
Defines functions dbRemoveJobs dbSetJobNames dbSetJobFunction dbConvertNumericToPOSIXct dbMakeMessageKilled dbMakeMessageDone dbMakeMessageError dbMakeMessageStarted dbMakeMessageSubmitted dbSendMessages dbSendMessage dbMatchJobNames dbGetJobNames dbGetStats dbGetErrorMsgs dbGetFirstJobInChunkIds dbFindDisappeared dbFindExpiredJobs dbFindRunning dbFindSubmittedNotTerminated dbFindOnSystem dbFindStarted dbFindSubmitted dbFindTerminated dbFindErrors dbFindDone dbGetLastAddedIds dbGetJobIdsIfAllDone dbCheckJobIds dbGetJobIds dbGetJobId dbGetJobCount dbGetJobStatusTable dbGetExpandedJobsTable dbGetJobs.Registry dbGetJobs dbCreateExpandedJobsView dbCreateJobStatusTable dbCreateJobDefTable.Registry dbCreateJobDefTable dbSelectWithIds dbAddData dbDoQuery dbDoQueries dbConnectToJobsDB dbGetConnection.SQLiteDriver dbGetConnection sqlQuote

Documented in dbCreateJobDefTable dbGetJobs

### Common database functions
sqlQuote = function(x) {
  sprintf("'%s'", x)

dbGetConnection = function(drv, reg, ...) {
  # method dispatch to support different DBMS

dbGetConnection.SQLiteDriver = function(drv, reg, flags = "ro", ...) {
  flags = switch(flags, "ro" = SQLITE_RO, "rw" = SQLITE_RW, "rwc" = SQLITE_RWC)
  opts = list(dbname = file.path(reg$file.dir, "BatchJobs.db"), flags = flags, drv = drv)
  con = do.call(dbConnect, args = c(dropNamed(reg$db.options, "pragmas"), opts))
  for (pragma in reg$db.options$pragmas)
    dbClearResult(dbSendQuery(con, sprintf("PRAGMA %s", pragma)))

dbConnectToJobsDB = function(reg, flags = "ro") {
  drv = do.call(reg$db.driver, list())
  dbGetConnection(drv, reg, flags)

dbDoQueries = function(reg, queries, flags = "ro", max.retries = 100L, sleep = function(r) 1.025^r) {
  for (i in seq_len(max.retries)) {
    con = try(dbConnectToJobsDB(reg, flags), silent = TRUE)
    if (is.error(con)) {
      if (!grepl("(lock|i/o|readonly)", tolower(con)))
        stopf("Error while etablishing the connection: %s", as.character(con))
    } else {
      ok = try ({
        for (query in queries) {
          if (startsWith(query, "SELECT")) {
            ress = dbGetQuery(con, query)
          } else {
            ress = dbSendQuery(con, query)
            if (dbHasCompleted(ress))
      }, silent = TRUE)
      if (!is.error(ok)) {
        # this can fail because DB is locked
        ok2 = dbCommit(con)
        if (ok2) {
        } else {
      } else {
        ok = as.character(ok)
        # catch known temporary errors:
        # - database is still locked
        # - disk I/O error
        # - disk I/O error
        # - database is only readable
        if(!grepl("(lock|i/o|readonly)", tolower(ok)))
          stopf("Error in dbDoQueries. Displaying only 1st query. %s (%s)", ok, queries[1L])
    # if we reach this here, DB was locked or temporary I/O error
    Sys.sleep(runif(1L, min = 1, max = sleep(i)))
  stopf("dbDoQueries: max retries (%i) reached, database is still locked!", max.retries)

dbDoQuery = function(reg, query, flags = "ro", max.retries = 100L, sleep = function(r) 1.025^r) {
  for (i in seq_len(max.retries)) {
    con = try(dbConnectToJobsDB(reg, flags), silent = TRUE)
    if (is.error(con)) {
      if (!grepl("(lock|i/o|readonly)", tolower(con)))
        stopf("Error while etablishing the connection: %s", as.character(con))
    } else {
      if (startsWith(query, "SELECT")) {
        res = try(dbGetQuery(con, query), silent = TRUE)
      } else {
        res = try(dbSendQuery(con, query), silent = TRUE)
        if (!is.error(res))
      if (!is.error(res))
      res = as.character(res)
      if(!grepl("(lock|i/o|readonly)", tolower(res))) {
        stopf("Error in dbDoQuery. %s (%s)", res, query)
    # if we reach this here, DB was locked or temporary I/O error
    Sys.sleep(runif(1L, min = 1, max = sleep(i)))
  stopf("dbDoQuery: max retries (%i) reached, database is still locked!", max.retries)

