ezMethodSubsampleReads: Subsample reads in a fastq dataset file

ezMethodSubsampleReadsR Documentation

Subsample reads in a fastq dataset file


The subsampled reads are equally distributed across the original files


  ezMethodSubsampleReads(input = NA, output = NA, param = NA)



a list of parameters where the following entries are used

  • dataRoot the prefix of the file paths

  • nReads the number of reads to keep; if given will be used to compute subsampleFactor; it is not guaranteed that the number of reads kept is exact

  • subsampleFactor the factor by which subsampling has been done. if nReads is specified subsampleFactor will not be used

  • paired whether these are paired-end reads


  inputDatasetFile = system.file(package = "ezRun", "extdata/yeast_10k/dataset.tsv")
  param = ezParam(list(dataRoot=system.file(package = "ezRun"), nReads=100))
  input = EzDataset(file=inputDatasetFile, dataRoot=param$dataRoot)
  xSubsampled = ezMethodSubsampleReads(input=input, param=param)

uzh/ezRun documentation built on Dec. 26, 2024, 9:53 a.m.