
# Copyright 2017 Venelin Mitov
# This file is part of patherit.
# patherit is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# patherit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Foobar.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# Tree-processing functions


#' Node indices of the direct descendants of n in the phylogeny tree.
#' @param tree an object of class phylo
#' @param n an index of a node (root, internal or tip) in tree
#' @return
#'   An integer vector.
#' @export
chld <- function(tree, n) {
  as.integer(tree$edge[tree$edge[, 1]==n, 2])

#' Edge indices of the edges in tree starting from n
#' @param tree an object of class phylo
#' @param n an index of a node (root, internal or tip) in tree
#' @return
#'   An integer vector.
#' @export
edgesFrom <- function(tree, n) {
  which(tree$edge[, 1]==n)

#' Calculate the time from the root to each node of the tree
#' @param tree an object of class phylo
#' @return
#'   a vector of size the number of nodes in the tree (tips, root, internal)
#'   containing the time from the root to the corresponding node in the tree
#' @importFrom ape reorder.phylo
#' @export
nodeTimes <- function(tree, tipsOnly=FALSE) {
  rtree <- reorder(tree, 'postorder')
  es <- rtree$edge[dim(rtree$edge)[1]:1, ]
  nEdges <- dim(es)[1]
  ts <- rev(rtree$edge.length)
  nodeTimes <- rep(0, length(rtree$tip.label)+rtree$Nnode)
  for(e in 1:nEdges) 
    nodeTimes[es[e, 2]] <- nodeTimes[es[e, 1]]+ts[e]
  if(tipsOnly) {
  } else {

# bijection NxN->N
cantorPairingNumber <- function(a, b, ordered=TRUE) {
  a <- as.integer(a)
  b <- as.integer(b)
  if(!ordered) {
    c <- a
    c[a>b] <- b[a>b]
    b[a>b] <- a[a>b]
    a <- c

#' Extract tip pairs from a phylogeny.
#' @param tree a phylo object
#' @return a data.table with four columns:
#' i, j : integers - the members of each tip-pair. For each entry (i,j) a 
#' symmetric entry (j,i) is present; to obtain the corresponding tip labels in 
#' the tree use tree$tip.label[i] and tree$tip.label[j] respectively.
#' tau: the phylogenetic distance between i and j
#' idPair: the unique identifier of each pair.
#' @import data.table
#' @importFrom ape dist.nodes
#' @export
extractTipPairs <- function(tree=NULL, tipDists=NULL, vcvMat=NULL, z=NULL) {
  if(!is.null(tipDists)) {
    if(ncol(tipDists)!=nrow(tipDists)) {
      stop('tipDists is not a square matrix.')
    N <- nrow(tipDists)
    names <- rownames(tipDists)
    if(is.null(tree)) {
      if(is.null(vcvMat)) {
        # assuming ultrametric tree of length max(tipDists)/2
        vcvMat <- max(tipDists)/2-tipDists/2
    } else {
      if(is.null(vcvMat)) {
        vcvMat <- vcv(tree)
  } else {
    if(is.null(tree)) {
      stop('Parameter tree has to be specified in case of NULL tipDists.')
    N <- length(tree$tip.label) 
    names <- tree$tip.label
    if(is.null(vcvMat)) {
  ttips <- diag(vcvMat)
  pairs <- as.data.table(do.call(rbind, lapply(1:N, function(i) {
    vcvMati <- vcvMat[, i]
    if(is.null(tipDists)) {
      tipDistsi <- ttips[i]+ttips-2*vcvMati
    } else {
      tipDistsi <- tipDists[i, ]
    tipDistsi[i] <- Inf  
    j <- which.min(tipDistsi)[1]; 
    cbind(i, (1:N)[-i], tipDistsi[-i], vcvMati[-i])
  setnames(pairs, c('i', 'j', 'tau', 't'))
  pairs[, idPair:=cantorPairingNumber(i, j, ordered=FALSE)]
  if(!is.null(z)) {
    if(length(z)!=N) {
      stop('the size of z is different from the number of tips.')
    pairs[, z:=z[i]]
    pairs[, deltaz:=abs(z[1]-z[2]), by=idPair]

