA, TRUE))
#'   x[] <- c(FALSE, NA, TRUE)
#'   x[1:2]
#'   x[-3]
#'   x[ri(1,2)]
#'   x[as.bitwhich(c(TRUE,TRUE,FALSE))]
#'   x[[1]]
#'   x[] <- TRUE
#'   x[1:2] <- FALSE
#'   x[[1]] <- TRUE

#' @rdname Extract
#' @export
"[[.bit" <- function(x, i){
  if (length(i)!=1L)
    stop("subscript length not 1")
  if (is.numeric(i)){
    i <- as.integer(i)
    if (is.na(i) || i<1L || i>length(x))
      stop("subscript must be positive integer (or double) within length")
    ret <- .Call(C_R_bit_extract, x, i)
    setattr(ret, "vmode", "boolean")
    stop("subscript must be positive integer (or double) within length")

#' @rdname Extract
#' @export
"[[<-.bit" <- function(x, i, value){
  if (length(i)!=1L)
    stop("subscript length not 1")
  if (length(value)!=1)
    stop("value length not 1")
  if (is.numeric(i)){
    i <- as.integer(i)
    if (is.na(i) || i<1L)
      stop("subscript must be positive integer (or double)")
    if ((mi <- max(i))>length(x))
      length(x) <- mi
    value <- as.logical(value)
    .Call(C_R_bit_replace, x, i, value)
    stop("subscript must be positive integer (or double) within length")

#' @rdname Extract
#' @export
"[.bit" <- function(x, i){
  nx <- length(x)
  if ( missing(i) ){
    ret <- logical(nx)
    .Call(C_R_bit_get_logical, x, ret, range=c(1L, nx))
    if (inherits(i, "bit")){
      i <- as.bitwhich(i)
    if (inherits(i, "bitwhich")){
      i <- unclass(i)
      if (inherits(i, "ri")){
        if (i[1]<1L || i[2]>nx )
          stop("illegal range index 'ri'")
        ret <- logical(i[2]-i[1]+1L)
        .Call(C_R_bit_get_logical, x, ret, range=i)
        i <- as.integer(i)
        r <- range_na(i)
        if (is.na(r[1])){
          ret <- logical()
        }else if (r[1]<0L){
          # check for positive or NA mixed with negative
          if (r[2]>0L || r[3]>0L)
            stop("only 0's may be mixed with negative subscripts")
          isasc <- intisasc(i, "none") # NAs checked already, early terminate on FALSE
          if (!isasc){
            if((length(i) / (r[2]-r[1])) < 0.05)
              i <- sort.int(i, method="quick")
              i <- bit_sort_unique(i)
        } # is positive, hence no sorting
        ret <- .Call(C_R_bit_extract, x, i) 
    }else if(is.logical(i)){
      if (poslength(i)==0L){
         ret <- logical()
        if (inherits(i, "bitwhich")){
          i <- unclass(i)
          if (length(i)!=1 || is.na(i))
            stop("only scalar TRUE or FALSE allowed")
        if (i){
          ret <- logical(nx)
          .Call(C_R_bit_get_logical, x, ret, range=c(1L, nx))
          ret <- logical()
      stop("subscript must be ri or integer (or double) or  TRUE (or missing) or FALSE")
  setattr(ret, "vmode", "boolean")

#' @rdname Extract
#' @export
"[<-.bit" <- function(x, i, value){
  nx <- length(x)
  value <- as.logical(value)
  nv <- length(value)
  if (missing(i))
    i <- TRUE
  if (inherits(i, "bit")){
    i <- as.bitwhich(i)
  if (inherits(i, "bitwhich")){
    i <- unclass(i)
  if (is.logical(i)){
    if (length(i)!=1L || is.na(i))
      stop("logical only scalar TRUE or FALSE allowed")
    if (i){
      if (nv==0L)
        stop("replacement has length zero")
      if (nx %% nv)
        warning("number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length")
      .Call(C_R_bit_set_logical, x, value, range=c(1L, nx))
  }else if(is.numeric(i)){
    if (inherits(i, "ri")){
      if (i[1]<1L)
        stop("illegal range index 'ri'")
      if (i[2]>nx)
        length(x) <- i[2]
      ni <- i[2] - i[1] + 1L
      if (nv==0L)
        stop("replacement has length zero")
      if (ni %% nv)
        warning("number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length")
      .Call(C_R_bit_set_logical, x, value, range=i)
      if (inherits(i, "which")){
				ni <- length(i)
        if (ni && i[ni] > nx)
          length(x) <- i[ni]
        i <- range_nanozero(as.integer(i))
        r <- getsetattr(i, "range_na", NULL)
        ni <- length(i)
				if (ni){
          if (r[3]>0L)
             stop("NAs are not allowed in subscripted assignments")
          if (r[1]>0L){
            if (r[2] > nx)
              length(x) <- r[2]
            if (r[2] > 0L)
              stop("only 0's may be mixed with negative subscripts")
            # R_bit_replace expects sorted i if i is negative
            i <- bit_sort_unique(i, range_na = r)
            ni <- nx - length(i)
      if (nv != ni){
        if (nv==0L)
          stop("replacement has length zero")
        if (ni %% nv)
          warning("number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length")
      .Call(C_R_bit_replace, x, i, value)
  }else  stop("subscript must be integer (or double) or ri or bitwhich or TRUE or FALSE or missing")