dbAddData = function(reg, tab, data) {
  query = sprintf("INSERT INTO %s_%s (%s) VALUES(%s)", reg$id, tab,
                  collapse(colnames(data)), collapse(rep.int("?", ncol(data))))
  con = dbConnectToJobsDB(reg, flags = "rw")

  res = dbSendQuery(con, query)
  for (i in seq_row(data)) {
    row = unname(as.list(data[i, ]))
    ok = try(dbBind(res, row))
    if(is.error(ok)) {
      stopf("Error in dbAddData: %s", as.character(ok))

  as.integer(dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT total_changes()"))

dbSelectWithIds = function(reg, query, ids, where = TRUE, group.by, limit = NULL, reorder = TRUE) {
    query = sprintf("%s %s job_id IN (%s)", query, ifelse(where, "WHERE", "AND"), collapse(ids))
    query = sprintf("%s GROUP BY %s", query, collapse(group.by))
    query = sprintf("%s LIMIT %i", query, limit)

  res = dbDoQuery(reg, query)
  if(missing(ids) || !reorder)
  return(res[na.omit(match(ids, res$job_id)),, drop = FALSE])

#' @param reg [\code{\link{Registry}}]\cr
#'   Registry.
#' @return Nothing.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
dbCreateJobDefTable = function(reg) {

#' @export
dbCreateJobDefTable.Registry = function(reg) {
  query = sprintf("CREATE TABLE %s_job_def (job_def_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, fun_id TEXT, pars TEXT, jobname TEXT)", reg$id)
  dbDoQuery(reg, query, flags = "rwc")

dbCreateJobStatusTable = function(reg, extra.cols = "", constraints = "") {
  query = sprintf(paste("CREATE TABLE %s_job_status (job_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, job_def_id INTEGER,",
                   "first_job_in_chunk_id INTEGER, seed INTEGER, resources_timestamp INTEGER, memory REAL, submitted INTEGER,",
                   "started INTEGER, batch_job_id TEXT, node TEXT, r_pid INTEGER,",
                   "done INTEGER, error TEXT, error_time INTEGER %s %s)"), reg$id, extra.cols, constraints)
  dbDoQuery(reg, query, flags = "rwc")

  query = sprintf("CREATE INDEX job_def_id ON %s_job_status(job_def_id)", reg$id)
  dbDoQuery(reg, query, flags = "rw")


dbCreateExpandedJobsView = function(reg) {
  query = sprintf("CREATE VIEW %1$s_expanded_jobs AS SELECT * FROM %1$s_job_status LEFT JOIN %1$s_job_def USING(job_def_id)", reg$id)
  dbDoQuery(reg, query, flags = "rw")


#' @template arg_reg
#' @param ids [\code{integer}]\cr
#'   Ids of selected jobs.
#' @return [list of \code{\link{Job}}]. Retrieved jobs from DB.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
dbGetJobs = function(reg, ids) {

# note that this does not load the job function from disk to increase speed
#' @method dbGetJobs Registry
#' @export
dbGetJobs.Registry = function(reg, ids) {
  query = sprintf("SELECT job_id, fun_id, pars, jobname, seed FROM %s_expanded_jobs", reg$id)
  tab = dbSelectWithIds(reg, query, ids)
   lapply(seq_row(tab), function(i) {
    makeJob(id = tab$job_id[i],
            fun.id = tab$fun_id[i],
            fun = NULL,
            pars = unserialize(charToRaw(tab$pars[i])),
            name = tab$jobname[i],
            seed = tab$seed[i])

dbGetExpandedJobsTable = function(reg, ids, cols = "*") {
  # Note: job_id must be in cols!
  query = sprintf("SELECT %s FROM %s_expanded_jobs", collapse(cols), reg$id)
  tab = dbSelectWithIds(reg, query, ids)
  setRowNames(tab, tab$job_id)

dbGetJobStatusTable = function(reg, ids, cols = "*") {
  # Note: job_id must be in cols!
  query = sprintf("SELECT %s FROM %s_job_status", collapse(cols), reg$id)
  tab = dbSelectWithIds(reg, query, ids)
  setRowNames(tab, tab$job_id)

dbGetJobCount = function(reg) {
  query = sprintf("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM %s_job_status", reg$id)
  dbDoQuery(reg, query)$count

dbGetJobId = function(reg) {
  query = sprintf("SELECT job_id FROM %s_job_status LIMIT 1", reg$id)
  as.integer(dbDoQuery(reg, query)$job_id)

dbGetJobIds = function(reg) {
  query = sprintf("SELECT job_id FROM %s_job_status", reg$id)
  dbDoQuery(reg, query)$job_id

dbCheckJobIds = function(reg, ids) {
  not.found = setdiff(ids, dbGetJobIds(reg))
  if (length(not.found) > 0L)
    stopf("Ids not present in registry: %s", collapse(not.found))

dbGetJobIdsIfAllDone = function(reg) {
  query = sprintf("SELECT job_id, done FROM %s_job_status", reg$id)
  res = dbDoQuery(reg, query)
  if (all(! is.na(res$done)))
  stop("Not all jobs finished (yet)!")