#' Extract phylogenetic pairs from a phylogeny, i.e. mutually closest pairs from
#' a distance matrix.
#' @param tree a phylo object; Can be left NULL, in which case the tipDists 
#' matrix should be specified;
#' @param tipDists a N by N numeric matrix containing the tip-distances in the 
#' tree; can be NULL, in which case it is going to be calculated; if specified, 
#' the tree-parameter will only be used for calculation of vcvMat and no 
#' validation of tip-distances in the tree with the tipDists matrix will be done.
#' @param vcvMat a N by N matrix where N is the number of tips in the tree. 
#' The diagonal elements of this matrix represent the root-tip distances; 
#' the off-diagonal elements represent the distance from the root to the most 
#' recent common ancestor of each couple of tips. This matrix is calculated by 
#' the vcv function from the ape package. If tree is specified, the matrix can 
#' be specified only for the sake of saving calculation time when a call to vcv 
#' has already been executed on the tree; If the tree is not specified (i.e. a 
#' tipDists-matrix is given), then it is assumed that the tree is ultrametric 
#' with length equal to t=max(tipDists)/2 and vcvMat[i,j] is calculated as 
#' vcvMat[i,j]=t-tipDists[i,j]/2.
#' @param z (optional, defaults to NULL) a numeric vector with phenotypes 
#' corresponding to the tips in tree or the row numbers in tipDists. 
#' @return a data.table with five columns:
#' i, j : integers - the members of each phylogenetic pair. For each entry (i,j) 
#' a symmetric entry (j,i) is present; to obtain the corresponding tip labels in 
#' the tree use tree$tip.label[i] and tree$tip.label[j] respectively.
#' tau: the phylogenetic distance between i and j
#' t: the root-tip distance of the mrca of i and j
#' idPair: the unique identifier of each pair
#' z: the value corresponding to each i 
#' (this column doesn't exist if no parameter z is specified)
#' deltaz: the absolute phenotypic distance between members of a pair 
#' (this column doesn't exist if no parameter z is specified)
#' @details Phylogenetic pairs represent pairs of tips each of which is the 
#' other's nearest neighbor-tip in the phylogenty according to patristic 
#' (phylogenetic distance)
#' @importFrom ape vcv
#' @import data.table
#' @export
extractPP <- function(tree=NULL, tipDists=NULL, vcvMat=NULL, z=NULL) {
  if(!is.null(tipDists)) {
    if(ncol(tipDists)!=nrow(tipDists)) {
      stop('tipDists is not a square matrix.')
    N <- nrow(tipDists)
    names <- rownames(tipDists)
    if(is.null(tree)) {
      if(is.null(vcvMat)) {
        # assuming ultrametric tree of length max(tipDists)/2
        vcvMat <- max(tipDists)/2-tipDists/2
    } else {
      if(is.null(vcvMat)) {
        vcvMat <- vcv(tree)
  } else {
    if(is.null(tree)) {
      stop('Parameter tree has to be specified in case of NULL tipDists.')
    N <- length(tree$tip.label) 
    names <- tree$tip.label
    if(is.null(vcvMat)) {
  ttips <- diag(vcvMat)
  pairs <- t(sapply(1:N, function(i) {
    vcvMati <- vcvMat[, i]
    if(is.null(tipDists)) {
      tipDistsi <- ttips[i]+ttips-2*vcvMati
    } else {
      tipDistsi <- tipDists[i, ]
    tipDistsi[i] <- Inf  
    j <- which.min(tipDistsi)[1]; 
    c(i, j, tipDistsi[j], vcvMat[i,j])
  colnames(pairs) <- c('i', 'j', 'tau', 't')
  pp <- data.table(i=as.integer(pairs[, 'i']), j=as.integer(pairs[, 'j']), 
                   tau=pairs[, 'tau'], t=pairs[, 't'], 
                   idPair=apply(pairs, 1, function(p) {
                     if(p['i'] == pairs[p['j'], 'j']) {
                       cantorPairingNumber(p['i'], p['j'], ordered=FALSE)
                     } else {
                   i.name=names[pairs[, 'i']])[!is.na(idPair)]
  if(!is.null(z)) {
    if(length(z)!=N) {
      stop('the size of z is different from the number of tips.')
    pp[, z:=z[i]]
    pp[, deltaz:=abs(z[1]-z[2]), by=idPair]

#' Make the ending edges of a tree longer/shorter by addLength
#' @param tree a phylo object
#' @param addLength numeric vector of length 1 or length(tree$tip.label)
#' @return the tree with modified edge lengths for the edges leading to tips
#' @export
extendTipEdges <- function(tree, addLength) {
  tipEdgeIdx <- match(1:length(tree$tip.label), tree$edge[, 2])
  tree$edge.length[tipEdgeIdx] <- tree$edge.length[tipEdgeIdx]+addLength