#' Check existence of integers in table
#' If the table is sorted, this can be much faster than \code{\link{\%in\%}}
#' @param x a vector of integer
#' @param table a \code{\link{bitwhich}} object or a vector of integer
#' @param is.unsorted logical telling the function whether the table is (un)sorted. With the defautl \code{NULL} \code{FALSE} is assumed for \code{\link{bitwhich}} tables, otherwise \code{TRUE}
#' @return logical vector
#' @seealso \code{\link{\%in\%}}
#' @examples
#' x <- bitwhich(100)
#' x[3] <- TRUE
#' in.bitwhich(c(NA,2,3), x)
#' @export
in.bitwhich <- function(x, table, is.unsorted=NULL){
  x <- as.integer(x)
  if (is.null(is.unsorted))
    is.unsorted <- !is.bitwhich(table)
  if (is.logical(table)){
    if (length(table) && table){
      1L <= x & x <= length(table)
      rep(FALSE, length(x))
    y <- bitwhich_representation(table)
    if (length(x)>1L && is.unsorted){
      if (y[1]>0L)
      if (y[1]>0L)
        merge_notin(x,table, revy=TRUE)

#' @rdname Extract
#' @export
"[[.bitwhich" <- function(x, i){
  if (length(i)!=1L)
    stop("subscript length not 1")
  if (is.numeric(i)){
    i <- as.integer(i)
    if (is.na(i) || i<1L || i>length(x))
      stop("subscript must be positive integer (or double) within length")
    y <- bitwhich_representation(x)
    if (is.logical(y))
      ret <- as.vector(x)
      ret <- in.bitwhich(i, x)
    setattr(ret, "vmode", "boolean")
    stop("subscript must be positive integer (or double) within length")

#' @rdname Extract
#' @export
"[[<-.bitwhich" <- function(x, i, value){
  if (length(i)!=1L)
    stop("subscript length not 1")
  if (length(value)!=1L)
    stop("value length not 1")
  value <- as.logical(value)
  if (is.na(value))
    value <- FALSE
  n <- length(x)
  if (i>n)
    warning("increasing length of bitwhich, which has non-standard semantics")
  if (is.numeric(i)){
    i <- as.integer(i)
    if (is.na(i) || i<1L || i>.Machine$integer.max)
      stop("subscript must be positive integer (or double)")
    y <- bitwhich_representation(x)
    if (is.logical(y)){
      if (length(y)){
        if (value == y){
          if (i>n)
            length(x) <- i
        }else if (value)
          ret <- bitwhich(max(n,i), i, poslength=1L)
          ret <- bitwhich(max(n,i), -i, poslength=n-1L)
        if (value)
          ret <- bitwhich(i, i, poslength=1L)
          ret <- bitwhich(i, -i, poslength=n-1L)
      if (i>n){
        n <- i
        length(x) <- i
      oldvalue <- in.bitwhich(i, x)
      if (value == oldvalue)
        if (value == (y>0)){
          ret <- bitwhich(n, merge_union(x, y*i, method = "all"), poslength=attr(x, "poslength")+y)
          ret <- bitwhich(n, merge_setdiff(x, y*i, method = "exact"), poslength=attr(x, "poslength")-y)
    stop("subscript must be positive integer (or double) within length")
  a <- attributes(x)
  a$poslength <- attr(ret, "poslength")
  setattributes(ret, a)

