

# Testing iterake vs. mpace/anesrake

# load data
fake <- readr::read_rds("./data-for-testing/test_data.rds")

# set up things using tidywgt/iterake
mod <- universe(df = fake,
    # age category
    category(name = "age",
            buckets = c("18-34", "35-54", "55+"),
            targets = c(0.300, 0.360, 0.340)),
    # gender category
    category(name = "gender",
            buckets = c("Female", "Male"),
            targets = c(0.500, 0.500)),
    # vehicle category
    category(name = "vehicle",
            buckets = c("Car", "SUV", "Truck"),
            targets = c(0.400, 0.450, 0.150))

compare_margin(df = fake, universe = mod)
weights <- iterake(fake, mod, threshold = 1e-15)
compare_margin(weights, mod, weight)

# set up things using mpace/anesrake
# recode to be all numeric
fakempace <- fake %>%
    mutate(age = ifelse(age == "18-34", 1, ifelse(age == "35-54", 2, 3)),
           gender = ifelse(gender == "Female", 1, 2),
           vehicle = ifelse(vehicle == "Car", 1, ifelse(vehicle == "SUV", 2, 3)))

design <- wgt_design(id = "id",
                     wgt_name = "weight",
                     targets = list(age = c(0.300, 0.360, 0.340),
                                    gender = c(0.500, 0.500),
                                    vehicle = c(0.400, 0.450, 0.150)))

wgt_tab(fakempace, design)
weightsmpace <- wgt_rake(fakempace, design)

# vector of differences
diff <- weights$weight - weightsmpace$weight

# test iterake w/ numeric data from mpace test
mod2 <- universe(df = fakempace,
    # age category
    category(name = "age",
            buckets = c(1, 2, 3),
            targets = c(0.300, 0.360, 0.340)),
    # gender category
    category(name = "gender",
            buckets = c(1, 2),
            targets = c(0.500, 0.500)),
    # vehicle category
    category(name = "vehicle",
            buckets = c(1, 2, 3),
            targets = c(0.400, 0.450, 0.150))

compare_margins(df = fakempace, universe = mod2)
weights2 <- iterake(fakempace, mod2, threshold = 1e-15)
compare_margins(weights2, mod2, weight)

# vector of differences
diff2 <- weights2$weight - weightsmpace$weight

# test with missing data - compare to mpace/anesrake

testpace <- fakempace
testpace[1:5, 2] <- NA

mod3 <- universe(df = testpace,
                 # age category
                 category(name = "age",
                              buckets = c(1, 2, 3),
                              targets = c(0.300, 0.360, 0.340)),
                 # gender category
                 category(name = "gender",
                              buckets = c(1, 2),
                              targets = c(0.500, 0.500)),
                 # vehicle category
                 category(name = "vehicle",
                              buckets = c(1, 2, 3),
                              targets = c(0.400, 0.450, 0.150))

# mpace/anesrake
wgt_tab(testpace, design) # error stemming from NAs
weightsmpace_missing <- wgt_rake(testpace, design) # but oddly enough this works...

# new design with bin category for NAs
design2 <- wgt_design(id = "id",
                      wgt_name = "weight",
                      targets = list(age = c(0.2925, 0.3510, 0.3315, 0.0250),
                                     gender = c(0.500, 0.500),
                                     vehicle = c(0.400, 0.450, 0.150)))
wgt_tab(testpace, design2) # works now
weightsmpace_missing2 <- wgt_rake(testpace, design) # but now this crashes...

# maybe recode NAs to their own group (4)?
newtest <- testpace %>%
    mutate(age = ifelse(is.na(age), 4, age))
wgt_tab(newtest, design2) # works now
weightsmpace_missing2 <- wgt_rake(newtest, design2) # works again

# iterake
compare_margins(df = testpace, universe = mod3)
weights_missing <- iterake(testpace, mod3, threshold = 1e-15)
compare_margins(weights_missing, mod3, weight)

# vector of differences
diff_missing <- weights_missing$weight - weightsmpace_missing$weight
sum(abs(diff_missing)) # quite a bit off, more than usual anyway

# vector of differences
diff_missing2 <- weights_missing$weight - weightsmpace_missing2$weight
sum(abs(diff_missing2)) # this looks more like it

# some oddities on how anesrake handles missing data... but pretty close all in all
## Here is a test for filling targets from data

# load data ----

# do it the mpace way
# build weight design ----
designMpace <- wgt_design(id = "id",
                          wgt_name = "weight",
                          data = weight_me %>% filter(group == 2),
                          prev_wgt = "origWeight",
                          targets = list(gender = c(),
                                         vehicle = c()))

# check target/actual props ----
wgt_tab(weight_me %>% filter(group == 1), designMpace)

# weight the data ----
weightsMpace <- wgt_rake(weight_me %>% filter(group == 1), designMpace)

# check target/actual/weighted props ----
wgt_tab(weight_me %>% filter(group == 1), designMpace, weightsMpace)

# how'd it do? ----

# do it the iterake way
designIterake <- universe(df = weight_me %>% filter(group == 1),
                          # gender category
                          category_inherit(name = "gender",
                                               df = weight_me %>% filter(group == 2),
                                               prev.wgt = origWeight),
                          # vehicle category
                          category_inherit(name = "vehicle",
                                               df = weight_me %>% filter(group == 2),
                                               prev.wgt = origWeight)

compare_margins(df = weight_me %>% filter(group == 1), design = designIterake)
weightsIterake <- iterake(weight_me %>% filter(group == 1), designIterake, threshold = 1e-15)
compare_margins(weightsIterake, designIterake, weight)

# using included data tests...

mod <- universe(
    df = weight_me,
        name = "costume",
        buckets = c("Bat Man", "Cactus"),
        targets = c(0.5, 0.5)),
        name = "seeds",
        buckets = c("Tornado", "Bird", "Earthquake"),
        targets = c(0.4, 0.3, 0.3))

compare_margins(weight_me, mod, plot = T)
wgt <- iterake(weight_me, mod)
compare_margins(wgt, mod, weight, plot = T)

test <- weight_me
test$logical <- ifelse(test$costume == "Bat Man", TRUE, FALSE)
test$number <- as.numeric(as.factor(test$seeds))

mod2 <- universe(
    df = test,
        name = "logical",
        buckets = c(TRUE, FALSE),
        targets = c(0.5, 0.5)),
        name = "number",
        buckets = c(1, 2, 3),
        targets = c(0.3, 0.3, 0.4))

compare_margins(test, mod2)
wgt2 <- iterake(test, mod)
compare_margins(wgt2, mod2, weight)
ttrodrigz/iterake documentation built on March 27, 2024, 12:48 a.m.