
#' Build block-directory
#' @noRd
#' @param path   `character`  path to an empty directory
#' @inheritParams vegawidget::vw_create_block
#' @return `character` path, called for side effects
vw_block_build_directory <-
  function(path, spec, embed = vega_embed(),
           version = vega_version(major = FALSE),
           .block = vw_block_config(), readme = NULL,
           use_thumbnail = TRUE, use_preview = TRUE) {


    # path directory exists
      msg = glue::glue("path `{path}` directory does not exist")

    # path directory is empty
      identical(length(fs::dir_ls(path)), 0L),
      msg = glue::glue("path `{path}` is not empty")

    # validate spec, when available

    # block
    writeLines(.block, fs::path(path, ".block"))

    # spec
    spec <- vegawidget::vw_as_json(spec, pretty = TRUE)
    writeLines(spec, fs::path(path, "spec.json"))

    # index
      vw_block_index(embed = embed, version = version),
      fs::path(path, "index.html")

    # readme
    if (!is.null(readme)) {

      # if this is a file, read it
      is_con <- rlang::is_string(readme) && file.exists(readme)
      if (is_con) {
        readme <- readLines(readme)

      writeLines(readme, fs::path(path, "README.md"))

    # image
    if (use_thumbnail || use_preview) {

      has_node <- unname(nchar(Sys.which("node")) > 0L)
      has_magick <- requireNamespace("magick", quietly = TRUE)

      if (!(has_magick && has_node)) {
        warning("Not uploading images: requires 'magick' package, and 'nodejs'")

      img <- vegawidget::vw_to_bitmap(spec, scale = 2)
      img <- magick::image_read(img)

      # thumbnail
      if (use_thumbnail) {
        tmb <- magick::image_resize(img, geometry = "230x120")
        magick::image_write(tmb, fs::path(path, "thumbnail.png"), format = "png")

      # preview
      if (use_preview) {
        pvw <- magick::image_resize(img, geometry = "960x500")
        magick::image_write(pvw, fs::path(path, "preview.png"), format = "png")


#' Specify block-configuration
#' Helper function to build a YAML configuartion-string. This string
#' is sent to the gist in a file named `.block`.
#' @param license   `character` specifies the license
#' @param height    `integer` height of the block (pixels)
#' @param scrolling `logical` indicates to use scrolling bars
#' @param border    `logical` indicates to put a border on the `<iframe/>`
#' @return `character` yaml string for `.block` file
#' @seealso [Blocks documentation](https://bl.ocks.org/-/about)
#' @export
vw_block_config <- function(license = "mit", height = 500L, scrolling = TRUE,
                            border = TRUE) {


  # ref:  https://bl.ocks.org/licenses.txt
  license_legal <- c(

    license %in% license_legal,
    msg = paste("license not legal, see documentation (?block_yaml) for details")

  config <-
      license = license,
      height = as.integer(height),
      scrolling = as.logical(scrolling),
      border = as.logical(border)


#' Create text for block index.html
#' @noRd
#' @inheritParams vw_create_block
#' @return `character` text of `index.html`
vw_block_index <- function(embed = vega_embed(),
                           version = vega_version(major = FALSE)) {

  # use internal method because we this is not a spec
  embed <-
    jsonlite::toJSON(embed, auto_unbox = TRUE, null = "null", pretty = FALSE)

  # data to interpolate into index.html
  data <- c(list(vega_embed_options = embed), version)

  file <- system.file("block", "index.html", package = "vegablock")

  text <- readLines(file)
  text <- paste(text, collapse = "\n")
  text <- glue::glue_data(data, text, .open = "{{", .close = "}}")
  text <- unclass(text) # glue-remover ;)


# returns logical for existance of environment variable
.has_envvar <- function(envvar_name) {
  nchar(Sys.getenv(envvar_name)) > 0L
vegawidget/vegablock documentation built on June 19, 2019, 9:56 p.m.