
# OneOddGroupModelComp2E.R
# Accompanies the book:
#   Kruschke, J. K. (2014). Doing Bayesian Data Analysis: 
#   A Tutorial with R, JAGS, and Stan. 2nd Edition. Academic Press / Elsevier.

genMCMC.OneOddGroupModelComp2E <- function(object,
  adaptSteps = 1000,            # Number of steps to "tune" the samplers.
  burnInSteps = 5000,           # Number of steps to "burn-in" the samplers.
  nChains = 3,                  # Number of chains to run.
  numSavedSteps = 12000,        # Total number of steps in chains to save.
  thinSteps = 20,               # Number of steps to "thin" (1=keep every step).
  model = c("default", "group1"),
  returnDataList = FALSE)
  model <- match.arg(model)

  # Randomly generated fictitious data.
  # For each subject, specify the condition s/he was in,
  # the number of trials s/he experienced, and the number correct.
  npg = 20  # number of subjects per group
  ntrl = 20 # number of trials per subject
  CondOfSubj = c( rep(1,npg) , rep(2,npg) , rep(3,npg) , rep(4,npg) )
  nTrlOfSubj = rep( ntrl , 4*npg )
  condMeans = c(.40,.50,.51,.52)
  nCorrOfSubj = c( rbinom(npg,ntrl,condMeans[1]) , rbinom(npg,ntrl,condMeans[2]) ,
                 rbinom(npg,ntrl,condMeans[3]) , rbinom(npg,ntrl,condMeans[4]) )
  nCond = length(unique(CondOfSubj))
  nSubj = length(CondOfSubj)

  # jitter the data to be as close as possible to desired condition means:
  for ( cIdx in 1:nCond ) {
    nToAdd = round(condMeans[cIdx]*npg*ntrl)-sum(nCorrOfSubj[CondOfSubj==cIdx])
    if ( nToAdd > 0 ) {
      for ( i in 1:nToAdd ) {
        thisNcorr = ntrl
        while ( thisNcorr == ntrl ) {
          randSubjIdx = sample(which(CondOfSubj==cIdx),size=1)
          thisNcorr = nCorrOfSubj[randSubjIdx]
        nCorrOfSubj[randSubjIdx] = nCorrOfSubj[randSubjIdx]+1
    if ( nToAdd < 0 ) {
      for ( i in 1:abs(nToAdd) ) {
        thisNcorr = 0
        while ( thisNcorr == 0 ) {
          randSubjIdx = sample(which(CondOfSubj==cIdx),size=1)
          thisNcorr = nCorrOfSubj[randSubjIdx]
        nCorrOfSubj[randSubjIdx] = nCorrOfSubj[randSubjIdx]-1
  #show( aggregate( nCorrOfSubj , by=list(CondOfSubj) , FUN=mean ) / ntrl )

  # Package the data:
  dataList = list(
    nCond = nCond ,
    nSubj = nSubj ,
    CondOfSubj = CondOfSubj ,
    nTrlOfSubj = nTrlOfSubj ,
    nCorrOfSubj = nCorrOfSubj
  if(returnDataList) {

