#' Iterative raking
#' @description
#' This function utilizes an iterative process known as Raking or RIM (Random
#' Iterative Method) weighting, which allows the user to adjust multiple
#' characteristics simultaneously without knowing the relationship between those
#' characteristics. This iterative fitting algorithm is rooted in the mathematical
#' model developed by \href{https://www.jstor.org/stable/2235722}{Deming & Stephan (1940)}.
#' @details
#' The algorithm begins by assigning a temporary weight of 1 for each case. It
#' then calculates the weighting factor of the first group supplied in `universe()`
#' by taking the ratio of the target proportions of that weighting category to
#' the weighted proportions of that variable in the data. (While it is taking
#' a weighed proportion, it is effectively unweighted at this time since the
#' temporary weights are currently all set to 1.)
#' After the weighting factors are calculated and assigned to each respondent,
#' the new weights are created by multiplying the existing weights by the
#' weighting factor. This process is repeated for each of the categories passed
#' to `universe()`.
#' At this point, the sum of the absolute values of the difference between the
#' target and actual proportions are calculated. If this value is less than the
#' `threshold` set in `control_iterake()`, then the algorithm has converged and
#' stops. Otherwise, it continues to cycle through the weighting categories until
#' either (a) the algorithm converges, (b) it reaches the maximum number of
#' iterations (set with `max_iter`), or (c) the algorithm gets stuck where the
#' sum of the absolute values of the differences oscillates between getting smaller
#' and larger (set with `max_stuck`).
#' There are times when the usage of this weighting approach is not advisable. If
#' there is a known strong relationship between targets in `universe()`, this
#' approach will not capture that relationship. If there are either too large a
#' number of targets or targets are too discrepant from the actual sample, convergence
#' may not be possible - though how convergence is defined can be modified in
#' `control_iterake()`, which can make the process of converging easier or more
#' difficult by changing the number of iterations or the max/min weight factor
#' allowed.
#' There is also a `permute` argument that can be supplied to `iterake()`, and
#' when set to `TRUE` it will assess every order of targets in `universe()` possible,
#' and select as the winner the one that converges or has the highest effective N.
#' @param universe Output object created with the `universe()` function.
#' @param permute Whether to test all possible orders of categories in `universe`
#' and keep the most efficient (`TRUE`) or to test categories in the order listed in `universe`
#' only (default, `FALSE`). Setting this to `TRUE` will increase the run time by
#' a factor of the factorial of the number of weighting categories.
#' @param control Controls for the raking algorithm created with `control_iterake()`.
#' @importFrom arrangements permutations
#' @importFrom cli cli_progress_bar cli_progress_done cli_progress_update
#' @importFrom collapse fgroup_by fmax fmin fmutate fselect fsum fungroup join qtab replace_inf ss
#' @importFrom dplyr pull
#' @importFrom purrr map map2_dbl set_names
#' @importFrom rlang abort
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble enframe tibble
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @return A `list` that currently includes 12 objects:
#' * `universe` - This is a copy of the `universe` object originally passed to `iterake`
#' * `control` - This is a copy of the `control` object originally passed to `iterake`
#' * `status` - Character stating the outcome of the run - one of `success`,
#' `max iter`, or `max stuck`
#' * `delta_log` - Numeric vector listing the sum of absolute differences between
#' the target and actual proportions for each iteration
#' * `counter` - The number of iterations that were ran
#' * `stuck_counter` - The number of times the sum of absolute differences oscillated
#' between decreasing and increasing
#' * `stuck_delta` - The sum of absolute differences between the target and actual
#' proportions once `max_stuck` is reached
#' * `cat_order` - The order of targets used to generate weights
#' * `delta` - The sum of absolute differences between the target and actual
#' proportions for the last iteration ran
#' * `permute` - This is a copy of the `permute` parameter originally passed to `iterake`
#' * `results` - Numeric vector of the final generated weights
#' * `stats` - A `tibble` of summary statistics of the resulting weights, containing
#' the following information:
#' + unweighted, weighted, and effective N
#' + loss and efficiency of weights
#' + mean, median, min, and max of weights
#' @examples
#' iterake(
#' universe = universe(
#' data = mtcars,
#' category(
#' name = "cyl",
#' groups = c(4, 6, 8),
#' targets = c(0.3, 0.3, 0.4)
#' ),
#' category(
#' name = "vs",
#' groups = c(0, 1),
#' targets = c(1/2, 1/2)
#' )
#' ),
#' permute = FALSE,
#' control = control_iterake()
#' )
#' @export
iterake <- function(
permute = FALSE,
control = control_iterake()
) {
its.a.uni <- inherits(universe, "universe")
if (!its.a.uni) {
abort("Input to `universe` must be the output of `universe()`.")
its.a.con <- inherits(control, "control")
if (!its.a.con) {
abort("Input to `control` must be the output of `control_iterake()`.")