dbGetLastAddedIds = function(reg, tab, id.col, n) {
  query = sprintf("SELECT %s AS id_col FROM %s_%s ORDER BY %s DESC LIMIT %i",
                  id.col, reg$id, tab, id.col, n)
  rev(dbDoQuery(reg, query)$id_col)

dbFindDone = function(reg, ids, negate = FALSE, limit = NULL) {
  query = sprintf("SELECT job_id FROM %s_job_status WHERE %s (done IS NOT NULL)", reg$id, if(negate) "NOT" else "")
  dbSelectWithIds(reg, query, ids, where = FALSE, limit = limit)$job_id

dbFindErrors = function(reg, ids, negate = FALSE, limit = NULL) {
  query = sprintf("SELECT job_id FROM %s_job_status WHERE %s (error IS NOT NULL)", reg$id, if(negate) "NOT" else "")
  dbSelectWithIds(reg, query, ids, where = FALSE, limit = limit)$job_id

dbFindTerminated = function(reg, ids, negate = FALSE, limit = NULL) {
  query = sprintf("SELECT job_id FROM %s_job_status WHERE %s (done IS NOT NULL OR error IS NOT NULL)", reg$id, if(negate) "NOT" else "")
  dbSelectWithIds(reg, query, ids, where = FALSE, limit = limit)$job_id

dbFindSubmitted = function(reg, ids, negate = FALSE, limit = NULL) {
  query = sprintf("SELECT job_id FROM %s_job_status WHERE %s (submitted IS NOT NULL)", reg$id, if (negate) "NOT" else "")
  dbSelectWithIds(reg, query, ids, where = FALSE, limit = limit)$job_id

dbFindStarted = function(reg, ids, negate = FALSE, limit = NULL) {
  query = sprintf("SELECT job_id FROM %s_job_status WHERE %s (started IS NOT NULL)", reg$id, if (negate) "NOT" else "")
  dbSelectWithIds(reg, query, ids, where = FALSE, limit = limit)$job_id

dbFindOnSystem = function(reg, ids, negate = FALSE, limit = NULL, batch.ids) {
  if (missing(batch.ids))
    batch.ids = getBatchIds(reg, "Cannot find jobs on system")

  query = sprintf("SELECT job_id FROM %s_job_status WHERE %s (batch_job_id IN (%s))",
                  reg$id, if (negate) "NOT" else "", collapse(sqlQuote(batch.ids)))
  dbSelectWithIds(reg, query, ids, where = FALSE, limit = limit)$job_id

dbFindSubmittedNotTerminated = function(reg, ids, negate = FALSE, limit = NULL) {
  query = sprintf("SELECT job_id FROM %s_job_status WHERE %s (submitted IS NOT NULL AND done IS NULL AND error IS NULL)",
                  reg$id, if (negate) "NOT" else "")
  dbSelectWithIds(reg, query, ids, where = FALSE, limit = limit)$job_id

dbFindRunning = function(reg, ids, negate = FALSE, limit = NULL, batch.ids) {
  if (missing(batch.ids))
    batch.ids = getBatchIds(reg, "Cannot find jobs on system")

  query = sprintf("SELECT job_id FROM %s_job_status WHERE %s (batch_job_id IN (%s) AND started IS NOT NULL AND done IS NULL AND error IS NULL)",
                  reg$id, if (negate) "NOT" else "", collapse(sqlQuote(batch.ids)))
  dbSelectWithIds(reg, query, ids, where = FALSE, limit = limit)$job_id

dbFindExpiredJobs = function(reg, ids, negate = FALSE, limit = NULL, batch.ids) {
  if (missing(batch.ids))
    batch.ids = getBatchIds(reg, "Cannot find jobs on system")
  # started, not terminated, not running
  query = sprintf("SELECT job_id FROM %s_job_status WHERE %s (started IS NOT NULL AND done IS NULL AND error is NULL AND
                  batch_job_id NOT IN (%s))", reg$id, if (negate) "NOT" else "", collapse(sqlQuote(batch.ids)))
  dbSelectWithIds(reg, query, ids, where = FALSE, limit = limit)$job_id

