Man pages for venelin/POUMM
The Phylogenetic Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Mixed Model

analyseMCMCsExtract data from an MCMC chain This is an internal function.
chldNode indices of the direct descendants of n in the phylogeny.
coef.POUMMExtract maximum likelihood fitted parameters (coefficients)...
covFunPOUMMA vectorized expected covariance function for a given tree...
covHPDFunPOUMMA vectorized function returning HPD intervals of the expected...
covPOUMMExpected covariance of two tips at given root-tip time and...
covVTipsGivenTreePOUMMVariance covariance matrix of the values at the tips of a...
dVNodesGivenTreePOUMMMultivariate density of observed values along a tree given an...
edgesFromEdge indices of the edges in tree starting from n
fitted.POUMMExtract maximum likelihood expected genotypic values at the...
gPOUMMDistribution of the genotypic values under a POUMM fit
H2Phylogenetic heritability estimated at time t
likPOUMMGivenTreeVTipsDensity of observed tip-values given a tree, assuming...
likPOUMMGivenTreeVTipsCFast (parallel) POUMM likelihood calculation using the SPLITT...
loglik_abc_g0_g0PriorProcessing of the root value and calculation of the maximum...
logLik.POUMMExtract maximum likelihood and degrees of freedom from a...
maxLikPOUMMGivenTreeVTipsFind a maximum likelihood fit of the POUMM model
mcmcPOUMMGivenPriorTreeVTipsMCMC-sampling from a posterior distribution of a P(OU)MM...
nobs.POUMMNumber of tips in a phylogenetic tree, POUMM has been fit on.
nodeTimesCalculate the time from the root to each node of the tree
OUDistribution of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process at Time t,...
PhylogeneticH2Phylogenetic Heritability
plot.POUMMPlots of a POUMM-fit
plot.summary.POUMMPlot a summary of a POUMM fit
POUMMThe Phylogenetic (Ornstein-Uhlenbeck) Mixed Model
POUMMIsADevReleaseCheck if the POUMM version correpsonds to a dev release
pruneTreeExtract information for fast likelihood calculation using the...
residuals.POUMMExtract maximum likelihood environmental contributions...
rTrajectoryOUGeneration of a random trajectory of an OU process starting...
rTrajectoryOUDefGeneration of a random trajectory of an OU process starting...
rVNodesGivenTreePOUMMRandom generation of values along a phylogenetic tree...
simulatePOUMMLikelihoodMainLoopWrites verbose messages of the order of tree traversal during...
simulateTraitSimulate a trait on a tree under a ML fit of the POUMM model
specPOUMMSpecifying a POUMM fit
statisticsExtract statistics from sampled or inferred parameters of a...
summary.POUMMSummarize the results of a POUMM-fit
validateSpecPOUMMValidate a POUMM specification
validateZTreeValidate phenotypic values and phylogenetic tree
vignetteCachedResultsCached objects for the POUMM vignettes and examples
venelin/POUMM documentation built on Oct. 25, 2020, 12:07 a.m.