#' @rdname Extract
#' @export
"[.bitwhich" <- function(x, i){
  nx <- length(x)
  if ( missing(i) ){
    ret <- as.logical(x)
    if (inherits(i, "bit"))
      stop("please use as.which(bit) for subscripting with bit")
    if (inherits(i, "bitwhich"))
      stop("please use unclass(bitwhich) or as.which(bitwhich) to clarify what you want")
    if (length(i)==0){
      ret <- logical()
        if (length(i)!=1L || is.na(i))
          stop("only scalar TRUE or FALSE allowed")
        if (i){
          ret <- as.logical(x)
          ret <- logical()
      }else if(is.numeric(i)){
        if (inherits(i, "ri")){
          if (i[1]<1L || i[2]>nx )
            stop("illegal range index 'ri'")
          if (is.logical(x)){
            if (length(x))
              ret <- rep(copy_vector(x), i[2]-i[1]+1L)
              ret <- rep(NA, i[2]-i[1]+1L)
            #y <- unclass(x)
            y <- bitwhich_representation(x)
            if (y[1]>0L){
              #ret <- rep(FALSE, i[2]-i[1]+1L)
              #ret[y[i[1]<=y & y<=i[2]] - i[1] + 1L] <- TRUE
              ret <- merge_rangein(c(i[1], i[2]), x)
              # ret <- rep(TRUE, i[2]-i[1]+1L)
              # ret[-y[(-i[1])>=y & y>=(-i[2])] - i[1] + 1L] <- FALSE
              ret <- merge_rangenotin(c(i[1], i[2]), x, revy=TRUE)
          i <- range_nanozero(as.integer(i))
          r <- getsetattr(i, "range_na", NULL)
          n <- length(i)
          if (r[3]==n) # if allNA
            ret <- rep(NA, n)
            if (r[1] < 0L && r[2] > 0L)
              stop("only 0's may be mixed with negative subscripts")
            ret <- as.bit(x)[i]
      }else stop("subscript must be integer (or double) or ri or bitwhich or TRUE or FALSE or missing")
  setattr(ret, "vmode", "boolean")