dbFindDisappeared = function(reg, ids, negate = FALSE, limit = NULL, batch.ids) {
  if (missing(batch.ids))
    batch.ids = getBatchIds(reg, "Cannot find jobs on system")
  query = sprintf("SELECT job_id FROM %s_job_status WHERE %s (submitted IS NOT NULL AND started IS NULL AND batch_job_id NOT IN (%s))",
                  reg$id, if (negate) "NOT" else "", collapse(sqlQuote(batch.ids)))
  dbSelectWithIds(reg, query, ids, where = FALSE, limit = limit)$job_id

dbGetFirstJobInChunkIds = function(reg, ids){
  query = sprintf("SELECT job_id, first_job_in_chunk_id FROM %s_job_status", reg$id)
  dbSelectWithIds(reg, query, ids)$first_job_in_chunk_id

dbGetErrorMsgs = function(reg, ids, filter = FALSE, limit = NULL) {
  query = sprintf("SELECT job_id, error from %s_job_status", reg$id)
  if (filter)
    query = sprintf("%s WHERE error IS NOT NULL", query)
  dbSelectWithIds(reg, query, ids, where = !filter, limit = limit)

dbGetStats = function(reg, ids, running = FALSE, expired = FALSE, times = FALSE, batch.ids) {
  cols = c(n         = "COUNT(job_id)",
           submitted = "COUNT(submitted)",
           started   = "COUNT(started)",
           done      = "COUNT(done)",
           error     = "COUNT(error)",
           running   = "NULL",
           expired   = "NULL",
           t_min     = "NULL",
           t_avg     = "NULL",
           t_max     = "NULL")

  if (missing(batch.ids) && (expired || running))
    batch.ids = getBatchIds(reg, "Cannot find jobs on system")
    cols["running"] = sprintf("SUM(started IS NOT NULL AND done IS NULL AND error IS NULL AND batch_job_id IN (%s))", collapse(sqlQuote(batch.ids)))
    cols["expired"] = sprintf("SUM(started IS NOT NULL AND done IS NULL AND error IS NULL AND batch_job_id NOT IN (%s))", collapse(sqlQuote(batch.ids)))
  if (times)
    cols[c("t_min", "t_avg", "t_max")] = c("MIN(done - started)", "AVG(done - started)", "MAX(done - started)")

  query = sprintf("SELECT %s FROM %s_job_status", collapse(paste(cols, "AS", names(cols)), sep = ", "), reg$id)
  df = dbSelectWithIds(reg, query, ids, reorder = FALSE)

  # Convert to correct type. Null has no type and casts tend to not work properly with RSQLite
  x = c("n", "submitted", "started", "done", "error", "running", "expired")
  df[x] = lapply(df[x], as.integer)
  x = c("t_min", "t_avg", "t_max")
  df[x] = lapply(df[x], as.double)

dbGetJobNames = function(reg, ids) {
  query = sprintf("SELECT job_id, jobname FROM %s_expanded_jobs", reg$id)
  as.character(dbSelectWithIds(reg, query, ids)$jobname)

dbMatchJobNames = function(reg, ids, jobnames) {
  query = sprintf("SELECT job_id FROM %s_expanded_jobs WHERE jobname IN (%s)", reg$id, collapse(sqlQuote(jobnames)))
  dbSelectWithIds(reg, query, ids, where = FALSE)$job_id

### Messages
dbSendMessage = function(reg, msg, staged = useStagedQueries(), fs.timeout = NA_real_) {
  ## AD HOC/FIXME: Avoid partial matching; some functions pass 'msg' with
  ## field 'msgs' and some with field 'msg' (e.g. dbMakeMessageError()).
  msgT <- if ("msgs" %in% names(msg)) msg$msgs else msg$msg

  if (staged) {
    fn = getPendingFile(reg, msg$type, msg$ids[1L])
    writeSQLFile(msgT, fn)
    waitForFiles(fn, timeout = fs.timeout)
  } else {
    dbDoQuery(reg, msgT, flags = "rw")

dbSendMessages = function(reg, msgs, max.retries = 200L, sleep = function(r) 1.025^r,
  staged = useStagedQueries(), fs.timeout = NA_real_) {
  if (length(msgs) == 0L)

  if (staged) {
    chars = .OrderChars

    # reorder messages in sublist
    msgs = split(msgs, extractSubList(msgs, "type"))
    msgs = msgs[order(match(names(msgs), names(chars)))]