  modelString = paste("
  model {
    for ( s in 1:nSubj ) {
      nCorrOfSubj[s] ~ dbin( theta[s] , nTrlOfSubj[s] )
      theta[s] ~ dbeta( aBeta[CondOfSubj[s]] , bBeta[CondOfSubj[s]] ) 
    "group1" = "
   for ( j in 1:nCond ) {
     # Use omega[j] for model index 1, omega0 for model index 2:
     aBeta[j] <-       ( equals(mdlIdx,1)*omega[j] 
                       + equals(mdlIdx,2)*omega0  )   * (kappa[j]-2)+1
     bBeta[j] <- ( 1 - ( equals(mdlIdx,1)*omega[j] 
                       + equals(mdlIdx,2)*omega0  ) ) * (kappa[j]-2)+1
   for ( j in 1:2 ) {
     omega[j] ~ dbeta( a[j,mdlIdx] , b[j,mdlIdx] )
   omega[3] <- omega[2]
   omega[4] <- omega[2]
    "default" = "
  for ( j in 1:nCond ) {
    # Use omega[j] for model index 1, omega0 for model index 2:
    aBeta[j] <-       ( equals(mdlIdx,1)*omega[j] 
                      + equals(mdlIdx,2)*omega0  )   * (kappa[j]-2)+1
    bBeta[j] <- ( 1 - ( equals(mdlIdx,1)*omega[j] 
                      + equals(mdlIdx,2)*omega0  ) ) * (kappa[j]-2)+1
    omega[j] ~ dbeta( a[j,mdlIdx] , b[j,mdlIdx] )
  omega0 ~ dbeta( a0[mdlIdx] , b0[mdlIdx] )
  for ( j in 1:nCond ) {
    kappa[j] <- kappaMinusTwo[j] + 2
    kappaMinusTwo[j] ~ dgamma( 2.618 , 0.0809 ) # mode 20 , sd 20
  # Constants for prior and pseudoprior:
  aP <- 1
  bP <- 1
  # a0[model] and b0[model]
  a0[1] <- .48*500       # pseudo
  b0[1] <- (1-.48)*500   # pseudo 
  a0[2] <- aP            # true
  b0[2] <- bP            # true
  # a[condition,model] and b[condition,model]
  a[1,1] <- aP           # true
  a[2,1] <- aP           # true
  a[3,1] <- aP           # true
  a[4,1] <- aP           # true
  b[1,1] <- bP           # true
  b[2,1] <- bP           # true
  b[3,1] <- bP           # true
  b[4,1] <- bP           # true
  a[1,2] <- .40*125      # pseudo
  a[2,2] <- .50*125      # pseudo
  a[3,2] <- .51*125      # pseudo
  a[4,2] <- .52*125      # pseudo
  b[1,2] <- (1-.40)*125  # pseudo
  b[2,2] <- (1-.50)*125  # pseudo
  b[3,2] <- (1-.51)*125  # pseudo
  b[4,2] <- (1-.52)*125  # pseudo
  # Prior on model index:
  mdlIdx ~ dcat( modelProb[] )
  modelProb[1] <- .5
  modelProb[2] <- .5
") # close quote for modelstring
  writeLines( modelString , con="TEMPmodel.txt" )


  # Let JAGS do it...


  parameters = c("omega","kappa","omega0","theta","mdlIdx")

# nPerChain = ceiling( ( numSavedSteps * thinSteps ) / nChains ) # Steps per chain.
# # Create, initialize, and adapt the model:
# jagsModel = jags.model( "TEMPmodel.txt" , data=dataList , # inits=initsList , 
#                         n.chains=nChains , n.adapt=adaptSteps )
# # Burn-in:
# cat( "Burning in the MCMC chain...\n" )
# update( jagsModel , n.iter=burnInSteps )
# # The saved MCMC chain:
# cat( "Sampling final MCMC chain...\n" )
# codaSamples = coda.samples( jagsModel , variable.names=parameters , 
#                             n.iter=nPerChain , thin=thinSteps )

  runJagsOut <- run.jags( method=c("rjags","parallel")[2] ,
                        model="TEMPmodel.txt" , 
                        monitor=parameters , 
                        data=dataList ,  
                        #inits=initsList , 
                        n.chains=nChains ,
                        adapt=adaptSteps ,
                        burnin=burnInSteps , 
                        sample=ceiling(numSavedSteps/nChains) ,
                        thin=thinSteps ,
                        summarise=FALSE ,
                        plots=FALSE )
  codaSamples = as.mcmc.list( runJagsOut )

  # resulting codaSamples object has these indices: 
  #   codaSamples[[ chainIdx ]][ stepIdx , paramIdx ]

  #save( codaSamples , file=paste0(fileNameRoot,"Mcmc.Rdata") )

# Display diagnostics of chain:

#parameterNames = varnames(codaSamples) # get all parameter names
#for ( parName in c("mdlIdx","omega[1]","omega0","kappa[1]","theta[1]") ) { 
#  diagMCMC( codaSamples , parName=parName ,
#            saveName=fileNameRoot , saveType="eps" )


plotMCMC.OneOddGroupModelComp2E = function(object, codaSamples) 
 mcmcMat = as.matrix(codaSamples,chains=TRUE)


