
Defines functions .onLoad .printTime .cleanup .lock.unlock .ls.all .login .decode.arg .encode.arg

Documented in .cleanup .decode.arg .encode.arg .lock.unlock .login .ls.all .printTime

#' @title Encode function argument
#' @description Serialize to JSON, then encode base64,
#' then replace '+', '/' and '=' in the result in order to play nicely with the
#' opal entry. Used to encode non-scalar function arguments prior to sending to
#' the opal server. There is a corresponding function in the server package
#' called \code{.decode.arg}. See \code{dsSwissKnifeClient:::.encode.arg}.
#' @param some.object the object to be encoded
#' @returns encoded text with offending characters replaced by strings
#' @importFrom RCurl base64Encode
#' @importFrom jsonlite serializeJSON toJSON
#' @keywords internal
.encode.arg <- function(some.object, serialize.it = TRUE, digits = 20) {
    if (serialize.it) {
        encoded <- paste0(base64Encode(
            serializeJSON(some.object, digits=digits)), 'serialized')
    } else {
        encoded <- base64Encode(toJSON(some.object, null = 'null'))
    # go fishing for '+', '/' and '=', opal rejects them :
    my.dictionary <- c('\\/' = '-slash-', '\\+' = '-plus-', '\\=' = '-equals-')
    sapply(names(my.dictionary), function(x) {
        encoded[1] <<- gsub(x, my.dictionary[x], encoded[1])
    return (paste0(encoded[1], 'base64'))

#' @title Decode from base64 and deserialize from json if necessary
#' @description Work around the restrictions imposed by the Opal server on
#' function arguments. The Opal server is very picky as regards function
#' arguments. The workaround is to serialize and encode them on the client and
#' strip the right padding. See \code{dsSwissKnife:::.decode.arg}.
#' @details It looks for the string 'base64' in the argument to determine if
#' it is encoded.
#' @param some.thing the thing to be decoded and deserialized from json if
#' necessary.
#' @param simplifyMatrix see \code{jsonlite::fromJSON}
#' @returns the decoded and deserialized argument
#' @importFrom jsonlite unserializeJSON fromJSON
#' @importFrom RCurl base64Decode
#' @keywords internal
.decode.arg <- function(some.thing, simplifyMatrix = FALSE) {
    if (length(some.thing) == 1 &&
        grepl('base64', some.thing, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
        some.thing <- gsub('base64', '', some.thing, ignore.case=TRUE)
        serialized <- FALSE
        if (grepl('serialized', some.thing, ignore.case=TRUE)) {
            serialized <- TRUE
            some.thing <- gsub('serialized', '', some.thing, ignore.case=TRUE)
        my.dictionary = c('-plus-' = '+', '-slash-' = '/', '-equals-' = '=')
        sapply(names(my.dictionary), function(x) {
            some.thing <<- gsub(x, my.dictionary[x], some.thing)
        if (serialized) {
            some.thing <- unserializeJSON(base64Decode(some.thing))
        } else {
            some.thing <- fromJSON(base64Decode(some.thing),
                                   simplifyMatrix = simplifyMatrix)
    return (some.thing)

#' @title Wrapper of datashield.login
#' @description This function ensures \code{datashield.login} to all the
#' servers without error of simultaneously connecting to the same server.
#' @param logins A dataframe of login information. See \code{datashield.login}.
#' @returns Object(s) of class OpalConnection
#' @importFrom DSI datashield.login datashield.logout
#' @import DSOpal
#' @keywords internal
.login <- function(logins) {
    opals <- list()
    nTry <- 5
    for (i in logins$server) {
        j <- 1
        SUCCESS <- FALSE
        while (j < nTry && !SUCCESS) {
                opals[i] <- datashield.login(logins[logins$server == i, ,
                                                    drop = FALSE])
                SUCCESS <- TRUE
            }, error = function(e) {
            }, finally = {
                j <- j + 1
        if (!SUCCESS) {
            stop(paste0("Failed login attempts to ", i))
    return (opals)

#' @title List all objects in all environments
#' @description \code{ls.all} returns all objects in all environments.
#' See \code{dsSwissKnife:::.ls.all}.
#' @param start A character string of the environment (default .GlobalEnv).
#' @returns A list of environment names and the respective objects defined in
#' each environment.
#' @keywords internal
.ls.all <- function(start = '.GlobalEnv') {
    envir <- get(start)
    objs <- ls(envir, all.names = TRUE)
    ret <- list()
    ret[[start]] <- objs
    more.envs <- names(which(sapply(objs, function(x)
    c(ret, sapply(more.envs, function(x) ls(get(x), all.names = TRUE),
                  USE.NAMES = TRUE, simplify = FALSE))

#' @title Locks or unlocks bindings in environments
#' @description Locks or unlocks bindings in environments.
#' See \code{dsSwissKnife:::.lock.unlock}.
#' @param what a list of  environments and their respective objects - 
#' the output of \code{.ls.all}
#' @param func a function, either lockBinding or unlockBinding.
#' @keywords internal
.lock.unlock <- function(what, func) {
    stopifnot(deparse(substitute(func)) %in% c('lockBinding', 'unlockBinding'))
    invisible(lapply(names(what), function(x) {
        lapply(what[[x]], function(y) {
            func(y, get(x))

#' @title Remove objects from the current workspace
#' @description This function removes objects from the current workspace.
#' See \code{dsSwissKnife:::.cleanup}.
#' @param what a list of  environments and their respective objects -
#' the output of a previous call to ls.all.
#' @param start a character the environment name where to start. Default,
#' .GlobalEnv.
#' @keywords internal
.cleanup <- function(what, start = '.GlobalEnv') {
    objs <- .ls.all(start)
    new.envs <- setdiff(names(objs), names(what))
    Map(function(x) {
        objs[x] <- NULL
    }, new.envs)
    invisible(Map(function(x) {
        new.objs <- setdiff(objs[[x]], what[[x]])
        rm(list = new.objs, pos = get(x))
    }, names(objs)))

#' @title Print time
#' @description Print current time.
#' @param message A character string
#' @keywords internal
.printTime <- function(message = "") {
    cat(message, "---", as.character(Sys.time()), "\n")

#' @title Options
#' @description Options.
#' @keywords internal
.onLoad <- function(...) {
    options(datashield.errors.print = TRUE)
vanduttran/dsMOdual documentation built on Jan. 19, 2025, 6:36 a.m.