
Defines functions LINKER_runPhase2

Documented in LINKER_runPhase2

#' Phase II : bipartite graphs generation
#' Run second phase of the linker method where a bipartite graph is generated from the phase I output.
#' A bipartite graph is a set of graph nodes decomposed into two disjoint sets such that no
#' two graph nodes within the same set are adjacent.
#' @param Data Matrix of log-normalized estimated counts of the gene expression
#' data (Nr Genes x Nr samples)
#' @param mode Chosen method(s) to link module eigengenes to regulators. The available options are
#' 'VBSR', 'LASSOmin', 'LASSO1se' and 'LM'. By default, all methods are chosen.
#' @param modules Modules obtained from the phase I linker output.
#' @param alpha alpha parameter if a LASSO model is chosen.
#' @param FDR The False Discovery Rate correction used for the modules and graphs GRN uncovering. By default, 0.05.
#' @examples
#'    ## We are going to proceed in the same manner as in the `linker_runphaseone()` example
#'    ## but we start at the end of it, loading the output from the example folder.
#'    linkerphase1 <- readRDS(paste0(system.file('extdata',package='TraRe'),
#'                               '/linker_phaseone_example.rds'))
#'    ## Again, we are going to load the expression matrix dataset
#'    lognorm_est_counts_p <- paste0(system.file('extdata', package='TraRe'),
#'                                  '/expression_rewiring_example.txt')
#'    lognorm_est_counts <- as.matrix(read.delim(lognorm_est_counts_p,
#'                                          header=TRUE,row.names=1))
#'    ## Now we proceed to call `LINKER_runPhase2()`.
#'    ## We first, we need to extract modules from the `LINKER_runPhase1()` output.
#'    modules_phaseone <- TraRe::LINKER_extract_modules(linkerphase1)
#'    ## Now we generate the bipartite graph from the extracted modules
#'   # graph <- TraRe::LINKER_runPhase2(modules = linkerphase1, Data = lognorm_est_counts,
#'   #                           mode='LM')
#' @return igraph object containing the related drivers and targets in the form of a bipartitive graph.
#' @export

LINKER_runPhase2 <- function(modules, Data, mode = "VBSR", alpha = 1 - 1e-06, FDR = 0.05) {

    # bp_g <- list()
    # i <- 1

    # this will register nr of cores/threads, keep this here so the user can decide how many cores based on their hardware.

    # parallClass <- BiocParallel::bpparam()
    # parallClass$workers <- NrCores

    bp_g <- lapply(seq_along(modules), function(mod_idx){
    # runPhase2Bettas <- function(mod_idx) {

        targetgenes <- unlist(modules[[mod_idx]]$target_genes)
        regulators <- unlist(modules[[mod_idx]]$regulators)
        X <- Data[regulators, ]

        # We need to handle the special case where only one regulator regulates a module/community
        if (length(regulators) < 2) {

            non_zero_beta <- modules[[mod_idx]]$regulatory_program[which(modules[[mod_idx]]$regulatory_program != 0)]
            if (length(non_zero_beta) != 1) {
                warning("NON_ZERO_BETA != 1")

            driverMat <- matrix(data = non_zero_beta, nrow = length(targetgenes), ncol = length(regulators))

            rownames(driverMat) <- targetgenes
            colnames(driverMat) <- regulators
        } else {

            driverMat <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = length(targetgenes), ncol = length(regulators))

            for (idx_gene in seq_along(targetgenes)) {
                y <- Data[targetgenes[idx_gene], ]

                if (mode == "VBSR") {
                  res <- vbsr(y, t(X), n_orderings = 15, family = "normal")
                  betas <- res$beta
                  betas[res$pval > FDR/(length(regulators) * length(targetgenes))] <- 0
                  driverMat[idx_gene, ] <- betas

                } else if (mode == "LASSOmin") {
                  fit <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(t(X), y, alpha = alpha)

                  b_o <- stats::coef(fit, s = fit$lambda.min)
                  b_opt <- c(b_o[2:length(b_o)])  # removing the intercept.
                  driverMat[idx_gene, ] <- b_opt

                } else if (mode == "LASSO1se") {
                  fit <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(t(X), y, alpha = alpha)

                  b_o <- stats::coef(fit, s = fit$lambda.1se)
                  b_opt <- c(b_o[2:length(b_o)])  # removing the intercept.
                  driverMat[idx_gene, ] <- b_opt

                } else if (mode == "LM") {
                  for (idx_regs in seq_along(regulators)) {
                    x <- t(X)[, idx_regs]
                    fit <- stats::lm(y ~ x)
                    s <- summary(fit)
                    driverMat[idx_gene, idx_regs] <- s$coefficients[2, "Pr(>|t|)"] < FDR/(length(targetgenes) * length(regulators))
                } else {
                  warning("MODE NOT RECOGNIZED")


            rownames(driverMat) <- targetgenes
            colnames(driverMat) <- regulators

            regulated_genes <- which(rowSums(abs(driverMat)) != 0)
            regulatory_genes <- which(colSums(abs(driverMat)) != 0)

            # We need to treat the special cases independently
            if (length(regulated_genes) < 2) {
                driverMat <- driverMat[regulated_genes, ]
                driverMat <- driverMat[regulatory_genes]

            } else if (length(regulatory_genes) < 2) {
                driverMat <- driverMat[, regulatory_genes]
                driverMat <- driverMat[regulated_genes]

            } else {
                driverMat <- driverMat[, regulatory_genes]
                driverMat <- driverMat[regulated_genes, ]


        igraph::graph_from_incidence_matrix(driverMat, weighted = TRUE)


    # bp_g <- BiocParallel::bplapply(seq_along(modules), runPhase2Bettas, BPPARAM = parallClass)

ubioinformat/TraRe documentation built on March 10, 2024, 1:11 a.m.