
Defines functions canvas.fetch canvas.save gridSize.fetch gridSize.save global.bbox.fetch global.bbox.save

Documented in canvas.fetch canvas.save global.bbox.fetch global.bbox.save gridSize.fetch gridSize.save

#### BBOX ###
setGeneric("rangeMapBbox", function(object,...)   	             	standardGeneric("rangeMapBbox") )
setGeneric("rangeMapBboxSave", function(object,bbox, p4s,...)  standardGeneric("rangeMapBboxSave") )
setGeneric("rangeMapBboxFetch", function(object,...)   		standardGeneric("rangeMapBboxFetch") )

    signature  = c(object = "rangeFiles"),
    definition = function(object, checkProj = TRUE) {
    shpFiles = rangeFiles(object)

    message(paste("Computing global bounding box for",length(shpFiles ), "ranges...") )

    nfo = lapply(shpFiles, getinfo.shape)

    bb = do.call(rbind, lapply(nfo, function(x) c(x$minbounds[1:2], x$maxbounds[1:2]) ) )
    bb = c( xmin = min(bb[,1]), xmax = max(bb[,3]), ymin = min(bb[,2]), ymax = max(bb[,4]) )

    ogrShpFiles = data.frame(dsn = dirname(shpFiles), layer = gsub(".shp", "", basename(shpFiles)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    if(checkProj) {
    message("Checking for proj4 string differences...")
    p4s = extract.p4s(ogrShpFiles)
    p4s = p4s[!duplicated(p4s)]
    if(length(p4s) > 1) warning(paste("More than one projection found:\n", paste("  *",p4s, collapse = "\n")))
    }   else
        p4s = extract.p4s(ogrShpFiles[1, ])

    attributes(bb)$p4s = as.character(p4s)



	signature  = c(object = "rangeMap", bbox = "missing", p4s = "missing"),
	definition = function(object,bbox, p4s) {
	if(! is.empty(object@CON, object@BBOX) ) stop("Bounding box was already saved for this project.")

	bb = structure(c(-180, 180, -90, 90),
	.Names = c("xmin", "xmax", "ymin", "ymax"),
	p4s = NA) # "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs "

	warning(paste("Using unprojected global bounding box [", paste(bb, collapse = ","), "]..." ) )

	res1 =  dbWriteTable(object@CON, object@BBOX, data.frame(t(bb)), append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)
	res2 =  dbWriteTable(object@CON, object@PROJ4STRING, data.frame(p4s = attributes(bb)$p4s), append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)

	res = all(res1, res2)


	message(c("Bounding box uploaded.", "PROJ4STRING set to ", attributes(bb)$p4s) ) else
	warning("Bounding box upload failed.")


	signature  = c(object = "rangeMap", bbox = "character", p4s = "missing"),
	definition = function(object,bbox, p4s) {
	if(! is.empty(object@CON, object@BBOX) ) stop("Bounding box was already saved for this project.")

	# bbox  the path to the range file(s) directory, pass to new("rangeFiles" ....

	bb = rangeMapBbox( new("rangeFiles", dir = bbox, ogr = FALSE), checkProj = TRUE )

	x = data.frame(t(bb))
	names(x) = c("xmin", "xmax", "ymin", "ymax")

	res1 = dbWriteTable(object@CON, object@BBOX, x, append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)
	res2 = dbWriteTable(object@CON, object@PROJ4STRING, data.frame(p4s = attributes(bb)$p4s), append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)

	res = all(res1, res2)


		message( paste("Bounding box uploaded.", "PROJ4STRING set to ", attributes(bb)$p4s) ) else
		warning("Bounding box upload failed.")


# setMethod("rangeMapBboxSave",
# 	signature  = c(object = "rangeMap", bbox = "character", p4s = "CRS"),
# 	definition = function(object, bbox, p4s) {
# 	if(! is.empty(object@CON, object@BBOX) ) stop("Bounding box was already saved for this project.")
# 	bb = rangeMapBbox( new("rangeFiles", dir = bbox, ogr = FALSE),checkProj = TRUE )
# 	message(paste("Converting to", p4s@projargs) )
# 		bbnew = rect2spp(bb[1], bb[2], bb[3], bb[4], attributes(bb)$p4s)
# 		bbnew =  spsample(bbnew, n = 1000, type = "regular", offset = c(0,0) )
# 		bbnew = spTransform(bbnew , p4s )
# 		bb = c(bbox(bbnew )[1, ], bbox(bbnew )[2, ] )
# 		attributes(bb)$p4s = p4s@projargs
# 	x = data.frame(t(bb))
# 	names(x) = c("xmin", "xmax", "ymin", "ymax")
# 	res1 = dbWriteTable(object@CON, object@BBOX, x, append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)
# 	res2 = dbWriteTable(object@CON, object@PROJ4STRING, data.frame(p4s = attributes(bb)$p4s), append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)
# 	res = all(res1, res2)
# 	return(res)
# 	if(res)
# 		message(c("Bounding box uploaded.", "PROJ4STRING set to ", attributes(bb)$p4s) ) else
# 		warning("Bounding box upload failed.")
# 	 })