# Initialize things
tmp.base <- fmutate(universe$data$data, ...wgt... = 1)
wt.cats <- names(universe$categories)
tmp.keep <- NULL
winner <- NULL
rep.ct.keep <- 0
stk.ct.keep <- 0
stk.delta.keep <- 0
delta.keep <- 0
delta.log.keep <- numeric()
# set up permutation list
order.list <-
permutations(wt.cats) |>
as_tibble(.name_repair = "minimal") |>
set_names(paste0("X", 1:length(wt.cats)))
# This is used in the progress bar - not sure if this is still wanted
n.permutes <- nrow(order.list)
# only look at the first row (original order) if not permuting
if (!permute) {
# only keep first row (original order)
order.list <- ss(order.list, 1)
} else {
# speed means rarely see this, but this can be removed
options(cli.progress_show_after = 0)
# set up a progress bar of sorts to show permutation progress
total = n.permutes,
type = "tasks",
clear = FALSE
# Stuff from the control
# error checking for these is already handled by the control_iterake function
threshold <- control$threshold
max.weight <- control$max_weight
min.weight <- control$min_weight
max.iter <- control$max_iter
max.stuck <- control$max_stuck
# Unpack the wants for faster calculation of the deltas
want.tibbles <- universe$categories
for (i in seq_along(want.tibbles)) {
# Replace the targets with the targets_sum1 when necessary
sum1 <- !is.null(want.tibbles[[i]]$targets_sum1)
if (sum1) {
want.tibbles[[i]]$targets <- want.tibbles[[i]]$targets_sum1
want.tibbles[[i]]$targets_sum1 <- NULL
want.tibbles[[i]] <- enframe(
x = setNames(want.tibbles[[i]]$targets, want.tibbles[[i]]$groups),
name = names(want.tibbles[i]),
value = "want"
# get this prepped since itll be the same regardless of order
want <- map(want.tibbles, \(x) pull(x, want, name = 1))
for (j in seq_along(order.list[[1]])) {
# move the bar along if relevant
if (permute) {
# set up for new outer outer loop
wt.cats.tmp <- unlist(ss(order.list, j), use.names = FALSE)
# Initialize some more things
rep.counter <- 0
stuck.counter <- 0
stuck.delta <- 0
delta.log <- numeric()
tmp <- tmp.base
# Calculate the initial "haves"
have <-
tmp |>
fselect(wt.cats) |>
lapply(qtab, w = tmp[["...wgt..."]], dnn = NULL) |>
# Calculate the sum of the absolute difference of the "wants" and "haves"
delta <- sum(map2_dbl(
.x = want,
.y = have,
.f = \(w, h) sum(abs(w - h))
while (delta >= threshold) {
# Increment the counter
rep.counter <- rep.counter + 1
# Create the weights
for (i in seq_along(wt.cats.tmp)) {
cat.now <- wt.cats.tmp[[i]]
want.now <- want.tibbles[[cat.now]]
tmp <-
tmp |>
# sum of the weights by group to get the "haves"
# `fsum()` is faster than `sum()` especially when used
# in the context of `fgroup_by()` and `fmutate()`
fgroup_by(cat.now) |>
fmutate(have = fsum(...wgt...) / nrow(tmp.base)) |>
fungroup() |>
# join in the "wants"
y = want.now,
on = cat.now,
verbose = FALSE,
how = "left"
) |>
# weight factor is the "wants" / "haves"
# w / h will result in Inf if the denominator is 0
# `replace_inf()` is faster and uses less memory than
# using an `ifelse()`
fmutate(wgt_fct = replace_inf(want / have, value = 0)) |>
# create the new weight by multiplying the old by the
# newly created weighting factor
# `pmin/pmax()` faster and uses less memory than `ifelse()`
...wgt... = ...wgt... * wgt_fct,
...wgt... = pmin(max.weight, ...wgt...),
...wgt... = pmax(min.weight, ...wgt...)
) |>
# grab columns needed
fselect(wt.cats.tmp, "...wgt...")