#' Cut a tree to the largest ultrametric subtree not exceeding maxNTips tips
#' @param tree an object of class phylo
#' @param maxNTips integer indicating the desired number of tips in the resulting
#' ultrametric tree.
#' @return a phylo object
#' @description The tree gets cut at the closest tip from the root or as soon as
#' maxNTips lineages are counted in a breadth first traversal of the tree. 
#' @note no tips are dropped from the tree
#' @export
cutUltrametric <- function(tree, maxNTips) {
  nTips <- length(tree$tip.label)
  if(maxNTips < 1 | maxNTips>nTips) {
    stop('N must be in the range [1, number of tips in the tree].')
  ndTimes <- nodeTimes(tree)
  nNodes <- length(ndTimes)
  newTip <- c()
  newNode <- c(nTips+1)
  newEdge <- matrix(0, nrow=0, ncol=2)
  newEdgeLength <- c()
  # outgoing edges from the root
  es <- edgesFrom(tree, nTips+1)
  while(TRUE) {
    countLineages <- length(es)
    spikingEdge <- which.min(ndTimes[tree$edge[es, 2]])
    spikeParent <- tree$edge[es, 1][spikingEdge]
    spike <- tree$edge[es, 2][spikingEdge]
    if(countLineages >= maxNTips | length(edgesFrom(tree, spike)) == 0) {
      # cut tree at spike
      newTip <- tree$edge[es, 2]
      esLengths <- ndTimes[spike]-ndTimes[tree$edge[es, 1]]
      newEdge <- rbind(newEdge, tree$edge[es, ])
      newEdgeLength <- c(newEdgeLength, esLengths)
      newLabels <- c(rev(newEdge[,2])[1:length(newTip)], nTips+1, rev(newEdge[, 2])[-(1:length(newTip))])
      mapNewNodeIds <- rep(NA, max(newLabels))
      mapNewNodeIds[newLabels] <- 1:length(newLabels)
      edge <- apply(newEdge, c(1, 2), function(.) mapNewNodeIds[.])
      res <- list(edge=edge, Nnode=nrow(edge)-length(newTip)+1, edge.length=newEdgeLength, tip.label=as.character(newLabels[1:length(newTip)]), node.label=as.character(newLabels[-(1:length(newTip))]))
      class(res) <- 'phylo'
    } else {
      # add spike to new tree
      newNode <- c(newNode, spike)
      newEdge <- rbind(newEdge, c(spikeParent, spike))
      newEdgeLength <- c(newEdgeLength, tree$edge.length[es][spikingEdge])
      # remove edge leading to spike from es
      es <- es[-spikingEdge]
      # add edges descending from spike to es
      es <- c(es, edgesFrom(tree, spike))

#' get a sample list of possible transmission pair assignments
#' @param tree a phylo object with N tips.
#' @param g numerical vector of length the number of nodes in the tree: the known viral genetic 
#'    contributions at the tips and internal nodes.
#' @param e numerical vector of length N: the known environmental deviations at
#'    the tips. 
#' @param nSamples : number of samples. Each sample corresponds to an assignment
#'    of the internal nodes of the tree with tip-labels and the correalation of
#'    the formed set of source-recipient phenotypes.
#' @param sampTime : a character indicating how the phenotypes for the pairs 
#'    shall be formed. Currently two possible values are supported : 
#'      eachAfterGettingInfected - the source phenotype is measured at the moment of infection from its own source,
#'        the recipient phenotype is measured at the moment it got infected from the source;
#'      bothAtInfection - the source and the recipient phenotypes are taken at 
#'        the moment of infection from source to recipient.
#'      atTips - the source and the recipient phenotypes are measured at their corresponding tips in the tree.
#' @return a list of nSamples matrices, each matrix having tree columns representing 
#' source phenotype, recipient phenotype and time of the infection from the root
#' @export
sampleTransmissionPairs <- function(tree, g, e, nSamples, 
                                    sampTime=c('eachAfterGettingInfected', 'bothAtInfection', 'atTips')) {
  N <- length(tree$tip.label)
  gAfterInf <- g
  gAfterInf[tree$edge[, 2]] <- g[tree$edge[, 1]]
  gAfterInf[N+1] <- g[N+1]
  infectTimes <- nodeTimes(tree)[tree$edge[, 1]]
  lapply(1:nSamples, function(i) {
    id <- sampleNodeIds(tree)
    edge <- tree$edge
    es <- matrix(e[id[edge]], ncol=2)
    if(length(grep('eachAfter', sampTime[1]))>0) {
      gs <- matrix(gAfterInf[edge], ncol=2)
    } else if(length(grep('bothAt', sampTime[1]))>0) {
      gs <- matrix(g[edge[, 1]], nrow=nrow(edge), ncol=2)
    } else if(length(grep('atTips', sampTime[1]))>0) {
      gs <- matrix(g[id[edge]], ncol=2)
    pp <- cbind(gSource=gs[,1], eSource=es[,1], gRecip=gs[,2], eRecip=es[,2], infectTimes)
    edge <- matrix(id[edge], ncol=2)
    pp <- pp[edge[, 1]!=edge[, 2], ]