	signature  = c(object = "rangeMap", bbox = "Spatial", p4s = "missing"),
	definition = function(object, bbox, p4s) {
	if(! is.empty(object@CON, object@BBOX) ) stop("Bounding box was already saved for this project.")

	bb = c( bbox(bbox)[1, ], bbox(bbox)[2, ])
	p4s = proj4string(bbox)

	x = data.frame(t(bb))
	names(x) = c("xmin", "xmax", "ymin", "ymax")
	res1 = dbWriteTable(object@CON, object@BBOX, x, append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)
	res2 = dbWriteTable(object@CON, object@PROJ4STRING, data.frame(p4s), append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)

	res = all(res1, res2)

		message(c("Bounding box uploaded.", "PROJ4STRING set to ", p4s) ) else
		warning("Bounding box upload failed.")

	signature  = "rangeMap",
		definition = function(object) {
		if(is.empty(object@CON, object@BBOX ) ) stop("Bounding box not yet constructed for this project!")
		md = dbReadTable(object@CON, object@BBOX)
		p4s = dbReadTable(object@CON, object@PROJ4STRING)

		rect2spp(md$xmin, md$xmax, md$ymin, md$ymax, p4s$p4s)


#' Global bounding box
#' Computes, sets or retrieves the global spatial bounding box.
#' \code{global.bbox.save} saves the \emph{global bounding box} and the
#' \emph{proj4} string to the sqlite database.\cr \code{global.bbox.fetch}
#' retrieves the \emph{global bounding box} as a
#' \code{\link{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame}}.
#' @aliases global.bbox
#' @param con   An \code{SQLiteConnection} object pointing to a
#'               \code{rangeMapper} project
#' @param \dots Arguments to pass to the corresponding methods: \cr
#'			    \emph{bbox} can be a \code{character} vector; the path to the range files directory
#'			    \emph{bbox} can also be an object inheriting from \code{\linkS4class{Spatial}} \cr
#'			    \emph{p4s} an object of class \code{\linkS4class{CRS}} \cr
#' @note       If \emph{bbox} is a \code{character} vector then the corresponding
#'             method calls \code{rangeMapBbox} with \code{checkProj = TRUE} which requires
#'             all ranges to have the same \emph{proj4} argument.  \cr If \emph{p4s} is set
#'             then the \emph{bbox} will be set with that \emph{p4s} string else the
#'             \emph{p4s} will be identical with the \emph{proj4} string of the range
#'             files. \cr If \emph{bbox} and \emph{p4s} are missing then an unprojected
#'             global bounding box is set.
#' @export global.bbox.save global.bbox.fetch
#' @examples
#' require(rangeMapper)
#' wd = tempdir()
#' f= system.file(package = "rangeMapper", "extdata", "wrens", "vector")
#' # Using default values for both bbox and p4s
#' dbcon = rangeMap.start(file = "test.sqlite", overwrite = TRUE, dir = wd )
#' global.bbox.save(con = dbcon)
#' bbox0 = global.bbox.fetch(dbcon)
#' plot(bbox0, axes = TRUE)
global.bbox.save  <- function(con, ...) {
	x = new("rangeMap", CON = con)
	rangeMapBboxSave(x, ... ) }

#' @rdname global.bbox.save
global.bbox.fetch <- function(con) {
 x = new("rangeMap", CON = con)

#### GRID SIZE ####
setGeneric("gridSizeSave", function(object, ...)   					standardGeneric("gridSizeSave") )

	signature  = "gridSize",
	definition = function(object) {
		if( length(object@gridSize)!=1  ) {
		bb  = global.bbox.fetch(object@CON)
		minSpan = min(diff(bbox(bb)[1, ]), diff(bbox(bb)[2, ]))
		object@gridSize = minSpan/100
		warning(paste("Default grid size used!"))