#' @rdname Extract
#' @export
"[<-.bitwhich" <- function(x, i, value){
  nx <- length(x)
  value <- as.logical(value)
  if (anyNA(value))
    value[is.na(value)] <- FALSE
  nv <- length(value)
  if (missing(i))
    i <- TRUE
  if (inherits(i, "bit"))
    stop("please use as.which(bit) for subscripting with bit")
  if (inherits(i, "bitwhich"))
    stop("please use unclass(bitwhich) or as.which(bitwhich) to clarify what you want")
  if (length(i)){
    if (is.logical(i)){
      if (length(i)!=1L || is.na(i))
        stop("logical only scalar TRUE or FALSE allowed")
      if (i){
        if (nv==1L){
          ret <- bitwhich(nx, value)
          b <- as.bit(value)
          if (nv==nx){
            ret <- as.bitwhich(b)
            if (nv==0L)
              stop("replacement has length zero")
            if (nx%%nv)
              warning("number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length")
            ret <- as.bitwhich(rep(b, length.out=nx))
    }else if(is.numeric(i)){
      if (nv>1L){
        b <- as.bit(x) 
        b[i] <- value
        ret <- as.bitwhich(b)
        if (inherits(i, "ri")){
          if (i[1]<1L)
            stop("illegal range index 'ri'")
          biggest_mentioned_index <- max(abs(i[1:2]))
          i <- i[1]:i[2]
          ni <- length(i)
          if (inherits(i, "which")){
            ni <- length(i)
            biggest_mentioned_index <- i[length(i)]
            i <- range_nanozero(as.integer(i))
            r <- getsetattr(i, "range_na", NULL)
            if (length(i)){
              if (r[3]>0L)
                stop("NAs are not allowed in subscripted assignments")
              if (r[1]>0L){
                # since value is a scalar removing duplicates does not harm and speeds up
                i <- bit_sort_unique(i, range_na = r)
                ni <- length(i)
                if (r[2] > 0L)
                  stop("only 0's may be mixed with negative subscripts")
                i <- bit_sort_unique(i, range_na = r)
                ni <- nx - length(i)
              # since value is a scalar removing duplicates does not harm and speeds up
              biggest_mentioned_index <- max(abs(i[1:2]), na.rm=TRUE)
              ni <- 0L
              biggest_mentioned_index <- 0L
        if (!ni){
          if (nv==0L)
            stop("replacement has length zero")
          if (biggest_mentioned_index>nx){
            length(x) <- biggest_mentioned_index
            nx <- biggest_mentioned_index
          y <- bitwhich_representation(x)
          if (is.logical(y)){
            if (value == y){
              # assignment doesn't change anything
              if (value){
                # assignment has first inclusions
                if (i[1]<0){
                  # assignment enumerates those not included
                  ret <- bitwhich(nx, i, poslength=nx-length(i))
                  # assignment enumerates those included
                  ret <- bitwhich(nx, i, poslength=length(i))
                # assignment has first exclusions
                if (i[1]<0){
                  # assignment enumerates those not excluded
                  ret <- bitwhich(nx, copy_vector(i, revx=TRUE), poslength=length(i))
                  # assignment enumerates those excluded
                  ret <- bitwhich(nx, copy_vector(i, revx=TRUE), poslength=nx-length(i))
            if (y<0){
              # object maintains exclusions
              if (value){
                # assignment has inclusions
                if (i[1]<0){
                  # assignment enumerates those not included
                  # w2 <- w <- bitwhich(12, -(1:3)); w2[-(3:5)] <- TRUE; cbind(as.logical(w), as.logical(w2))
                  ret <- bitwhich(nx, merge_intersect(x,i, method='exact'), xempty=TRUE, is.unsorted = FALSE, has.dup = FALSE) #done
                  # assignment enumerates those included
                  # w2 <- w <- bitwhich(12, -(1:3)); w2[(3:5)] <- TRUE; cbind(as.logical(w), as.logical(w2))
                  ret <- bitwhich(nx, merge_setdiff(x,i,revy=TRUE, method='exact'), xempty=TRUE, is.unsorted = FALSE, has.dup = FALSE)  #done
                # assignment has exclusions
                if (i[1]<0){
                  # assignment enumerates those not excluded
                  # w2 <- w <- bitwhich(12, -(1:3)); w2[-(3:5)] <- FALSE; cbind(as.logical(w), as.logical(w2))
                  ret <- bitwhich(nx, merge_setdiff(i, x, revx=TRUE, revy=TRUE, method='exact'), xempty=FALSE, is.unsorted = FALSE, has.dup = FALSE) #done
                  # assignment enumerates those excluded
                  # w2 <- w <- bitwhich(12, -(1:3)); w2[(3:5)] <- FALSE; cbind(as.logical(w), as.logical(w2))
                  ret <- bitwhich(nx, merge_union(x,i,revy=TRUE, method='exact'), is.unsorted = FALSE, has.dup = FALSE) #done
              # object maintains inclusions
              if (value){
                # assignment has inclusions
                if (i[1]<0){
                  # assignment enumerates those not included
                  # w2 <- w <- bitwhich(12, (1:3)); w2[-(3:5)] <- TRUE; cbind(as.logical(w), as.logical(w2))
                  ret <- bitwhich(nx, merge_setdiff(i,x, revy = TRUE, method='exact'), xempty=TRUE, is.unsorted = FALSE, has.dup = FALSE) #done
                  # assignment enumerates those included
                  # w2 <- w <- bitwhich(12, (1:3)); w2[(3:5)] <- TRUE; cbind(as.logical(w), as.logical(w2))
                  ret <- bitwhich(nx, merge_union(x,i, method='exact'), is.unsorted = FALSE, has.dup = FALSE) #done
                # assignment has exclusions
                if (i[1]<0){
                  # assignment enumerates those not excluded
                  # w2 <- w <- bitwhich(12, (1:3)); w2[-(3:5)] <- FALSE; cbind(as.logical(w), as.logical(w2))
                  ret <- bitwhich(nx, merge_intersect(x, i, revy=TRUE, method='exact'), xempty=FALSE, is.unsorted = FALSE, has.dup = FALSE) #done
                  # assignment enumerates those excluded
                  # w2 <- w <- bitwhich(12, (1:3)); w2[(3:5)] <- FALSE; cbind(as.logical(w), as.logical(w2))
                  ret <- bitwhich(nx, merge_setdiff(x,i, method='exact'), xempty=FALSE, is.unsorted = FALSE, has.dup = FALSE)
    }else  stop("subscript must be integer (or double) or ri or bitwhich or TRUE or FALSE or missing")
    a <- attributes(x)
    a$poslength <- sum(ret)
    setattributes(ret, a)

