
# #' @title fullLogLike
# #'
# #' @description fullLogLike
# #'
# #' @details Defines the full log-likelihood for the Poisson process POT model
# #'
# #' @param theta The current value of the parameter triple
# #'
# #' @param y The vector of observations that exceed the threshold
# #'
# #' @param thresh The threshold
# #'
# #' @param lt - The length of time in seconds over which data were observed
# #'
# #' @param N - The number of observations (also the length of the y parameter)
# #'
fullLogLike <- function(theta, y, thresh, lt, N, flip = FALSE) {

  ## unpack the parameters
  mu <- theta[1]
  lsigma <- theta[2]
  sigma <- exp(lsigma)
  k <- theta[3]

  ## missing or null parameter values return
  ## -Inf
  if (is.na(mu) || is.null(mu)) {

  if (is.na(sigma) || is.null(sigma)) {

  if (is.na(k) || is.null(k)) {


  # if the shape parameter is zero use limit of the likelihood
  if (round(k, 10) == 0) {

    sum_y <- sum(y)

    term1 <- -N*log(sigma)

    term2 <- (-1/sigma)*sum_y

    term3 <- N*mu/sigma

    term4 <- -lt
    term4 <- term4*exp((-(thresh - mu))/sigma)

    value <- term1 + term2 + term3 + term4
  } else {
    # if the shape parameter is not zero, use the regular likelihood

    # some checks to make sure that the current parameters are consistent with
    # the threshold and data
    check <- 1 + k*((thresh - mu)/sigma)
    term2 <- 1 + k*((y - mu)/sigma)
    if (min(c(check, term2)) <= 0) {

    } else {

      term2 <- sum(log(term2))
      term2 <- ((-1/k) - 1)*term2

      term1 <- (-1)*N*log(sigma)

      term3 <- 1 + k*((thresh - mu)/sigma)
      term3 <- term3^(-1/k)
      term3 <- lt*term3

      value <- term1 + term2 - term3

  if (!flip) {
  } else {
    # nloptr can only minimize

#' @title Maximum Likelihood Estimation for the Full Model
#' @description Maximizes the 2D extremal Poisson process likelihood that uses
#'   the full intensity function
#' @details
#' The likelihood is
#' \deqn{\Big(\prod_{i = 1}^I \lambda(t_i,
#' y_i)\Big)\exp\Big[-\int_\mathcal{D} \lambda(t, y)dtdy\Big]}
#' where
#' \deqn{\lambda(t, y) = \frac{1}{\sigma}\Big[1 + \frac{k(y -
#' \mu)}{\sigma}\Big]^{-1/k - 1}_+}
#' @param x An S3 object of class \code{thresholded_series} or a numeric vector.
#'   If the latter, the values used in fitting.
#' @param n_starts (numeric scalar) The number of random starts to use in the
#'   search for the maximum
#' @param hessian_tf (logical scalar) Compute the Hessian matrix (TRUE) or not
#' @return An S3 object of class \code{full_pot_fit}, which contains the
#'   estimated parameters \code{$par}, the threshold \code{$thresh}, the Hessian
#'   matrix \code{$lhessian} if requested, and the data used for the fit
#'   \code{$x}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' complete_series <- -jp1tap1715wind270$value
#' declustered_obs <- decluster(complete_series)
#' thresholded_obs <- fullEstThreshold(x = declustered_obs,
#'                                     lt = 100,
#'                                     n_min = 10,
#'                                     n_max = 100)
#' full_pot_fit <- fullMLE(x = thresholded_obs,
#'                         hessian_tf = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
fullMLE <- function(x, n_starts, hessian_tf, ...) {

#' @describeIn fullMLE
#' @export
fullMLE.thresholded_series <- function(x, n_starts, hessian_tf) {

  fullMLE.default(x = x$y,
                  lt = x$lt,
                  thresh = x$selected_threshold,
                  n_starts = n_starts,
                  hessian_tf = hessian_tf)

#' @describeIn fullMLE
#' @param lt (numeric scalar) The length of time over which data were observed
#'   in units of time (seconds, minutes, hours, etc.)
#' @param thresh (numeric scalar) The threshold
#' @export
fullMLE.default <- function(x, lt, thresh, n_starts, hessian_tf) {

