### constructor for forest objects
constparties <- function(nodes, data, weights, fitted = NULL, terms = NULL, info = NULL) {
stopifnot(all(sapply(nodes, function(x) inherits(x, "partynode"))))
stopifnot(inherits(data, "data.frame"))
stopifnot(inherits(weights, "list"))
if(!is.null(fitted)) {
stopifnot(inherits(fitted, "data.frame"))
stopifnot(nrow(data) == 0L | nrow(data) == nrow(fitted))
if (nrow(data) == 0L)
stopifnot("(response)" %in% names(fitted))
} else {
stopifnot(nrow(data) > 0L)
fitted <- data.frame("(response)" = model.response(model.frame(terms, data = data,
na.action = na.pass)),
check.names = FALSE)
ret <- list(nodes = nodes, data = data, weights = weights, fitted = fitted)
class(ret) <- c("constparties", "parties")
if(!is.null(terms)) {
stopifnot(inherits(terms, "terms"))
ret$terms <- terms
if (!is.null(info))
ret$info <- info
.perturb <- function(replace = FALSE, fraction = .632) {
ret <- function(prob) {
if (replace) {
rw <- rmultinom(1, size = length(prob), prob = prob)
} else {
rw <- integer(length(prob))
i <- sample(1:length(prob), ceiling(fraction * length(prob)), prob = prob)
rw[i] <- 1L
cforest <- function
na.action = na.pass,
control = ctree_control(
teststat = "quad", testtype = "Univ", mincriterion = 0,
saveinfo = FALSE, ...),
ytrafo = NULL,
scores = NULL,
ntree = 500L,
perturb = list(replace = FALSE, fraction = 0.632),
mtry = ceiling(sqrt(nvar)),
applyfun = NULL,
cores = NULL,
trace = FALSE,
) {
### get the call and the calling environment for .urp_tree
call <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
oweights <- NULL
if (!missing(weights))
oweights <- weights
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action", "offset", "cluster",
"scores", "ytrafo", "control"), names(call), 0L)
ctreecall <- call[c(1L, m)]
ctreecall$doFit <- FALSE
if (!is.null(oweights))
ctreecall$weights <- 1:NROW(oweights)
ctreecall$control <- control ### put ... into ctree_control()
ctreecall[[1L]] <- quote(partykit::ctree)
tree <- eval(ctreecall, parent.frame())
if (is.null(control$update))
control$update <- is.function(ytrafo)
d <- tree$d
updatefun <- tree$update
nvar <- sum(d$variables$z > 0)
control$mtry <- mtry
control$applyfun <- lapply
strata <- d[["(strata)"]]
if (!is.null(strata)) {
if (!is.factor(strata)) stop("strata is not a single factor")
probw <- NULL
iweights <- model.weights(model.frame(d))
if (!is.null(oweights)) {
if (is.matrix(oweights)) {
weights <- oweights[iweights,,drop = FALSE]
} else {
weights <- oweights[iweights]
} else {
weights <- NULL
N <- nrow(model.frame(d))
rw <- NULL
if (!is.null(weights)) {
if (is.matrix(weights)) {
if (ncol(weights) == ntree && nrow(weights) == N) {
rw <- unclass(as.data.frame(weights))
rw <- lapply(rw, function(w)
rep(1:length(w), w))
weights <- integer(0)
} else {
stop(sQuote("weights"), "argument incorrect")
} else {
probw <- weights / sum(weights)
} else {
weights <- integer(0)
idx <- .start_subset(d)
if (is.null(rw)) {
if (is.null(strata)) {
size <- N
if (!perturb$replace) size <- floor(size * perturb$fraction)
rw <- replicate(ntree,
sample(idx, size = size,
replace = perturb$replace, prob = probw),
simplify = FALSE)
} else {
frac <- if (!perturb$replace) perturb$fraction else 1
rw <- replicate(ntree, function()
do.call("c", tapply(idx, strata,
sample(i, size = length(i) * frac,
replace = perturb$replace, prob = probw[i]))))
## apply infrastructure for determining split points
## use RNGkind("L'Ecuyer-CMRG") to make this reproducible
if (is.null(applyfun)) {
applyfun <- if(is.null(cores)) {
} else {
function(X, FUN, ...)