#' Sample from the distribution of Pearson correlation indices
#' between possible source-recipient couples given an infectious tree.
#' @param tree a phylo object with N tips.
#' @param g numerical vector of length the number of nodes in the tree: the known viral genetic 
#'    contributions at the tips and internal nodes.
#' @param e numerical vector of length N: the known environmental deviations at
#'    the tips. 
#' @param nSamples : number of samples. Each sample corresponds to an assignment
#'    of the internal nodes of the tree with tip-labels and the correalation of
#'    the formed set of source-recipient phenotypes.
#' @param sampTime : a character indicating how the phenotypes for the pairs 
#'    shall be formed. Currently two possible values are supported : 
#'      justAfterInfected - phenotypes after infection;
#'      bothAtInfection - the source and the recipient phenotypes are taken at 
#'        the moment of infection.
#' @param reg logical indicating if regression slopes instead of Pearson correlation indices 
#' should be returned, FALSE by default.
#' @return a numerical vector of length nSamples
#' @export
sampleCorrsPairs <- function(tree, g, e, nSamples=1000, 
                             sampTime=c('justAfterInfected', 'bothAtInfection'), 
                             reg=F) {
  N <- length(tree$tip.label)
  gAfterInf <- g
  gAfterInf[tree$edge[, 2]] <- g[tree$edge[, 1]]
  gAfterInf[N+1] <- g[N+1]
  sapply(1:nSamples, function(i) {
    id <- sampleNodeIds(tree)
    edge <- tree$edge
    es <- matrix(e[id[edge]], ncol=2)
    if(length(grep('justAfter', sampTime[1]))>0) {
      gs <- matrix(gAfterInf[edge], ncol=2)
    } else if(length(grep('bothAt', sampTime[1]))>0) {
      gs <- matrix(g[edge[, 1]], nrow=nrow(edge), ncol=2)
    pp <- gs+es
    edge <- matrix(id[edge], ncol=2)
    pp <- pp[edge[, 1]!=edge[, 2], ]
    cor(pp[,1], pp[,2])

#' Infection couples given a tree and ids of all tips and nodes
#' @param tree a phylo object
#' @param id a vector containing identifiers of all tips and nodes
#' @return a matrix of the class of id of two columns and N-1 rows
#' @export
infectionCouples <- function(tree, id) {
  edge <- tree$edge
  edge <- matrix(id[edge], ncol=2)
  edge[edge[, 1]!=edge[, 2],]

#' One (out of many possible) identifications of the nodes and root
#'   with tips in the tree.
#' @param tree a phylo object with N tips
#' @return an integer vector of length the number of nodes (including tips) in the tree 
#' and elements in 1:N, the identities of all nodes in the tree (including the tips at
#' positions 1:N)
#' @description In a transmission tree, every node is identified as 
#'   one of its descendants, the person who transmitted the disease 
#'   to the other descendants of the node. The function provides one 
#'   (out of many possible) such identification, assuming that each 
#'   of the direct descendants of the node is equally likely to be 
#'   the node itself.
#' @export
sampleNodeIds <- function(tree) {
  N <- length(tree$tip.label)
  edge.table <- as.data.table(tree$edge)
  setnames(edge.table, c('V1', 'V2'))
  setkey(edge.table, V1)
  src <- c(1:N, edge.table[, list(src=sample(V2, 1)), by=V1][[2]])
  M <- length(unique(as.vector(tree$edge)))  # number of all nodes 
  id <- rep(0,M)
  id2 <- 1:M
  while(any((id2-id)!=0)) {
    id <- id2
    id2 <- id2[src[id2]]

#'Group tips according to distance from the root
#'@param tree a phylo object
#'@param nGroups integer, the desired number of groups (default 15)
#'@param rootTipDists numeric vector of root to tip distances in the order of
#'tree$tip.label. If not passed, this vector is calculated by the function nodeTimes().
groupByRootDist <- function(tree, nGroups=15, rootTipDists=NULL) {
  N <- length(tree$tip.label)
    rootTipDists <- nodeTimes(tree)[1:N]
  rootTipDistGroups <- cut(rootTipDists, 
                           breaks=seq(min(rootTipDists), max(rootTipDists), length.out=nGroups))
  names(rootTipDistGroups) <- tree$tip.label
  groupMeans <- sapply(levels(rootTipDistGroups), function(str) {
    mean(eval(parse(text=paste0('c(',substr(str, 2, nchar(str)-1), ')'))))
  list(rootTipDists=rootTipDists, rootTipDistGroups=rootTipDistGroups, groupMeans=groupMeans)  
venelin/patherit documentation built on May 15, 2019, 5:04 a.m.