
CanonicalBiplotGUI <- function(X, Toolkit = "RGtk2", ...) {
  options(guiToolkit = Toolkit)

  DoCanonBiplot <- function(...) {

    XX= X2[svalue(RS, index=TRUE),svalue(CS, index=TRUE)]

    if (sum(svalue(RS1, index=TRUE))>0)
      sr=as.matrix(X2[svalue(RS1, index=TRUE),svalue(CS, index=TRUE)])

    if (sum(svalue(CS2, index=TRUE))>0)
      cs = as.matrix(X2[svalue(RS, index=TRUE),svalue(CS2, index=TRUE)])

    # alpha=svalue(Alpha)
    dims= svalue(Dimens)
    sc=svalue(prevtsc, index=TRUE)

    if (length(Factors)>0){
      X4=as.data.frame(X[svalue(RS, index=TRUE), Factors])

    if (sc==11){
      X4=as.data.frame(X[svalue(RS, index=TRUE), Factors])
      grouping=X4[,svalue(FacSel, index=TRUE)]

    group=X3[svalue(RS, index=TRUE),svalue(FS, index=TRUE)]


    bip=CanonicalBiplot(XX, group=group, SUP = sr, InitialTransform = sc, LDA=DISC, MANOVA = MANO)

    # Selection of External Variables
    if (length(Factors)>0)

    if (svalue(GraphWin, index=TRUE)==1)
      GrWin= FALSE
      GrWin= TRUE

    PlotBiplotGUI(bip, GraphWindow=GrWin)


  if (length(Factors)==0){
    stop("You must have some factors to build a Canonical Biplot")

  window <- gwindow("Canonical/MANOVA Biplot")
  notebook <- gnotebook(container = window)
  size(notebook) <- c(600, 600)

  # ----------------- Continuous Data -------------------------------------
  DataFrame <- ggroup(container = notebook, label = gettext("Continuous Data"), horizontal = FALSE)
  Numeric=which(is.element(Classes,c("numeric", "integer")))
  Table <- gdf(X2, container = DataFrame, expand = TRUE)

  # ----------------- Factor Data -------------------------------------
  NoNumeric=which(!is.element(Classes,c("numeric", "integer")))
#  NoNumeric=which(Classes!="numeric")
  if (length(NoNumeric)>0){
    SupDataFrame <- ggroup(container = notebook, label = gettext("Factors"), horizontal = FALSE)
    colnames(X3) <-colnames(X)[NoNumeric]
    TableFac <- gdf(X3, container = SupDataFrame, expand = TRUE)

  # ----------------- Data Transformation ----------------------------
  Disp <- ggroup(container = notebook, label = gettext("Transformation"), horizontal = FALSE)
  PrevFrame = gframe(text = "Previous Transformation", markup = FALSE, horizontal = TRUE, container = Disp)
  types = c("Log", "Logit", "None")
  prevtr <- gcombobox(types, editable = FALSE, container = PrevFrame)
  svalue(prevtr, index = TRUE) <- 3

  SelFac <-function(...){
    if (svalue(prevtsc, index=TRUE)==11){
      if (length(Factors)==0){
        gmessage("You need at least one factor to use Within groups standardization ")
        svalue(prevtsc, index = TRUE) <- 5
        stop("You need at least one factor to use Within groups standardization ")


  SacalingFrame = gframe(text = "Previous Scaling", markup = FALSE, horizontal = TRUE, container = Disp)
  ContinuousDataTransform = c("Raw Data", "Substract the global mean", "Double centering", "Column centering",
                              "Standardize columns", "Row centering", "Standardize rows", "Divide by the column means and center",
                              "Normalized residuals from independence")
  prevtsc <- gcombobox(ContinuousDataTransform, editable = FALSE, container = SacalingFrame, handler=SelFac)
  svalue(prevtsc, index = TRUE) <- 5

  X4=as.data.frame(X[, Factors])
  colnames(X4) <- colnames(X)[Factors]
  FactorsFrame = gframe(text = "Factors", markup = FALSE, horizontal = TRUE, container = Disp)
  FacSel <- gcheckboxgroup(colnames(X4), container = FactorsFrame, use.table = TRUE)
  size(FacSel) <- c(400, 100)
  Selection <- rep(FALSE, length(Factors))
  Selection[1] <- TRUE
  svalue(FacSel) = Selection

  # -----------------  Biplot definition ----------------------------
  BiplotDef <- ggroup(container = notebook, label = gettext("Biplot Definition"), horizontal = FALSE)
  # EstimFrame = gframe(text = "Estimation Method", markup = FALSE, horizontal = TRUE, container = BiplotDef)
  # estypes = c("Singular Value Decomposition", "Alternated Regressions", "Robust Alternated Regressions", "Eigenvectors of the Covariance Matrix")
  # estim <- gcombobox(estypes, editable = FALSE, container = EstimFrame)
  # svalue(estim, index = TRUE) <- 1
  # TypeBiplotFrame = gframe(text = "Biplot Type", markup = FALSE, horizontal = TRUE, container = BiplotDef)
  # TypeBi = glayout(container = TypeBiplotFrame)
  # size(TypeBi) <- c(400, 50)
  # TypeBi[1, 1] <- "GH - CMP "
  # TypeBi[1, 2] <- (Alpha <- gslider(from = 0.0, to = 1, by = 0.05, value = 1, container = TypeBi))
  # size(Alpha) <- c(200, 30)
  # TypeBi[1, 3] <- "JK - RMP"