parallel::mclapply(X, FUN, ..., mc.set.seed = TRUE, mc.cores = cores)
trafo <- updatefun(sort(rw[[1]]), integer(0), control, doFit = FALSE)
if (trace) pb <- txtProgressBar(style = 3)
forest <- applyfun(1:ntree, function(b) {
if (trace) setTxtProgressBar(pb, b/ntree)
ret <- updatefun(sort(rw[[b]]), integer(0), control)
# trafo <<- ret$trafo
if (trace) close(pb)
fitted <- data.frame(idx = 1:N)
mf <- model.frame(d)
fitted[[2]] <- mf[, d$variables$y, drop = TRUE]
names(fitted)[2] <- "(response)"
if (length(weights) > 0)
fitted[["(weights)"]] <- weights
### turn subsets in weights (maybe we can avoid this?)
rw <- lapply(rw, function(x) as.integer(tabulate(x, nbins = length(idx))))
control$applyfun <- applyfun
ret <- constparties(nodes = forest, data = mf, weights = rw,
fitted = fitted, terms = d$terms$all,
info = list(call = match.call(), control = control))
ret$trafo <- trafo
ret$predictf <- d$terms$z
class(ret) <- c("cforest", class(ret))
predict.cforest <- function(object, newdata = NULL, type = c("response", "prob", "weights", "node"),
OOB = FALSE, FUN = NULL, simplify = TRUE, scale = TRUE, ...) {
responses <- object$fitted[["(response)"]]
forest <- object$nodes
nd <- object$data
vmatch <- 1:ncol(nd)
NOnewdata <- TRUE
if (!is.null(newdata)) {
factors <- which(sapply(nd, is.factor))
xlev <- lapply(factors, function(x) levels(nd[[x]]))
names(xlev) <- names(nd)[factors]
nd <- model.frame(object$predictf, ### all variables W/O response
data = newdata, na.action = na.pass, xlev = xlev)
vmatch <- match(names(object$data), names(nd))
NOnewdata <- FALSE
nam <- rownames(nd)
type <- match.arg(type)
### return terminal node ids for data or newdata
if (type == "node")
return(lapply(forest, fitted_node, data = nd, vmatch = vmatch, ...))
### extract weights
rw <- object$weights
w <- 0L
applyfun <- lapply
if (!is.null(object$info))
applyfun <- object$info$control$applyfun
fdata <- lapply(forest, fitted_node, data = object$data, ...)
if (NOnewdata && OOB) {
fnewdata <- list()
} else {
fnewdata <- lapply(forest, fitted_node, data = nd, vmatch = vmatch, ...)
w <- .rfweights(fdata, fnewdata, rw, scale)
# for (b in 1:length(forest)) {
# ids <- nodeids(forest[[b]], terminal = TRUE)
# fnewdata <- fitted_node(forest[[b]], nd, vmatch = vmatch, ...)
# fdata <- fitted_node(forest[[b]], object$data, ...)
# tw <- rw[[b]]
# pw <- sapply(ids, function(i) tw * (fdata == i))
# ret <- pw[, match(fnewdata, ids), drop = FALSE]
# ### obs which are in-bag for this tree don't contribute
# if (OOB) ret[,tw > 0] <- 0
# w <- w + ret
# }
# #w <- Reduce("+", bw)
# if (!is.matrix(w)) w <- matrix(w, ncol = 1)
if (type == "weights") {
ret <- w
colnames(ret) <- nam
rownames(ret) <- rownames(responses)
pfun <- function(response) {
if (is.null(FUN)) {
rtype <- class(response)[1]
if (rtype == "ordered") rtype <- "factor"
if (rtype == "integer") rtype <- "numeric"
FUN <- switch(rtype,
"Surv" = if (type == "response") .pred_Surv_response else .pred_Surv,
"factor" = if (type == "response") .pred_factor_response else .pred_factor,
"numeric" = if (type == "response") .pred_numeric_response else .pred_ecdf)
ret <- vector(mode = "list", length = ncol(w))
for (j in 1:ncol(w))
ret[[j]] <- FUN(response, w[,j])
ret <- as.array(ret)
dim(ret) <- NULL
names(ret) <- nam
if (simplify)
ret <- .simplify_pred(ret, names(ret), names(ret))
if (!is.data.frame(responses)) {
ret <- pfun(responses)
} else {
ret <- lapply(responses, pfun)
if (all(sapply(ret, is.atomic)))
ret <- as.data.frame(ret)
names(ret) <- colnames(responses)
model.frame.cforest <- function(formula, ...) {
class(formula) <- "party"
model.frame(formula, ...)
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