# Re-calculate the "haves"
have <-
tmp |>
fselect(wt.cats) |>
lapply(qtab, w = tmp[["...wgt..."]], dnn = NULL) |>
# Calculate the sum of the absolute difference of the "wants" and "haves"
delta <- sum(map2_dbl(
.x = want,
.y = have,
.f = \(w, h) sum(abs(w - h))
# In some situations the algorithm will get stuck where the deltas will
# actually increase from the prior iteration and will fluctuate back and
# forth. This keeps a counter of that issue and will break the loop if it
# reaches the specified limit.
if (rep.counter > 1) {
if (delta > tail(delta.log, 1)) {
stuck.counter <- stuck.counter + 1
if (stuck.counter == max.stuck) {
stuck.delta <- delta
# Keep a log of the deltas.
delta.log <- c(delta.log, delta)
if (rep.counter == max.iter) {break}
# now evaluate the run against previous if others
# if tmp.keep is null, this auto-wins and should be kept
if (is.null(tmp.keep)) {
# data
tmp.keep <- tmp
# items for summary output
rep.ct.keep <- rep.counter
stk.ct.keep <- stuck.counter
stk.delta.keep <- stuck.delta
hit.max.iters <- rep.counter == max.iter
winner <- wt.cats.tmp
delta.keep <- delta
delta.log.keep <- delta.log
} else {
# grab the before and after weights
wgt.old <- pull(tmp.keep, ...wgt...)
wgt.new <- pull(tmp, ...wgt...)
# calculate before and after effN
effN.old <- sample_size(1, wgt.old, type = "e")
effN.new <- sample_size(1, wgt.new, type = "e")
# This is N, how much of a fractional person
# should count as "better"? A hundredth? A thousandth?
# going with ten-thousandth for now...
effN.old <- round(effN.old, 4)
effN.new <- round(effN.new, 4)
# if new is better, keep it
if (effN.new > effN.old) {
# data
tmp.keep <- tmp
# items for summary output
rep.ct.keep <- rep.counter
stk.ct.keep <- stuck.counter
stk.delta.keep <- stuck.delta
hit.max.iters <- rep.counter == max.iter
winner <- wt.cats.tmp
delta.keep <- delta
delta.log.keep <- delta.log
if (permute) {
# max iteration
if (hit.max.iters) {
status <- "max iter"
# max stuck
} else if (stk.delta.keep > 0) {
status <- "max stuck"
# should be good
} else {
status <- "success"
res <- pull(tmp.keep, ...wgt...)
stats <- weight_stats(res)
# remember downstream to check status
out <- list(
"universe" = universe,
"control" = control,
"status" = status,
"delta_log" = delta.log.keep,
"counter" = rep.ct.keep,
"stuck_counter" = stk.ct.keep,
"stuck_delta" = stuck.delta,
"cat_order" = winner,
"delta" = delta.keep,
"permute" = permute,
"results" = res,
"stats" = stats
class(out) <- c(class(out), "iterake")
#' Print method for iterake objects.
#' @method print iterake
#' @param x An `iterake` object.
#' @param ... Not currently used.
#' @importFrom cli col_green col_red cat_line cat_bullet cat_rule
#' @importFrom dplyr case_when
#' @importFrom scales percent number
#' @export
print.iterake <- function(x, ...) {
# Extract stuff --
thresh <- x$control$threshold
delta <- x$delta
dt.diff <- delta - thresh
status <- x$status
iter <- x$counter
uss <- x$stats$uwgt_n
wss <- x$stats$wgt_n
ess <- x$stats$eff_n
eff <- x$stats$efficiency
loss <- x$stats$loss
avg <- x$stats$mean
cat.order <- x$cat_order
# Start prettying the text --
converged <- status == "success"
converged_text <- ifelse(converged, "Converged", "Failed to converge")
converged_text <- ifelse(converged, col_green(converged_text), col_red(converged_text))
if (!converged) {
reason <- case_when(
status == "max iter" ~ "Reached maximum iterations before convergence threshold was met.",
status == "max stuck" ~ "Reached maximum stuck limit by failing to consistently improve.",
.default = NA
cat_line(" Status: ", converged_text)
cat_line(" Iterations: ", comma(iter, accuracy = 1))
cat_line("Unweighted N: ", comma(uss, accuracy = 0.1))
cat_line(" Weighted N: ", comma(wss, accuracy = 0.1))
cat_line(" Effective N: ", comma(ess, accuracy = 0.1))
cat_line(" Efficiency: ", percent(eff, 0.1))
cat_line(" Loss: ", number(loss, 0.001))
cat_line(" Mean: ", number(avg, 0.001))
cat_line(" Order: ", paste(cat.order, collapse = ", "))
if (!converged) {
bullet = "info",
bullet_col = "cyan"
"Stopped at a difference from threshold of approximately ",
number(dt.diff, 0.0000001),
bullet = "info",
bullet_col = "cyan"
utils::globalVariables(c("...wgt...", "eff_n", "uwgt_n", "wgt_fct"))
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