  LDAFrame = gframe(text = "Additional Analyses", markup = FALSE, horizontal = FALSE, container = BiplotDef)
  tbllda = glayout(container = LDAFrame)
  size(tbllda) <- c(400, 30)
  tbllda[1, 1] <- (LDA <- gcheckbox("Linear Discriminant", container = tbllda))
  svalue(LDA) <- TRUE
  size(LDA) <- c(150, 20)
  tbllda[1, 2] <- (MANOVA <- gcheckbox("MANOVA", container = tbllda))
  svalue(MANOVA) <- TRUE
  size(MANOVA) <- c(150, 20)

  DimensionFrame = gframe(text = "Dimension of the solution", markup = FALSE, horizontal = TRUE, container = BiplotDef)
  Dimens <- gspinbutton(from = 2, to = 50, by = 1, value = 3, container = DimensionFrame)
  size(Dimens) <- c(100, 20)

  # ---------------- Controls the active elements for the construction of the biplot --------------
  ActiveRows <- function(...){
    Selected=rep(FALSE, dim(X)[1])
    Selected[svalue(RS1, index=TRUE)]=TRUE
    Selected[svalue(RS, index=TRUE)]=FALSE

  ActiveCols <- function(...){
    Selected=rep(FALSE, dim(X2)[2])
    Selected[svalue(CS2, index=TRUE)]=TRUE
    Selected[svalue(CS, index=TRUE)]=FALSE

  SupRows <- function(...){
    Selected=rep(FALSE, dim(X)[1])
    Selected[svalue(RS, index=TRUE)]=TRUE
    Selected[svalue(RS1, index=TRUE)]=FALSE

  SupCols <- function(...){
    Selected=rep(FALSE, dim(X2)[2])
    Selected[svalue(CS, index=TRUE)]=TRUE
    Selected[svalue(CS2, index=TRUE)]=FALSE

  # ---------------- Controls the ACTIVE elements for the construction of the biplot --------------
  ActiveFrame <- ggroup(container = notebook, label = gettext("Active"), horizontal = TRUE)
  TS = glayout(container = ActiveFrame)
  TS[1, 1] <- "Individuals"
  TS[2, 1] <- (RS <- gcheckboxgroup(rownames(X), container = TS, use.table = TRUE, handler = ActiveRows))
  size(RS) <- c(220, 400)
  svalue(RS) = rep(TRUE, dim(X)[1])
  TS[1, 2] <- "Continuous Variables"
  TS[2, 2] <- (CS <- gcheckboxgroup(colnames(X2), container = TS, use.table = TRUE, handler = ActiveCols))
  size(CS) <- c(220, 400)
  svalue(CS) = rep(TRUE, dim(X2)[2])

  TS[3, 2] <- "Factors"
  TS[4, 2] <- (FS <- gcheckboxgroup(colnames(X4), container = TS, use.table = TRUE))
  size(FS) <- c(220, 100)
  Selection <- rep(FALSE, length(Factors))
  Selection[1] <- TRUE
  svalue(FS) = Selection

  # ---------------- Controls the supplementary elements for the construction of the biplot --------------
  SuppFrame <- ggroup(container = notebook, label = gettext("Supplementary"), horizontal = TRUE)
  TS1 = glayout(container = SuppFrame)
  TS1[1, 1] <- "Individuals"
  TS1[3, 1] <- (RS1 <- gcheckboxgroup(rownames(X), container = TS1, use.table = TRUE, handler = SupRows))
  size(RS1) <- c(220, 300)
  svalue(RS1) = rep(FALSE, dim(X)[1])
  TS1[1, 2] <- "Columns"
  TS1[2, 2] <- "Internal"
  TS1[3, 2] <- (CS2 <- gcheckboxgroup(colnames(X2), container = TS1, use.table = TRUE, handler = SupCols))
  size(CS2) <- c(220, 300)
  svalue(CS2) = rep(FALSE, dim(X2)[2])

  if (length(NoNumeric)>0){
    TS1[4, 2] <- "External"
    TS1[5, 2] <- (CS1 <- gcheckboxgroup(colnames(X3), container = TS1, use.table = TRUE))
    size(CS1) <- c(220, 180)
    svalue(CS1) = rep(FALSE, dim(X3)[2])}

  # ---------------- Runs the Biplot --------------
  RunFrame <- ggroup(container = notebook, label = gettext("Run"), horizontal = FALSE)
  GraphFr = gframe(text = "Graph", markup = FALSE, horizontal = TRUE, container = RunFrame)
  grdat=c("Floating", "Embeded")
  GraphWin <- gradio(grdat, container=GraphFr)
  RunFr = gframe(text = "Run", markup = FALSE, horizontal = TRUE, container = RunFrame)
  RunButt <- gbutton("Run Biplot", container = RunFr, handler = DoCanonBiplot)
  font(RunButt) <- list(family="times",size=18, weight="bold",style="italic", color="red")
  size(RunButt) <- c(490, 50)
  svalue(notebook) <- 1
villardon/MultBiplotRGUI documentation built on May 12, 2019, 2:03 p.m.