Man pages for unistbig/compareDEtools
Comparison of multiple DE analysis methods in R

baySeq.createRmdGenerate a '.Rmd' file containing code to perform...
correlation_heatmapmake correlation heatmap function
DEanalysis-packageDifferential expression analysis and performance test on...
DESeq2.createRmdGenerate a '.Rmd' file containing code to perform...
DESeq.nbinom.createRmdGenerate a '.Rmd' file containing code to perform...
edgeR.exact.createRmdGenerate a '.Rmd' file containing code to perform...
edgeR.GLMQL.createRmdGenerate a '.Rmd' file containing code to perform...
edgeR.GLM.Robust.createRmdGenerate a '.Rmd' file containing code to perform...
fpc_performance_plotmake synthetic data False Positive count plot function
generateDatasetParameterGenerate List containing estimated mean and dispersion...
GenerateRealSimulationGeneration of Real simulation files
GenerateSyntheticSimulationGeneration of Synthetic simulation files
getDispGet random dispersion value based on the read count size...
listcreateRmdList available *.createRmd functions
performance_plotmake synthetic data plot function
performance_realdata_plotmake realdata plot function
PoissonSeq.createRmdGenerate a '.Rmd' file containing code to perform...
RealDataSimulationGenerate real data for analysis
ROTS.createRmdGenerate a '.Rmd' file containing code to perform...
run_PCArun PCA
runSimulationAnalysisRun Analysismethods
SAMseq.createRmdGenerate a '.Rmd' file containing code to perform...
select_colorcolor selector
select_tooltool selector
simul_methodsRun Analysismethods
SyntheticDataSimulationGenerate synthetic count data for analysis
voom.limma.createRmdGenerate a '.Rmd' file containing code to perform...
voom.qn.limma.createRmdGenerate a '.Rmd' file containing code to perform...
voom.sw.limma.createRmdGenerate a '.Rmd' file containing code to perform...
unistbig/compareDEtools documentation built on May 1, 2020, 9:41 p.m.