    fns = vcapply(msgs, function(cur) {
      first = cur[[1L]]
      fn = getPendingFile(reg, first$type, first$ids[1L], chars[first$type])
      writeSQLFile(extractSubList(cur, "msg"), fn)
    waitForFiles(fns, timeout = fs.timeout)
  } else {
    ok = try(dbDoQueries(reg, extractSubList(msgs, "msg"), flags = "rw", max.retries, sleep))
    if (is.error(ok)) {
      ok = as.character(ok)
      if (ok == "dbDoQueries: max retries reached, database is still locked!") {
      } else {
        # throw exception again
        stopf("Error in dbSendMessages: %s", ok)


dbMakeMessageSubmitted = function(reg, job.ids, time = now(), batch.job.id, first.job.in.chunk.id = NULL,
  resources.timestamp, type = "submitted") {
    first.job.in.chunk.id = "NULL"
  updates = sprintf("first_job_in_chunk_id=%s, submitted=%i, batch_job_id='%s', resources_timestamp=%i",
                    first.job.in.chunk.id, time, batch.job.id, resources.timestamp)
  list(msg = sprintf("UPDATE %s_job_status SET %s WHERE job_id in (%s)", reg$id, updates, collapse(job.ids)),
       ids = job.ids,
       type = type)

dbMakeMessageStarted = function(reg, job.ids, time = now(), type = "started") {
  node = gsub("'", "\"", Sys.info()["nodename"], fixed = TRUE)
  updates = sprintf("started=%i, node='%s', r_pid=%i, error=NULL, done=NULL", time, node, Sys.getpid())
  list(msg = sprintf("UPDATE %s_job_status SET %s WHERE job_id in (%s)", reg$id, updates, collapse(job.ids)),
       ids = job.ids,
       type = type)

dbMakeMessageError = function(reg, job.ids, err.msg, time = now(), memory = -1, type = "error") {
  # FIXME how to escape ticks (')? Just replaced with double quotes for the moment
  err.msg = gsub("'", "\"", err.msg, fixed = TRUE)
  err.msg = gsub("[^[:print:]]", " ", err.msg)
  updates = sprintf("error='%s', error_time=%i, done=NULL, memory='%.4f'", err.msg, time, memory)
  list(msg = sprintf("UPDATE %s_job_status SET %s WHERE job_id in (%s)", reg$id, updates, collapse(job.ids)),
       ids = job.ids,
       type = type)

dbMakeMessageDone = function(reg, job.ids, time = now(), memory = -1, type = "done") {
  updates = sprintf("done=%i, error=NULL, memory='%.04f'", time, memory)
  list(msg = sprintf("UPDATE %s_job_status SET %s WHERE job_id in (%s)", reg$id, updates, collapse(job.ids)),
       ids = job.ids,
       type = type)

dbMakeMessageKilled = function(reg, job.ids, type = "last") {
  updates = "resources_timestamp=NULL, memory=NULL, submitted=NULL, started=NULL, batch_job_id=NULL, node=NULL, r_pid=NULL, done=NULL, error=NULL"
  list(msgs = sprintf("UPDATE %s_job_status SET %s WHERE job_id in (%s)", reg$id, updates, collapse(job.ids)),
       ids = job.ids,
       type = type)

dbConvertNumericToPOSIXct = function(x) {
  now = Sys.time()
  as.POSIXct(x, origin = now - as.integer(now))

dbSetJobFunction = function(reg, ids, fun.id) {
  query = sprintf("UPDATE %1$s_job_def SET fun_id = '%2$s' WHERE job_def_id IN (SELECT job_def_id FROM %1$s_job_status WHERE job_id IN (%3$s))", reg$id, fun.id, collapse(ids))
  dbDoQuery(reg, query, flags = "rw")

dbSetJobNames = function(reg, ids, jobnames) {
  queries = sprintf("UPDATE %1$s_job_def SET jobname = '%2$s' WHERE job_def_id IN (SELECT job_def_id FROM %1$s_job_status WHERE job_id IN (%3$i))", reg$id, jobnames, ids)
  dbDoQueries(reg, queries, flags = "rw")

# this is used in parallelMap :/
dbRemoveJobs = function(reg, ids) {
  query = sprintf("DELETE FROM %s_job_status WHERE job_id IN (%s)", reg$id, collapse(ids))
  dbDoQuery(reg, query, flags = "rw")
  query = sprintf("DELETE FROM %1$s_job_def WHERE job_def_id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT job_def_id FROM %1$s_job_status)", reg$id)
  dbDoQuery(reg, query, flags = "rw")
tudo-r/BatchJobs documentation built on April 3, 2022, 3:28 a.m.