  N <- length(x)

  mle <- NULL

  # Start at the maximum for the Gumbel model first

  start <- gumbelMLE(x = x, lt = lt, thresh = thresh,
                     hessian_tf = FALSE)$par
  start <- c(start[1], log(start[2]), 0.0)
  # original non-nloptr solution
  # tmp_mle <- try(optim(par = start, fn = fullLogLike,
  #                      control = list(fnscale = -1, maxit = 10000),
  #                      hessian = FALSE, y = x, thresh = thresh,
  #                      lt = lt, N = N), FALSE)
  tmp_mle <- try(nloptr::nloptr(x0 = start,
                                eval_f = fullLogLike,
                                opts = list(algorithm = 'NLOPT_LN_PRAXIS',
                                            maxeval = 1e5, xtol_rel = 1e-4,
                                            print_level = 0),
                                y = x, thresh = thresh, lt = lt, N = N,
                                flip = TRUE),

  ## check for an error
  if (!inherits(tmp_mle, "try-error")) {

    mle <- tmp_mle

  # next, we pass several random starts into nloptr, and we take the parameters
  # corresponding to the largest likelihood value.

  for (i in 1:n_starts) {

    ## find a random starting value that does not have
    ## negative infinity as its likelihood value
    repeat {

      tmp_start_mu <- rnorm(n = 1, mean = start[1], sd = 2)
      tmp_start_lsigma <- rnorm(n = 1, mean = start[2],
                                sd = 2/exp(start[2]))
      tmp_start_k <- runif(n = 1, min = -0.25, max = 0.25)
      tmp_start <- c(tmp_start_mu,

      check <- fullLogLike(theta = tmp_start, y = x,
                           thresh = thresh,
                           lt = lt, N = N)

      if (check > -Inf) {


    # original non-nloptr solution
    # tmp_mle <- try(optim(par = tmp_start, fn = fullLogLike,
    #                      control = list(fnscale = -1, maxit = 10000),
    #                      hessian = FALSE, y = x, thresh = thresh,
    #                      lt = lt, N = N), FALSE)
    tmp_mle <- try(nloptr::nloptr(x0 = tmp_start,
                                  eval_f = fullLogLike,
                                  opts = list(algorithm = 'NLOPT_LN_PRAXIS',
                                              maxeval = 1e5, xtol_rel = 1e-4,
                                              print_level = 0),
                                  y = x, thresh = thresh, lt = lt, N = N,
                                  flip = TRUE),
    ## check for an error and if
    ## the new parameter values lead to a larger
    ## likelihood than the old parameter values
    if (!inherits(tmp_mle, "try-error")) {

      if (is.null(mle)) {

        mle <- tmp_mle
      } else {

        if (tmp_mle$objective < mle$objective) {

          mle <- tmp_mle

  if (is.null(mle)) {

    warning('fullMLE unable to maximize the log-likelihood')

  # if hessian is TRUE we run numDeriv::hessian to get the
  # hessian matrix
  if (hessian_tf & !is.null(mle)) {

    # before nloptr
    # tmp_mle <- try(optim(par = mle$par, fn = fullLogLike,
    #                      control = list(fnscale = -1, maxit = 10000),
    #                      hessian = TRUE, y = x, thresh = thresh,
    #                      lt = lt, N = N), FALSE)
    lhessian <- try(numDeriv::hessian(func = fullLogLike,
                                      x = mle$solution,
                                      y = x,
                                      thresh = thresh,
                                      lt = lt,
                                      N = N,
                                      flip = FALSE),

    if (inherits(lhessian, "try-error")) {

       warning('fullMLE failed hessian computation')

  if (!is.null(mle)) {

    if (hessian_tf) {

      value <- list(par = c(mle$solution[1], exp(mle$solution[2]), mle$solution[3]),
                    lhessian = lhessian,
                    y = x,
                    thresh = thresh)
      class(value) <- 'full_pot_fit'
    } else {

      value <- list(par = c(mle$solution[1], exp(mle$solution[2]), mle$solution[3]),
                    lhessian = NULL,
                    y = x,
                    thresh = thresh)
      class(value) <- 'full_pot_fit'
  } else {

    value <- NULL

usnistgov/potMax documentation built on May 3, 2019, 2:38 p.m.