#' Range index
#' A range index can be used to extract or replace a continuous ascending part
#' of the data
#' @param from first position
#' @param to last posistion
#' @param x an object of class 'ri'
#' @param maxindex the maximal length of the object-to-be-subscripted (if
#' known)
#' @param \dots further arguments
#' @return A two element integer vector with class 'ri'
#' @author Jens Oehlschlägel
#' @seealso \code{\link[ff]{as.hi}}
#' @keywords classes logic
#' @examples
#'  bit(12)[ri(1,6)]
#' @export ri
ri <- function(from, to=NULL, maxindex=NA){
  if (is.null(to)){
    x <- as.integer(c(from, maxindex))
    x <- as.integer(c(from, to, maxindex))
  maxindex = maxindex
  if (length(x)!=3 )
    stop("range must have exactly three elements")
  if (x[[1]]<1L)
    stop("range must at least select one element")
  if (x[[1]]>x[[2]])
    stop("lower bound must be smaller or equal than upper bound")
  if (!is.na(x[[3]]) && x[[2]]>x[[3]])
    stop("lower and upper bound must be smaller or equal to maxindex")
  oldClass(x) <- c("booltype","ri")

#' @rdname ri
#' @export
print.ri <- function(x, ...)
  cat("range index (ri) from", x[[1]], "to", x[[2]], "maxindex",  x[[3]], "\n")

#' @rdname length.bit
#' @export
length.ri <- function(x)x[[3]]

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export
all.ri <- function(x, range=NULL, ...){
  if (is.null(range)){
    range[[1]] <- 1L
    range[[2]] <- x[[3]]
  x[[1]]<=range[[1]] && x[[2]]>=range[[2]]

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export
any.ri <- function(x, range=NULL, ...){
  if (is.null(range)){
    range[[1]] <- 1L
    range[[2]] <- x[[3]]
  range[[1]]<=x[[1]] && range[[2]]>=x[[2]]

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export
anyNA.ri <- function(x
                     #, range=NULL
                     , recursive = FALSE)FALSE

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export
sum.ri <- function(x, ...){
  if (any(names(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))=="range") && !is.null(list(...)$range))
    stop("parameter 'range' allowed only for 'bit' but not for 'ri'")
  x[[2]] - x[[1]] + 1L

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export
min.ri <- function(x, ...){
  if (any(names(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))=="range") && !is.null(list(...)$range))
    stop("parameter 'range' allowed only for 'bit' but not for 'ri'")

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export
max.ri <- function(x, ...){
  if (any(names(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))=="range") && !is.null(list(...)$range))
    stop("parameter 'range' allowed only for 'bit' but not for 'ri'")

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export
range.ri <- function(x, ...){
  if (any(names(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))=="range") && !is.null(list(...)$range))
    stop("parameter 'range' allowed only for 'bit' but not for 'ri'")

#' @rdname Summaries
#' @export
summary.ri <- function(object, ...){
  if (any(names(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))=="range") && !is.null(list(...)$range))
    stop("parameter 'range' allowed only for 'bit' but not for 'ri'")
  s <- object[[2]] - object[[1]] + 1L
   c(`FALSE` = object[[3]] - s, `TRUE` = s, Min. = object[[1]], Max. = object[[2]])

# this version without vmode() will be overwritte by the version in package ff
#' @rdname PhysVirt
#' @export
physical.default <- function(x){
  p <- attributes(attr(x, "physical"))
  p <- p[is.na(match(names(p), "class"))]
#' @rdname PhysVirt
#' @export
"physical<-.default" <- function(x, value){
  attributes(attr(x, "physical")) <- c(value, list(class="physical"))

#' @rdname PhysVirt
#' @export
virtual.default <- function(x){
  v <- attributes(attr(x, "virtual"))
  v[is.na(match(names(v), "class"))]
#' @rdname PhysVirt
#' @export
"virtual<-.default" <- function(x, value){
  attributes(attr(x, "virtual")) <- c(value, list(class="virtual"))

#' @rdname PhysVirt
#' @export
print.physical <- function(x, ...){
  cat("(hidden, use physical(x) to access the physical attributes and vmode(x) for accessing vmode)\n")

#' @rdname PhysVirt
#' @export
print.virtual <- function(x, ...){
  cat("(hidden, use virtual(x) to access the virtual attributes)\n")

# not exported - just here to avoid cross calling the dll from ff
R_bit_as_hi <- function(x, range, offset)
.Call(C_R_bit_as_hi, x, range, offset)
truecluster/bit documentation built on Nov. 20, 2022, 2:34 a.m.