	grd = data.frame(object@gridSize)
	names(grd) = object@GRIDSIZE
	res = dbWriteTable(object@CON, object@GRIDSIZE, grd, append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)

	if(res) message( paste("Grid size set to", object@gridSize, "map units.") )

setGeneric("gridSizeFetch", function(object, ...)  					standardGeneric("gridSizeFetch") )

	signature  = "rangeMap",
		definition = function(object) {

		if(is.empty(object@CON, object@GRIDSIZE)) stop("The grid size is not yet defined for this project!")

		res = dbReadTable(object@CON, object@GRIDSIZE)[1,1]

#' Save or retrieve the grid size from an \code{rangeMapper} project.
#' Save or retrieve the grid size from the active sqlite database.
#' @aliases     gridSize.save, gridSize.fetch
#' @param con   A connection pointing to a valid \code{rangeMapper} project.
#' @param \dots \code{gridSize}: A numeric vector of one unit length. See
#'               notes.
#' @return      \item{list("gridSize.fetch")}{Returns a numeric vector of one unit
#'              length containing the grid size previously saved by \code{gridSize.save}}
#' @note        If \code{gridSize} is not given the default grid size is computed
#'              based on the bounding box as the range of the smallest axis /100.
#' @export      gridSize.save gridSize.fetch
#' @examples
#' wd = tempdir()
#' dbcon = rangeMap.start(file = "test.sqlite", overwrite = TRUE, dir = wd )
#' global.bbox.save(con = dbcon)
#' gridSize.save(dbcon, gridSize = 2)
#' dbcon = rangeMap.start(file = "test.sqlite", overwrite = TRUE, dir = wd )
#' global.bbox.save(con = dbcon)
#' gridSize.save(dbcon)
#' gridSize.fetch(dbcon) #default grid size value
gridSize.save <- function(con,...) {
	x = new("gridSize", CON = con,...)
	gridSizeSave(x) }

#' @rdname gridSize.save
gridSize.fetch <- function(con) {
	x = new("rangeMap", CON = con)
	gridSizeFetch(x) }

#### CANVAS ####
setGeneric("canvasFetch", function(object, ...)   					standardGeneric("canvasFetch") )
setGeneric("canvasSave", function(object, ...)   					standardGeneric("canvasSave") )

	signature  = "rangeMap",
		definition = function(object) {

		if(!is.empty(object@CON, object@CANVAS) ) stop("The canvas was allready constructed!")
		if(is.empty(object@CON, object@GRIDSIZE) )  stop("The grid size is missing!")

		bbox     = global.bbox.fetch(object@CON)
		cellsize = gridSize.fetch(object@CON)

		cnv = spsample(bbox, cellsize = cellsize, type = "regular", offset = c(0.5,0.5))

		cnv = data.frame(coordinates(cnv), id = 1:nrow(coordinates(cnv)))

		names(cnv) = c("x", "y", "id")

		res = dbWriteTable(object@CON, object@CANVAS, cnv, append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)

		if(res) message("Canvas uploaded.")


	signature  = "rangeMap",
		definition = function(object) {

		cnv = dbGetQuery(object@CON, 'SELECT * FROM canvas' )

		if(nrow(cnv) == 0) stop("The canvas is empty, did you run canvas.save()?")

		coordinates(cnv) = ~ x + y

		p4s = dbReadTable(object@CON, object@PROJ4STRING)[1,1]

		proj4string(cnv) = CRS(p4s, doCheckCRSArgs = FALSE)

		gridded(cnv) = TRUE



#' Project's canvas
#' The canvas is a regular grid of a given resolution. Each range map is
#' overlayed onto the canvas and the results saved to project.
#' @param con An sqlite connection pointing to a valid \code{rangeMapper}
#'            project.
#' @return    \code{canvas.fetch} Returns a
#'            \code{\link[sp]{SpatialPixelsDataFrame}} object.
#' @note      The method canvasSave() fails if \code{grid.size} was not set and if
#'            the canvas was already constructed for the given project.
#' @seealso  \code{\link{rangeMap.save}}.\cr \code{\link{gridSize.save}}
#' @export   canvas.save canvas.fetch
#' @examples
#' wd = tempdir()
#' dbcon = rangeMap.start(file = "test.sqlite", overwrite = TRUE, dir = wd)
#' global.bbox.save(con = dbcon)
#' gridSize.save(dbcon, gridSize = 2)
#' canvas.save(dbcon)
#' cnv = canvas.fetch(dbcon)
#' summary(cnv)
#' plot(cnv, col = 'grey', axes = TRUE)
canvas.save  <- function(con) {
	x = new("rangeMap", CON = con)
#' @rdname canvas.save
canvas.fetch <- function(con) {
	x = new("rangeMap", CON = con)
valcu/rangeMapper documentation built on Feb. 6, 2021, 8:20 p.m.