  # Display the model index
modelIdxSample = mcmcMat[, "mdlIdx" ]
pM1 = sum( modelIdxSample == 1 ) / length( modelIdxSample )
pM2 = 1 - pM1
string1 =paste("p( Diff Omega M1 | D )=",round(pM1,3),sep="")
string2 =paste("p( Same Omega M2 | D )=",round(pM2,3),sep="")
nStepsToPlot = 1000
plot( 1:nStepsToPlot , modelIdxSample[1:nStepsToPlot] , type="l" , lwd=2 ,
      xlab="Step in Markov chain" , ylab="Model Index (1, 2)" ,
      main=paste(string1,", ",string2,sep="") , col="skyblue" )

# Display the omega0 posterior
omega0sampleM1 = mcmcMat[, "omega0" ][ modelIdxSample == 1 ]
omega0sampleM2 = mcmcMat[, "omega0" ][ modelIdxSample == 2 ]
layout( matrix(1:2,nrow=2) )
plotPost( omega0sampleM1 , main="Pseudoprior for M = 1 (Diff Omega)" ,
      xlab=expression(omega[0]) , xlim=xLim )
plotPost( omega0sampleM2 , main="Posterior for M = 2 (Same Omega)"  ,
      xlab=expression(omega[0]) , xlim=xLim )

# Display the omega[j] posterior
omega1sampleM1 = mcmcMat[, "omega[1]" ][ modelIdxSample == 1 ]
omega2sampleM1 = mcmcMat[, "omega[2]" ][ modelIdxSample == 1 ]
omega3sampleM1 = mcmcMat[, "omega[3]" ][ modelIdxSample == 1 ]
omega4sampleM1 = mcmcMat[, "omega[4]" ][ modelIdxSample == 1 ]
omega1sampleM2 = mcmcMat[, "omega[1]" ][ modelIdxSample == 2 ]
omega2sampleM2 = mcmcMat[, "omega[2]" ][ modelIdxSample == 2 ]
omega3sampleM2 = mcmcMat[, "omega[3]" ][ modelIdxSample == 2 ]
omega4sampleM2 = mcmcMat[, "omega[4]" ][ modelIdxSample == 2 ]
layout( matrix(1:8,nrow=2,byrow=T) )
plotPost( omega1sampleM1 , main="Posterior for M = 1 (Diff Omega)" ,
          xlab=expression(omega[1]) , xlim=xLim )
plotPost( omega2sampleM1 , main="Posterior for M = 1 (Diff Omega)" ,
          xlab=expression(omega[2]) , xlim=xLim )
plotPost( omega3sampleM1 , main="Posterior for M = 1 (Diff Omega)" ,
          xlab=expression(omega[3]) , xlim=xLim )
plotPost( omega4sampleM1 , main="Posterior for M = 1 (Diff Omega)" ,
          xlab=expression(omega[4]) , xlim=xLim )
plotPost( omega1sampleM2 , main="Pseudoprior for M = 2 (Same Omega)" ,
          xlab=expression(omega[1]) , xlim=xLim )
plotPost( omega2sampleM2 , main="Pseudoprior for M = 2 (Same Omega)" ,
          xlab=expression(omega[2]) , xlim=xLim )
plotPost( omega3sampleM2 , main="Pseudoprior for M = 2 (Same Omega)" ,
          xlab=expression(omega[3]) , xlim=xLim )
plotPost( omega4sampleM2 , main="Pseudoprior for M = 2 (Same Omega)" ,
          xlab=expression(omega[4]) , xlim=xLim )

# Display the differences of omega[j]'s
omegaSample = rbind( omega1sampleM1 , omega2sampleM1 , omega3sampleM1 , omega4sampleM1 )
layout( matrix(1:6,nrow=2,ncol=3,byrow=T) )
xmin = -0.25
xmax = 0.25
for ( i in 1:3 ) {
    for ( j in (i+1):4 ) {
        plotPost( omegaSample[i,]-omegaSample[j,] , compVal=0.0 ,
                  xlab=bquote(omega[.(i)]-omega[.(j)]) ,
                  #breaks=unique( c( min(c(xmin,omegaSample[i,]-omegaSample[j,])),
                  #          seq(xmin,xmax,len=20),
                  #          max(c(xmax,omegaSample[i,]-omegaSample[j,])) )) ,
                  main="" , xlim=c(xmin,xmax) )
variani/dbda documentation built on May 3, 2019, 4:34 p.m.